Seeing that Liu Chunnan was about to speak, Shen Qingqing opened her mouth and said politely,"No, Auntie, Liu and I have our own things to do tomorrow!"

Liu Chunnan was stunned for a moment, her eyes full of anger.

Did Shen Qingqing get kicked in the head by a donkey?

No wonder she can't see that Jiang Fan's popularity will only get higher and higher?

Besides, why do you want to take me with you if you leave ?

"That's a pity, then you can come over to play another day!"

Jiang's mother sighed before Liu Chunnan could speak.

Shen Qingqing was about to give Jiang's mother a thumbs up, thinking: Jiang's mother cooperated so well.

The two smiled at each other.

Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan stayed at Jiang's house for a while, then used their mobile phones to call a taxi back.

Jiang Fan's family watched them get in the car.

Yuanyuan said goodbye reluctantly.

Shen Qingqing was also a little reluctant, especially Yuanyuan. Although they had only been in contact for a short time, she really liked this cute little girl.

Along the way.

Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan did not speak.

Shen Qingqing was too lazy to pay attention to Liu Chunnan.

But Liu Chunnan was angry with Shen Qingqing in her heart.

She felt that Shen Qingqing was the one who ruined her Good thing, it's because they are afraid of being jealous of her becoming a multi-millionaire internet celebrity.

But Liu Chunnan didn't realize that the reason why Jiang's mother asked them to stay overnight at Jiang's house was more for Shen Qingqing's sake.

And she was just along for the ride.

Arriving in the city.

Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan parted ways.

Shen Qingqing returned to her residence, and as soon as she entered the house, she collapsed on the sofa with her whole body powerless. Although she didn't do anything today, she felt very tired.

At this moment, she just wanted to have a good sleep.

On the other side.

Liu Chunnan also returned to the apartment.

As soon as she returned to the apartment, the mobile phone in her bag suddenly rang.

Liu Chunnan picked up the phone and took a look.

It was Lin Tianyu calling.

"Tianyu, why are you calling?"

Liu Chunnan said tenderly while taking off her shoes.

"Liu Chunnan, are you interested in Jiang Fan?"

Lin Tianyu asked directly.

"How could you think of me like this?"

Liu Chunnan was startled at first, then she immediately realized that Lin Tianyu had watched her live broadcast, and immediately pretended to be very sad and asked:

"Lin Tianyu, you really disappoint me. Am I the kind of shameless bad woman in your heart?"


Lin Tianyu was stunned by the question.

But when he heard Liu Chunnan sobbing, his heart softened and he immediately apologized:

"Nan Nan, I'm not doubting you. I just got angry when I saw you being so close to Jiang Fan in the live broadcast!"

"I did get closer to Jiang Fan during the live broadcast, but I did it for the live broadcast effect at that time. Besides, Jiang Fan already had a wife and two children. How could I possibly be attracted to him?"

"But what I didn't expect was that you didn't believe me and even doubted me. Who do you think I am?" Liu Chunnan said with a choked voice

"Since you don't trust me so much, let's not contact each other anymore!"

"Baby, I was wrong, I!!"

Without waiting for Lin Tianyu to speak, Liu Chunnan hung up the phone without hesitation.

"I told you that we shouldn't contact each other anymore, why did you call me again?"Liu Chunnan said angrily.

"Baby, I was really wrong. Please give me another chance. I will never doubt you again!" Lin Tianyu said anxiously.


"Really, if I doubt you again, I will be struck by lightning!"

"Come on, you idiot, I was just joking with you, why did you swear? I don’t want anything to happen to you!"

"I'm glad you're not angry. To make up for what happened just now, I'll give you a big surprise tomorrow!"

"I'm not your surprise!"

After Liu Chunnan and Lin Tianyu were sweet and cuddling for a while, she hung up the phone, and then her face turned cold.

Originally, I thought that Lin Tianyu was the best student, but compared with Jiang Fan, Lin Tianyu was not a little bit behind.

But if you don't catch the biggest fish, it's not too much to raise some fish in the fish pond.


The next day,

Shen Qingqing returned to the studio and was immediately surrounded by several colleagues. She did not expect that these colleagues were actually fans of Jiang Fan.

"Qingqing, come into my office!"

Suddenly, a high and cold voice came.

Zhou Shuya's face was arrogant and cold, like a queen. After a glance, several colleagues immediately returned to their seats to work.

Shen Qingqing stuck out her tongue and went to Zhou Shuya's office.

The door was closed!

"Bring it here!" Zhou Shuya stretched out her hand.

"What do you want?" Shen Qingqing tilted her head and asked.

"You're asking even though you know the answer!" Zhou Shuya's face turned cold

"Shuya, I really don't know what you want to take."

Shen Qingqing scratched her head. She really didn't know what her best friend asked her to take.

"Jiang Fan's cell phone number!" Zhou Shuya said seriously,"I want to urge for more updates."

"Shuya, didn't Jiang Fan say that he would update the comics next week?"Shen Qingqing said helplessly

"The comic that Lao Zei will update next week is the one released by Longguo, and the comic that I like is Hunter x Hunter. Do you know how long it has been since it was updated?

It has been several years. I want to ask you if this Lao Zei is hateful and immoral!"

Speaking of Hunter x Hunter, Zhou Shuya's face was full of anger.

"It's quite unethical!"

Shen Qingqing felt a little sympathetic, but couldn't help but say a few words to Jiang Fan,"Could it be that Jiang Fan updated too many comics, so he forgot about this comic!"

In Shen Qingqing's opinion, no cartoonist would be so unscrupulous as to delay the update for so long.

"Who knows, he has time to work part-time as a babysitter, and even married a female star who was blacklisted by the whole network!"

Zhou Shuya snorted coldly. She looked down on Jiang Fan marrying Li Yueru.

After all, there are so many good women in the world, but he married a woman who was fickle and flirted with others.

"Shuya, even you think Jiang Fan's old���Is it Li Yueru?"

Shen Qingqing didn't expect that even her best friend thought that Jiang Fan's wife was Li Yueru.

"Who else could it be if not her?" Zhou Shuya said,"You don't think it's the national goddess, do you?"

"Is this possible?" Shen Qingqing hesitated and said

"Let me see if you have a fever!" Zhou Shuya reached out and touched Shen Qingqing's forehead,"You don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense!"

Shen Qingqing was helpless.

She knew that her best friend didn't believe this guess at all.


Actually, she didn't believe it either.

"Forget it, let’s not talk about Jiang Fan for now. Qingqing, I have good news for you!" Zhou Shuya smiled mysteriously

"What's the matter?" Shen Qingqing asked curiously

"Just yesterday, the assistant of the National Goddess called me and said that the National Goddess found your live broadcast very interesting and said that she would send someone to discuss cooperation with us in a few days!"

Zhou Shuya said excitedly

"Are you saying that the national goddess watched my live broadcast?"

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