Close Combat Mage

Chapter 162: Powerful magic machine

The victory of Dawning's third battle still belongs to Dawning, but this time, Dawning has finally suffered casualties. It is worth mentioning that the casualties occurred not in the direction of the customs but outside the customs.

From the beginning of the battle, the direction outside the customs was severely impacted. With only 36 six-winged phoenix angels, it was impossible to hold the opponent's main force at all. It must not be lower than the sword shield and the slave spear. The soldiers crested up and completely sealed the walls.

Originally, in the view of Soga and others, there were 10,000 crossbow guards, plus six-winged phoenix angels, who could definitely guard the city walls facing the gates outside the customs, but everyone ignored them, and it was not only Dawn that had medium and long distances. The ability to strike.

Although the six-winged phoenix angels have been fighting very hard, especially the Frost Dragon, they have not rested for a night, but the enemy is too powerful. The 2,000 masters in the direction of the pass are just ordinary soldiers in the direction of the pass. It was hard to resist, but still could not stop the powerful impact of the enemy.

Fortunately, even if the Sword and Shield soldiers came up, they used the crossbow to support the Angels of the Six Wings, but ... when the enemies threw out the daggers in their hands, the Angels of the Six Wings suddenly realized that although these guys There is no crossbow, but it has flying knife skills, every enemy can, the effective range is 50 meters!

In this way, the casualties of the Dawning Army appeared, basically a life-for-life, the Dawning Army and the enemy were consumed a lot, until the dawn, the entire garrison in the direction of Dawning had gone from 20,000. The army was downsized to 4,000 troops, with more than 16,000 casualties.

He was trembling, Soga looked angrily at the 100-meter-long wall that had been completely stained with blood. He didn't expect, really didn't expect, that the enemy was so arrogant that he caused such a great deal of damage to Dawn. This is simply unacceptable to Soga.

Although the enemy did not please, and left more than 30,000 corpses, in the view of Soga, this was still unacceptable. Looking at the mist and the confused sky outside the border, Soga squeezed his fist tightly. Someday he will recover all the debt!

All the results were quickly counted. In the direction of the customs, 16,000 soldiers were sacrificed, but more than 33,000 enemies were killed, basically one for two, but the one inside the customs was not damaged overnight. Killing 100,000 enemies basically wiped out the enemy forces in the direction of the pass.

However, Soga knew that the battle did not end there. It was learned from the horse quest that there was a 400,000 army in the direction of Audu, and it was gathering in the direction of dawn. Obviously, Caru would not admit defeat. Once he confessed, his prestige would be lost in the border zone. In any case, he must win the war.

Between thoughts, Soga turned around and rushed to the practice site of the Six Winged Phoenix Angels. The battle last night was really terrible. All they faced were far more powerful enemies than they were. So Jia didn't understand how they persisted.

Entered the training ground and looked around. All the six-winged phoenix angels sat exhausted on the ground, their faces were full of embarrassment. Although their mental strength, physical strength, and vindictiveness had been restored with potions, they were psychological. Fatigue, but there is no cure.

Walking to Tomei's side, Soga was concerned: "How beautiful is it? The battle last night must have been hard?"

"Um ..." Weakly nodded his head, his face looked dreadful: "The enemy is really too strong, and it is incredible, even the most common enemy is better than the 2,000 in Kannai. The enemy is very powerful. As for the slightly more powerful foreign soldiers, it is even more frightening. In fact, if it was not for the effect of the Fire Phoenix set, we might not be able to get even a single knife. "

"This ..." Upon hearing what beautiful words said, Soga could not help showing a horrified look. If the enemies outside the customs were really so strong, then the dawn would be dangerous. It would be enough to consume the army of dawn alone. Run out.

Of course, Soga can also mobilize 5,000 spearmen to stay out of the customs, but if that is the case, Dawn may fall on the spot. Once the enemy's master has crossed the wall, it will inevitably pose a threat to Dawn's arrow formation. Stay, then the dawn is over, it just doesn't make sense to just keep the direction outside the customs.

Between thoughts, Suga frowned and tightened for a long time. With the current forces, Suga knew that she couldn't keep it at all. Now it seems that there is only hope to be coupled with those thousand magics!

Thinking of this, Soga didn't dare to neglect for a moment, got up and left the training ground, and rushed to the alchemy laboratory in the city's main mansion. Now all he can rely on is magic coupling!

According to the notes on the note, Soga understood the capabilities of these magic couplings. In fact, this is not really a magic coupling, but should be classified as something like an organ.

In fact, these so-called magic couplings use the surrounding arrangement to start the mechanical body to detect the enemy using induction methods such as energy induction, heat induction, and life induction. Once there is energy, heat, and life in the detection range Objects, these magic couplings will automatically run, extract the power of the magic crystal in the body, and launch an attack on the enemy! This is true even if their master has entered the attack range. In fact, they are unconscious and unwise.

