Close Combat Mage

Chapter 232: Pre-war analysis

"Huh!" Roger hummed after hearing Nicole's words: "Extremely? I don't think so, but you have to understand that **** can block all teams here with one person. Now, and what we have to deal with is tyrants. If we can't completely ignore other teams, what qualifications do we have to face tyrants? "

Hearing Roger's words, Soga couldn't help but feel shocked. Indeed ... Soga has always been able to tolerate it. If he can't take it for granted, he won't take it. But now Roger said, However, there is some reason. Afraid of this and that, how can it be qualified to be an opponent of tyrants?

After thinking, Roger continued: "Before, I was always worried about my own state of cultivation, but ... no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop my heart, so ... I simply didn't force it, and came directly to my character. Well, who dares to anger me, I will make him look good, hum! "

After smoothing his breath, Soga exclaimed: "Right, Roger. In fact, there are many kinds of moods. Your character is more irritable. It belongs to the type that is on fire. It allows you to cultivate a mood of water, but it is also difficult for strong people. You are in a good state of mind now, and absolutely do not allow anyone to provoke. Those who dare to offend will be destroyed! "

"Yeah, yes!" Roger laughed excitedly when he heard Soga's words: "That's what I mean, I'm not good at suffocating, and whoever provokes me, I will destroy anyone, just happy, no matter what the consequences, I am willing to take it, even if I die, I will not regret it! "

"Hmm!" Nicole hummed at the words of Roger. "You guy is too messy? You are happy, but do you know how much trouble this will cause to the team?"

"This ..." Hearing Nicole's words, Roger couldn't help it, his face turned red.

Seeing this, Soga smiled and said, "No, Nicole ... Roger was not wrong, this time it was you!"

"Well?" Nicholas looked puzzledly, "What! I'm wrong? Is he so messy? He's going to cause us a lot of trouble!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .." "Smile," Soga shook his head and said, "Nicole, the team is everyone's support, it's a haven for everyone to take shelter from, not a drag on everyone. Don't let the team talk about things, you know, the team is composed of you and me Yes, or ... Do you care about the troubles caused by Roger? "

"This ..." After thinking for a while, Nicole's eyes lit up gradually: "I see! I finally understand, it turns out that ... the real team is like this!"

Looking at Nicole puzzled, Roger said puzzledly, "What are you talking about? Why am I still confused?"

Looking at Roger with a smile, Soga explained: "In fact, the team is a group of like-minded friends who come together to play each other's strengths, make up for each other's deficiencies, and help each other solve the problem!"

Having said that, Nicole looked at Roger apologetically, "I'm sorry, Roger, I take back what I said just now, no matter what kind of trouble you have caused, my Nicole and the entire team must be your strong backing!"

"But ..." He scratched his head hesitantly, and Roger said puzzledly: "In this way, I will cause a lot of trouble for the team and cause you a lot of unnecessary trouble!"

Looking at Roger with a smile, Niko suddenly frowned, and said indignantly: "Yes, Roger, I have offended a guy recently, this guy is very powerful, I ca n’t beat him, swear to kill me, I may take it at any time Kill people! "

"What!" Hearing Nicole's voice, Roger's voice suddenly rose, his eyes instantly turned red, and he gasped, "Where's this bunny now? After a while, Xiang Yun's work is done, don't need him to find Let's go and kill them immediately, grandma's ... dare to bully my teammate, is this guy tired? "

Looking at Roger, Nicole softly said, "This ... this is not good, it has caused so much trouble to everyone and brought so many unnecessary troubles to everyone, how sorry it is!"

Giving Nicole an angry look, Roger exclaimed: "What are you talking about! Is this troublesome? Is this annoyance? What does the teammates do? His grandma's ... it's more when fighting Let's do it! "

"Bashing ..." Hearing Roger's vulgar words, Nico smiled, and gave Roger a slight cross, and Nico continued: "Why don't you ask me why I offended that guy? Maybe ... I'm wrong! "

"Well?" Roger said puzzledly. "What's the matter with you today? I'm not a judge. I care who is right and who is wrong. For me, it's wrong to mess with my teammates." Yes, I don't care who is right! "

"Hehe ..." Smiling at Roger with a smile, Nicolas said hehehe, "Do you understand what a team is now? Hehe ... The team is everyone's support, not a harbour that will slow down everyone's actions. This is the team Necessity of existence! "

Suddenly his mouth widened, Roger finally understood, and looked at Nicole with a grin. Roger shook his head and said, "Even if you want to make me understand, you don't need to give such an example, right? I thought someone was really hurt Run after you. "

With a playful smile, Niko tilted his head and said, "Although there are other ways to make you understand, this method is the most direct and you understand the most!"

