Close Combat Mage

Chapter 299: Frankly

After hearing Xiang Yun's words, Roger and Mia, two guys who didn't understand Renee's strength, all showed an agreeable expression, looking at Renee's delicate, weak and weak body. Such girls should be placed at home, take good care of them, and take good care of them.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Suojia smiled and looked at Renee. "It seems ... everyone seems a little skeptical of your strength. I see ... Are you introducing yourself?"

Nodding her head, Renee said nervously: "My name is Renee, Elf Archer. At present, the rank is the Elf Archer, which is equivalent to the realm of the wizard."

"Wow!" When everyone heard Renee's words, everyone couldn't help screaming. There are many archers in this world, but ... the advanced archers are rarer than the mage, and they can reach the elves' arrows. There are very few hands, and they are almost a national treasure.

Seeing everyone's astonishment, Renee seemed to find a little confidence and continued: "The equipment I use is the bow of the elven king. Although it is not an artifact, its power and function are basically close to the sub-artifact, especially in our elves. The blood of the royal family can exert their power beyond the artifact! "

"Wow!" Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing Reni's words. Everyone knows that after the war with Demon Castle, the team still lacks an archer and a long-range sniper. Now ... Ni has shown her card, she is definitely qualified to be a member of the Soga Business Group!

As everyone pondered, Renee continued: "Except for the weapon, my clothes are elves suits, which are a total of nine sets, including clothes and jewelry, which are epic suits!"

Speechless ... In the face of Renee's introduction, everyone was completely speechless. This Nizi's equipment can only be compared with Soga. Except for Soga, this is the most powerful warrior you have ever seen. Now, and still a very rare archer!

After watching everyone's silence, Renee hesitated, and then continued: "The combat skills I cultivated were the elven shots passed down by the elven king family."

After hearing Reni's words, everyone was at a loss, not over-surprised. It was because everyone hadn't heard much about this archery. Looking at everyone's expressions, Renee smiled and explained: "Elf magic shooter is all archery The earliest ancestors of the world, all the arrows in this world are derived from the wizard's shooting. "

After hearing Reni's introduction, everyone was shocked again, for a long time ... Soga shivered and said, "Forget it, there is something scary, you can say it all at once, I can't stand it. . "

When she heard Soga's words, Renee smiled and continued: "There is nothing more, and in the end it is my fruit ability. What I use is the holy fruit unique to the elf family-instant fruit!"

"An instant fruit?" Hearing Renee's words, everyone was totally confused, except for Soga and Niko, who knew a little.

Looking at everyone with a smile, Renee explained patiently: "The so-called instant fruit is that you can attack and avoid everything instantly."

After hearing this, Soga said, "Let me explain for her. The ability of Instant Fruits allows Renee to shoot arrows without hitting the target instantly. The moment of the arrow is the moment of hitting. Do you understand? "

Suddenly looked at Soga, and then looked at Renee, for a long time ... Xiang Yun hesitated: "I understand what you mean, this is the reverse version of Soros' time fruit. Soros can make time Slow down or stop, but Renee's ability is to speed up time infinitely, so that all attacks and dodges happen in an instant! "

"That's right!" Nodded comfortably, Soga smiled: "Your understanding is still quite strong, that's what it means, hehe ... I saw it with my own eyes, more than a thousand meters apart, Renee The scene where one arrow shoots the enemy, hehe ... You can only see one light from the arrow shot by Renee, there is no need to fly! "

As soon as Soga's words fell, Nicole said, "Also, her evasion is also very powerful. She can complete evasion in an instant. Even if your weapon is in front of her, she can move away in an instant."

"I trust!" After hearing Soga, Xiang Yun, and Nicole's successive explanations, Roger cried out, "What is this? Isn't it invincible?"

Roger gave a disdainful look, and Soga disdainfully said, "It's invincible, is it weird? I think ... Xiang Yun, Mia, Nicole, and yourself are not worse than Renee!"

"En ..." Renee was sure when she heard Soga's words: "Yes, from a certain perspective, I am indeed invincible, but this invincibility is relative to the weak, in fact ... I can't defeat Master Soga! "

"En ..." Nodded his head, Soga determined: "Although your ability of instant fruit is strong, after all, it takes time to start. The ability of instant fruit is invincible, but you, but Not invincible! "

Having said that, Soga looked at Xiang Yundao: "Xian Yun, your ten-step kills can defeat Renee immediately before she launches the instant fruit ability, and ... as long as you get closer to 20 meters, before you Repressed by the domineering tactics, Renee is afraid that it is even difficult to move her fingers. "

Having said that, Soga looked at Mia and continued: "As for Mia, your combat skills and your experience are also very easy to deal with Renee. Renee's instant fruit is not an instantaneous movement. , But complete all the actions in a flash, so ... with your ability, Renee must die under your spider trap, there is no escape. "

