Close Combat Mage

Chapter 411: Three great apprentices

Disappointed, Soga slowly regained his mental strength. Although Soga understood the mood of the child, after all ... this was how he was, but ... many things were not determined by sympathy and compassion.

"You! What are you doing to me!" Just as Soga was preparing to withdraw the spirit from the boy's body, the boy looked at Soga in horror, alertly.

"Well?" Soga narrowed her eyes when she heard the boy's voice. "What do you do? I've been standing here all the time, what have I done to you?"

"No! No ... you must have done something to me. Although I can't see my eyes, I can feel it, as if ... you got into my heart and messed around in my body!" The boy violently Shook his head, incoherently said.

Hearing the boy ’s words, Soga lightened her eyes and quickly recovered all the mental power. While the last trace of mental power withdrew from the boy ’s mind, Soga was keenly aware that the boy ’s body was tight. The state suddenly slackened.

Seeing this, Soga couldn't help but be shocked. You must know that Soga's hand, although not invincible, is absolutely invisible unless the strength is close to Soga, but the child in front of it, how? may!

Unbelief, Soga again conveyed the mental power to the boy's body. The next moment ... the boy's body tightened again, looking at Soga with a look of caution, like an attacked beast. .

Seeing this scene, Soga's intriguing curiosity aroused, he stopped paying attention to the boy's feelings, and spread his spirit unbridled towards the boy's body. No matter what, he must figure out what is special about this boy and why You can feel his spirit detection.

Soon, Soga's mental power swept the boy's body completely. After careful search of Soga, he finally found a horrible fact!

When it comes to qualifications and talents, this boy obviously strengthens the peso a hundred times, but it is not as good as those girls who have passed the check, on intelligence, and his brain development is not as good as any girl who has participated in the check, but ... the boy Mental strength, but surprisingly strong!

There is a chain relationship between mental strength and brain domain development, as well as intelligence. The higher the mental strength, the greater the brain domain development and the higher the intelligence. But this boy, the brain domain has only developed about two percent. Right and left, but its mental strength is very strong, most importantly, his mental strength is very tough, very pure! It is because of the tenacity and purity of the spirit that it is possible to clearly feel the impurities, that is, the invasion of the spiritual power of Soga.

After careful exploration, Soga's face gradually became serious. The boy's brain area only developed 2%, which was a full five times worse than only 10% of Ace and Ryan, but in terms of mental strength, the boy But the mental strength is similar to these two girls!

Thinking of this, a word quickly jumped into Soga's troubles-spiritual potential! This doesn't just refer to the purity of mental power, the most important thing is that this boy has infinite spiritual potential!

The mental power generated by the boy's 2% of the southern domain is already equivalent to the mental power generated by the ordinary person's 10% brain development. If his brain development reaches 10%, what will his mental power be? ?

As a teacher, because of his talents and qualifications, it is impossible for him to achieve too high achievements, unless he also has so good luck, so many adventures, otherwise, the Holy Level is his limit!

However, if he is a samurai, his talents and qualifications are completely enough, coupled with such a powerful mental power, in close range, the fine control of the water element will make him the most terrifying fighting machine!

Between thoughts, Suga moved a little in her heart and said softly, "Well, what are you capable of? Can you control the water?"

"Controlling the water?" He looked at Soga in confusion, and the next moment ... the boy stretched his hands, and a cloud of white mist spewed out of his body in an instant, only a blink of an eye, that white The vast mist enveloped within ten meters of the circle.

"This! This is ..." Seeing this, Soga couldn't help but startled. With a wave of his right hand, he exerted the advanced water control ability and expelled the water mist directly, again showing the boy's figure.

Looking deeply at the boy in front, Soga was surprised: "Is this your water control technique?"

"Well ... yes!" The boy nodded when he heard Soga's inquiry, but said nothing.

Looking curiously at the boy in front of him, Soga puzzled: "But how do you think of controlling water into a mist state? Shouldn't it be a water polo or a stream?"

The boy shook his head stubbornly, and the boy disdainfully said, "The other children are indeed practicing water polo. As for the water flow you said, I have not seen it and have not heard of it, but ... if there is, I will not choose it. Because I like fog! "

Speaking of which, the boy's eyes were gradually bewildered, dreamily said: "I lived on Kirino Island when I was a child. The island is covered by white mist all year round. I have lived in the fog since I was a child. From then on, , I just love the white mist. "

With that said, the boy's expression suddenly changed, and he said sadly, "But one day, my parents took me off the island to see my grandparents. As a result, we encountered bandits halfway, and my parents tried to protect me. All have been killed. Since then, although I have always wanted to return to Kirino Island, I can never go back. No one knows where the island is. "

