Close Combat Mage

Chapter 222: Come and go

After hearing Soga's words, the shop owner could not help but bitterly said, "Boss, if I collect 14,000, then I can only earn 1,000 merchants with a single mine pick, this is too low, you should know that as a Businessmen, the minimum profit is also 20%. I will give you 13,000 merchants. I have made an exception! "

Nodded, Soga said, "Yes, I admit that what you said is true, but don't forget it. I'm a lot of goods, and ... as long as one year, you can sell it out. These manuscripts have earned a profit of 100 million merchants. The most important thing is that with this batch of pickaxes, Crimson City's top trading tool for trading tools, you can sit firmly. The benefits are not measurable. ? "

Speaking of this, Suga slightly glanced at the boss and said blandly: "Don't look at the single item and earn less. You have to calculate the general ledger. One hundred million a year in profit. I think ... from the moment you built the store, it seems Haven't you seen such a new year yet? "

"This ..." After hearing Soga's words, the shop owner couldn't help sweating, indeed ... Before that, it was difficult to achieve an annual income of even 10 million, but ... although it said so, it hasn't People buy mine picks at such a high price!

While the shop owner was hesitant, Soga shook his head helplessly: "Since you are in trouble, then this transaction is okay. I will buy a shop and sell it by myself. Is it better for me to earn 100 million?"

"Don't!" After hearing Soga's words, the shop owner finally panicked. He knew very well that if Soga really opened a store to sell, then the leader of the collection tool transaction would not be his, and ... If you sell mine picks at a price of 15,000, other shops will not be able to compete at all!

Thinking of this, the shop owner suddenly gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Okay, 14 thousand is 14 thousand. I want it all! You can start trading immediately!"

After hearing the words of the shop owner, Soga couldn't help laughing. Although ... the goods were delivered to the shop owner to sell, Soga would make a hundred million less, but he could get the money immediately, and there was no need for Soga to take the trouble to do it. Promotion, and save a whole year!

At the urging of the store owner, Soga quickly completed the transaction, and 1.4 billion merchants also entered Soga's pocket. With his original money, Soga's assets reached 1.6 billion merchants. Looking at the merchant card With a large string of numbers, Suga almost moaned. How much money would it cost!

Between thoughts, Soga turned to the shop owner and said, "This ... I want to find out, if I want to buy a little fantasy gem, where should I buy it?"

For a moment, the shop owner said incredible: "Don't you even know this? All fantasy gems will be listed at the auction house. You can always check the transaction information and bid for your favorite fantasy gem!"

Hearing the words of the shop owner, Soga didn't stop for a moment, and rushed out of the shop, rushing towards the auction house, but I don't know, in what form will the auction house auction these fantasy gems?

Ten minutes later, Soga finally arrived at the auction house. As soon as she entered the auction house, Soga was shocked to find that the auction house here was completely different from the auction house he had seen before.

In the huge auction house, there are no seats, but they are covered by rows of display racks, the display racks are two meters high, each row is ten meters long, divided into ten floors, and each floor is subdivided into Ten grids, each one contains a fantasy gem.

About a calculation, only one row of display racks are displaying 1000 fantasy gems! And the same display rack, there are even ten rows in the entire auction hall!

At this moment, in the huge auction hall, more than a dozen buyers are strolling back and forth between the display racks, watching and selecting their favorite fantasy gemstones.

Seeing this scene, Soga exhaled slightly and walked towards the display rack. Under close observation, each display rack was covered with mysterious magic symbols. Although the surface looks like the dreams of those displays The gem is only covered by a crystal cover, but in fact, if anyone wants to grab it, it will never succeed. Before you open the crystal cover, the fantasy gem in it will be removed, and then ... you will Wait for the siege of the auction house's guards!

Looking at the display rack carefully, Soga knew about the auction method. Below each fantasy gem, there is a price tag. The first line is the starting price, the second line is the bid price, and the third line is It says the highest price for the current purchase of this gem. If you want to bid on this gem, then remember the number of the display rack, and then fill in the price on the counter. If no one is bidding higher than you, then the time comes, this The gem is yours.

Of course, there is also a relatively time-saving method, which is to directly shoot the gems at a price. Although the price is definitely higher, but without any wait, you can directly insert the merchant card on the machine. You can pick up!

Watching the gems one after another, soon ... Soga learned that fantasy gems are divided into ten levels, which can be used to enhance the power of magic equipment and enhance the level of equipment. It is worth mentioning that the level of equipment , Must be the same order as the gem, otherwise it has no effect.

That is to say, after upgrading the equipment to the second-order, you cannot use the first-order gem to upgrade, and you must change the second-order gem. After you upgrade to the third-order, you must use the third-order gem, and so on.

And ... the use of gemstones has a success rate. The success probability of all gemstones is 50%, but the first six stages do not reduce the equipment level after failure. Starting from the seventh stage, once the gemstone fails to be used , The equipment will change directly to the zero order!

