Close Combat Mage

Chapter 154: On the Protracted War

"Ah!" Duomei said unwillingly after hearing Soga's words: "That's not good, but they are provocative. We should go out to fight alone, otherwise, wouldn't we be afraid of them?"

"Huh!" Leng Huo whispered, Soga angered: "Who instilled something in your mind into you? Remember to me, you are not heroes, I don't need to be a hero, and ... In terms of gender alone, you ca n’t be heroes, because I have seen your bodies, all of them are absolutely beautiful women. Since they are women, do n’t try to be a hero, OK? ”

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh when she heard Soga's words, Tomi could not help but smile, and gave Soga a nasty look. Tomijiao said:" We also know that we are not male and cannot be a hero, but a heroine You can't hit one more! "

"Yeah!" Dao sighed, Soga angered, "You foolish girl, let me be sober. This is the battlefield, not a battlefield, no one will tell you the truth. Here, the winner. For the defeated king, you better throw away your idea. "

Speaking of which, Soga paused for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, she said categorically: "Not only here, you go back and tell me that at any time, the so-called heroes are our most despised, you give me Remember, a dead person, no one will respect him. Only alive can he enjoy respect! "

Looking at Soga puzzled, Domei wondered, "What are you talking about? You look down on us too much. Even if we fight alone, we won't lose. Don't forget that our armor is Invincible, and also gliding, even if you can't beat it, you can escape. "

Looking at Domei coldly, Soga said in a deep voice: "Yes, if your thirty-six sisters are dispatched together, really no one can leave you, but you haven't thought about it. Once you act alone, So what do you do if there are many enemies? Even if you fly, don't you think others can't beat you? "

"This ..." After hearing Soga's words, Duomei's face turned pale. After Soga's so little, she finally awakened from the invincible dream.

As Soga said, if their thirty-six sisters are united, cooperate with each other, and help each other, no one can keep them, but if they act alone, it is difficult to say, as soon as they fly It will be knocked out, and then surrounded by people. At that time, if I want to pick up and fly away, it is a dream!

Looking at the beautiful little face, Soga said solemnly: "After you go back, you tell me your sisters, you must never separate yourself from the team. Even if one day, each of you will become The true God of War must also be united. Only when you cooperate with each other can the strongest fighting force erupt! "

Looking at Soga with admiration, although ... this boy is seven or eight years younger than himself, but in terms of wisdom and knowledge, Duomei admires him sincerely, and even worships him. In many cases, wisdom is good, knowledge is good, and Age is irrelevant.

While thinking about so much, Soga smiled gloomily: "How beautiful, you have to remember, people have a brain, not for daze, you have to use your brain more, although ... you are not alone I went out, but who said that it wouldn't be bright and fair, and would be laughed at? "

"Eh?" After hearing Soga's words, Tomi frowned and looked at Soga puzzledly.

"Hey ..." Yinyin smiled, and Suo Lijun whispered in a low voice: "Although they only sent one person to challenge, why are you so obedient? Why should you fight him? Can't you ignore him and leave him there? , To kill the enemy behind him? "

"Wow!" Tomei screamed when she heard Soga's words. "Yes, oh, oh! In this way, everyone will only say that we are lazy to answer the provocative guy, a half person Yes, we can be lazy to wait. If we want to fight, we have to be fun with 36 to 360,000! "

"Hehe ..." Nodded with a smile, Soga agreed: "Yes, you are right, but one thing is wrong, thirty-six to three hundred and sixty thousand, should not be what everyone said , And it should be you! "

"Well?" Looking at Soga in confusion, Duomei said sternly: "I know what I said, but I mean, everyone will think so."

Shaking his head with a smile, Soga calmly said, "You can't wait for everyone to think, I mean, when you go to war, you should shout what you just said, instead of waiting for everyone to think, What if those people are stupid, can't figure it out, or can't get over their heads? "

"Oh!" Nodded suddenly, Domei said excitedly: "Yeah ... this should be our slogan to fight, so shouting so loudly, and then rushed out, it is so handsome!"

During the conversation, Domei seemed to be in a hurry. Looking at the red and white lips in front of her, Soga was so cute. Tome suddenly stepped forward and hugged Soga, her red lips, quickly on Soga's white tender face Kissed, and ran out quickly, at the same time, Duomei's voice came from far away: "Relax, everything is given to me, I promise they can look for teeth all over the place!"

Looking at Dome's swiftly going away, Suga shook her head blankly. Suga, who was almost 13 and a half years old, was able to erect normally. As the day passed, Suga's erections increased. The persistence has been getting longer and longer. Soga knows that although he hasn't fully grown up yet, he can already do things that adults love to do.

