Is going to be famous?

A word suddenly popped up in Zhou Shuya's mind.

Liu Chunnan also had an increase in the number of live viewers.

Although the number of viewers in Liu Chunnan's live broadcast room cannot be compared with Shen Qingqing, she also has more than 100,000 people.

Liu Chunnan couldn't suppress her excitement.

She suddenly felt that she had come to the right place this time.

Shen Qingqing was not as excited as Liu Chunnan.

When she saw the increase in the number of people in the live broadcast room, she was just a little surprised.

After all.

For Shen Qingqing, the purpose of this visit was not to live broadcast at all.

Her purpose from beginning to end was to be the small version of the national goddess.

Looking at Yuanyuan's cute and sweet little face, Shen Qingqing's heart was about to be overwhelmed.

She wanted to take her home.

Is it illegal? No, is it okay?

"Big sister, do you want us to play the games in these glasses together? The games in these glasses are so fun?"

Yuanyuan held the fifth generation of Longteng VR glasses in her hand and showed an innocent and lovely smile.

Live broadcast room

"Is this really Longteng’s fifth-generation VR glasses?"

"It’s not fair, we got the pre-sale, but others have already played it!"

"Don’t be envious of the people upstairs. Who told you not to know the president of Longteng Group?"

"This is clearly a case of favoritism and fraud. Since Longteng Group has been unkind to us, we must be unjust to them and resolutely boycott Longteng Group!"

"That’s right, boycott Longteng Group. If Longteng Group doesn’t give us a good explanation, then don’t buy the fifth generation of Longteng!"

"I don't believe you at all. You said you would boycott and not buy, but you secretly bought it!"

"I'm telling the truth, I swear to God!"

"Okay, okay, I believe you, I believe you!"

"Everyone, stop arguing. Longteng Group came out to explain!"


Regarding the appearance of Longteng's fifth-generation VR glasses in the Jiang family.

Longteng officials explained that it was to test the performance of the fifth-generation VR glasses and to find loopholes.

"What does Longteng official mean by this?"

"What else could it mean? It means that the fifth generation of Longteng VR glasses is used to test the performance and find loopholes for the Jiang family!!"

"Who would believe such a ridiculous reason?"

"Whether you believe it or not, the official Longteng believes it!"

"Anyway, boycott Longteng Group!"

"That's right, boycott Longteng Group and Longteng's fifth-generation VR glasses."

Some netizens were dissatisfied with Longteng's official explanation, but some netizens said they didn't care.

"Although what Longteng Group did this time was wrong, I will support Longteng Group no matter what!"

"Those who say they want to boycott Longteng Group, what are they thinking? Let's not talk about Longteng Group being one of the top technology companies in Long Country.

Take Longteng's VR glasses for example. The price in Long Country is much lower than that in foreign countries. Look at other companies in Long Country. How many of them can do this?"

Although Longteng Group is only a technology company that has emerged in recent years, it is already far ahead.

It is not only a leading enterprise in Long Country's high-tech industry, but also a banner of Long Country in the global market.

On the other hand,

"Auntie doesn't know how to play games!"

Faced with Yuanyuan's invitation, Shen Qingqing waved her hand and refused.

"I can teach you, big sister. I'm really good at games!" Yuanyuan straightened her chest and said confidently.

"Yuanyuan also plays Xiuxian World? ?"

Shen Qingqing remembered that Longteng VR glasses only had one game.

The name of the game was Xiuxian World.

This was told to her by her cousin who bought Longteng VR glasses.

According to his cousin, this Xiuxian World is extremely real, as if you have traveled to another world to cultivate immortals.


Does Yuanyuan know how to play a game like this?

"Big sister, you have heard of the world of immortal cultivation, but you still say you have never played a game!" Yuanyuan pouted and said

"I heard from my cousin that he also has a Longteng VR glasses!"Shen Qingqing explained with a smile

"oh...So that's it!"

Yuanyuan said with a look of sudden enlightenment.

"Such a young child is playing the Immortal World? Do you understand what it means to play?"

"This is not a question of whether you understand the game or not, but is the game"World of Immortality" meant for children?"

"The people above, are you exaggerating too much? It's just a game!"

"I can tell from the post above that no one has played it before. The game Xiuxian World is extremely realistic. You can do things in the game world that you cannot do in the real world, such as burning, killing and looting!"

"That’s right, now Longteng’s fifth-generation VR glasses have pneumatic tactile gloves, which will probably be even more realistic!"

"I don't know what Jiang Fan was thinking, actually letting such a cute child play that game"

"After seeing the answers above, I want to buy one!"

"If you want to buy it, you better queue up!"

Seeing the comments in the live broadcast room, Shen Qingqing was stunned for a moment.

Burning, killing and looting?

She didn't expect the world of cultivation to be so real and cruel.

"Yuanyuan, don't play Xiuxian World anymore!"

Although Shen Qingqing thought that Yuanyuan might just be in Xiuxian World for a look, she was still a little worried after seeing the comments in the live broadcast room.

"Why?" Yuanyuan tilted her head and asked

"because...Auntie, I saw netizens say this game is hard to play!"Shen Qingqing organized her words and said

"No, big sister, don't worry, I'm very good at the game, no one can beat me!"Yuanyuan raised her little face proudly and said

"Have you ever fought in a game?"

Shen Qingqing couldn't help but complain about Jiang Fan in her heart, letting such a cute and innocent child play that kind of game.

"Yes, I am one of the top ten players in the server!" Yuanyuan said in a sweet and childish voice.

"Top ten in the server?"

Although Shen Qingqing had never played Xiuxian World, she knew that being in the top ten in the server was very impressive.


Xiuxian World was extremely popular in the gaming circle.

Of course, this was what her cousin told her.

��Her cousin said someone became a billionaire by playing this game

"" Yeah!"

Yuanyuan nodded her head vigorously.

"I remember that the world of immortal cultivation is divided into only two servers: domestic and foreign. This little girl said that she was ranked tenth in the whole server. How could I not believe it?"

"You can tell it’s exaggeration at first glance. I’m a player of the Immortal Cultivation World. I don’t remember any little girl in the domestic rankings of the Immortal Cultivation World!"

"I don’t believe it either, but Jiang’s daughter is so cute, she wouldn’t lie!"

"It's hard to say, many children have the habit of showing off."

Liu Chunnan heard Shen Qingqing and Yuanyuan talking about the Immortal World.

Although she didn't know the game, she saw that everyone in the live broadcast room was talking about the Immortal World.

Naturally, she would not give up such a good popularity.

"Yuanyuan, you are so good! I have never been ranked in the top ten in gaming!"

Liu Chunnan praised:

"But, I still don’t quite believe it!"

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