Close Combat Mage

Chapter 404: Crazy Practice

Finally, three years after the start of the war, King Arthur finally realized the declaration three years ago, and completely ruled the entire continent in his own hands. From then on, the unified Arthur dynasty began a long period of rule and has continued on. It took millennia to finally fall apart in the hands of an inseparable powerhouse, but ... Soga at that time had already been away from the world, and did not care about common affairs.

After unifying the entire continent, King Arthur resolutely managed and divided the entire continent into five major parts, namely the five major states of East, West, South, North, and Central.

It may be a coincidence, or it may be an accidental necessity. The seat of the capital of the Arthur dynasty, which is Soga ’s homeland, Holy Light, is located in the core area of ​​Zhongzhou, which is the five major states. The other five major states are arranged around, guarding the arch. Capital of Arthur.

Although it is said to be the five major states, in fact, the entire continent is not square, but an irregular, long and narrow strip, which is extremely vast.

As for the rule mode, Arthur the Great adopted the monarchy and called himself Arthur. Under the rule of Arthur, the entire continent was named Arthur Continent and divided into 200 principalities.

There are also kings in the Principality, but ... these kings are in fact only the Grand Duke of the Arthur dynasty. Once King Arthur's order is issued, he must obey King Arthur's dispatch.

Above the Grand Duke, under King Arthur, another prince was established, but ... there is only one person in this position, that is the former Duke of Windsor, and the current Prince of Windsor.

In this way, although King Arthur occupied the entire continent, it was very easy to rule. Each country was still under the management of the king of each country, that is, the Archduke of the Arthur dynasty, but it only took away their military power.

As for the military power, under the command of King Arthur, Prince Windsor planned and dispatched it in accordance with the foreign garrison system, completely separating military and politics, and politics and military were not under the control of each other, and all links were avoided.

In this way, if a duchy is disobedient or wants to rebel, then as long as King Arthur orders, the king of the duchy will be arrested without resistance and put into prison, whether it is life or death, then It's up to King Arthur to say no, absolute repression.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to produce a rebellion. King Arthur's power was firmly grasped in his hands, and he firmly controlled the entire continent. With the order of King Arthur, no one dared to resist it.

In this way, King Arthur was responsible for the establishment of the political power, and Prince Windsor was responsible for the control of the military power. Then ... To show his admiration and respect for Windsor, King Arthur granted Prince Windsor the honorable, side by side king, meaning to stand with King Arthur. equal.

In fact, the reason why the Arthurian dynasty can stand for thousands of years without fail is precisely because of the establishment of this system. With Prince Windsor becoming a side by side king, the Arthurian dynasty is equivalent to having two kings. Cirrus is firmly in his palms. As long as the relationship between the two is coordinated, no one wants to rebel.

For Windsor, his preference is power and military power. If he is forced to change his position to deal with the things of King Arthur, then he would be better off than death. Prince Windsor's life travels through the principalities. , Inspect and improve the various systems of the Arthur dynasty.

And King Arthur, sitting in the capital of the country, is responsible for dealing with related matters between the principalities, responsible for coordinating and handling some political issues. This is exactly what King Arthur likes, and he accepts the worship of kings from various principalities every day. The feeling just made Arthur fascinated.

If he is allowed to wander around day and night like Windsor, then I am afraid that he will not be able to survive the whole day. There is a strong complementarity between the two people.

King Arthur is the master of Arthur's continent. He holds the greatest political rights. Under the command of a king, he would never dare to obey. Any command of King Arthur may have an impression on the life and even the fate of all the people on the continent.

And Prince Windsor has the most powerful military power, has the most powerful forces, and Prince Windsor, who holds the military power, is feared by everyone. Even Arthur dare not easily sin, not to mention others .

Of course, there is no possibility of inconsistency between King Arthur and Prince Windsor. Others may not know it, but both King Arthur and Prince Windsor understand that there is another person above them. They are just soldiers. The real behind-the-scenes man is Soga!

While Prince Windsor and King Arthur were doing their best to rectify the entire continent, Soga had already returned to Soga. In fact, after the tens of millions of southern coalition forces were resolved that day, Soga rushed back. The next thing has been used It ’s not until Soga, and that's not what he is good at, so staying on is just a delay.

Just as King Arthur, with the assistance of Windsor, rectified the entire continent, Soga continued to retreat and practice. To this day, Soga, who has already stepped into the gate of the Asian gods with his feet, has no time to pay attention to the others.

