Close Combat Mage

Chapter 140: Slave soldier

After hearing Soga's words, the city was silent outside. Everyone knows that Soga's worry is not unreasonable. After all, the fat man has been here for 30 to 40 years. He has a deep foundation. If he is let into the city, once he fan the soldier The mutiny, then how powerful Soga is, I am afraid that it will be swept out.

After a long silence, the fat man outside the city finally said, "So, I won't enter the city, can you put my family members into the city? They are innocent."

Shaking his head coldly, Soga smiled bitterly: "Why do you say that again, if I only let you into the city and let the thieves kill you, then your wives and children will not find me in the future. Revenge, it ’s not that I do n’t want to let you in. Think about it. Would you let me in if you change positions? "

"Okay ..." A sudden gritted teeth, Nefarian said resolutely: "Sorga, you say ... what are you going to do before you let us in?"

Faced with Nefarian's questioning, Soga shook his head helplessly: "In fact, I want to let you in, but my reason tells me that letting you in is asking for trouble. Until now, I don't know what to do, or ... you help me find a way? "

For a long time, Nefarian suddenly knelt down in front of the city gate, and resolutely said, "Well, from now on, Nefarian will cooperate with his family, follow and be loyal to Baron Suga, please let us enter the city! "

"This ..." In the face of Nefarian's words, Soga stopped for a moment. Until now, it seems that only by following him can the current trouble be solved, but ... Soga can safely accept their follow And allegiance? Are they trustworthy?

Everyone knows what it says to follow, allegiance, that's a very simple thing. It's nothing more than touching your mouth, but really, how many people in the world can do it?

After thinking for a long time, Soga didn't make up his mind. He knew very well that even if Nefarian could trust, but the fat man couldn't trust it. Don't look at him so downcast, so pathetic, but once he got the power, he would surely immediately If you turn your face and don't recognize anyone, you can never expect him to repent, such a fierce guy for a lifetime. The so-called rivers and mountains are easy to change, nature is hard to change!

Thinking of this, Soga categorically said, "Sorry, your followers, or your allegiance, can't convince me at all. Many things are not just a matter of speaking."

Hearing Soga's words, Nefarian turned back anxiously and looked over the road. At a glance, a faint shadow had appeared on the road in the distance.

Turning his head sharply, Nefarian said anxiously: "Hurry up, hurry ... Baron Suga, no matter what you ask, I promise you, please hurry us in, we really can't do it anymore Lost! "

Looking down Nefarian's eyes, Soga also found those dark shadows, and frowned slightly. Soga thought for a long time. Soga finally said, "So, I can accept yours. Follow and be loyal, and help you organize your family's life, but ... they still cannot enter the city! "

"You!" Nefarian said anxiously after Soga said: "What are you talking about? If you don't let your family enter the city, they will be dead. If they are all dead, what will happen to me?" Will follow and be loyal to you! "

"Ohhhh ..." smiled proudly, Soga straightened his chest and said, "You can rest assured, although you won't let them enter the city, but ... I don't want anyone who can protect them to kill them. rest assured."

Having said that, Soga narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced up and down Nefarian for a while, and then said flatly, "But if you think about it, are you sure you want to follow and be loyal to me? Do you know, Once you have promised, you do n’t want to get away, otherwise, not only your family will die, you will never live! "

Nodded flatly, Nefarian said firmly, "I always say what Nefarian says, if you can rest assured, as long as you save my family, I will follow, and Be loyal to you. "

While talking, the dark shadow in the distance has already arrived, and it is only 50 meters away from the city wall. Looking at it, there are hundreds of thieves in black masks. Everyone holds a sharp blade and moves quickly. Kind people.

Gently glancing at the city wall, under the restraint of the head thieves, all the thieves stopped 50 meters outside the city wall and looked at the wall far away.

Facing the inquiry of the leader of the thief, Soga nodded slightly: "Yes, I am Soga. Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Hmm!" Lengheng murmured, the thief leader said in a low voice: "I'm chasing after the evil of the nefarious Nefa family. I hope the city owner will provide convenience. Otherwise, don't blame me for being black-bearded!"

In the face of the leader of the thief, all six-winged phoenix angels have turned their faces. Who is this guy, who is so bold and dare to say anything? In front of the six-winged phoenix angels, people who dare to speak like this are really not. More than that.

