"What is the anchor doing? Why is he talking to himself?"

"One look at the host and you'll know he's never used VR glasses. To you, it may seem like the host is talking to himself, but in his eyes it's another world!"

"I am very curious about what the anchor does in virtual reality?"

In the eyes of many netizens, Shen Qingqing was just talking to the air and even stretched out her slender hand to touch the air....

Some harmony.


Shen Qingqing took off the Dragon Teng fifth generation glasses with her hands.

"Big sister, how is it?"

Yuanyuan asked impatiently.

"It's very real, just like in reality!"

Shen Qingqing said with a very serious expression.

At this moment, she was sure that the fifth-generation Longteng glasses in her hand were real.

Because only the virtual reality of Longteng Group's VR glasses is so real.

Shen Qingqing talked about her experience in the live broadcast room.

For example, the fifth-generation Longteng AI virtual assistant is a giant panda, and the touch feeling in virtual reality

"I remember that at the launch conference of Longteng’s fifth-generation glasses, it was said that the AI assistant of the fifth-generation glasses is a giant panda!"

"There is also touch in virtual reality. Oh my God, wouldn’t it be awesome if I used it to watch movies?"

"Stop talking nonsense above. Longteng’s VR glasses can’t be used to watch movies. Don’t ask me how I know that!"

"Could it be that this fifth generation of glasses is really the fifth generation of Longteng?"

"I still don’t believe it. You can tell at a glance that the anchor has never used VR glasses. Maybe some fake VR glasses also look real to the anchor!"

"I agree with the above. I used other brands of VR glasses before and thought they were real. But after I actually used Longteng glasses, I found that the VR glasses I bought before were rubbish!"

"How do you explain the sense of touch? I remember that only the fifth generation of Longteng glasses has this function!"

For a moment, the whole live broadcast room was in an uproar.

But Liu Chunnan on the side still didn't believe it.

In her opinion, Shen Qingqing was just pretending.

What real sense of touch?

What giant panda?

It was all fake.

"Qingqing, is this VR glasses really as magical as you said? Then let me try it, I want to see if it is true!"

Liu Chunnan pretended to be surprised, but how could Shen Qingqing not hear that Liu Chunnan was hinting that she was faking it.

In the live broadcast room.

Many netizens also agreed and supported Liu Chunnan's proposal.

After all, we can't just listen to one side of the story.

"Then you want to ask Yuanyuan?"

Shen Qingqing didn't know if Liu Chunnan would insist that the fifth-generation Longteng glasses were fake after using them.

"Auntie, if you want to use it, I'll give it to you and make you convinced!"

Yuanyuan raised her chin and said proudly and cutely

"Thank you, Yuanyuan!"

Liu Chunnan's voice was so sweet that people thought she was a big sister who loved children.

But she hated children in her heart, especially those who called her aunt.

Afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, Liu Chunnan put on the fifth-generation Longteng glasses.

Seeing Liu Chunnan's shocked look and looking around, she was startled. Shen Qingqing knew that Liu Chunnan had met Huahua, the fifth-generation AT virtual assistant of Longteng.

"The movements of the two anchors are exactly the same, and I can't help but wonder if these are really the fifth generation of glasses?"

"If it is true, then how did Jiang Fan get the fifth-generation Longteng glasses, and two pairs at that!"

"Everyone, don’t forget that Jiang Fan’s family received hundreds of millions in compensation for the demolition of their house!"

"Does the person above really think that he can do whatever he wants and buy whatever he wants just because he has money?"

"Is not it?"

"Although it is true that Jiang Fan's family is rich, without some connections, he may not be able to buy the unreleased fifth-generation Longteng glasses!"

"What the above person said makes sense. For a product like the fifth generation that has not yet been launched on the market, you may not be able to buy it even if you have money. You must also have connections!"

"It’s hard to say. Maybe Jiang Fan is giving money to some small leaders of Longteng Group. I don’t believe that those small leaders will not be tempted by one or two million?"

"I laughed so hard when I saw the comments above.

You may not know that the salary of Longteng Group is the highest in Longguo. A small leader there can earn one or two million yuan a year.

Do you think they would throw away their iron rice bowl for that little money?

Besides, being able to sell the unlisted fifth-generation glasses privately, is this something that a small leader can do?"

"If you don't understand, just ask. If classmate Jiang obtains the fifth-generation glasses through some dishonorable means, is it illegal?"

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

But there was a comment that instantly stunned Shen Qingqing.

She suddenly regretted sharing her experience of using the fifth-generation Longteng VR glasses.

After all, this fifth-generation Longteng glasses is just as netizens said, it is not on the market at all.

And how did Jiang Fan get it?

If Jiang Fan really got it through bribery, it would undoubtedly put Jiang Fan in a lawsuit.

Fortunately, she didn't explicitly say that this VR glasses is the fifth-generation VR glasses of Longteng Group.

It can still be remedied.

Shen Qingqing looked at Liu Chunnan who was using the fifth-generation Longteng glasses.

At this moment, she hoped that Liu Chunnan could say that it was fake after using the fifth-generation Longteng glasses.

After a while,

Liu Chunnan also took off the fifth-generation Longteng glasses.

At this moment, she was shocked.

You know, in her impression, the so-called virtual reality and VR glasses are just something that some so-called technology companies in Longguo use to fool people.

But I didn't expect everything inside to seem so real

""Student Liu, how is it?" Shen Qingqing asked quickly.

"It's hard to say, after all, I haven't used Longteng glasses!"

Liu Chunnan pretended to be embarrassed and shook his head.

Shen Qingqing was speechless.

She only asked Liu Chunnan about his experience, and didn't ask if it was Longteng glasses.

However, seeing Liu Chunnan's appearance, she felt relieved.

"Mr. Liu, there are many VR glasses in the world that can sense touch in virtual reality, but currently only Longteng Group's glasses can do it!"

Shen Qingqing kindly reminded

"Is that so?"

Liu Chunnan pretended to be surprised,"But in virtual reality, you can feel a little touch, but it is still different from reality!"

A little touch , different from reality?

Although Shen Qingqing is not a loyal fan of Longteng VR glasses, when she uses it, the touch is really like the feeling of petting a cat in reality.

But in Liu Chunnan's mouth, you can only feel a little touch.

Sure enough.

Some people can really speak against their conscience

"Auntie, just tell me if it's true or not?"Yuanyuan pouted.

Liu Chunnan was about to say that she didn't know.

But when she picked up her phone and looked at her own live broadcast room, she was slightly stunned. The next moment, the corners of her lips gradually raised a degree

"This VR glasses is the fifth generation of Longteng!!"

Shen Qingqing thought to herself that it was not good.

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