Close Combat Mage

Chapter 56: Enraged Emma

There are many women who need Soga's help, but in the city of Holy Light, the most urgently needed women who can pay enough fees, this Sharpi woman is definitely the first.

Looking at the glittering card in her hand, Sharpi shuddered all over, and Sharpi trembled slightly, and there was a gurgling sound in Sharpi's throat, as if she was pinching her neck Like the old hen.

Seeing Sapi's excitement, Wen Ya completely put her heart back in her arms, smiling and watching Sapi's Road: "Miss Emma, ​​congratulations on your drawing of this honorable gold card, but I don't know, you are Do you want to keep it? Or do you want to exchange it for gold? "

"Oh!" After listening to Wen Ya's words, in a whistle, Sharpi suddenly withdrew her hands, hid the card tightly in her arms, and said vigilantly: "Yes! Of course I do. This is a heavenly arrangement. Don't regret it! "

"Eh!" After listening to Shar Pei's words, everyone could not help but hesitate, feelings, this woman thought that others would regret it, and she did not want to think, if people want to regret, why should this event be held?

Looking at Sharpi with a smile, she said gently and softly, "How can we regret it? This card is always sent, I just want to confirm it."

Looking at Wen Ya eagerly, Sharpi yelled, "Tell me, where is Lord Soga? I'll see him now, I can't wait for a moment."

As soon as Sharpi's voice came to an end, Wen Ya smiled; "Since you have chosen to be Lord Soga's guest, you can see him at any time, come, take Miss Emma to Lord Soga's office!" With a gentle voice, a maid walked quickly to Sharpi and made a call gesture.

Under everyone's attention, Sharpi moved her fat body and walked down the stairs toward the upper floor. At the same time, she smiled softly and said to the other guests; "Well, let's have a good time, Music and wine can be enjoyed. If you miss today, everything here will be charged, and I will tell you secretly that the price here is expensive and scary. Let ’s take advantage of it. ”

After listening to Wen Ya's words, all the guests slapped their lips. What expensive things have they never seen or enjoyed? The more Wen Ya said so, the more they would come again, or else they would not be looked down upon by friends?

Looking at the expressions of the guests below, she smiled gently and softly. She knew that her purpose had been completely achieved. While upgrading the Bailou level, she also brought in the first guests for the Bailou, all the noble officials. If you do n’t come to Bailou for consumption once, would n’t you think you are poor? Just to show their generosity, they must come again, and the consumption is not shabby.

Not to mention that Wen Ya worked hard underneath, on the other side, under the leadership of the maid, Emma went up to the third floor with excitement, plus her eagerness, Emma's body and face had already exuded A layer of sticky sweat, there is no way ... fat people are like this, every movement will be a sweat.

In front of two gates inlaid with gold and precious stones, the maid owed her body respectfully to the Sharpi: "Miss Emma, ​​this is Lord Soga's office. Please come in by yourself. During working hours, we Those who are slaves are not qualified to enter here. "During the conversation, the girl turned around and gently opened a door. Suddenly ... everything in the room was presented in front of Sharpi.

Although accustomed to the luxurious and generous decoration, Sharpi has to admit that although it is not comparable to Emma's home, this is already a top-level decoration. Although it cannot be said that everything is valuable, but the style is all Very luxurious.

Comfortable and luxurious sofas, weird beds, European-style floor-to-ceiling windows, gorgeous fireplaces, huge and luxurious desks and chairs, bright and soft carpets, everything makes people feel welcome.

The door closed gently behind Emma, ​​standing in the huge space of hundreds of flats, Emma looked around in doubt, the next moment ... Emma saw a cute boy about eight or nine years old, right He looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Hello!" Emma looked at Soga unceremoniously, and Emma shook his fat face. "Are you the apprentice of Lord Soga? I ask you, what did Lord Soga do? Help me quickly He came over. "

"Eh!" Suga suddenly hesitated when he heard Emma's words. "This woman has regarded him as an apprentice, but she wants to come. How can an eight-year-old child be convinced?"

Between thoughts, Soga turned silently, walked to the chair behind the huge desk, sat down comfortably, looked at Emma with an anxious expression calmly, Soga groaned, "I am Soga Lord, the person you are looking for, if I am not mistaken, are you my first regular customer? "

"What!" A chicken-killing voice popped out of Emma's big mouth: "What are you talking about! You are Lord Soga? What a joke, you little kid, what can you do?"

Depressed frowning, Soga said unpleasantly: "My ability does not require you to verify, if you do not need my help, you can leave now, do not send!" Soga, speaking With both feet kicking hard, the swivel chair turned quickly and the back of the huge chair blocked Sharpi's sight.

The reason for this is that Soga is also very shy, but Wen Ya told him that a person who really has the ability must learn to be cold, too easy-going, it will give you a feeling that you do not have the true ability, especially when it comes to the professional field At that time, even if the king came, he must not give in, otherwise he would not be convinced.

Now, Sharpi has questioned his ability because of her age. This is absolutely intolerable. Although you can explain it politely and prove it with actual actions, in this way, Soga is in Sharpi's mind. The image in China is not so good. No matter how capable you are, it's always just a kid, buying a jelly bean to coax, everything is OK, and you don't pay attention to you at all.

In the face of Soga's indifference and arrogance, Sharpi could not eat anymore. Although she was very sorry for the country and the people, but her identity and status were there. Every day, people came to the door and nodded. Have this taste.

Looking at the back of the tall chair covering Soga's body, Emma slammed her foot and turned to leave. The inability to breathe was a reason. Most importantly, she didn't think that an eight-year-old child could do anything.

Behind the chair, Soga smiled gloomily. I did not expect that everything that the elder sister had explained was so easy to do. Thinking of her eerie strategy, Soga sighed and shook her head. He was still too young to think of it. Such a shameful scheme.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Shapiu was about to leave the door, Soga finally spoke deeply.

Upon hearing Soga's voice, Sharpi listened to her body in disbelief, turned back impatiently, and said to Soga: "You told me to go. Now stop me, what's the matter?"

Slowly turn the chair, Soga's body, and slowly straighten the Sharpi: "Since you don't need me, then please return the gold card, I can't tolerate a gold card flowing everywhere, for For those who need them, this gold card is more precious than life! "

Slipping his lips, Sharpi didn't care about the 1 million gold coins that were exchanged, took out the gold card directly from his pocket, and threw it on the table and said, "Okay, OK, the gold card is just for you. I can go now! "

The master put the gold card in his arms, Soga said calmly; "Originally, since you are not my customer, you have absolutely no chance to enjoy my service, but ... it is special today because Bailou opened. You win the gold card and I have to serve you once. "

Speaking of this, Soga gave a slight meal, and said with a blue face: "Moreover, I can't tolerate that after you go out, I tell you that I have no ability, so before you leave, I will perform a weight loss surgery for you to see At first glance, I have the ability or not. "

At first, Sharpi was very angry and was about to leave and never return, but when Soga talked about weight loss, it was equivalent to hitting her dead point. Even if she did n’t trust Soga ’s eight Children are not willing to give up the chance to try.

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