Close Combat Mage

Chapter 84: Baby is hard to find

General armor is not a war armor from ancient times. In fact, this is a modern alchemy technology, which is a perfect combination of ancient magic manufacturing. The armor is made of metal with very light weight but high strength, and there is a long behind it. The cloak is the most powerful armor of the generals of various countries. In fact, the name of the general is not entirely suitable. The true name of this set of armor should be the marshal's armor!

How much it costs, Soga knows nothing at all, but Soga knows that this armor is not in a hurry for the time being, it is too expensive to afford, on the other hand, armor is not as important as weapons.

The Holy Cross Slash is the weapon most suitable for the War Goddess of War. The sooner you get it, the sooner you can get used to this weapon. It's too late. I'm afraid we have to think about whether it is worth it.

Speaking of weapons, Soga suddenly remembered that weird dagger, and hurriedly took out the space ring from space. Soga handed the dagger to No.1, and said sternly, "No.1, please help my division. After the fight, how destructive is this dagger. "

I took the dagger in hand, and the No. 1 Fenghuo God of War waved twice, with a surprised expression on my face. It must be surprised by the strange feeling of this dagger!

Silently gathered his fighting spirit, and soon ... No. 1 suddenly poured the fighting spirit on the dagger in his hand, and then, with a roar, with the support of his fighting spirit, No. 1 easily pierced the dagger into the hard stone pillar beside him. in.

Seeing this, Soga could not help but widen his eyes. Everything in front of him was enough to prove that this dagger, with the support of his fighting spirit, definitely had the power to destroy it. In this way, the value of this dagger was inestimable. !!

Gently pulled the dagger from the stone pillar, and No. 1 shook his head in admiration: "Oh my God, this dagger is really too sharp. It can compress the gas into a single point and cause double damage to the target. If the thief comes to perform, he can stab backstab, chisel, kill with one hit, counterattack, assassination, etc., and double the power of the thief on the original basis! "

Upon hearing the number one, Soga went into a petrified state on the spot, which means that after taking this pen, a thief's attack damage and damage ability were doubled in an instant, which is too exaggerated, although it is not epic Level thief equipment, but it definitely exceeds the epic level equipment effect.

Taking the thief's one-kill kill as an example, relying on speed and indomitable momentum, it has tripled the damage to the enemy. This is already an exaggeration, but ... on this basis, if you double the attack ability, That damage is doubled on the basis of three times! A thief can use this dagger to create six times as much damage as himself.

Generally speaking, the weapon of the thief is either to increase the speed or to increase the probability of one-kill kill. Rarely does it increase the attack power like a staff, but this dagger is more powerful and can be used for limited combat. Compressing and condensing to do double damage is simply terrifying.

While thinking about Soga, No.1 continued to admire: "This dagger is very comfortable to hold, such as the fingers of an arm, which can strengthen the control of the weapon and increase the accuracy. In addition, it conceals the sound and condenses the light to achieve the attack. It still keeps stealth, and the sword is united, and the attack speed is increased by more than 50%. Coupled with the sturdy blade and the effect of condensing and fighting, this is undoubtedly the strongest ultimate thief dagger. "

During the conversation, No. 1 returned the dagger to Soga, exclaiming: "It's really amazing. Where did you get this dagger? This is simply priceless. It can't be bought with money." If you add a space ring, this is an invincible combination. With the space ring and this dagger, even if you face the warrior, there is no chance. "

"Hey ..." Put away the dagger with a smile on his face, Soga smiled and said, "Okay, in recent days, you guys can practice here. I'll go to the market to see if there is any similar Good things, I'll go to Amoy points again. "Speaking, Soga could not wait for a moment, and directly threw Fenghuo God of War in the spot, and went to her six sisters to discuss tomorrow's actions.

It's no wonder Soga, the first time I went to the market, I got so many good things, not to mention the flame blade that was not available, just the 44 space rings, plus this dagger, and that mystery The blue gloves are enough to make Soga excited to sleep.

Obviously, this dagger alone is no longer something that money can buy. As for the 44 space rings, even if they are sold at the market price, they can sell more than 400 million. They can only be exchanged for the rage of Vulcan These 44 rings are all made by Soga.

In the end is this mysterious blue glove. Although Soga has only found the feature of blocking coldness so far, but fools know that this thing can't be so useful, just that Soga hasn't figured it out yet.

Moreover, not to mention whether this blue glove has any other function, it is just a feature of blocking the cold, which is difficult to buy. With this glove, Soga no longer has to be attacked by the severe cold, and cultivates the contract of ice and snow every day. The time has been extended by five or six times, and this direct effect is to make Soga's ice magic more powerful, one point of cultivation, one point of harvest, which is the same for everyone.