Hearing Nicole's words, when Roger wanted to argue a few words, the three had turned the corner, and the city gate appeared not far ahead. Looking around, about one or two hundred people surrounded a tall figure. Outside the city gate, when you look around, there are already dead bodies everywhere, and blood is flowing everywhere.

"Fast!" A loud roar, and the three quickly increased their speed. In a split second, they crossed a distance of 100 meters and reached the gate of the city.

Opening his arms suddenly, he stopped Nicole and Roger who were trying to rush into the encirclement and meet with Xiang Yun, and Soga whispered: "Don't worry, Xiang Yun is not in danger now, let's look at the situation first, and find out the situation of the enemy and me. Make a decision, and ... we're outside, the most reasonable arrangement, closing in and out in a while, breaking the encirclement of the enemy in one fell swoop! "

After hearing Soga's words, Nicole and Roger suddenly calmed down. If they just rushed in to meet Xiang Yun, then even fools knew they were a gang, and then ... they would have to go with Xiang Like Yun, he was siege!

At this moment, the three were in the crowd, and no one paid attention to them. They only regarded them as a lively audience. You know ... Although Xiang Yun also belongs to Soga's business group, once they act, they will not. With any mark, otherwise, where is the qualification of the business group to rob?

After concealing and exchanging glances with Xiang Yun in the encirclement, the three climbed to the gate tower and looked down at the entire battlefield. At the same time, Soga made a gesture to signal Xiang Yun to move closer.

The reason why I chose to go upstairs is because it is high here, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it can break the encirclement of the enemy. You know ... Although the city wall has two sides, one outside and one inside, no one dares to attack from the direction of the city. Fighting is not allowed in the city, otherwise it will be wanted by Fantasy City, which is almost certain to be dead.

Seeing the arrival of his companions, Xiang Yun was even more calm, constantly observing the surrounding form, and judging the comparison of enemy and enemy combat power. Xiang Yun was very clear that as long as he entered the city, these guys would not dare to continue to besiege, how to enter the gate Inside, it will be the key to this battle. After all ... there are too many enemies, and the terrain here has no place to use, and it is good to be able to get out of trouble.

However, since these guys dare to besiege, Xiang Yun will certainly not escape. Since he dares to come to the door, if Xiang Yun does not learn a lesson and give them a bit of memory, wouldn't it make him think he is good? Bullied!

After thinking, Xiang Yun showed a weird smile, holding his sword in his right hand, Xiang Yun provocatively said, "Hey! You guys have no guts, I urge you not to send soldiers to die, aren't you the top ten legions? The leader came out and had two moves with me. What kind of hero is it to send hands down to death? Are you not afraid of your subordinates? "

Hearing Xiang Yun's provocation, Suga could not help but smile. Although Roger is not inferior to Xiang Yun in terms of strength, but in terms of ingenuity, the gap between the two is too far. This is not a brutal act like Roger. A battle without any technical content has always been despised by Soga.

According to Soga's philosophy, any battle should cost the least amount of money, and the greatest success is called victory. If you fight hard, you wo n’t be happy if you win. How is it different from Warcraft?

Hearing Xiang Yun's provocation, a low voice sounded in the encirclement: "Badao! You are too naive, do you think we will give you a chance to fight alone? I tell you, it is best to put away yours Little smart, now we surround you, no one will be stupid to challenge you! "

"Cut ..." Lazily holding the sword, Xiang Yun disdainfully said, "Don't say it so pleasantly, just say that I can't finish it, right? I don't believe you are eating me in a one-on-one manner, Will not come out singles out! Such a good opportunity for idiots, idiots will not let go! "

"That's right!" Xiang Yun's voice just came down, and the low voice flatly said, "I admit that I'm not your opponent if you're one-on-one, but ... although I can't defeat you alone, today you are To die here! "

"God!" After hearing the answer from the other side, Nicole took a breath and whispered, "This guy is so smart that he is not provoked by Xiang Yun, and he dispels the boredom of his subordinates. In order to make progress, it is really too clever, so that his subordinates would not blame him for sending his brethren to death! "

"Hmm!" Lengheng snorted, Soga disdain: "If you think so, then you are wrong. Whether you or that guy are smart people, but there is no doubt in wisdom You are far away from Xiang Yun, you have not understood the horror of Xiang Yun at all! "

"Well?" Roger interjected, looking at Soga puzzledly. "Boss, I have to say a few words. Did you hold Xiang Yun too high? Didn't he just try to be separated? Then failed? "

Roger gave a slight glance, and Soga took the opportunity to improve Roger and Nicole's ingenuity, so he explained carefully: "On the surface, the other party seems to have resolved Xiang Yun's separation plan, but in fact, he dropped Included in Xiang Yun's plan! "

Speaking of this, Soga paused for a moment, staring at Xiang Yundao with admiration: "Although they got rid of the dilemma of the alienation plan, at the same time, Xiang Yun succeeded in putting the image of invincibility in deep. It was planted in the minds of each of the ten major corps and in the minds of every spectator. After this battle, no matter whether Xiang Yun is a winner or a loser, his name will be heard! "

After hearing Soga's words, Nicole and Roger nodded, and at the same time, Soga continued with a smile: "Also, since the image of invincibility has been successfully planted, these siegemen will fight in a while. I am afraid that no one can show all their strengths. Without knowing that they are defeated, it is impossible for human beings to explode their potential! "

At this point, Soga frowned and said deeply: "Is Xiang Yun not trying to escape, but to destroy all these people here, otherwise, why would he do this!"