Of course, this does not mean that the magic coupling does not exist. In fact, the magic coupling absolutely exists, but ... the things that Soga got are definitely not magic couplings, they should be mechanical bodies.

Just after the war, Soga knew that there must be a few days of intermission. If the magic coupling could not be pressed properly in these days, then a large number of soldiers would be lost again when the next battle began.

Between thoughts, Suga didn't dare to neglect, and mobilized the power of the whole city to start the transformation of the outer city walls. A large amount of stone was mined and transported to the direction of the city walls outside the customs. According to the records, the induction belt was laid. The induction field was established. At the same time, Soga also selected 1,000 clever slave soldiers, who were responsible for maintaining these magical couplings. They worked three shifts a day, and each person only needed to supervise for hours to go to rest.

Although the amount of engineering is large, Sugon has nothing else, that is, there are many people. After working for a week regardless of day and night, the 100-meter city walls outside the customs are finally laid out. Looking at the magnificent city walls, Soga nodded with satisfaction, this Once again, he was no longer afraid that someone would break the wall.

After the transformation, the height of the city wall has reached 20 meters, and the width is as small as a hill. Starting from two meters of the city wall, each layer is placed with a magic coupling that can release a violent fireball. A total of nine layers have been placed. One hundred, under the intense firepower, even if Suo Jia goes, it will be blasted into scum in an instant.

However, this arrangement is not complete. At the top of the city wall, there are a hundred speed-type reapers. These guys are extremely fast, holding double knives, the whole body is inaccessible, and even if it is damaged, Soga can It is not difficult to repair immediately. This is mechanical, not magic coupling.

Seen from the direction of the customs, the walls of the 20-meter-high wall are full of black holes, rows and rows, making people feel horrified.

In front of the city wall, within 200 meters, all are paved with rocks, smooth as a mirror, and even the mountain walls on both sides are stacked with wide slabs, forming a huge square 100 meters wide and 200 meters long. !! This square is the induction setting of all magic couplings. Once an enemy enters the square, 900 magic couplings that can release violent fireballs will move and attack the enemy. Basically, unless the owner agrees, otherwise, the Holy The samurai also wanted to cross this area.

Although the city walls have been so stable, Soga still dare not take it lightly and re-established a 10,000 Sword Shield soldier. He has been stationed here for a long time, and each Sword Shield soldier has been assigned a crossbow. As a result, even if the enemy broke through the magic coupling zone, he could not immediately capture the dawn, giving the dawn army sufficient time to dispatch troops.

As Soga guessed, on the third day and night after the magic coupling position was installed, the enemy rushed to the two sides and attacked Dawn at the same time, but this time, Soga was fully prepared. Facing the enemy, the entire Dawn City was up and down. Are confident.

First, Soga dispatched the six-winged phoenix angel and the frost dragon to the direction of Kannai's city wall. While the enemy rushed over, he slammed down the city wall, intercepted the enemy's vanguard, and intercepted them under the city wall.

Secondly, the 5,000 spearmen are still stationed under the city walls in Kannai, waiting to be dispatched at any time. Once an enemy breaks through the city walls, they will be surrounded in an instant, and the enemy will be captured alive. When it comes to offense, they may not succeed, but under their defense Before the circle, any master must be caught alive.

However, this time, the enemy obviously did not use the customs as the main attack point. This is just a draw. The enemy ’s main attack point is still the walls outside the customs. The huge gains from the last battle let the enemy taste the sweetness. With the last battle, go again.

Although the enemy ’s damage is more than double that of the Dawning Army, but we must know that the Dawning Army is only 100,000 in total, and we must know that the last soldiers died were relatively low-level soldiers. The real generals died instead. Not many, all the enemies have confidence. If the main forces go to war, changing one by one is definitely not a problem. In this way, as long as you pay at most 100,000 lives, you can get Dawn City, which is too cost-effective.

As the sole exit of the Holy Light Empire to the six countries, the strategic significance and commercial value here are simply inestimable. As long as the city is owned, the taxation of the king's merchants is already an astronomical figure, and ... Dawn City is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once you have such a low basis, even if you are an enemy of an empire, you are not afraid of it. After all ... the walls outside the customs are only 100 meters. No matter how many troops you have, you can attack at the same time, only So few thousand people.

Once you have Dawn City, as long as you have a good relationship with the Holy Light Empire, then everything else is just dream-like. You are willing to attack whoever you are. As a thief with a private plunder license, after having such a base, It is bound to develop into a world-class thief alliance.

Not to mention the battle in the direction of Kannai. On the other side, in the mountain pass outside the pass, a powerful army with a total of 100,000 troops is following the valley passage across the factory and heading in the direction of dawn. All the people who came here today are masters. The masters in the middle of the night battle, they will take all the losses and win the dawn completely. As long as the dawn is won, the sacrifice is most worthwhile.

Under the cover of night, the army of thieves finally saw the dawning walls and looked at the magnificent walls. For a time, all the thieves stopped subconsciously and looked up blankly.