In the early morning of the next day, Soga took a vacation again. For more than two weeks, Soga basically did not go to school. She took leave every day. Fortunately, Soga scored well and her strength was good, so the college was not in charge. Regardless, but the relationship between Soga and the owner of the city of the Holy Light also forced the college to consider it.

Under the friends of Six Sisters, the two rushed to the bazaar again. Just a few steps into the bazaar, Soga saw a huge booth full of weapons and equipment, and some strange and weird items. For a time, Soga took a curious look.

I looked at the seemingly tattered items on the booth one by one. After having the dagger as a reference, Soga was very interested in these seemingly tattered things. After all ... that super dagger is just such a pan of.

Seeing Soga flipping over with excitement, the stall owner laughed and said, "This little brother has good eyesight. These are all we dug out of an ancient tomb. Maybe you can pan out the baby. Oh!"

Hearing the words of each other, Suga could not help but analyze from the words of the other person. It seems that he can scramble for the baby. He is not the only one who is Suga. If you think about it carefully, Suga will soon be relieved, the baby in this world. There are so many strange things, no one can tell them all, no matter how clever appraisers, there are also occasions to look away.

Come to think of it, many legends and epic weapons and equipment are probably from this place. As long as it is worn out, it is difficult to distinguish the calendar and the name, just like Soga ’s dagger, although so powerful, But in any book, you don't want to find the name of this dagger.

The so-called epic and legendary equipment are all legendary characters, or heroes in epic, so they are famous, but in fact, the legendary characters and heroes may not be the most powerful at that time, just the most Only the famous, those unknown heroes, their equipment may be more powerful.

Thinking of this, Soga looked back at those rotten times, and there was no excitement at the beginning. If the equipment is so good, the weapons and magic items will not be so valuable, just one thing if you come here for a while Maybe you can buy thousands of gold coins at will.

"But ..." Standing straight, Soga looked at the endless stalls, and tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of items at the market. Soga was convinced that there must be a super baby in it, although only One piece and two pieces, but as long as they can be picked out and bought, they will develop.

This requires a vision problem and luck. It is really difficult to distinguish the only good things among the 100,000 items. It is not realistic to buy them all. Except for Emma's family, I am afraid that others do not have this ability.

Seeing Soga in deep thought, the stall owner grinned, "Little brother, these mysterious items, as long as you have 100,000 gold coins, you can choose whatever you want, as long as you choose a treasure, you are developed! "

"Cut ..." Sophia scorned, and Soga, who was sober, was not so gullible. She looked at those embroidered mysterious objects. Soga suddenly lost interest, a good magic item. It is not made of Mithril or other precious metals, and it is impossible to embroider so easily.

Seeing Soga's disdainful expression, the stall owner's voice rose loudly: "Little brother, it's not me who brags, we are most likely to have good things on the stall of the Marad rogue family. The reputation of our family is Well, except for our family of powerful thieves, how can anyone else venture into dangerous places! "

After hearing the words of the stall owner, Soga's eyes lit up, and with a little movement in her heart, Soga smiled and said, "This boss, are you a very good family? I don't know, in the ranks of the thief family of the Holy Light Empire, How many places can you rank for? "

"Hey ..." A proud smile, the stall owner proudly said, "Our Mard family, ranked 28th in the latest ranking of the rogue family of the Holy Light Empire, how about it? Great!"

"Er ... twenty-eight!" Seeing the proud look of the boss, Soga thought he would be in the top spot. I didn't expect that it would be only twenty-eight. You said that you are twenty years later. !!

Looking at Soga's stunned expression, the owner's old face suddenly turned red and loudly: "You boy, if we are in the top 20, why should we set up a stall here and already open our own family store."

Speaking of this, the boss of the booth said loudly: "Go and go ... don't buy anything, don't make trouble. If you can buy good things, why not come to the market? If you have the ability, you go to the Linsen family's store to buy them. It ’s the number one family in the thief family. Are you satisfied with this? But you are just a sample, can you afford the things there? ”

Upon hearing the words of the stall owner, Soga didn't care, but her eyes lit up. He didn't want to go shopping, but wanted to do business with them. With this thief dagger, Soga wanted to know. For the first family, what good things does the Linsen family have to exchange!

Knowing the existence of the Linsen family store, Soga refused to delay for a moment, and left the bazaar directly. Led by Liujie, he rushed towards the Linsen Chamber of Commerce.

Fortunately, Six Sisters knew the specific location of Linsen Chamber of Commerce, but it was natural that he did not know Linsen's position before he knew it. Now the master is going, and it is not a problem to lead the way.

