Close Combat Mage

Chapter 125: Go to the arena

The fighting has been deadlocked for eight months, but it has not meant to stop. The three major alliances have suffered unimaginable losses. However, because of this, they are unable to stop more or more. Otherwise, the leaders of the three major alliances, simply No way to explain!

For eight months, the girls of the Angel of the Six Wings have experienced the baptism of blood and fire, the combat skills have become more proficient, and the combat experience has reached an unimaginable level, facing different types every day. Enemies of different professions make all girls experts in battle!

Moreover, since more than eight months of continuous fighting, their fighting has been greatly improved. Between life and death, the speed of human progress will always be amazing. It can be said that the experience of these eight months is sufficient. These girls have more than doubled their strength, and the improvement in eight months is more than the past two decades combined.

At the same time, in the face of escalating battles, the Angels of Six Wings are getting more and more excited and more confident. Every day, they can clearly feel that they are progressing. Every battle, they can feel themselves. Where the combat skills are not perfect, they are constantly improved and refined. Each girl has gradually formed a set of common but unique fighting skills. During the eight months, each girl has achieved a leap. Promotion.

Of course, all girls also know that the reason for the uninterrupted fighting is entirely because of the six-winged phoenix clothing provided by Soga, and the battle blade. The most important thing is the continuous potion. If it is not magical, spiritual These three magic drugs of physical strength, they are unable to fight infinitely.

It is worth mentioning that over the past eight months, the appearance of each of the six-winged phoenix angels has changed slightly. On their belts, a circle of darts has appeared. This is not an ordinary dart, it is a Soga special Made magic guide!

After understanding the characteristics of the six-winged phoenix angel, Soga knew that the strongest blow that gathered the fire and fighting spirit and oneness was not suitable for launching with a weapon. A samurai, without a weapon in his hand, how could he fight? what? So ... in order to cooperate with this combat technique, Soga made a belt for each girl, with 36 sharp shuttle darts inserted in the belt. The shuttle darts can be used as the medium to send out the strongest gathering of fire and fighting spirit. attack.

This so-called shuttle dart is a product of Soga alchemy. At present, each shuttle dart can only be used once. After shooting out, it will explode into fragments. There is no way to recover it. It is the strongest attack of the six-winged phoenix angels. A round of volleys is enough to instantly destroy an enemy.

After eight months of training, the range of this hit has reached 200 meters, and the power has more than doubled. Soga officially named this move-Chiba!

Of course, as a junior alchemist, Soga made much worse. There is no added effect. It can only be combined with magic crystals and metals to form magical guides that can temporarily accumulate the fire and fire of the two series of fighting spirits. , Can be a perfect alternative weapon, become the only means of long-range attack of the six-winged phoenix angel!

Now, when fighting, all the enemies pay attention to the action of the Angel of the Six Winged Phoenix at any time. Once they put their hands on their waists, they should avoid them immediately, otherwise, if they are shot, they will be killed or injured. Well, the strong explosion impact made the enemy unable to block.

As the battle progressed, all enemies gradually discovered that this six-winged phoenix angel was almost a perfect fighter. It attacked violently and swiftly like a storm. It was far away, and Chiba had devastating lethality. In addition to long-range strike capabilities, it is simply the perfect legion.

Moreover, the most headache for everyone is that once these six-winged phoenix angels fight enough, they will immediately jump up, under the action of the wind and fire, jumped half a height, and then opened the six cloaks behind them, emptying When you go, you will be out of the battle team in an instant. Other people can do nothing but look at it stupidly. The idle arrows cannot completely harm their hard armor. They are more threatening and they hide from them or take photos. Falling, can't compete.

Time slowly passed, and finally ... everyone suddenly understood that the victory or defeat of this battle could not be decided by them at all, mainly to see when these six-winged phoenix angels had enough fun, but from Judging from the current status, they seem to be playing hard, how can there be a little bit of enough play!

Gradually, teams started to leave the alliance this time, with the first team, there will be a second, with the second there will be a third, and then ... withdrawal has become a trend, short paragraph In one month, the teams in the three major leagues have been reduced by more than half, and they continue to decrease.

At this time, the Angels of the Six Wings received the order from Soga, and after being hunted for so long, it was time to fight back. From now on, they do not need to find them. Let ’s go directly to the door and use the three major The different identities of the Legion expel all the teams in the Golden Triangle!

As a result, people who followed this game were horrified to discover that after nine months, those six-winged phoenix angels who had been hunted down began to fight back, and they were very cruel, very brutal counterattacks. , The dogs do not stay!

