Close Combat Mage

Chapter 237: Distress at sea

For three days, Soga remained behind closed doors. Although the village was not visible as early as three days ago, Soga was still unable to divert her attention.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Xiang Yun pushed in the door, slightly crossing Soga, and Xiang Yun sat on the chair beside the bed and said, "Boss, next, do you have anything to tell me? I found ... Your recent status seems very abnormal! "

After hearing Xiang Yun's words, Soga finally freed herself from her thoughts temporarily, and turned to look at Xiang Yundao: "Oh! Okay ... let's talk, how long is the distance from the third level? "

"Eh?" He looked at Soga in doubt, for a long time ... Xiang Yun shook his head and said, "Boss, it seems that your situation is really very wrong. If you continue this way, you will be ruined. In any case, you Be sure to tell me, what is bothering you? "

"This ..." After a moment of hesitation, Soga struggled. "I'm fine, why ... is there something wrong?"

Seeing Soga seems to be struggling, Xiang Yun said coldly: "Of course it's not right. As the captain, you don't know anything about the third level. I can tell you that two days ago, we were already in the first place. Three barriers, and ... in the next six months to a year, we will all be at sea! "

"What!" After hearing Xiang Yun's words, Soga finally fully awakened, and said in shock: "What's going on? Why is this so?"

Looking helplessly at Xianga, Xiang Yun explained: "The so-called third pass is actually composed of hundreds of islands distributed in the sea. The task of the third pass is to cross the ocean by boat, explore all the way, and then At the end of the third level, you will set foot on land again! "

Hearing Xiang Yun's words, Soga could not help but be silent. He was very clear that as the boss, he did not know the current situation of the team and brought the team resolutely. This is definitely a huge misconduct!

Originally, if everything was normal, Soga would collect enough information at the post, and sort out the information in his hands, and then set off, but now, due to the woman's sake, he did not do anything to prepare, such a boss What are you going to do?

Looking at Soga's self-blame expression, Xiang Yun sighed, recalling what Roger said to himself these past two days, Xiang Yun tentatively said, "Boss, are you so disheartened, is it because of a woman?"

"Eh!" Suddenly looked up, Soga looked at Xiang Yun in horror. Although he didn't answer, his expression was already the best answer.

Seeing Soga's expression, Xiang Yun stood up with a bitter smile and said, "Boss, the so-called hero is sad and beautiful, there is nothing to shame on, you say, which woman do you like? Is it Nicole? I will help you Say……"

"No!" Seeing Xiang Yun stand up, Soga hurriedly intercepted: "No ... don't go, not Nico!"

"Eh?" Xiangyun looked at it suspiciously, Xiang Yun said with a slight sigh of relief: "Since it's not Nicole, it's better to say that, let's turn around immediately and grab the woman. Whatever you love, let's do it." ! "

"Ah!" Screamed suddenly, Suga groaned: "You, how can there be such a person, who do you think of me, do you think I am a lecher?"

"Well?" Xiangyun asked in confusion, "Don't you?"

"This ..." Hesitantly hesitated there, Soga couldn't find anything to say, yeah ... didn't he? If not, why did he want that woman so much? But if you say something, Soga ’s desire is not just simple, but he wants to treasure and protect it!

Seeing that Suga was again in a state of despair, Xiang Yun couldn't help scratching his head and emotionally. He also didn't understand. He had been concentrating and martial arts. How could he know how to deal with the feelings between the sexes.

From Xiang Yun's point of view, if Soga is thinking about Nicole, then he will help to say that although Xiang Yun does not understand the feelings, he can still see that if Soga really speaks, Nicole is absolutely Will not refuse.

If Soga ’s target is other women, then things are even simpler. You do n’t have to worry about refusal, just grab it by force. Soga love is just like it. In the presence of force, any rejection is It's pale.

However, as soon as the answer came out, Soga didn't think of Nicole, but prevented him from using force to catch the woman. Even if Xiang Yun was interested, he couldn't help Soga. After all ... until now he didn't know Who does Sauga like, where is he, and where does he go?

I asked him several times in a row. Soga kept saying nothing. In desperation, Xiang Yun had to leave. Although he knew that to continue this way, Soga would be destroyed and lost his qualifications to impact the martial arts limit. Soga's own solution was the only solution.

Soon, a week passed, and the boat was still drifting on the sea. Although Soga went out of the cabin several times for a week, no matter who spoke to him, he did not answer. You can see that Soga Not that he didn't want to answer, but that he simply didn't hear it!

In the evening, Xiang Yunpan sat on the collision angle with the bow, facing the direction of navigation, closed his eyes to cultivate the Overlord tactics, and hit the bottleneck that had been there for a long time!

As for Roger and Nicole, they climbed beside the ship's side. Nicole thoughtfully looked at the golden sun that was gradually falling towards the sea level, while Roger was fishing. Don't forget, the team's food was provided by him. In charge, there will be fish for dinner today after falling to the fish.

