Close Combat Mage

Chapter 2: Become a mage

Children are the most innocent and the brightest. They are like a blank piece of paper with what is written, and a person who wants to achieve martial arts skills must start from childhood and miss the ones before the age of eight. Time, then, throughout his life, he never dreamed of achieving the unity of heaven and man, as he pleased!

But the children are naughty and playful, how much time can they take advantage of such precious time? If this time is ten, then as long as you use the last one or two points, you are already a smart child.

She looked at her son comfortingly. The woman knew that when she fell ill three years ago, her son was too young to go out and play by herself. The flow of water has always been his son's only partner and the only toy.

I looked at my son apologetically, knowing that I owed my son too much. In the past three years, my son has been alienated from the crowd and does not like to see people. Every day, instead of sitting on the side while playing with water, he is tired of listening to her in her arms. Dad's story.

At this time every day, women will let their son perform water control skills, and then continue to give him encouragement and praise. Therefore, although only three years, but the son has become a master of magic water control.

However, the ability to control water is not equal to the magic ability. The control of water is like the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is the foundation, and water magic is a high-level discipline similar to equations. It is an advanced use of water. Now It can only be said that Soga has an unparalleled foundation for others.

With a sigh, the woman looked at her son in embarrassment: "Soga, listen to Mom, Mom knows you want to be a strong warrior, but in fact, the Academy will not want a water-control fighter, if you do n’t go to the Academy , Then you can never become stronger! "


After listening to her mother's words, Suga couldn't help but sit up nervously, and said eagerly, "This is not going to be a mother. Why can't they not accept me? I must be stronger and go out to find my dad back for my mother!"

With a smile, the woman gently touched out her hand and gently stroked her son's hair: "Your mind, my mother is very pleased, but the fact is already in front of you. If you want to be strong, get your father back for your mother , You can only go to the college to be a water master. "

Looking at her mother stubbornly, Soga expects her mother to come up with a solution to solve this trouble, but for a long time, the mother said nothing, but looked at him helplessly. Soga knew that there was something, I am afraid It cannot be changed.

Looking at his son's stubborn, unwilling gaze, finally ... the woman couldn't continue to look at his son so uncomfortably, and hugged his son into his arms lovingly, saying softly: "Child, no matter how, become a water mage, otherwise , You can't be strong, you still forget the desire of the strongest warrior. "

"Can you be strong only when you enter the academy?" Soga watched intently, Suga doing her last effort.

Nodded hard, the woman said helplessly: "Yes, only by going to college can you receive the most systematic and comprehensive education, otherwise, you cannot be strong."

Taking a deep breath, Suga said firmly: "Okay, mom, in order to be stronger, then I will become a water mage, but ... my dreams and aspirations will never give up, One day, I will be the most powerful warrior to show you! "Speaking, Soga resolutely jumped out of bed and strode out of the room.

Looking at the stubborn back of the son, the bitterness of the woman's face, the child's wishes may be very naive and irrational, but at the same time, it may also be the most stubborn and resolute.

Back in the room, Suga sat on the bed in a sullen mood, stretched her hands between the exhibition halls, and again pulled out the thick water flow of the thumb, and skillfully controlled it.

Looking at the clear and crystalline water in his hand, Suga thought secretly. Why can't the water-controller be a powerful warrior? Why can the water master only become a mage? This is not fair.

Looking at the flowing water in his hands, for the first time, Soga felt helpless. No matter how skilled he was in controlling the water, but what if he could not become a powerful fighter?


After playing for a long time, finally ... Soga fiercely put down the water and stubbornly said to himself: "No matter what, Soga still has to become a great warrior like dad, even if he entered the college as a mage, Also strive to be the strongest warrior! "

Between words, Soga finally found a balance, and with a happy smile, she immediately let go of her mind, stretched her hands, freely controlled the crystalline water, and constantly shuttled between her hands and her body, only for a while, happy Laughter floated in the room.

In the early morning five days later, accompanied by my mother, Soga came to the test room of Shengguang College to conduct an initial entrance examination. Only after successfully passing this exam, she had the opportunity to go to the headquarters of Shengguang College for formal examinations. Entrance exam.

The weather was very cold. Although the snow stopped, the temperature was even colder. As soon as the sky was bright, the examination room was already full of people. They piled up in pairs, looking for a corner to shelter from the wind, silently waiting for the start of the exam.

When the sun burst into the mist and red appeared on the horizon, a group of examiners of Shengguang College rushed to the test room that had already been set up. All the children also bid farewell to their parents and entered the test room.

The test room is located in a large local building. Since this is just a small city, there are not many children taking the test. There are only about two or three hundred. The peer-aged children watching the flowers around are laughing and joking, Soga Feeling very awkward and uncomfortable. No one talks to him, and he doesn't talk to others.

Fortunately, Soga didn't have to be embarrassed for a long time. The exams started soon. Children went into the test room one by one and started to take the exams. Basically, one can be completed in one minute.

Because of the fear of contact with people, Soga ranked very late. Until the children who participated in the test were basically tested, they finally had the opportunity to step into the test room. At this time, even Soga, only a few children had not Tested.

"Ah ... this city has no talented children, and parents don't know how to urge them to practice more. Don't they know that petting children will delay their lives!" The thick voice passed into Soga's ear.

Suddenly looking up, in the test room, facing the doorway, there was a wooden long table. Three examiners sat behind the table and talked head to head.

While watching, another voice interfaced; "Don't be too extravagant, this is just a small city. If there were no super soldiers like Soros once here, there was no need to come. Our selection, but thousands of miles Pick one! "

Upon hearing the examiner's voice, Soga's eyes lit up, Soros, that's his father! It was the first time in his life that Soga heard the evaluation of his father from other people's mouths. Is he a super soldier? It's so handsome.

"Okay, don't talk about it. I'll leave it until the end of the selection. There aren't many people anyway. After the selection, let's go and have a few drinks together. On a cold day, the taste here is not so good Ah. "The examiner clearly saw Soga, seriously.

He beckoned at Soga, and the examiner said, "Children come here a little bit. This is just an exam. Uncle won't eat people. You don't have to be so far away."

After hearing the examiner's words, Soga's face turned slightly red, and then obediently took a step forward, only a small step, immediately stopped, and then refused to move forward. Seeing this scene, the three examiners couldn't help laughing. How can I take such a long distance?

However, after so many consecutive disappointments, the three examiners did not think that there would be a miracle in the remaining few children. Stand far away and let him behave casually. He can almost let him leave. , Basically ... the three examiners have determined that this time they ran away for nothing.

The examiner smiled and said, "Okay, now you show it, show us your best skills, and let us evaluate you."

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