In the face of such a fierce six-winged phoenix angel, the withdrawal speed of each team is faster, and finally ... ten months after the start of the battle, the entire Golden Triangle business road is completely empty, but even so, the six-winged winged angels are completely empty. Phoenix Angel is still unwilling to give up and let it go. No matter which business group, mercenary group, or thief group appears in the Golden Triangle, it will inevitably be chased down by the three angels, until one party is completely lost!

Facing the invincible three angel legions, the three alliances had to come to the door to discuss specific matters. After negotiations, they finally reached an agreement.

From this moment on, the three major lines of commerce are completely transported by the Golden Angel Chamber of Commerce. Of course ... it will be possible if they do not withdraw. The Black Angel Thieves Corps wholeheartedly welcomes them! If you do n’t grab it, you will lose your house, and you will not call the Black Angel Thieves Corps!

Other chambers of commerce, passing through the Golden Triangle Commercial Road, must pay a protection fee of 10% of the total value of the goods to the blood angel mercenary group. On the commercial roads in the Golden Triangle area, the safety of the blood angel mercenary group is responsible, within this range If something goes wrong, the blood angel mercenary regiment will be responsible for recovering it. If it cannot be recovered, compensation will be made according to the price!

At the same time, in the Golden Triangle area, any thief army is not welcome. Of course, you can also come and grab it casually, but before the robbery, please collect your own home, and then buy a coffin, if possible, it is best to carry it. The coffin came to grab, otherwise it would be miserable to try the wilderness.

Facing the request of the Angel of Six Wings, although the three major alliances are angry, how can they not agree? What's more ... There are more than ten million commercial roads in the Holy Light Empire. It's okay to give three to them. The Angel of the Six Wings is not the only legion that has seized several commercial roads, as well as other places.

After signing the contract with each other, finally ... Ten months and ten months later, Soga's original goals were finally achieved. From now on, the commercial transportation between the three major cities will be completely transferred to the Golden Angel Chamber of Commerce. In addition, other chambers of commerce cannot be responsible for transportation between the three major cities.

As for the blood angels, they are responsible for the safety of each caravan passing through the Golden Triangle. As for the Black Angels Thieves Corps, there is really nothing to do. You ca n’t use the Black Angels to rob the caravans protected by the Blood Angels. ? Isn't that self-demolition?

Of course, they can also grab it elsewhere, but when signing the contract, the three major alliances have already been settled. In the Holy Light Empire, except for these three commercial roads, the three angel legions are not allowed to operate on other commercial roads, so one In time, the six-winged phoenix angels had nothing to do.

In terms of chambers of commerce, as long as they pass on the three major commercial roads, no one dares to move and can achieve safe transportation. In terms of mercenary regiments, no one makes trouble on the three commercial roads, but only collects protection fees by name. Therefore, the six-winged phoenix angels had no choice but to rest, organize and summarize the harvest of the past year, while waiting for Soga's next order.

At the same time as the six-winged phoenix angels began to retreat, Soga accompanied Ai Mi and Aila, rushed back to the Holy Light Academy, and participated in the annual King of Kings Challenge.

Since Soga entered Holy Light, the water system is no longer the weakest one. On the contrary, the water magic apprentice has won three consecutive championships. If he wins this year, he will have four consecutive championships.

Although Soga did not participate in the competition last year, the championship was still won by the team composed of Ai Mi and Ai Lai. As for this year, there is no doubt that the current Ai Mi and Ai Lai have already surpassed Soga was eight years old, and they were not the lowest age students in the college. After this year, everyone will be 12 years old.

Under Soga ’s leadership, the two girls in blue magic robes, with their heads slightly lowered, followed behind Soga and silently entered the venue of the Wang Zhongwang finals. The reason why Soga will come today is Because he wanted to see for himself the real showdown between the two girls!

But others don't think so. Everyone was surprised when Soga appeared. Who is this guy? No matter whether the whole college is male or female, whether it is an old college that is about to graduate, or a new student who has just entered the college, no one knows.

Everyone knows that as soon as this guy appears, there is no suspense for the champion. It is not that the Holy Light no longer has super talents. In fact ... The genius of the Holy Light accounts for more than 80% and only less than 20% Students are not geniuses. As we all know, only 100 students are enrolled in each department each year. It is not a genius, it is really too difficult.

As soon as he entered the arena, the old dean of Shengguang College greeted him with a smile on his face. Originally ... as a college student, he didn't have to do this at all, but don't forget that Soga is already the highest knight. If you dare to be rude to him, he can always pose a duel challenge protected by empire law like the other party!

Although the old dean was not afraid of the challenge, but ... with respect to the relationship between Sosuga and the royal family, the fool would not provoke him, whether it was higher or lower than his title.

What's more, Soga is a rare master of the college for thousands of years, and the old dean often goes to Bailou to eat and eat. The care he receives is not ordinary. Now he doesn't give others a good face. He doesn't agree. .