Looking at Xiang Yun in doubt, Suo Jia fell into meditation. There were a lot of doubts. Suo Jia still didn't think about it. The reason why Xiang Yun did this must have his reason, but ... killing these people, although not without Possible, but totally unnecessary!

After pondering for a while, Soga's eyes suddenly flashed and he was excited and said, "I see, what Xiang Yun has to do now is to establish the image of a overlord, and to establish a timeless king who can rival the tyrannical, In this way, when we set off to challenge the tyrant, he can use his reputation and appeal to summon everyone together to share the pressure of our team! "

"Oh my God!" Roger hugged his head bitterly, and Roger smiled bitterly: "Isn't it so complicated? Isn't it a battle? As far as you think about it? Don't you feel tired?"

Glancing at Roger with a smile, Soga said peacefully: "You don't understand, it's tiring to use your brain, but what can't you do? In fact, using ingenuity is a very happy and satisfying thing. , In the future, if you try to use more ingenuity, you will understand the wonderful taste! "

Having said that, Soga took a deep breath and flatly said, "I now generally understand what Xiang Yun means. You two should be prepared. If Xiang Yun's intention is really the same as what I judged, then even Without killing everyone here, he will never run away. If he runs away, only the enemy will run away! "

"What!" Looking at Soga in horror, Nico tremblingly pointed at the army of two or three hundred people at the gate of the city, and said inconceivably: "You mean? As a team, against the top ten army? ! "

As soon as Nicole's words fell, Roger nodded hurriedly: "Yeah, yeah! It is worth boasting that you can successfully escape. It is impossible to eliminate all of them here, or to run away. Task! "

Looking coldly at Nicole and Roger, Soga groaned: "If this can't be done, then why should we challenge the sadism? You must be clear, the **** can be done by one person, easily. Kill ten times more! "

"Suck!" After hearing Soga's words, Nicole and Roger couldn't help taking a breath, while Soga continued: "This is a test. I said that if we challenge this time, we can't If we overcome the tyrannical madness, then everyone will die there together! As for the current battle, it is not a question of whether we can win, but we must win! "

Having said that, Nicole and Roger finally fully understood that Soga and Xiang Yun had already frightened their determination to win the battle. In fact, if they could not cope with this scene, what else would they talk about? How about looking for a killer? Between thoughts, the expressions of Nicole and Roger gradually became firm. Now that there is no retreat, the only thing to think about is how to win!

Looking at the two partners who recovered to the best condition, Soga smiled and said: "Don't be too nervous, be a little confident in yourself, believe me, we are not difficult to win, as long as we show our ability, even if We won't regret it! "

"Well ..." After hearing Soga's words, Niko and Roger said in unison: "Understood the boss, now you give the order? What shall we do?"

Facing the two people's eager battle, Soga smiled and shook her head: "The best team is not based on command, but on tacit cooperation. So ... I don't have any for this battle. Make arrangements, you two can leave now, go to the position you think is the best, and use your best means to help the team win! "

"What!" Looked at Soga in horror, and Niko exclaimed: "But if we leave? So who will protect you? You know, without the protection of the samurai, the mage cannot exert his power!"

Proudly straightened his chest, Soga disdainfully said, "Although your words make sense, but I am not an ordinary mage. After so long training, I have stopped fearing melee. In fact, what I welcome most is someone I'm close! "

During the talk, Soga lowered his head silently, looking at his hands and said, "Today, I will let you see how powerful the power of control is when combined with ice magic, believe me, You will not be disappointed! "

Glancing at each other slightly, Nicole and Roger nodded at the same time, and then Roger said: "Since this is the case, then we can go down, hehe ... this time, we can have a good time again!" There was a slight flash, and he jumped down from the high wall and quietly mixed in the encirclement.

As Roger left, there were only Nicole and Soga left on the city wall. Looking at Soga in anxiety, Nicole trembled, "You ... Be careful yourself!" Blushing, she quickly jumped off the wall. Looking at Nicole's disappearing direction in doubt, Soga could not help but wonder, what was going on with Niko? Nothing to talk about blushing?

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