After a long silence, Roger broke the silence first, and turned his head to Nicole, who was about five meters away, "Nicole, what are you thinking? So immersive?"

"No ..." It seemed to be frightened, and Nicole shook his head slightly redly. "It's nothing, I don't think about it, I'm just in a daze."

"Cut ..." He shrugged his lips in disdain, and Roger whispered secretly, what did you think? Are you thinking about things in a daze ...

Between thoughts, Roger turned his head and looked at the closed warehouse door of Soga, and then said, "Niko, you have seen it, the boss is in a bad state recently. I went to see him several times. The guy was sitting on the bed stupidly, his eyes were looking out of the porthole, his face was pale, and the whole man was thinner!

Hearing Roger's words, Niko shivered violently, then turned around in a panic, and quickly returned to his cabin ...

Leaning on the door, Ni can be for Soga ’s change, and it ’s all because of her. Soga did n’t hide in the warehouse every day, but she did n’t dare to see her. Dare to look at her, she must be afraid of revealing flaws!

She closed her eyes and moved. Nicole wanted to come. Soga liked her so much, but she didn't dare to say it. She was afraid of her embarrassment. But ... such a thing can't be initiated by a girl!

In fact, after thinking about it for a week, Nicole has been able to face up to everything, girls, always marry, and that shameful thing will one day be done, if the object of that thing is Soga Nicole doesn't feel exclusive. Although he is a little scared, he also has a touch of expectation and desire!

Leaning back against the warehouse door, Nico suddenly stomped, and said blushingly, "Couldn't you take the initiative, this dead guy? If you really came, how could Nicole refuse to refuse any of your requests?"

At the same time as Nicole was sulking, Xiang Yun was stiffened outside the warehouse door, his hand raised high, and he wanted to knock at the door, but he never knocked. The door, Nicole has heard all of him, he never thought that Nicole was so deep in Soga, he had reached the point of complimenting himself, but Xiang Yun knew that Soga's mind It ’s not her!

He quietly retracted his hand. Xiang Yun originally planned to find Nicole, hoping that she could solve Soga, but she didn't expect that she fell in love with Nicole, and her condition was even worse than Soga. Soga returned It's just that the soul is upside down, but Nicole has reached the point where he promises to be God!

If Soga likes Nico, then everything will come to fruition, everyone will continue to be happy and have a happy adventure, but the problem now is that Nico likes Soga, but Soga likes others!

Back at the bow again, Xiang Yun sat down cross-legged, and vaguely, he had felt the discordant factors in the team. Xiang Yun knew very well that one was bad, and the whole team would fall apart because of this!

After thinking for a long time, Xiang Yun tried to find a way to rescue, but no one dared to say that he was an expert on emotions. No one except the parties themselves could join in!

With a helpless sigh, Xiang Yun knows that the future road will depend on Soga and Nicole breaking through himself. Although Xiang Yun is very attached to the feeling that this team gave him, but if God is destined for this team to collapse, then no matter No one can save it.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yun could not help but sigh slightly, closed his eyes, and entered the empty state of cultivation again. Everything in the future should be arranged by Heaven!

There was no words for a night, and Soo still hid in the cabin, but unlike the previous one, Nicole would not go out this time. Although she didn't know what she was doing in the cabin, she would obviously not practice.

At lunchtime, Roger and Xiang Yun sat on the bow of the boat, and in front of them were full of rich dishes and wine, but only they could enjoy it. No matter how much they could eat, they could not finish it.

Lifting the wine glass, Roger leaned all over. With the strength of the wine, Roger bitterly said, "What has happened recently? The atmosphere on the boat has become very depressing, and I can't breathe. This feeling, It's too bad! "

Without saying a word, he poured the wine in the glass into his throat without changing his face. Xiang Yun silently picked up the wine jar and poured the wine into the glass. For Roger's words, he knew the answer, but couldn't answer it. The later it happens, the greater the hope. Xiang Yun can't imagine it. If Nicole now knows that Soga doesn't like her, how will she face it.

"Eh?" Roger screamed as he embarrassed Xiang Xiang: "Look at Xiang Yun, what is the little black spot on the sea? Is it a reef? If so, we have to turn quickly, otherwise, You have to bump into it. "

After hearing Roger's words, Xiang Yun put down the wine glass, turned his head and looked towards the front of the ship. Under Xiang Yun's observation, there were more than a dozen faint black spots at the place where the sea and the sky passed.

After thinking, Xiang Yun closed his eyes silently, gathered his internal forces, and gathered his eyes. When Xiang Yun opened his eyes again, accompanied by a sharp light, Xiang Yun instantly saw what the black spot was.

"Not good!" Shouted in horror, Xiang Yun suddenly stood up and said, "That's not a reef, it's a boat!"