During the united war across the continent, the poison dragon group swallowed the souls of more than 20 million soldiers and successfully upgraded to the eighth level, but ... when devouring the ten millionth, the poison dragon increased to the eighth level, but the second ten million, But it has no effect. If Poison Dragon Group wants to rise to the ninth rank, it must prepare the souls of at least 100 million soldiers. This is equivalent to swallowing up all the soldiers on the whole continent. Only the real demon king can do it.

Sitting in the secret room, Soga closed all the consciousness, and the spirit, soul, and soul were all gathered in the world of the soul. After using the ascension to the eighth level, he increased his mental strength by eight times and tenaciously. The willpower, that is, the power of the mind, crazy refining those water elements.

Although the poisonous dragon has been raised to the eighth level, Soga has not spared time to cultivate, so ... Although all the conditions are in place, Soga can only wait silently, waiting for Arthur and Windsor to unify the continent.

Now, when Soga finally finishes everything that must be done by him, Soga finally has time to practice with concentration. It is more important than anything to enter and stabilize the present state as soon as possible.

The space where the mind is located is also called the sea of ​​consciousness. This is not a material world. When the consciousness sinks into the sea of ​​consciousness, it actually enters the small universe in the body. In this world, except for the soul wandering, There is nothing, it is empty, and to describe it in one word, it is-chaos!

However, at this moment, the sea of ​​consciousness in Soga is no longer dark. The three main souls illuminate the entire sea of ​​consciousness like the sun and the moon, and the seven souls are like the Big Dipper and seven stars across the sky, echoing the three main souls. .

Around the Three Souls and Seven Souls, a cloud of star-shaped blue mist lingers, hazes, and lingers around the souls. This is the current form of the sea of ​​Soga consciousness.

Due to the explosion of mental power, ... this time, the energy extracted from Jin Dan is nearly ten times more than before, and it is much easier to refine.

In fact, the element's resistance is fixed, so strong, even if there is change, there is a limit, and Soga's mental power is unlimited.

Although Soga was very painful to compress on that day, it was actually because Soga's strength had just been reached, and she was just reluctant to cultivate. Now, with her overwhelming mental strength, Soga is just an adult hitting a child. There is no difficulty at all.

If one hundred pounds of power is required for the element of downfall, then your strength is ninety pounds, and it is impossible to succeed. If your strength is one hundred pounds, it is equal, and you need perseverance to overcome everything, but if your The strength reached 1,000 pounds, and it is very easy for a hundred pounds.

However, Soga didn't have time to practice leisurely, he knew very well that time was not waiting for anyone, and ... as Xiang Yun said, there was never any safety when it came to cultivation. On the journey of cultivation, everywhere It's all thorns. If you want to avoid it, it will be nothing.

Cultivation is like transporting goods, picking up an object weighing 100 kilograms, walking up to 100 meters, then lowering it, then rushing back, picking up another object weighing 100 kilograms, walking up one hundred meters, and lowering it.

The normal cultivation method has the power of thousands of pounds, but only holds a hundred pounds of goods. Although this is easy and not easy to make mistakes, most of the time is wasted on the road and the efficiency is very poor.

The so-called extreme cultivation method is equivalent to lifting a heavy load at the same time, although it is very painful, although it is very laborious, if one is not good or not controlled, or the strength is not enough, the goods will be smashed and Suga will be killed, but the benefits are also Obviously, such a cultivation method is extremely fast and ten times faster than the ordinary method!

Of course, Soga wouldn't be so stupid. He really has a thousand pounds of strength to hold a thousand pounds of weight. In that case, it is not cost-effective and he loves problems too much, but ... A hundred pounds of things should still be possible. In this way, efficiency is not easy to go wrong, and 80% of your own limit should be within the range that can be controlled by will.

However, the danger still exists. Although it is not as dangerous as extreme cultivation, it is only eased a little. An oversight is still the only result of death on the spot.

With a strong willpower, Soga soothed the extracted water element into the starry blue mist, and then ... gathered his own mental strength and went crazy for refining.

Cultivation near the limit, if it is only once, it may not be dangerous and anyone can do it, but ... when this process is repeated repeatedly, it is completely different.

A person, under such a load, practiced for a long time, and the pain was comparable to the top ten tortures in Qing Dynasty, but Suga insisted!

Every time a wave of water is digested, Soga needs one week. In half a year, Soga has nearly 30 streams of water elements, which have been refined and merged with his soul.

When the news from Xiang Yun and others finally came out from the outside, Soga finally entered the early stage of the sub-god steadily. At this moment, Soga's consciousness was no longer what it was six months ago.

Except for the Three Souls and Seven Souls, the entire consciousness of the sea is completely obscured by the blue mist. Once Suga is moved, the crystal blue mist will turbulently swell, just like the river over the sea.

