"Student Jiang!"

Shen Qingqing reacted, but she didn't know what to say for a moment, so she had to call Jiang Fan directly.

""Mr. Jiang, I heard from Qingqing that you drive a luxury car worth millions, right? Where is your luxury car?" Liu Chunnan asked first.

Shen Qingqing frowned.

Let's not talk about whether Liu Chunnan's question is appropriate or not, let's talk about who is the host in this live broadcast room.

"(ง •_•)ง,This is a very good question. Let’s see how Zhuangdi will answer it."

"Or is it our Nan Nan who can ask questions? Unlike Shen Qingqing, who looks confused. How can she be a host?"

"Don't praise one person while belittling another!"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"This is our Qingqing's live broadcast room, those fans of Liu Chunnan, get out now!"

The live broadcast room was noisy

"Who are you?"

In reality, Jiang Fan noticed Liu Chunnan next to Shen Qingqing, and looked at Shen Qingqing in confusion,"Commissioner Shen, is this your friend?"

"she is..."

Shen Qingqing was about to introduce Liu Chunnan, but Liu Chunnan interrupted her.

""Classmate Jiang, you have such a short memory. We were classmates in junior high and high school. I called you a few days ago to make an appointment with you! You refused at that time?!"

Liu Chunnan's voice was very tender and charming. She didn't believe that a poor loser like Jiang Fan would not be attracted by her beauty.

But what surprised Liu Chunnan was that Jiang Fan's eyes only stayed on her for a moment and he never looked at her again.

"A few days ago?"

Jiang Fan thought for a moment,"I remember now, you are the one who called me several times a few days ago? What's your name?"

Liu Chunnan's face froze, but she still showed a charming smile,"Liu Chunnan!"

""Oh, I see!"

Jiang Fan nodded calmly.

Liu Chunnan's face became unnatural again.

Shen Qingqing, who was standing by, was secretly happy when she saw this. Liu Chunnan was too confident. Did she really think that anyone who saw her would be fascinated by her?

""Classmate Jiang, you can't have forgotten me, your old classmate, right?" Liu Chunnan asked with a forced smile.

"I really can't remember it!" Jiang Fan didn't hesitate and said directly

"I just happen to have our old graduation photo here!" Shen Qingqing took out a graduation photo from her bag.

"Do you carry this graduation photo with you?" Jiang Fan said with a smile

"Sometimes it is necessary to use it in live broadcasting!" Shen Qingqing smiled awkwardly.

Liu Chunnan was a little unhappy in her heart, because she still resisted the old photos from the bottom of her heart.

"Is this you?"

Jiang Fan took the graduation photo and looked at Liu Chunnan in surprise,"You don't look alike?"

"Don't you know that girls change a lot when they grow up?"

Liu Chunnan looked at Jiang Fan with a haughty expression.

"This has become too big!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and returned the graduation photo to Shen Qingqing. There was no similarity at all in the photo. Could this be the same person?

"What do you mean?" Liu Chunnan didn't like Jiang Fan's tone.

"It doesn't mean anything, it just means that you have changed a lot!"Jiang Fan said softly.

"Isn't the meaning of the emperor very clear? I don't believe that the photo and the real person are the same person!"

"In fact, I also have some doubts whether Liu Chunnan’s face has been plastic surgery?"

"Those who say that our Nan Nan had plastic surgery are clearly jealous!"

"Yes, our Nan Nan is naturally beautiful."

"The blind person upstairs has been identified!"

"To be honest, no matter how much a person changes, he can't become two different people!"

For a while, many netizens complained.

Liu Chunnan also noticed the comments in the live broadcast room and immediately realized that he couldn't say anything more on this topic.

"Jiang, by the way, where is your million-dollar luxury car? Are you planning to ride this electric donkey to pick up Qingqing?" Liu Chunnan smiled softly with her hands covering her mouth.

"In fact, all cars are the same, they are all means of transportation!"

Shen Qingqing was afraid that Jiang Fan would not be able to answer, so she hurriedly explained

"That being said, there are still some differences!"

Liu Chunnan looked at Jiang Fan, she wanted to see how this poor loser would answer.

"There is no need for Mr. Liu to worry about this!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and said:

"Because Commissioner Shen and I are going to the kindergarten, it is not convenient to drive. The road is so small. If everyone drives to pick up the children, it will cause traffic jams. And driving a car like that will attract too much attention. So it is better to drive a small electric donkey. It is easy to park and there is no need to worry about traffic jams!"

In the live broadcast room

"(○o○) After being shocked for eight hundred years, I thought he would stop pretending to be an emperor, but I didn’t expect that he is still as good at pretending as before!"

"As expected, he is the king of pretense. This explanation is impeccable. It’s not that he doesn’t want to drive, but that he wants to keep a low profile!"

"Regardless of whether Jiang Fan has a luxury car worth millions, I hate driving a four-wheeled vehicle to pick up children from school. Every time, the intersection is blocked."

"I understand what the above person said. Sometimes the traffic is so bad that even a small electric donkey can't get through."

"For parents who drive to pick up their children from school, I want to say, what's there to be proud of? Nowadays, who doesn't have a car?"

Many netizens in the live broadcast room burst into laughter at Jiang Fan's explanation.

But for Jiang Fan's statement, some netizens still expressed support

"I didn't expect Jiang to be so considerate of others?"

Liu Chunnan didn't believe what Jiang Fan said.

In her opinion, Jiang Fan was just pretending. He said he didn't want to drive a luxury car to the kindergarten because it would attract too much attention.


If Jiang Fan really had a million-dollar luxury car, he would drive it to the school gate every day to show off.

"It's almost time, Commissioner Shen, do you mind taking a small electric scooter?"

Jiang Fan didn't care about Liu Chunnan's sarcasm, but looked at Shen Qingqing and asked

"I don't mind.

Although Shen Qingqing was a little surprised by Jiang Fan's electric scooter,���But she really doesn't mind.

"That's good. The kindergarten is holding a Mid-Autumn Festival event today. Can we go and have a look together?" Jiang Fan said with a smile.

"Really, did your two children go on stage?"

Shen Qingqing couldn't help but ask curiously.

But as soon as she said this, Shen Qingqing felt that her question was a bit stupid.

Because when she met Jiang Fan last time, Jiang Fan said that the two children were rehearsing in the kindergarten, so they must be rehearsing the Mid-Autumn Festival program.

"There is indeed a show!" Jiang Fan said with a smile

"Then we must go and see it!"

Shen Qingqing was a little impatient.

She liked children very much.


Jiang Fan's two children looked similar to her idols.

Liu Chunnan was very unhappy.

You know, Jiang Fan had not looked at her more since they met, and now he was ignored by the two of them.

But thinking of the purpose of this trip,

Liu Chunnan still forced a smile.

"Can I go with you? I'm also curious about what Jiang's child looks like. Qingqing, Jiang, you won't refuse, right?"

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