How high is 20 meters? I am afraid it is difficult for people to have a concept. If one floor is three meters high, then 20 meters is the height of seven floors. This is not a small distance! Unless there is a ladder, it will be difficult to get up.

What makes the thieves feel helpless is that the city wall has no **** at all, it is as steep as a cliff, and it is absolutely 90 degrees vertical, allowing them to rush along the dream of the city wall and burst instantly.

As long as there is a slope, even if it is 75 degrees, the robbers have the confidence to rush up, but ... facing the steep wall of 90 degrees, how do you want them to rush? If you really want to rush, you will either fall a few steps or hit the wall directly.

Under the color, all thieves looked at the surrounding environment. The ground in front of the muddy wall was now laid with flat square stones to form a rectangular square, 100 meters wide and 200 meters long, on both sides of the square. Close to the mountain, a high fence was built. At first glance, this is still the battlefield. This is clearly a square.

"Cut ..." A low curse, the commander of the coalition suddenly waved his hand and cried loudly: "Hook your hand, throw me a rope, even if there is no slope, we can climb up the rope!"

After hearing the command of the coalition commander, hundreds of soldiers rushed out quickly, holding long ropes in their hands, and struck the city wall of Dawn. As long as the hooks in their hands were fastened to the top of the city wall, they could follow The rope climbed up.

"Squeak ... squeak ... squeak ..." As the rope soldiers ran to the bluestone paved square, a series of squeaking sounds rang from the wall of the city wall, and the next moment ... countless roads of red The fireball shot lightningly from the hole in the black hole on the city wall and hit the hundreds of rope soldiers in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the fierce roar, it was too late to scream, and hundreds of rope soldiers were completely blown into powder in the fierce explosion.

Looking at the fire-filled main square, all the thieves' armies stopped for a while, what is this? There were hundreds of attacks just now. Didn't ... Shuguang's reinforcements arrived, even hundreds of fire mages?

Everyone knows that a city wall with a length of only 100 meters. If it is guarded by a hundred fire mages, it can basically be described as solid gold soup. This cannot be broken at all. May be able to withstand it.

But ... there is no absolute thing, even if there are hundreds of mages? There is always a moment when your energy is exhausted. As long as you are willing to pay the price, it won't be long before these mages run out of mana, no different from an ordinary person.

After thinking, the commander of the coalition forces immediately issued an order. Under the drive of the Rogue Army, the slave soldiers were pushed to the death zone. All the soldiers who entered the square were bombarded by violent fireballs without any scum. The rest.

As the commander of the coalition forces judged, after sending out numerous slave soldiers in a row, finally ... the slave soldiers who set foot on the edge of the square were no longer under attack. Seeing this scene, the commander of the coalition could not help laughing, he knew The magic power of those mages is finally exhausted!

With a sudden wave of hands, a large number of slave soldiers rushed towards the city wall, all the way, and no fireballs shot from the wall. After seeing this scene, the commander-in-chief of the coalition reassured and waved his hands. Leading the army, he officially entered the square.

Standing on the high wall, Soga glanced at the enemy forces that had gradually entered the square. Everything he had just arranged was deliberate. The bottom hundred magic couplings were indeed the best of magic. At this moment ... The staff is changing the magic crystal, and it won't be long before they can restore their firepower.

Of course, although the magic of the first floor is exhausted, don't forget that there are still nine floors on the entire city wall. The top one is not counted. The other eight floors can be fired. Soga just didn't want to waste firepower, and after the enemy entered the square, he started to attack, and he would get better results.

Soon, the battle began, and the archers of Dawn City appeared on top of the city wall. The sparse arrow rain sprinkled down the enemies below. Seeing this scene, the enemy forces immediately entered the combat state. Everyone knew that it must be Before the mages regain their energy, they must capture the top of the city wall. Otherwise, once they let them hit with a violent fireball, the result will not be good.

For a time, all the thieves rushed into the square, and the thieves in front of them threw the rope claws in their hands. As long as the rope claws were fixed on the city wall, the master of the thief could run up the rope and quickly rushed to the city wall. At the top, in this way, even if you can't capture Shuguang City just now, you can change your life forever, and Shuguang City will inevitably fall.

Looking at the fierce enemy below, Soga smiled cruelly, and said lowly, "Okay, it's almost enough. Wait until they rush to the wall, and we will lose."

Hearing Soga ’s words, General Jason nodded in admiration. If he waited a while, there would be more enemies entering the square, but in the dawn, sacrifice will inevitably occur. Soga ’s principle is that he would rather kill less The enemy is unwilling to lose his own troops, which is the same idea as General Jason.

"Attack!" With the majestic command of General Jason, the next moment ... in a series of creaks, 900 launch holes distributed on the city wall were opened at the same time, and then ... 900 crimson fireballs whistled and blew out. , The square with a width of 100 meters and a length of 200 meters fell down.

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