For a long time, Soga was actually very irritated. It happened that Xiang Yun and others came back. Soga could finally take a breath. Although the progress is fast, if Soga continues to practice, he may be in great pain. Now, just go crazy.

Every three years, everyone has matured a lot. Since entering the Holy Order, everyone has noticed that time seems to be much faster. It used to feel like a long year, but now it seems like a month. Now, three years have passed obviously, but everyone feels like they have only separated by three months.

Soga knows that once he reaches the Holy Order, the order that binds the world will gradually lose its effectiveness. The higher the state, the stronger the power, the smaller the impact of the order. If it is strong to a certain extent, even if it breaks the order, It's just a matter of raising your hands. Once you are out of order, you will live with heaven and earth.

In the conference room, Xiang Yun and others were eagerly talking with Nicole, especially Mia and Renee, and they were extremely affectionate for Nicole. As for the beauty, she had no time to come, as early as three years ago, Soga arranged it at the Yunxiao Temple and was responsible for related work there.

When Soga entered the room, everyone immediately stopped talking and looked at Soga in shock. The most horrifying thing for everyone was that they only saw Soga coming in with their eyes, but their consciousness did not. Feel the presence of Soga.

This is a very dangerous thing to know ... As a master, the eyes are simply unreliable. If anyone depends on the eyes to judge everything, it can never be a master.

But now, although the eyes tell them that Soga is standing in front of them, but the consciousness explores the past, but nothing exists. Soga seems to be integrated into nature, or ... he is part of nature, With one hand raised and one shot full, all seemed so mysterious.

"Oh my god, how have you practiced these three years, have you reached such a level?" Looked at Soga in shock, Leisha said unbelievably.

Leisha gave her a smile and looked at Xiang Yun sincerely: "This is all thanks to Brother Xiang. If it were not for his advice, I would not have achieved such a great achievement now."

"No!" Xiang Yun frowned, hearing Soga's words: "If I just dial, I can never reach this state, although I don't know what happened in the past three years, but I can Sure, you haven't been an ordinary person in these three years! "

Looking at Xiang Yun in admiration, Soga could not help sighing, yeah ... these three years, it's really unusual, Xiang Yun's guidance, that's just a key, a key to the sub-level of God To truly enter the sub-god stage, it also depends on personal cultivation.

The reason why Soga has today is actually three major credits, one is Xiang Yun ’s generous appropriation, and the second is Soga ’s arduous cultivation. As for the third, and most importantly, the thousand poisonous dragons provide Soga with With all the foundations, without the poisonous dragons, Soga might not have the opportunity to enter the sub-god realm.

However, despite the help of the poisonous dragon, it is impossible to upgrade the poisonous dragon so quickly if it is changed by other people. Firstly, with the help of the massive Warcraft in the first few levels of the Great Shanglu, then the hundreds of king squids and the With the help of a hundred tyrannosaurus whale, it devoured the sea warcraft madly.

In the end, in order to improve the strength of the poisonous dragon as soon as possible, Soga turned the target to humans. If this is passed, then the name of Soga, the demon king, I am afraid that eternal life will not elute, but Soga will not say it. And never will. Even if others guessed, he would not admit it.

Between thoughts, in order to shift the subject, Soga smiled and said, "Don't just hurry to ask me, how are you doing, have you won the eighth level?"

"Hey ..." Soga's voice just came down, and before the principal Xiang Yun spoke, Roger popped out with a smile and raised his chest proudly: "That's right, you don't see who we are "Isn't it easy to get such a small dish?"

"Cut ..." She scorned her mouth, Mia didn't save Roger at all, and said, "Come on, if you don't have Leisha, you wouldn't have died for hundreds of years. Why? ... are you okay now, just start blowing the air here? "

"Sweat ..." Hearing Mia's words, Roger's sweating and sweating, he realized that even if he was bragging, don't blow in front of those guys who fought with him. Otherwise, it must be Will be revealed.

Seeing that Roger stopped speaking, Xiang Yun said, "Well ... the eighth level has been completely won. I will not go into details about the process. In short ... the first eight levels of the Great Commercial Road, It's completely in our hands. "

"En ..." Nodded deeply, Soga said solemnly: "Okay, it is not too late. Now that we have completed the goal of unifying the great commercial road, we must seal the ancient teleportation as soon as possible. Change. "

Speaking, Soga turned around and walked towards the door, and said loudly: "Let's all come together. By this time, the Yunxiao Temple has probably been built. Let's open our eyes!"

After hearing Soga's words, everyone's eyes lit up. It's been three years since I saw the Yunxiao Temple, and I don't know what it was built. It should be ... very spectacular and gorgeous!

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