After calculating, Soga currently has a set of Atlantis suits, a Trident, and a lot of jewelry and rings. There can be many parts that can be raised with gems. But in fact, I want to use gems. , But not any equipment can be.

If you want to use fantasy gems, you need a certain volume. For the Atlantis suit, gloves and arm guards cannot use gems alone. The volume is too small, and the ascent is combined, and it can be used as a hand guard.

Therefore, the entire Atlantis suit should be divided into hand guards (gloves + arm guards), upper body armor (chest protector + belt), trousers (hip buttress + trousers), combat boots, crown, and cloak. Six major parts. As for the jewelry in the Atlantis suit, as well as small items such as the space ring and the spirit soul necklace, you cannot use gems. You must know ... the gem itself is several times these equipment, even It's more than ten times bigger and it's impossible to use.

After about a calculation, Soga finally determined that he has a total of seven magic equipment to smash gems, from first to sixth order, each order requires seven gems! If you continue to smash, there is a danger of smashing.

Soga began to carefully observe the price, 1 million fantasy gems of the first order, 2 million fantasy gems of the second order, 4 million merchants of the third order, 8 million merchants of the fourth order, 20 million merchants of the fifth order and 50 million merchants of the sixth order! Total 600 million!

Suddenly opened his mouth, Soga couldn't believe the numbers he calculated. Originally, Soga was going to smash all the equipment to Tier 10, but now it seems that this is unlikely! Fantasy gems above the seventh level are hundreds of millions. Soga now has only 1.6 billion. How many can it hit? You know ... fantasy gems are only 50% probability, especially above the seventh level. Once they are smashed, they will be abandoned.

After thinking for a long time, Soga finally decided to smash all the equipment to Tier 6 first, and then to the crown of Atlantis to Tier 10 first. The reason why the trident is not smashed is because the crown is speeding up. If you increase the training speed, the sooner you hit it, the more you will benefit, but the trident will make little difference if you make it late.

The scene that made the auction house staff crazy, Soga ran wildly between the rows of display racks, swiped madly, and in just over ten minutes, Soga bought a lot of first-order gems, and then ... Under everyone's attention, Soga rented a workshop, ready to start smashing gems.

The fantasy gem is actually a crystallization of energy. In the hundreds of millions of years, these energy stored deep in the ground are condensed into crystals under the influence of high stability and high pressure, and then rise back to the ground as the crust changes. On the formation of a fantasy gem.

The principle of using fantasy gems is to transform these fantasy gems into energy again. The theme of the smashed equipment is to form a self-contained energy cycle. In this way, when the equipment works, this energy cycle will Powerful cohesion, gathering energy around it to increase magic.

A more specific example is equivalent to forming a vortex of energy around the equipment. With its strong attraction, it accelerates the attraction of the surrounding energy, and then converges on the equipment to strengthen the power of magic.

The success rate of using fantasy gems is how to form a stable and sound circulation system. Even if any breakpoint occurs, the entire gemstone will instantly disintegrate because of this, and the energy transformed by the gemstones will be dissipated.

Take out a first-order fantasy gem, Soga puts the gem in a decomposition box, and then puts the crown of Atlantis into the cultivation chamber. The so-called decomposition box is actually using the characteristics of magic to put one of them The magic element is pulled away. In this way, after losing stability, the entire gem will collapse, and then ... put the equipment to be applied into the cultivation chamber, and will automatically absorb a certain kind of energy.

"Ding!" Taking a deep breath, Soga suddenly pulled down the lever on the decomposition bin. With a clear sound, the fantasy gems in the decomposition bin disintegrated on the spot. From the outside, the transparent gems in the decomposition bin looked transparent. Disappeared completely, replaced by a colorful light.

At the next moment ... all the colored light, following the crystal channel, entered the cultivation chamber below. Among the colorful energy, a blue energy light quickly gathered towards the crown of Atlantis.

Watching the blue light group gradually wrapped the crown of Atlantis, Soga could not help but stop his breath. Although the whole process was actually only about one second, but in the sense of Soga, time seemed to stop. .

"His ..." While Sorga was looking forward, finally ... a slight whistling sound, the colorful light was sprayed from the air outlet on the side of the cultivation chamber, at the same time, around the crown of Atlantis The blue light group also gradually separated from the surface of the crown of Atlantis, disappearing without trace.

"Ah ..." He shook his head with a bitter smile and Soga knew that this time it had failed for the first time. It didn't make much sense. It was a matter of luck. Although on the surface, the 50% probability was not low, but no If you smash it yourself, no one knows what the result will be.

Although the first smash failed, Soga lost a million merchants directly, but Soga knew that the smashing of gems was not a poor man's job, and he was reluctant to lose money.