He rushed to Soga with a smile on his face, and the old dean smiled, "Knight Soga, why are you here today? Could it be ..."

She shook her head with a smile, and before the old dean had finished speaking, Soga shook her head sternly: "Don't guess, I'm not here to participate in the game, I just come to see it."

After listening to Soga, the old dean nodded slightly and continued: "Yeah, even if you win, it won't be of much use to you. In this case, let's go there and watch the game together, over there Implementation is better! "

Upon hearing the words of the old dean, Soga squinted a glance, then nodded slightly, accompanied by the old dean and under the watchful eye of tens of thousands of students, Soga and the old dean were heading towards the podium. Walked over.

"Suck!" Seeing Soga and the old dean sitting on the chair respectively, all the students couldn't help but take a breath of air, what did the boy do? How dare you sit so boldly on the subject next to the old dean?

Looking at the surprised crowd below, Soga smiled a little. To be honest, he was also a little accustomed to it, but ... he is already the highest knight and already a true nobleman. It is due to receive such courtesy. If the old dean does not listen, it is wrong, and nobles and civilians must be distinguished in any case.

As for Ai Mi and Aila, although they also have titles, they are too low. They are not really nobles, not even quasi-nobles. Basically, if they are barely counted, they are just little nobles. They have no money and no money. Situation, even civilians do not dump them.

Looking at the two girls behind him, Soga could not help smiling. He has always been curious. Who are these two girls more powerful?

Although usually, the two often practice against each other, but after all, it is not a game, it is difficult to get really nervous. Generally, it is until the end. Soga knows that only today ’s occasion can truly test the strength of the two. weak!

At this moment, the two girls were wearing huge blue cloaks that completely covered their bodies and heads, and silently lowered their heads. Soga knew that they were working hard to prepare for the next game.

For a long time, in the past few years, these two girls have not participated in the Wang Zhongwang Challenge. They only need to win the age championship. So ... for the entire college, these two girls are very strange. Everyone was only concerned about whether Soga would participate in the fight, and no one was worried about the two girls.

However, the reason why Soga will come is precisely because of these two girls. In his opinion, the champion can only be one of them, and it is absolutely impossible to fall by. Not to mention anything else, just the set of legends on them Five equipment, nor can current students confront.

With the passage of time, the game is finally about to begin. Under the command of the referee, the champions of all ages came to the stage respectively. At this time, Soga flicked a ring finger and then compared with a strange gesture.

After receiving the instructions from Soga, the two girls nodded respectfully, then silently left the podium, walked down the steps, and walked towards the field of the game, all the way to the center of the field, and then stopped. .

"This ..." Seeing this, the old Dean couldn't help wondering, he didn't understand why the two followers of Soga went there? Are you here to make trouble?

Looking at the doubtful expression of the old dean, Soga smiled slightly: "They are also students of this college, and they are my classmates. When I come here, I want to see the confrontation between them!"

Hearing Soga ’s bland words, the old dean could n’t help but be shocked. It stands to reason that unless the students of the same age group have reached the finals, it is impossible for them to meet. You know, but why is he taking it for granted?

The old dean was puzzled, and the other students were also puzzled. Looking at the two blue figures on the arena, they didn't understand who they were and what they were doing here. Did they also participate in the race?

Amongst everyone's doubts, the students of the lower age group picked the opponents of the game, and then ... The King of Kings Challenge began. The whole battle process was nothing to say. Although there were many dark horses, there were no bright spots. , But relying on magic equipment to take advantage, even if it wins, it is not surprising.

Finally, it was the turn of the two girls. Under the watchful eye of tens of thousands of students, the two girls defeated all the challengers directly with the power of destruction, and then attacked separately. After a short while, they swept away The entire Holy Light Academy! No one can support ten seconds under their hands, whether it is a samurai or a mage.

Finally, there were only two girls wearing blue cloaks on the field, but until this time, no one knew their identities. Even in battle, they did not take off their cloaks.

A surprise glance at Soga, the old dean did not expect that things really did, as Soga thought, turned out to be a confrontation between the two girls, but ... think about their strength, It's weird not to do this, they have exceeded the others too much, and now they have reached the stage of a senior mage!

Under the watchful eye of tens of thousands of spectators, the referee announced that after a half-hour break, the final of the Wang Zhongwang Challenge will officially begin, but unexpectedly, the two girls shook their heads unanimously and said that they could start directly game.

Since the two sides of the game have no opinions, of course the referee will not obstruct it. The two sides were immediately ordered to prepare. One minute later, the game officially started. In the face of the referee's order, both girls secretly rejoiced. The game just now was a good warm-up. Now, starting the competition, they can show their strongest strength!

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