"Don't just stand in Xiao Ming's room, go sit in the living room!"

After that, Jiang Ma invited them to sit in the living room. Liu Wei reluctantly put the piano manuscript back into the wooden box, and then Xiao Ming locked the wooden box and put it back in place.

Shen Qingqing and Zhou Shuya looked at each other when they saw this scene.

At this moment, they were more and more certain that Xiao Ming knew where the piano score was from beginning to end.

Came to the living room.

Xiao Ming brought a fruit plate and snacks on the tea table at some point.

Shen Qingqing and Zhou Shuya suddenly had an idea in their minds.

Such a sensible child.

How could they always ignore it unconsciously?

Yuanyuan sat next to Jiang Ma, but Liu Wei was asking Jiang Ma about Jiang Fan's piano composition.

After all, he is a world-renowned piano master.

Not only Liu Wei wanted to know, but many netizens in the live broadcast room also wanted to know.

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan is not here.

They can only get some clues about Jiang Fan's piano composition from Jiang Ma.

"Ask me how my son composes piano music?"

Jiang Ma looked embarrassed and frowned.

"Grandma Yuanyuan, is it inconvenient to say it out loud?"Liu Wei thought that Jiang Ma had something to hide.

"It’s not that I can’t say it, but I don’t know how to say it. I just remember that a few years ago, my son suddenly bought a piano and said he wanted to learn it!"

Mother Jiang explained softly.

"Is it that simple?"

Liu Wei was a little dumbfounded.

Just wanting to learn, he created so many classic piano pieces.

"I know, I know!"

But at this moment, Yuanyuan raised her hand and said

""Yuanyuan, what do you know?" Zhou Shuya asked curiously


I heard from my mother that she fell in love with Dad because of the piano he played!"Yuanyuan said innocently and cutely.

"Holy shit, it turns out that old thief Jiang learned piano in order to pick up girls. His level is too high!"

"I just remembered that The Wedding in My Dream and To Alice, now it seems that they are definitely written about a girl!"

"Is this what genius is? He can pick up a girl and turn her into a world-famous piano master?"

"Does this count as forcing Jiang the old thief to become a world-class piano master in order to pursue his wife?"

"After that, did Jiang Laozei stop composing piano music? Was it because he had gotten his wife?"

"The guess above is exactly what I thought!"

"I think it's probably true!"

Shen Qingqing and Zhou Shuya didn't expect Jiang Fan to learn piano to pursue girls.

Even they suddenly envied Jiang Fan's wife.

After all, a boy not only learned piano for her, but also composed many songs for her. How can this not make people envious and jealous?

"If you knew that Jiang Laozei composed Dream Wedding and To Alice just to pursue Li Yueru, the most criticized person on the Internet, you would feel that these two classic songs were wasted!"

"What a waste! It's obviously unfair. Does that green tea girl deserve to have so many beautiful piano pieces?"

"Damn it, how could Li Yueru let Jiang Fan compose such a nice piano piece for her!"

For a while, many netizens went to Li Yueru's personal official microblog and made all kinds of dirty comments.

Shen Qingqing noticed the comments in the live broadcast room and suddenly thought of something.

If Jiang Fan's wife is really Li Yueru, then is Jiang Fan not revealing his identity to protect Li Yueru?

After all, with Jiang Fan's status as a world-renowned piano master, Li Yueru is not even worthy of his support.

""Shu Ya, maybe we did something wrong!"

Shen Qingqing suddenly felt guilty.

Before Jiang Fan's identity was exposed, she was very excited and happy.

Because their Long country has a world-famous piano master.

But now think about it.

Jiang Fan's hidden identity means that Jiang Fan does not want others to know his identity.

And Jiang Fan.

Whether it is the identity of a world-famous cartoonist or the identity of a piano master, she accidentally exposed it.

After the cartoonist's identity was exposed before.

Jiang Fan's home was blocked by many people, so Yuanyuan and Xiaoming could not go to kindergarten normally, resulting in Jiang Fan's family having to live on the top of the mountain in the Wusong Scenic Area.

So what will happen after the identity of the piano master is exposed this time?

"Don't worry, don't you see that Aunt Jiang doesn't care?"

Zhou Shuya comforted herself, but privately she had already contacted the studio for publicity.

After all, since it has been exposed, there is no point in regretting it, and now that the popularity is so high, it would be a pity not to take advantage of it.

"Besides, didn’t you call Jiang Fan before? Jiang Fan also had no objection!"

Zhou Shuya comforted him again


Although Zhou Shuya said so, Shen Qingqing still felt bad.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you?"

Mother Jiang noticed that Shen Qingqing looked a little strange, and asked with concern.

"Aunt Jiang, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that my sudden visit would expose Jiang's identity!"

Shen Qingqing hesitated for a moment, but still said what she was thinking.

"I thought it was something else? It’s okay, my son didn’t do anything shameful, so if it’s exposed, it’s exposed!" Mother Jiang waved her hand and said generously.

"Why does Goddess Qingqing want to apologize?"

"Don’t you understand? The anchor exposed someone’s identity without their consent, which is a disclosure of their privacy!"

"I used to feel a little disgusted with the anchor because he read other people’s letters without permission, but when I thought that the man was the old thief Jiang, it was okay. I support exposing it!"

"Host, why are you feeling guilty? If it weren't for you, we don't know how many years the old thief Jiang would have kept this secret!"

"Yes, that old thief Jiang is simply the king of cowardice. If he is not exposed, you will never know how cowardly he is!"

"I support Qingqing in exposing Jiang the thief."

Many netizens expressed their support for exposing Jiang Fan's identity.��

Of course.

Some netizens also mocked Shen Qingqing for wanting to be famous.

Shen Qingqing felt better after hearing what Jiang Ma said, but she still felt guilty.

"In fact, it was my fault. I was too excited and didn't think about the consequences of Mr. Jiang's identity being exposed!"

Liu Wei also realized that once Jiang Fan's identity was exposed, he would be in unnecessary trouble.

""Okay, okay, I know my son well. He won't care about these things. But exposure is good, just like that cartoonist and this pianist. If it weren't for you, Qingqing, I wouldn't know!

Speaking of which, I have to thank you, Qingqing.

It's you who let me know that my son is at least a little useful!"

Jiang's mother said with a smile.

Shen Qingqing was a little embarrassed by what she said.

But she quickly came to her senses.

It sounded like Jiang's mother was praising Jiang Fan.

But if you think about it carefully, what does at least a little useful mean.

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