A glance at the six-winged phoenix angels with a blue iron around them smiled, Soga smiled and said, "Are you black-bearded? Very personality name, but let me say a lot, I do n’t give Soga's face, And I'm also curious, I want to know, how can you be merciless to me? "

Hearing Soga's words, Blackbeard couldn't help getting angry, and suddenly stunned the dagger in his hand, and said angrily, "Boy, don't be too mad, it offends us, but you do n’t have good fruit to eat, you have to know, our Blackbeard Rogue , But one of the members of the 180-thousand thieves alliance that provokes us is tantamount to angering the entire league. You can estimate for yourself if you can provoke it. "

After listening to the leader of the thief, Soga looked at Nefarian with a questioning gaze: "Hey, is this black beard true or false? Is he really that powerful?"

Nodding bitterly, Nefarian said: "Yes, qualified rogue alliances are all rogue alliances within 800 miles of Dawn City. The rogue alliances reached more than 180, and the total members reached Eighteen thousand people have dominated the entire border line, and the league's masters are as good as forests. Even officers and soldiers can't take them. "

"Oh!" Excited eyes lighted up, Soga turned her head and looked at Duomei: "Ah ... you don't need to be lonely anymore, the next object of cultivation has been found!"

"Ennen ..." After listening to Soga, Domei nodded again and again excitedly: "This is really good, Master, we are all going crazy crazy now, and finally someone is with us to practice!"

Speaking of this, Domei fiercely pulled out his right hand, compared with a six character, and said at the same time: "Master, give us six months, that is, half a year, we will clear the border business for you!"

Nodded with a smile, Soga squinted his eyes and said, "Even if you go to work, even if you have a big Lou Zi, I will support you by the young master. All those who dare and threaten me must collapse them. Got it, you know? "

Facing Soga's jokes, Domei smiled and nodded, looking at Domei's happy appearance, Soga fiercely became serious, and said angrily, "Since you know everything, what are you doing here? Do you want me to be the first master? "

"Hey ... dare not dare ..." After listening to Suga's joke, Domei repeatedly waved her hands, then suddenly turned her head and said to the girl behind her, "Sisters, what are you waiting for, Kaibian!"

Hearing the beautiful voice, all members of the Six-winged Phoenix Angels drew the badge of the bleeding angel mercenary group from the space ring and quickly carried it on the left arm. After a few months, the blood angel came to earth again!

Suddenly saw the six-winged phoenix angels wearing the rumored badge. For a moment, the members of the Blackbeard Thieves suddenly lost sight. These are all powerful characters who are in the golden triangle. Even the three major alliances of the golden triangle There is no way to take them, but now they have arrived here, are they totally disregarding the agreement of the three major leagues?

In the surprise of all the thieves, thirty-six six-winged phoenix angels shook off their cloaks, thirty-six shadows, and pulled out thirty-six light and shadows from the sky, whistling from the city wall, facing directly opposite. Blackbeard Rogue Corps rushed over.

"Oh ... run!" With only a slight touch, the thieves in black were chopped to death by a six-winged phoenix angel chopping melon and vegetables. Seeing this scene, no one would dare to stay and yell All the thieves fled.

Facing the thief group that escaped, thirty-six six-winged phoenix angels reluctantly chased out two miles, beheaded hundreds of enemies, and only dozens of little thieves successfully escaped.

Of course, if these damsels really want to chase, do n’t even try to run, but ... the ones who ran away are not big people, and they ran away. No one ran after them rarely. There will be opportunities to meet in the future. The angels should keep them back and bring a letter. Otherwise, if nobody knows about it, no one will come to find them to take revenge.

The last enemy was slashed in the volley. Thirty-six six-winged phoenix angels turned their bodies without sticking their feet. Birds flew back to the city walls, coming and going like the wind, easily and freely.

Looking at the powerful six-winged phoenix angels, Nefarian suddenly turned pale, originally ... she always thought highly of herself and thought that she could be regarded as a person, but she was watching the six-winged phoenix angels. After her performance, she suddenly found that she was nothing at all!

Originally, in Neferian's view, once he followed Soga, it must be the first few figures in his group, but now he is certain that he must be behind these six-winged phoenix angels. I don't know, what kind of people are there around Soga?

Looking at Nafarian's shameless white face, Soga could not help smiling, trying to compare with the six-winged phoenix angel, this girl was a little worse, you know, their talent, that is the absolute arrogant, Although wearing a semi-epic suit, although the number is quite large, in fact, even the Marshal of the Empire, they are not treated well. The environment and equipment they receive are dazzled by the Marshal. Soga's money spent on them is no longer clear, and it is bound to continue to be spent in the future.