Between thoughts, Suo Jia again sent a fantasy gem into the decomposition chamber without changing the color. In a clear sound, the gem turned into a colorful light again and flowed to the lower training chamber.

This time, Soga's luck seemed to be good. After just one second, the blue light film covering the crown of Atlantis did not dissipate, but floated in the head if it was absent. On the surface of the crown, it looks like fluorescence.

He shook his fist in excitement, Soga took out the crown of Atlantis and put the upper body armor in, but unfortunately, he smashed three gems in a row, but all failed, until the first batch of bought The last gem was finally successful.

Looking silently at the two gears that have hit the first-order gem, Suga couldn't help but have a bitter mouth, which is 50%, which obviously is a success rate of less than 30%!

Helplessly, Soga returned to the auction hall again. This time, she bought ten fantasy gems directly. This time she returned to the room and continued smashing ... As a result, when all seven pieces of equipment were successfully smashed to the first level, Soga totaled. It took 24 fantasy gems and the success rate was definitely below 30%.

When in doubt, Soga came to the counter and complained to the auctioneer: "This lady, is there a problem with the fantasy gem you are auctioning? Why is my success rate not even 30%!"

Upon hearing Soga's words, the auctioneer said patiently: "This gentleman, there is absolutely no problem with fantasy gems here. In fact, there can be no problem with fantasy gems anywhere, although the 30% success rate may not allow You are satisfied, but I have to tell you, this is no longer low! "

Looking at the auctioneer in doubt, Soga puzzled: "This is still high? Is there anyone lower than me?"

She smiled and nodded, and the auctioneer smiled and said, "Yes, the worst record is that even more than 800 pieces were smashed, but none of them were successful, and the first order could not be mentioned."

Speaking of which, the auctioneer paused for a moment and then said, "You have to know that the so-called 50% success rate actually refers to every gemstone, that is, if you are out of luck, Each of your gems is in the 50% of the failure, and it doesn't matter how many you throw. "

Nodded clearly, listening to the lady auctioneer said, Soga immediately understood everything. Originally, in Soga's judgment, the so-called 50% should be 100 successful 50, but in fact, the 50 % Refers to each one. If you are unlucky, you will not succeed if you drop 10,000.

In desperation, Soga rushed back to the display shelf and bought 20 second-order gems directly. For the convenience of customers, the reason for buying so many is because the auction house rules are that if you ca n’t use it, you can use the original price. return to.

At this point, Soga smashed all the way, until after spending the last money, Soga bitterly discovered that her suit only hit the fourth-tier, and the gems consumed by the fourth-tier reached an astonishing 1.6 billion. what! As soon as the money was made today, before it was overheated, it was spent again. It was really scary.

Although only one afternoon, Soga spent all his money, but ... Looking at the hazy, sapphire blue armor and weapons, Soga was very fulfilling. From the auction, Miss Gao Suoga learned that those who smashed a full set of equipment to Level 4 or higher were definitely one party's overlord. Those who are idle, how could they have this financial resources!

Putting on a full set of armor, for a time, the royal blue light on the armor seemed to be integrated into one body, as if flowing around the whole body. Soga ’s entire body was plated with a layer of royal blue, flowing light film. .

Although most of the money was spent on this, Soga has nothing to complain about. Soga's success rate is always around 30%. According to the auctioneer lady, although this success rate is not high, but It belongs to the upper and middle level.

When he left the auction house with satisfaction, the sky was completely dark. When everyone saw Soga's figure, everyone took a surprise glance. You know, it is very rare for people to be able to raise the full set of equipment to such a high level. Yes, many people never see it once in a lifetime.

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Soga took a pride first, and even suddenly awakened. Although this equipment pulled the wind, it was too eye-catching. The so-called innocence of a husband is guilty of guilt. If it is stared at by someone Come on, is there another one? Although Soga has confidence in his strength, he has not yet reached the point of arrogance and arrogance.

Soga hurriedly turned towards the tailor shop, rushed directly into the shop, bought one of the largest black cloaks, and put the armor bag around the body into a rigorous and solid body without revealing a trace of light.

In the mirror, Soga carefully looked at his image. Under the huge black cloak, Soga looked full of mystery, the cape was unusually wide, the lower part was dragged to the ground, and the huge head touched the hat, even more Soga's face was hidden deep inside, and she glanced at it, gloomy and weird.

"Hoo ..." Sigh of relief, Soga patted her chest secretly, fortunately ... Although this cloak looks strange, it has successfully blocked the eyes of others. Otherwise, Soga might have been unable to do anything. .

After buying the cape, Soga had to leave the city, and she had no money left. At present, the most profitable is probably to transport a batch of picks back.

Half a month later, Soga took the boat back to the first level again. On the deck, Soga took a long note and frowned carefully. The note on the note was exactly what Soga smashed. The detailed process of the gem, Soga hopes to find some rules from it.

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