Looking up sadly, the boy stubbornly looked at Soga: "Although I have stayed at my grandparents' house in the past few years, everything is fine, but I have never been able to forget about Kirino Island, and inquired about Kirino Island everywhere. , But I couldn't hear anything about Kirinoshima. "

During the talk, the boy's tears finally rolled down and he drew: "Since I remembered, I changed my water control skills to fog because I loved the fog. As for me, I missed Kinono too much. So I showed my water control skills and filled the room with dense fog and never dispersed. In this way, I felt as if I had returned to Wuye Island, and my parents seemed to have returned to me. "

"Ah ..." With a slight sigh, Soga knew that Kirinoshima was not difficult to find. The problem was a child. It was really difficult to inquire about something. As for his grandparents, even if they knew the way, it was impossible. Tell him, after all ... a child cannot survive if he returns to the island himself.

However, this boy has a little similarity with Soga. Both of them are not tied by the routine, but only according to their own understanding and preferences, to control the water in their own way.

Although this fog looks ethereal and ethereal, it has no power, but in fact it is not. The fog is divided into cold fog, hot fog, and even poisonous fog. Although it can only be displayed close to the body, its power is so great that it can block the eyes of the enemy at the same time. You can directly attack the enemy, causing the enemy to be frozen, or burned by steam, or poisoned by gas.

Although it is almost certain that this child cannot become a great water mage, Soga is still ready to accept him, not only because of his spiritual potential, but most importantly, he and Soga are too similar The place, the stubborn character, the unyielding spirit, the unrestrained thinking, and the deep emotion.

Soga has already planned. He has no wish to realize. To let this boy realize, he wants this boy to become the most outstanding and greatest water warrior. Soga is responsible for the use of water. As for the problem of combat skills, I had to ask Xiang Yun. Although this guy is not very old, I am afraid that no one can be better at the research and understanding of skills!

Between thoughts, Soga nodded slightly, "What's your name?"

Facing Soga's inquiry, the boy said cheerfully, "My name is Karon!"

Nodded, Soga said: "To tell you the truth, your qualifications are really not good, brain development is not in place, your intelligence is not high, originally ... you are not qualified to be my apprentice, but ... … Since you dare to say such a big word and say that your confidence is not worse than anyone else, then ... I will give you a chance. From now on, you are my third apprentice. I want to see how you are no worse than others. ! "

Hearing Soga's words, the boy suddenly straightened his body and said flatly: "As long as the master is not eccentric and treats us the same, Karon can guarantee that I will never be worse than anyone. If not, Karon would rather kneel to the two sisters Admit defeat! "

"Okay!" Suga shouted loudly after hearing Caron's words. In this world, although men and women are equal, men are not kneeling women. Even if they propose marriage, they are only half kneeling. A man, if Kneeling on a woman's knees is no different than killing them.

After having a rich dinner, Soga called the three apprentices in front of her, and her eyes swept across the faces of the three children. Soga finally said, "From today on, you three are my only three. I ’m a disciple. As for the other 3,600 children, they are just my disciples, far from being apprentices. ”

Hearing Soga's words, the three children could not help expressing their excitement. Looking at the three children's expressions, Soga could not help smiling, and continued: "I have a thorough understanding of your situation, now ...... Since you are your master, there are many things that you must explain. "

Having said that, Soga pondered for a moment and then continued: "Your master and me, in fact, speaking of qualifications and talents, compared with you is nothing, but I have exceeded the limits of human beings and reached the sub-god level. field of!"

"Asian **** class? Is it one step closer to become the **** of law?" After hearing Soga's words, the eyes of a few children flashed with ecstasy.

"Dharma?" Soga smiled bitterly when he heard the words of a few children, shook his head, and Sohga disdainfully said: "What you call the" dharma "is just a descriptive title that human beings call. The true deity of God is supposed to be a master of heaven! "

Speaking of this, Soga slightly explored her right hand, spread her fingers, proudly said: "With this hand, you master I can easily destroy a hundred magical gods together!"

"Wow! It's impossible!" Faced with Soga's bragging words, the children were not polite at all and shouted outright. Looking at a few children with a smile, Soga didn't feel annoyed about their frankness, children, that's it.

Thinking about it, Soga calmly said, "Whether it is true or not, you will naturally know in the future that the most important thing now is that the three of you have to make a reservation."

Having said that, Soga groaned a bit, and then continued: "I was going to have the three of you in the order of entry, but now I changed my mind. This ranking seems unfair and uncompetitive, so ...... We are not anticipating to discuss what we should rely on to schedule your seats! "

Hearing Soga's words, although a few children did not understand the role of the seat, but ... children, they always like to be big sisters, big brothers, so ... a few children suddenly became more vigorous.