Although the physical development and Soga's psychology are also changing silently, if the kiss of Tome was placed in the past, he would never have the slightest reaction, only to feel puzzled, why should he let him drool? Face?

But at that moment, Soga found that the moment he kissed himself in Tomei, his heartbeat accelerated, his face flushed, and his lower body even quickly erected, and it was hard and hot, if not Tomei was too excited , Without careful feeling, he just showed the stuffing!

In particular, the seductive aroma of Duomei was so addictive to Soga. Before ... Soga always thought that the aroma of wine was the most beautiful smell, but just a moment ago, Soga's idea was overthrown, and her daughter was incense. Is the most beautiful atmosphere in the world!

With a bitter smile, he shook his head. Soga put aside his thoughts and continued to concentrate on magic pharmacy. He knew very well that now is not the time when his children are in love, and if his strength is not improved as soon as possible, his ideal will never be realized .

It is a pity that God seems to be particularly embarrassed today, that is, he is not allowed to concentrate on pharmaceuticals. Tome left after a short while, Aila and Ai Mi rushed over together.

Seeing two increasingly beautiful girls with a youthful body, Soga couldn't help smirking. Since he was here, he couldn't ignore it, and Soga knew that they wouldn't come to him if he was fine.

Between thoughts, Ai Mi and Ai Lai habitually sat next to Suga, left and right, because they have been together for too long, almost six years ago, and they have been together since they were young. The familiarity is beyond the imagination of others.

Habitually, he reached into Soga's crotch and grabbed Soga's hard and hot part, Ai Mi said in surprise: "Oh! You must have worked very hard recently. The muscles here are so amazing. So strong, so hard! "

After hearing Ai Mi's words, Aila reached out her hands curiously, tentatively touched, and said flatly: "Not muscles, but bones ..."

"Eh!" After listening to the two girls, Soga couldn't help but be amazed, these two women, what did they want to do? He is not the same as he used to be.

However, after a little thought, Soga quickly understood that although the age has increased, but they have never been in contact with this knowledge. Before, they had no chance in school, but they have been with Soga since then, and no one has Dare to tell them that.

In fact, if you think about it, even Suga's knowledge in this area is still taught by the queen maiden. If it is not the queen maiden, Soka is now the same as these two girls, and they don't understand the thing between men and women.

Taking a deep breath, Soga pulled the two girls' hands together without revealing it, and asked calmly, "What are you doing here with me? Wouldn't it be to discuss where the meat was made?" Or is it made of bones? "

"Hey ..." Ai smiled embarrassedly, Ai Mi said: "No, we just saw, Sister Dome, they went out of town to fight, we are so envious, we are here to ask, when will we both Also participate in actual combat? "

"This ..." After hearing the words of the two women, Soga suddenly found out that the two women had never played a real battle in the true sense of the word. For them who had become a magician, it was indeed Slower.

Between thoughts, Soga smiled and said, "This is not a rush. Your task now is to study hard and reach the realm of the great magician as soon as possible. After you have enough defense capabilities, I will naturally arrange actual combat opportunities for you. ! "

Having said that, Soga stared blankly at the sky outside the window and murmured: "This battle cannot be ended in a day or two. I have a hunch that this will be a protracted war. Some will fight ... ... "

After hearing Soga's words, the two girls finally breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to miss the opportunity to exercise, but they were also very clear that, for now, their offensive ability is OK, but their defensive ability is too poor. Before making up for this shortcoming, Soga would not allow them to take risks. In this case, their task is already obvious.

Water Aegis, they can't master them, but after becoming a great magician, they can learn a common department defense magic that all wizards can ... magic shield! This is public sacred magic. The magic shield's defensive power is determined by the spiritual and magic power. Although it is far less than the water shield, it is enough.

Soga's Aegis comes with the Atlantis suit. It has a fixed defense power of 10,000 moles and a charge of 1,000 per second. But this is not the true power of the Aegis suit. This is the Atlantis suit. Effect.

As we all know, water has a strong buffering effect. Even if it jumps from a height of tens of meters, water can buffer most of the impact. Therefore, buffering is the biggest feature of water and the biggest feature of Aegis.

The extent to which the Aegis can buffer is determined by the mental and magical power of Soga. If the magical power is seawater, then the mental power is the softness of the seawater. The greater the amount of seawater, the higher the softness, and the buffering effect will be Stronger!

If the defense of the earth system is about shock and absorption, then the defense of the water system is about buffering and shirk. The Aegis of the Water is like a big balloon. People are protected in the center of the balloon. All attacks will A part of it is buffered by the balloon. At the same time, the balloon will deform and push the attack force away from both sides. Unless the balloon can be pierced at once, the people inside the Aegis will not feel any impact at all.