Next, Soga and Nicole looked over and smiled and said, "As for you, I won't say much, face to face, you die and she wins, but if you hide in a sneak attack, ten Renees are not Your opponent, in fact ... as long as you hide in the dark, not only Renee, even Xiang Yun, Roger, Mia, and me, are not your opponents! "

Hearing Soga's words, Roger laughed bitterly: "Boss ... for a long time, it seems that only I am not her opponent, I ... I have worked very hard! Why is this so, I don't want to be the trailer tail! "

Looking at Roger's bitter little face, Soga smiled and said, "You should not be scared by the name of Instant Fruit. In fact, although Instant Fruit can make all attacks instantaneous, I don't understand. As you Mobile ability, why do you want Renee to lock you in? "

"Eh!" Roger opened his mouth blankly when he heard Soga's words, and looked at Soga in horror for a long time ... Roger screamed, "Yeah! Why didn't I think of it? I just The rapid, irregular movement prevented her from aiming at my body. In this case, his arrow would be as fast as possible, but as long as it missed the target, wouldn't it be in vain? "

With a smile and nodding, Soga continued: "And don't forget, this battle is built in an unfavorable environment for you. If the battle begins near you, then it will be another story. "

"En-En-En ..." Nodded with excitement, Roger said excitedly: "Yes, if I am close, my hormone fruit ability is equivalent to a continuous instant attack, which is definitely stronger than Instant Fruit. Big chunks. "

Nodded with a smile, Soga agreed: "Yeah, the fruit of the moment, although the action can be instantaneous, but the use of ability, after all, has a gap, and needs to be repeatedly and repeatedly launched on the connection of continuous attacks. There is absolutely no way to compare with your hormone fruit. Once you get close, Renee can only flash once. Second, she has no chance to flash. You have enough time before she can start the hormone fruit ability. Beat her! "

After hearing Soga's explanation, Renee opened her mouth blankly. Although she became Soga's **** slave, Renee always believed that she was a peerless powerhouse. In this world, those who can defeat her and Not much, even if she met Salmon, she would not be afraid.

But listening to Suga talking, Renee couldn't help but be horrified. What kind of guys are these? Just pull out one, it is not something she can fight, some time ago, as long as the enemy has one Master, then the Emerald City may have fallen.

"Hey ... I didn't expect that I'm still very strong. Until now, I can still be regarded as an invincible bull!" Roger muttered overwhelmingly, until after Soga's detailed analysis, he realized that he had reached a What kind of realm.

"Idiot ..." Looking at Roger's excited expression, Mia seemed very uncomfortable, and said coldly: "You don't want to think about it, if Renee hides in the distance, when you are not ready, shoot an arrow. With the power of instant fruit, what will happen to you? "

"His!" Roger's dancing movement suddenly stiffened in the air when he heard Mia's words, and a trace of cold sweat slowly flowed down his forehead. Yeah, if ... Renee hid in the darkness in the distance, and when he was unprepared, an arrow came over, and the joy would be great!

Looking at Roger's horrified gaze, Mia smiled and said, "Yes, if I remember correctly, the bow of the elven king seems to give the arrow and arrow penetrating power. It is said that ... it can make the bow and arrow system penetrate the power. 200% more! "

"Ennen ..." After hearing Mia's words, Soga nodded again and again, remembering the battle that day, even the armor with the black iron was shot down by Renee a large piece, if If you have more strength, unless it is a pure black iron armor, otherwise, few armors can block Renee's arrow.

Hearing Mia's words, Roger's sweat flowed faster. At the same time, Soga began to say: "Yes, the Elves' archery method seems to have a trick called Shock Arrow combat skills. Wear your armor, but the concussion power of the concussion arrow, hehe ... it can still hurt you. "

With a slight smile, Mia interface said: "More than that, as far as I know, the only combat skill attached to the bow of the elven king is like the elven arrow. Even if your armor blocks the arrow, it cannot stop the energy contained in the elven arrow. Unless your body is strong enough, otherwise, the energy of the elven arrow is definitely not worse than the physical arrow, and you can shoot your body through a hole through the armor! "

"Oh my God!" Under the joint attack of Soga and Mia, Roger finally couldn't support it, sitting on the chair with one butt, looking at Renee in horror, and couldn't get proud anymore.

Feeling Roger's horrified gaze, Renee said: "How can there be so powerful, although the Elven Arrow is powerful, but it is not what I can master at the moment, that is the ability that the Holy Archer can cast!

Hearing Renee's words, Roger could not help but raise a glimmer of hope, expecting: "Yes, how powerful is the so-called elven arrow? Is it possible to shoot through the armor like Mia said? Hurt the enemy? "

Upon hearing Roger's inquiries, Renee's expression became serious. Although she wanted to be humble, the glory of the elves was not to be tarnished, and she could not tolerate half a sense of humility.

