Close Combat Mage

Chapter 77: Visit the market again

At this point, Soga's defense system is finally firmly established. With this ice armor, what kind of wind blade, fireball, and rock spur can be ignored, unless it is more advanced and more destructive. The magic of leisure, the magic of idleness, is very difficult to hurt Soga covered by ice armor.

Although I have learned the ice armor, Soga is not afraid to relax. There is still four months to go before the end of the game. Before the meeting, Soga must learn to spin ice gas. This is also the first group magic in the water system. The range of the show will expand as the magic increases.

Frozen gas is centered on Soga, releasing extremely cold vortex-like airflow, freezing damage to all objects inside the vortex, frosting the enemy's body, reducing the speed of the opponent, and training to the extreme, Can freeze opponents!

It is just that it is not a matter of agreeing to cast the whirl gas, it requires a strong magic power, otherwise, it is impossible to launch such a large area of ​​spells.

Soon, nearly two months have passed. Even with the help of the spirit of the elves and the crown of Atlantis, Soga still has not reached the level of icy gas, but after nearly two months of cultivation, so Jaga knows that it is not too far away to display the icy gas, and at most another month, Soga can master the first-order magic of the ice system.

It is worth mentioning that after nearly two months of practice, the ice and snow contract has made new progress. At this moment, the ice hockey is already very difficult to break, and it is easy to smash the wall into a wall. Very clear dents, but the ice hockey still remains intact, both in strength and hardness, has improved a lot.

There are still a little more than two months before the competition, and the wind and fire goddesses who went to collect snowdrops are about to return. Although this time has been going out for a long time, the rewards will be very high. Many things, so far, Soga knows that he can already buy one piece of equipment for each of the Goddess of War.

While choosing the equipment for the War Goddess of War, Soga must also find a few pieces of magic equipment that can be used to enhance the power of magic. There will be another two months to compete. In order to win, temporarily Sexual dependence on foreign objects is also inevitable.

In the past two months, with the improvement of Bailou's grade and grade, Bailou's speed of earning money has also increased madly. The profit brought by the goddess of war alone is tens of millions, plus other In terms of income, Soga now has 47 million wealth.

With money, you will naturally have the confidence, and you will never be uttered by the owner of the store like you did last time. With six sisters again, the two left the white building early in the morning and went to the market to check. .

With the previous lesson, Six Sisters felt deeply negligent. In the past few months, she has been walking around the city every day to investigate and understand the various places in the city of Light. Today, two months later, although I dare not say you know the city of Light , But compared to two months ago, but it is much stronger, at least, what to do, where she is completely clear.

I heard that the young master wants to buy samurai equipment and the attacking equipment used by the mage. Six sisters did not take the young master to the last magic store, but took the young master to the free market of Shengguang!

Free market is an open business area. Anyone can set up their stalls there. As long as they pay a certain amount of money, they can use these stalls. Of course ... The better the stalls, the more expensive the stalls.

The area of ​​the free market is very large. I don't know how far it is. I can't see it at a glance. It occupies a whole four streets. The level of prosperity is unimaginable for most people.

In the free market, it is divided into four areas, daily necessities area, commercial goods area, equipment sales area, and fashion clothes and hats sales area. Each area is only allowed to deal with this type of goods, and it is not allowed to operate across areas.

This time, Soga ’s destination was naturally the equipment sales area. Under the leadership of Six Sisters, the two entered the bustling bazaar and looked at the stalls around them. Soga was suddenly excited. The weapons in the whole bazaar I'm afraid there aren't tens of thousands of pieces of equipment, which is much more than that little magic store. This time, there are some options.

Accompanied by Six Sisters, Soga was admiring each stall. Various weapons, armors, magic jewellery, and strange and weird things filled all the booths. Although there were many fine products, more were ordinary goods. What Canada has to do is to choose the sophisticated weapons and equipment that he wants from the same weapons and equipment in this sea.

What Soga wants to buy is not a weapon. For Soga, the attack and speed of the Fire Goddess of War are enough. Even if it is not enough, it is not as important as defense. Whether it is the wind or the fire, The defense is weaker than the water system and soil system, so the first step to be strengthened is defense.

Unconsciously, time is passing quickly. After watching it all morning, I simply bought a snack at the street at noon, and the two continued to visit the market. However, although I tried so hard, I still couldn't find what I wanted. thing.

After all, these weapons and equipment were bought for girls. The defense is a matter of time. It also needs to be beautiful. Soga can't bear such a young and beautiful girl. Every day men dress up. Even if they want to hide their identity, it is best to find something. Neutral armor is right.

All day long, seeing that it was about to pass. Soga, who had back pain and leg cramps, did not find what she wanted. Just when Soga wasted a waste of time for today, a large circle of people in front, Attracted Soga's attention.

Generally speaking, if a lot of people are gathered on a booth, it means that there must be something very attractive on the booth, and usually very good things. Thinking of this, Sogala is holding six sisters. Fei ran over.

Difficultly crowded into the crowd, looking around, I saw a middle-aged man in a red robe, sitting with his eyes closed, and on the stall in front of him, there were only a few things, and one of them, But attracted Soga's sight!

It was a blue glove made of an unknown material. From the surface, it was completely integrated, and the joint gap was completely invisible. It seemed that the glove was naturally generated, mysterious and weird. You cannot look away when you look.

However, what attracts everyone is not this glove, but a fiery red giant knife placed with the gloves. The strange and exaggerated shape is full of feeling of power, especially the fiery red crystal on the handle. Stone even highlights the power of this sword.

While Soga stared at the sword, an audience of fire samurai with a loud voice shouted, "Hey! I want the knife, you can ask me how much you want." . "

After listening to the other party ’s words, the stall owner did n’t even open his eyes and said indifferently, “I said, I ’m not going to sell this knife. My staff was destroyed during the last expedition, so I needed a Handle staff, unless you have a good staff, you will not sell any more money! "

"This ..." After hearing the words of the stall owner, the guy shouting at home stood up, judging by the costume of the mage in the red robe, he was a magic teacher, and the staff that could enter his eyes, no one could have it. what.

Among the four systems, the magic power of the fire department is the strongest, so the status of the fire department mage is also the highest. The fire department staff has always been extremely precious, and it is rare to see a good staff, even if it is seen, it is also Everyone grabbed it.

Seeing everyone closing their mouths, the stall owner sighed, "They all said that the city of Holy Light is prosperous, but in my opinion, but also in general, although magic shops can't buy good wands, they can even find them at auction. No, it seems that there is no hope in the market. "

During the talk, the fire mage opened up; "Tomorrow morning, our team will set off and leave the city, and I urgently need a staff, otherwise I ca n’t continue the adventure at all, so ... As long as a refined fire staff, I can exchange everything at my booth! "

"Yeah!" Everyone could not help screaming when they heard the words of the stall owner. This is a fire-type sword, but it is perfect. The price of this sword alone is not under the fire-level staff of the same level. This is why everyone is watching. The fire warrior is as powerful as the fire mage, and the fire weapon is as precious as the fire wand.

After hearing the words of the stall owner, Soga finally returned to God. When he heard the stall owner's decision, Soga's eyes lit up. He happened to have a perfect level of Vulcan wrath, which was higher than the stall owner's request After two levels, this time, this blue glove can finally be won!

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