Between thoughts, Soga looked at Nefarian in front of the city gate and said, "Okay, I have saved your family. From now on, you are my person, um ... so, you can do it for the time being My entourage! "

"Eh!" Nefarian couldn't help hearing the appointment of Soga. She never thought that she could only be a follower, not much better than a maid, but think about the performance of the six-winged phoenix angels, What can she say?

With a wry smile, he shook his head, Nefarian said helplessly: "Well, Baron Soga, from now on, I am your follower, but what about my family? How are you going to house them?"

Slightly smiled, Soga categorically said: "You temporarily stationed outside the city, I will let someone send you a tent, a few days later, I will let someone **** you out of here, where you want to go, as far as the end Well, you have to decide for yourself. "

Speaking of this, Soga paused slightly and said to Nefarian: "Well, now ... come into the city, I have something to talk to you." Soga turned around and walked away. After the city wall, rushed towards the main city.

Immediately after Soga, Domey smiled: "What? Did the young lady fancy the little beauty?"

"Well ..." Nodded surely, Soga smiled and said, "I'm fancy her, you're right, hehe ..."

"Ah!" When Soga heard her, Tomi could not help but open her mouth. Originally ... she was just joking about Soga, but she did not expect that Soga would admit it directly. For a time, Tomi didn't know What's in my heart, sour, and a little stuffy.

Doubt glanced at the doubt, Soga continued: "However, what I see is not her person, but her magical footwork. In any case, I will learn that set of footwork from her. You Didn't find out? Her steps were strange, making it difficult to lock her body! "

After hearing Soga's words, Tomi couldn't help laughing, and nodded again and again: "I'll just say, how could a master be stunned by a girl, there must be other reasons." Duomei repeatedly stroked her chest, relieved greatly.

Rushing all the way back to the city's main house, after a short while, Nefarian stepped in the strange steps and walked in through the gate. After paying respectfully to Soga, Nefarian said respectfully: "Baron Soga, What's the matter, you're fine. "

She shook her head with a smile and Soga said, "Do n’t call me Baron Soga. You can just call me Soga. If you are not used to it, just call me Master. I like this title."

With a slight smile, Nefarian nodded and said, "Good master, may I ask, what do you want to ask me?"

"Well ..." Slightly groaned, Soga categorically said: "Yes, I just arrived at dawn and don't know much about it, so I hope you can help me introduce it here, and then bring everyone together, Help me take over Dawn as soon as you know, because of your relationship, we have offended the Rogue Alliance, and we must take precautions as soon as possible! "

Ashamed glanced at Soga, Nefarian knew that in order to save her family, Soga took a great risk, even the alliance of more than 180 thieves, and the consequences of this incident were very serious. serious.

Between thoughts, Nefarian said flatly: "No problem, master, regular soldiers are in the barracks on the left and right sides of Dawn City, left 5000 and right 5000. As for the slave soldiers, they all live in the buildings in the city. Alarm, all slave soldiers will quickly gather in the square. "

After hearing Nefarian's words, Soga immediately turned her head to Duomei: "Send someone to ring the alarm immediately, we have no time to waste."

With Soga's order, soon ... the heavy bells echoed over the dawn of the city. Upon hearing the bells, a large number of people were seen in the dilapidated houses of the city, all of them. Like a river, all the way down the lane, quickly gathered towards the square.

Half an hour later, Soga, accompanied by thirty-six winged phoenix angels and Nefarian, came to the viewing platform in the main square and looked at the dense crowd in the main square. Air conditioning, Soga was the first time in his life to see so many people gather together.

What is 100,000 people? It's like a mountain like a sea, but ... although there are many people, they all have dishes, and they don't even have a decent armor on them. Most of them even wear cloth clothes and carry a piece of wood in their hands. A stick is even a weapon.

Disappointed, very disappointed. Soga had no expectation for the slave soldiers, but despite this, he still did not expect that it was so bad. How can he be considered a soldier? Just let them go to the battlefield, it's just dead, don't expect them to play a big role.

Between thoughts, Suga frowned tightly and carefully observed the past. Obviously, these slave soldiers had no food or clothing on weekdays. Once the war started, they would be on the front line, using their own The physical body serves as a shield to resist the enemy's attack. Although it also has a certain lethality, one hundred slave soldiers may not be able to exchange for an enemy's life. The striking of the wooden stick is too trivial for the steel armor. Especially when these slave soldiers are hungry, what else can you expect?

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