You look at me, I look at you, in the end ... the three children unanimously requested to determine their seats by strength. Let's compare each other, who is the best, and then top the seats according to the ranking of the game.

Seeing that the three children had reached an agreement, Soga nodded with a smile. "Very well, it really deserves to be my apprentice to Soga. This struggle and determination to strive for ambition are absolutely indispensable."

Speaking, Soga stood up and said solemnly: "Since it has been decided, then you will have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow morning, the three of you will hold a reincarnation match, and each of you will have to compete with the other two divisions separately. Brothers and sisters tried, and finally set a seat based on everyone's results. "After speaking, Soga returned to his room arrogantly, no longer paying attention to the three little guys.

Nothing overnight, at 8 am the next day, Soga led three apprentices to the Royal Capital Arena and drove away all irrelevant personnel. This place will become a competition for the three children's scheduled seats. field!

The first to play was Ace vs. Ryan. Both girls were twelve years old, one with silver hair, a white skirt, one with aqua blue hair, and a long blue skirt. I fluttered, as if to fly in the air.

Seeing that both girls were ready, Soga groaned, "Well, let's get started!"

Following Soga's order, the two girls simultaneously obliquely pointed out the staff in their hands, the blue light gushing place, an ice arrow and a water arrow, and immediately stunned out ...

"Water Arrow?" Seeing this, Soga frowned. Soga's main attack direction has always been the ice system. The study of the water system is not too thorough. In his opinion, although the water arrow is with ice Arrow-level offensive magic, but basically no power.

Sure enough, the sturdy ice arrow instantly struck the water arrow into a starry water spray, and continued to shoot at Ruian, but ... blocked by the water arrow, the speed of the ice arrow decreased by a large portion. Seems to fall from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Ryan took a step easily to one side, and steadily avoided the ice arrow. At this time, the abnormal change protruded, and the water splash formed by the water arrow that had been crushed did not exist. At this point, it fell to the ground, and once again gathered together, condensed into three small water arrows, and shot at Ace.

Seeing this scene, Soga's eyes suddenly flashed, yes ... the water is not afraid of physical attack at all, the guard draws a knife to cut off the water and the water flows more. If you want physical force to attack the water, there will be no trace left !!

"Pop!" With a slight whisper, three water arrows hit her three parts of the body, and all three parts were vital!

Seeing this scene, Soga shook his head involuntarily. After all, the water arrow was a water arrow. What if it was shot? It won't have any effect ...

When thinking for a while, I saw Ace's complexion changed, his body slumped back, and he took three steps in a row. Then he stopped, looking at Ruian with a strong complexion, a wary expression.

"Why ... this is!" Seeing this, Soga forgot to stand up, what's the matter? What are the mysteries of the three water arrows?

Between thoughts, Soga released his mental power instantly, quickly covering the water marks formed by the three water arrows, and then unfolding the power of the soul to analyze the three water marks.

Soon, Soga came up with an amazing result. These three water arrows have many characteristics. First, they are overweight. Each of the three chopstick-like water arrows weighs ten pounds, which is more than gold. How many times!

In addition to the weight, these three water arrows contain huge amounts of frozen air. Once hit, the cold air will be released instantly, the target will be frozen, and even if it is not shot, it will be frozen to death.

In addition to the weight and freezing air, this water even has corrosive properties. It fell on the bluestone paved sports arena, and even the bluestone slabs were corroded.

Although I have known for a long time that this Ace's talent and qualifications are absolutely impeccable. Of the nearly four billion people, only two were selected. Is that wrong? However, Soga didn't expect her talent to be so strong.

These three talents, whichever one is focused on which one, can already become a well-deserved world-class genius. Now what will happen if the three are put together?

Between thoughts, Sorga looked towards Ace in worry. Although these three arrows are water arrows, both the physical puncture force, impact force, magic freezing effect, and biological corrosion effect are absolutely overbearing. In the terrifying realm, she is fine with these three arrows, right?

Under Soga's gaze, Ace's face was iron blue. This was not angry, but was frozen. Although she was a water mage, she could not be immune to freezing. After all ... she did not have the armor of Atlantis. .

Hesitating for a moment, Soga said, "Ace, how are you doing? If you can't, you still admit ..."

"No!" Without waiting for Soga to finish speaking, Ace shook her head firmly and said, "She is indeed very strong and expected to be strong, but ... with this strength, she can't beat me!"

During the conversation, Ace held up her right hand again, and at the point of the staff, Shen said, "Since you are so arrogant, then I'm going to be real, come out ... my three-born sister!"

With the voice of Ace, a cloud of blue mist rushed out of the staff, and then ... a squeaking sound that made Soga jump suddenly, in front of everyone, what was it, Will Soga, who has reached the sub-god realm, be so scary?

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