"Well?" Luo Jie looked puzzledly. "Just a boat is a boat. What are you afraid of? Come and come ... let's continue to sit down and drink!"

Hearing Roger's words, Xiang Yun couldn't help angering: "If it's a normal ship, I certainly don't care, but these ships are all medium-sized high-mast sailing ships, and ... there are skull flags on the ship!"

"What!" Roger jumped up at the words of Xiang Yun, exclaiming, "You mean, is that a pirate ship?"

Nodded silently, Xiang Yun said flatly: "Yes, that's the pirate ship. Although it's far away, I can't judge it specifically, but ... in proportion, these ships should be dozens of times larger than ours. Times! "

"God!" Turning his head in horror, looking at the black spots near the beach, Roger screamed: "So, the other side has six boats, at least five or six hundred people!"

While talking, Roger turned around quickly, ran towards the cab, and yelled as he ran: "Come and help me turn, we must avoid it!"

"Yeah!" Suddenly pulled out the biggest sword behind him, Xiang Yunsen said coldly: "No, since they dare to come, then we should fight well!"

"Halo ..." He shook his head with a bitter smile, and Roger shouted, "What are you thinking about? Even on land, it is difficult for us to deal with them, not to mention the fact that they are now on a ship. You have to know that fighting at sea, Fighting against land is completely two technologies, and we have absolutely no chance of winning! "

Nodded calmly, Xiang Yun Shen said: "I know all of what you said, but don't you know that the medium-sized high-mast sailing ship is more than twice as fast as our small sailing ship? Even if you try to escape, you think we Run away? "

"This ..." Hearing Xiang Yun's words, Roger fell asleep for a while, and then said helplessly to Xiang Yun: "What do you mean by this, Soga and Niko are almost abolished now, and there is no war at all? I mean, you and I are left, how can we fight against five or six hundred people! "

Gently wiping the sword with a piece of oil cloth, Xiang Yun calmly said, "Anyway, this battle must be fought. In this world, there is no battle that is bound to lose!"

With that said, Xiang Yun turned his head and looked at the door of Soga and Nicole, Shen said, "Trust them, they will recover at the most critical moment."

During the talk, the pirate ship has been approached. From a close view, although it is only a medium-sized high-mast sailing ship, the volume is still scary. It is like a building. In contrast, the boat of Soga and others is like A leaf floating on the sea.

"Ah! Hahahaha ..." Soon, six huge sailing ships surrounded the small sailing ship of Soga and others, with the same burst of wild laughter rang out from the head of a pirate ship.

Turning slightly, Xiang Yun and Roger stood side by side on the bow of the ship. The cold headed sailboat looked at it. On the bow of the huge four-storey sailing ship, a fat man was standing. At this moment ... He was smiling at Xiang Yun and Luo Jie, and he was very proud!

After laughing for a long time, the fat man suddenly stopped laughing, suddenly lowered his head, reached out his right hand, arrogantly pointed at Xiang Yun and Roger and said, "Listen, I'm a pirate traveling across the 800-mile waters—whale! All your belongings, or else, kill the business! "

With the roar of the whale, the next moment ... A large number of archers suddenly appeared on the perimeter of the sailing boat around, and a slight calculation was made. There were 600 archers and feet at this moment ... 600 strong bows, exactly pointing On Xiang Yun and Luo Jie, if there is something wrong, I'm afraid it will immediately become fat!

In the face of such a situation, Xiang Yun and Luo Jie didn't panic. They slightly turned their heads, and Roger smiled at Xiang Yun and said, "How is the boss? With so many arrows, how much can you be sure to successfully escape?"

With a confident smile, Xiang Yun said categorically: "Ten percent! Xiang Yun ... the body suddenly fell short, and the next moment ... the majestic internal force burst out from Xiang Yun's legs, meanwhile, Xiang Yun's body jumped into the air, and he walked towards the sailing ship headed by it. "

The so-called capture thief captures the king first. Since the dead fat man jumped out and revealed the target, what else was he polite? As long as the fat is won, although there are many enemies, they will definitely lose!

Seeing Xiang Yun's actions, Roger naturally understood what he was going to do. In order to share Xiang Yun's pressure, Roger turned to stern the other ship and attracted half of the firepower.

Looking at the movements of Xiang Yun and Roger, the thief's first lead was a moment, and then he laughed loudly. In the face of Xiang Yun, the fat man suddenly probed his hand backwards, and when his hands appeared again, he already held it in his hand. A huge mace!

This mace is very different from the one used in the land warfare. It is not cylindrical, but a thick shaft connected to a huge spiny ball with a diameter of more than one meter. With hundreds of pointed and long The thorn and the huge weight, if it was smashed, let alone a person, even a ship would be blasted out of a big hole. Obviously ... this is a naval warfare weapon!

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