Looking at everyone majesticly, Renee said earnestly: "The Elf Arrow is indeed very powerful. It should be said to be extremely powerful. He is the strongest combat skill of the Elves, and represents the peak of martial arts of our Elves!"

Having said that, Renee paused for a moment, then continued: "In fact, Elven Arrows have no physical arrows, they are all condensed by energy. They can easily penetrate the body of any professional of the same rank. Stop! "

"Suck!" Everyone took a breath of air at the same time when she heard Renee's words. The power of this elven arrow was so great! However, if you think about it carefully, you will be relieved. This is the highest combat skill of the elves. Can it be compared with the magic curse of the magic department?

After a long silence, finally ... Mia first stood up, walked to Renee, smiled and reached out, "Welcome you, Your Highness Renee!"

Holding Mia's hand full of joy, Renee thanked him continuously. At the same time, Nicole, Roger, and Xiang Yun stood up and applauded Renee to join, facing the enthusiasm of everyone. Renee turned her body joyfully, bowing to everyone.

"Okay, okay ..." She waved her hands with a smile, and Soga sat sat on the chair with satisfaction. "Everyone has been together for a long time, sit down and talk slowly."

After hearing Soga's words, everyone sat down, and at the same time, Soga continued: "Half a year has passed, and then ... let's go through the barriers, I wonder if there is anything else for you?"

Everyone shook his head when he heard Soga's words. Seeing this scene, Soga turned his head and looked at Renee. "What about you? Is the Emerald City all arranged? Is there any problem? If there is If so, come up as soon as possible, and everyone will work out a solution. "

Shaking her head, Renee said, "No problem, I have already arranged it. Although I am the owner of the Emerald City, in fact, I usually do not care much. The Emerald City has been around for thousands of years. Regulations and systems are already well established and do not need me to look after them. "

Suffocated, Soga stood up and said, "Since this is the case, let's have a good rest. Let's start tomorrow morning and proceed to the sixth level!"

After hearing Soga's words, everyone stood up and prepared to leave the city's main house, but ... Renee warmly invited everyone to stay at the city's main house. As the city's main house, there would be no shortage of rooms. Facing Reni's invitation, everyone was not polite, and led by the maid, walked towards their rooms.

"Renee, Nicole, Mia, the three of you wait, I have something to tell you." As the three girls were about to leave, Soga's voice sounded.

Looking at Soga in doubt, the three girls gathered together. At the same time, Soga turned her head and said to Renee, "Take us to the small conference room."

Nodded, Renee led the three of them to the small conference room and entered the conference room. The four sat down on the sofa. For a moment, the conference room was silent.

After being silent for a long time, finally ... Soga took enough courage to explain the causes and consequences of this incident in detail, and finally ... Soga pleaded guilty, sitting there with her head down and waiting. Mia's decision.

Hearing Soga's words, it would be absolutely impossible to say that he was angry. He looked at Renee with radiant eyes and looked at Soga. Mia only felt a bad gas stuck in her chest and did not vomit.

Looking at Mia's angry expression, Renee stood up fiercely, and fell on her knees in front of Mia, trembling, "Master Mia, everything is wrong, it is all my fault, if you want to blame Just blame me. This time, everything was caused by my misunderstanding. "

"It's not your business!" Hearing Renee's words, Mia said softly to Renee, even though she was angry.

Taking a deep breath, Mia couldn't believe that everything was a coincidence. It would be a coincidence, but ... if it wasn't a coincidence, according to her understanding of Soga, Soga is really not such a person. .

The Sokakis have always dared to act daringly, their heads have fallen, but the big scar of the bowl will never lie because of such things, but ... Although knowing this, Mia was still angry.

After a long breath, Mia's eyes narrowed suddenly, she took a look across Soga, and looked at Nicole who testified for Soga. Then ... Mia laughed, and she seemed to have thought of proof. Way out.

Thinking about it, Mia Chao Nico looked over and said softly: "By Nico, in the past six months, have you been good with the young master? How's it? Soga has a good time?"

Hearing Mia's words, Nicole was puzzled first, then shook his head with a blushing expression; "What are you talking about? Soga and I are innocent. Nothing happened, you don't talk nonsense!"

Looking at Nicole's expression of anger, Mia suddenly choked. From Nicole's expression, she could see that Nicole was still an innocent virgin. Is this really a coincidence?

Mia knows that Soga is the most affectionate. Otherwise, why should he care what Mia thinks, if a woman is a woman, a woman, how much matters, why care about Mia's feelings.

In the past six months, if Sogal has not even touched Nicole, it will be even more impossible to touch Renee. With her own understanding of Souga, Mia can conclude that everything is indeed a coincidence.

Thinking, Mia bit her teeth resentfully: "Well, coincidence is coincidence, I recognize it, but ... this is the last one. From now on, you better pay attention to similar coincidences, absolutely not. It will happen again, otherwise it would be too unfair to me! "

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