Half an hour later, the two came to the gate of the Linsen Chamber of Commerce. As the number one family of thieves, the Linsen Family has its own chamber of commerce in the city of Holy Light. The second floor is used for office work, while the first floor is a huge one. Shop.

Immediately after entering the door, Soga was dazzled by the dazzling array of merchandise in the store. That piece of weapon, a set of armor, was all radiant, and it was a good thing at a glance.

Linsen Chamber of Commerce is very prosperous, and adults come and go, and no one pays attention to a child like Soga. Most people think that this is just a child who follows the parents. No one can think of Soga as a big customer. Ah, it's not just shopping, he has the baby that any thief dreams of!

After a large circle, Soga was slightly disappointed. Although the items in this shop are all treasures, even perfect magic items, but it is clear that these cannot meet Soga's needs.

Disappointedly walked to the counter, Soga said dissatisfied, "Boss, are there only these goods in your store? If there is a better one, you are the Chamber of Commerce of Linsen family, at least not to get a legendary equipment Sell? "

Upon hearing Soga's words, the owner of the chamber of commerce gave Soga a nasty look: "Children do n’t understand, so do n’t talk nonsense. Of course we have the legendary equipment, but ... can such precious things be freely displayed? While playing, didn't you see that we were busy? "

Hearing the boss ’s words, Suga couldn't help but feel awkward. This person was inconvenient because he was young. No one paid attention to you wherever he went. He could n’t even take a purchase.

"Yeah! It's really Sorga's brother!" While Sorga was secretly bitter, there was a crisp sound outside the door, and a petite figure came in joyfully.

No need to look back, just listen to the voice of Suga, it must be that Emma has arrived, turned slightly and looked at it, and sure enough ... Emma ran in and jumped in, accompanied by several entourages, watching Emma With a lively look, Soga groaned. Can you say that you are an eighteen-year-old girl who walks like this?

Although, Soga also admitted that Emma's appearance was similar to that of a 13- or 4-year-old girl, but after all, your age is set there, and what kind of tenderness are you pretending to be.

When Soga frowned secretly, Emma had already come to Soga's side, holding Soga's arm, she said cheerfully, "Why didn't you go to school today and come here to play when you have time, you are here to buy Something? What do you fancy, I'll buy it for you. "

After listening to Emma's words, Soga gave the boss a gloomy glance, and said helplessly, "I want to buy something, but people think I'm a child, and don't show me good things."

"What!" Emma's eyes were swollen and round, and her hands were on her hips. Angrily said to the shop owner: "I don't care if you are Linsen or Muson. Since opening a business in the Holy Light City, To comply with the Holy Light City Economic Act, if I remember correctly, treat customers equally, and be childlike, this seems to be the first article in the bill, you dare ... "

Obviously, the boss knew Emma, ​​but it wasn't just him who started a business in the Holy Light City. Who doesn't know this little ancestor and offended others, but offended her, so do you want to do this business? !!

"Grandma Aunt, don't have general knowledge with the villain, I'll take the treasure of the town shop to this young customer to watch, it's all done!" The shop owner said bitterly.

Seeing that the boss was soft, Emma was not good enough to investigate. In the final analysis, she was not a law enforcement team. She was just a threat to her. Now that they have bought the account, it is not good for anyone to stay in trouble.

Looking at the bitter expression of the shop owner, in order to allow Souga to pay enough attention and to complete the transaction in a satisfactory way, Emma gathered in the past and lowered her voice: "I'm helping you, you know I just stood by you Who's in front of you? But Lord Soga, a civilian you dare to be so rude to the Lord. Once they are held accountable, will you still have a head? "

Hearing Emma's words, the shop owner suddenly sweated, whether he was a member of the Linsen family or not, he definitely did not dare to offend the nobility. The noble glory, like the majesty of the royal family, was absolutely not allowed to violate.

A person, even if sentenced to a country, can still survive as long as he flees to another country, but once you offend the noble, then I ’m sorry, the whole world ca n’t tolerate you. If you flee to any country, no one will shelter the offensive noble Guy.

Not to mention the glory and majesty of the aristocracy, the relationship between Soga and the Duke of Windsor alone cannot be caused by anyone, unless you do n’t want to continue mixing in the Holy Light City, otherwise, who would dare not give Windsor City Main face?

In panic, the shop owner hurried into the backstage, ran out with a long wooden box in his hands, and smiled at Soga: "This is a guest officer, this is the treasure of our town shop, legendary Take a closer look at the magical staff of God. "

Gently open the lid of the box, and suddenly ... a golden staff appeared in front of Soga, looking at the staff in the box, Soga frowned, this staff is really good, but Not something Soga needed.

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