However, the public sacred magic shields possessed by Ai Mi and Aila do not have this effect. They only use magic to condense shields to resist external shocks. Unless the magic in the magic shield is consumed, otherwise it will always exist.

Moreover, the sacred magic shield cannot completely offset the external shocks. Once they are hit, the people in the magic shield will be shocked to a certain extent, just like the shock suffered by passengers sitting in cars in a car accident. The magnitude of the impact varies with the comparison of enemy and enemy strength.

Under the same circumstances that an attack was made and the shield was not broken, the person protected by the Water Aegis had no feeling at all, but the person protected by the magic shield must be impacted.

Of course, if you want to impact the people protected by the sacred magic shield, you also need a certain strength. If the sacred magic shield is strong enough and the support is strong enough, the magic shield will also change from a car to a tank. It is not so easy to hit the people in the shield. Even if you can feel it, it is only a slight shock and cannot hurt people.

After all, the Aegis of the Water does have advantages, but the specific defense effect varies from person to person. The Aegis of the Water can only be mastered by a water mage, and the sacred magic shield can be learned by every mage. Even if envious, There is no other way.

And, in fact, the Aegis of Water has long been lost. According to legend, it is the defense magic used by Aegis. Throughout history, it has only been used by Atlantis the Great. As of now, of course, only Soga will use it.

After explaining that the two girls have cultivated well and strived to cultivate into the sacred magic shield at an early date, Soga can no longer be quiet. After being continuously disturbed and teased, Soga's heart has become impetuous, and she must go out and take a turn to relax. .

Leaving the city's main house, Soga stepped on the roof of the house and rushed to the wall. When he looked out, the enemy forces outside the city were in chaos. In the army's army, at this moment ... The army with a total of 100,000 people has surrounded them by three layers inside and three outside.

Frowning slightly, Soga felt a bit wrong, suddenly turned his head and looked at General Jason beside him. Soga eagerly asked, "What's going on? Didn't they go out long ago? Why didn't they come back?" "

"Eh!" Jason said puzzledly, "They have gone out for a long time and haven't been back, but ... they have four-color potions, so don't worry about it."

"Not good!" After listening to Jason, Soga didn't answer. The focused team outside the city looked at it, and after a closer look, Soga screamed and volleyed down the city wall. The team rushed.

After only a few glances, Soga had already seen that the six-winged phoenix angels did not want to return, but could not return. At this moment ... they have been besieged by nearly two hundred masters, although so far They haven't suffered any damage, but ... they have been forced to take medicine, and they have to cope with attacks from all directions, the left-hand space shield, and the right-handed battle blade. medicine!

Soga understands that if the opponent is ruthless, he can definitely kill a few six-winged phoenix angels. Although the armor of the six-winged phoenix angels is indestructible, they can already kill them only by impact and vibration. The reason why the killer has not been killed is precisely to prevent General Jason from paralyzing the city and prevent them from sending troops to rescue.

General Jason is really powerful, but that's just for defense. After living so big, he has never commanded the two armies to fight. He has spent all his energy on defense and offense. General Howe has always been in charge.

If, today, it is General Howe who is here, then the enemy ’s treacherous plan may have been dismantled, but General Jason apparently failed. After watching this for a long time, I did not understand it, although the thief masters covered it well. But there is a problem when you take a closer look. They are all one point. Although the angels of the six wings attacked fiercely, they never killed an enemy. This proves that they are not killing the enemy, but are resisting. !!

Because Soga was only one person out, it did not attract the attention of the enemy. His army of 100,000 people, even 36 six-winged phoenix angels, were besieged. Do you care about you? So ... the enemy just sent a hundred-man squad to try to intercept Soga. In fact, they did not think that their treacherous scheme had been exposed. If it was really seen through, it would not be a person but a large one. Troop out.

Soga didn't think about sending a large force, but he couldn't send it. The city gate was blocked for a long time. Where did he come from? And figured it out, once the enemy came over, wouldn't it all become a funeral? Even if there were arrows to cover it, it was just one for another.

Between thoughts, Soga finally rushed to the front of the battle group, watching the oncoming team and the chaotic battle group a hundred meters away, and Soga frowned deeply. When he got close, Soga was shocked to find that the nearly two hundred masters who besieged the six-winged phoenix angels were all terrible. Just pick one, and they could easily defeat the two-winged phoenix angels in a single head together! Even the three of them joined forces, if not for the protection of the Six Wings Phoenix Tianyi and the tacit cooperation between the six Wings Phoenix angels, they would have been slaughtered.

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