Close Combat Mage

Chapter 30: New discussion

Until the noon class activity time, Soga still didn't find the answer. She shook her head in pain. Soga decided to give up thinking temporarily. Many things, since you can't figure it out for the time being, don't think about it. Time is precious, and you must hurry every minute Strengthening yourself is the key.

Looking up, looking at the little guy flying happily in the moist rain, Soga smiled comfortably. In the past three or four months, the little guy has grown very fast. Although still young, he is ready to fly!

Speaking of which, this little guy is really lucky. In this world, he can enjoy thousands of moisturizing techniques every day, probably he himself. Although everyone has learned the quagmire, but the distance successfully launched this Spells will take a long time to practice, so he will continue to enjoy the refreshing rain of moisture for a long time to come.

To this day, after three months of hard work, Soga can perform 60 moisturizing operations in a row, and there is still room to spare. As for other girls, although not as hard as Soga, the average level has also reached continuous In the realm of 20 moisturizers, a few girls can already send 30 moisturizers in a row.

Soga has never performed moisturizing in front of his classmates. Generally speaking, once the spirit is restored, he will quietly target the little guy immediately and perform moisturizing. Even if he is in class, it does not matter, anyway, he casts a spell. No staff is needed and the technique is very covert.

Closing his eyes, Soga worked hard to think about the marsh law array. Soga would not rote memorize once he learned magic like other students. From Soga's point of view, since all water magic is basic With the same principle, then they must have common ground. In this case, as long as you find out these common ground, learn and understand, it will be more effective!

So far, Soga has learned a total of two real-world spells, one is moisturization, and the other is marsh. As for the water shield and water polo, that belongs to the category of water control and has nothing to do with magic.

In the past six months, Soga has performed tens of thousands of moisturizing operations. The pattern of moisturizing is not so familiar. With focused study and practice, he has already fixed the moisturizing method. It was engraved firmly in my mind and became an instinct.

Soga now puts the moisturizing technique together with the slime technique, continues to compare, finds the common points of the two maps, distinguishes the different places, and then understands them little by little.

Soon, Soga was pleasantly surprised to find that although the arrays of moisturizing and muddying are not the same, the general framework is the same. Whether it is moisturizing or muddying, they have evolved from the same array. of!

In contrast, Soga quickly found the basic frame. Soga was very familiar. In fact, it was a six-horse array with six corners!

Soga knows that the six-horizon star array is the basis of all magic, so it must also need other symbols to distinguish this feature of the water system. That is to say, in addition to this basic frame, nourishment and quagmire must have common feature!

Constantly comparing the pattern of moisturizing with the pattern of mire, finally ... Soga found a strange symbol, and tried to draw the pattern of moisturizing and the pattern of mire on the ground at the same time. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the two arrays can completely overlap, except for the six-horse star array, which is this symbol, and other symbols cannot completely overlap!

With this discovery, Soga quickly drew a six-man star array, and then drew the symbol representing water. When it was drawn here, the entire magic array was only one symbol away from the moist magic array, that is, Say, this symbol represents moisturizing!

Sure enough, the moment when Soga drew the symbol representing the moisturizing technique, the entire magic array suddenly lit up, and a puff of rain appeared instantly over the little frost dragon. This time the casting was successful, and That is to say, Soga did not follow the order of activation taught by the teacher, but also launched the moisturizing magic!

For a long time, when everyone is studying magic, they have followed a certain order, a certain pattern, and studied step by step. If there is a mistake in the middle, it may be a shortfall. No one has ever thought that the magic circle can be doodle. !!

Suo Jia was kept at home since she was a child. She had no idea what she wanted to do. She accidentally changed the order in which the magic circle was portrayed. If it was transmitted, it would be a big news that shocked the whole world!

After a series of discussions and studies, Soga can already be determined. It is not important to draw this law matrix in order, what is important is the standard of drawing. As long as the law of the matrix is ​​correct, magic can be launched!

With this discovery, Soga was puzzled. Since all the paintings are done, why is there a fixed painting method and order in the textbook? Could it be said that there is no secret in it?

Between doubts, Soga carefully studied it, but just contrasted with each other. Soga immediately discovered that the characterization sequence taught by the teacher was the most time-saving and quickest and most convenient way. If you followed Soga's current order, Soga couldn't draw a moisturizing map in three seconds! Too many detours, too many repetitions.

Silently calculating, Soga quickly got the answer. If the characterization sequence taught by the teacher is followed, only 24 decomposition actions are needed to complete the moist magic matrix, but if it is in the order created by Soga himself , The decomposition action has become 28! Four more actions.

Facing the answer, Soga frowned. Both schemes had advantages and disadvantages. For a moment, Soga didn't know which one was better.

The method of uploading magic books is that the speed of character formation is fast. The speed of characterization means that the speed of magic is fast, but the disadvantages are also obvious. It is very difficult to remember and practice. Every time you learn a new magic, You have to start from the beginning. Everything starts from scratch. No two magical characters are in the same order. Every magic has a completely different drawing method and order.

The method created by Soga is easy to remember and easy to practice. It only needs to memorize the symbols that represent the magic. It is easy to remember and easy to practice. After all ... there are so many symbols that represent the magic. The most basic Large arrays are always the same.

Of course, this method is not perfect. His shortcomings are that there are too many strokes to describe the magic array, and the launch time is prolonged. When the two are playing against each other, it is likely that the opponent's magic has been hit, and the magic array here has not been characterized yet. Done! In battle, those who are slow to launch magic are destined to fail.

The traditional method is fast, but it is difficult to remember and practice. The new method is slow, but it is easy to remember and practice. After considering for a long time, Soga finally decided to launch the magic in his own way!

For Soga, all the first eighteen magics of water system are exactly the same, no matter the moisturizing technique or the quagmire technique, all are the base and six-man star array, and the symbol representing the element of water! The specific difference is only in the non-overlapping parts.

Quickly drew the six-horse star array and the symbol representing the water element, and then ... Soga filled the symbol representing the moisturizing at full speed, and suddenly ... a fine raindrop was sprinkled like spring rain.

Excited, Soga once again drew the basic large array and the symbols representing the water system. Then, according to the memory, the symbols of the marsh art were portrayed on the basic array map!

"Oh!" Soon after Soga's characterization of the last symbol, Soga just felt weak for a while, and then there was no response, and she looked around in confusion, nothing happened. , Scratching his head awkwardly, Soga knew that he might have failed this time.

Continued to look at the two fronts drawn in front of him, thinking about the possibility of new methods, and possible problems. Soga knew that although the marsh operation could not be successfully launched, it was only because of the nonstandard painting. Right.

"Yeah!" While Suga was secretly disappointed, a scream sounded suddenly in the training ground. When Suga suddenly looked up, she saw a fat, chubby girl, looking at her feet in horror. And kept screaming.

Looking at the girl's feet in doubt, she saw that the girl's feet had completely fallen below the ground, and no matter how hard the girl could not pull it out.

Fortunately, the trap was not deep. The girl around her stretched out her hand and dragged the girl out, but the pair of shoes of the girl had been left underground!

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