Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1099 The last thing I saw this night (Part 1)

Dark and vast, the night is infinite,

The golden light spots of the city will occasionally appear on the black earth, but at night, there is really only endless blackness in the sky.

Driving the night stars to fly above the night sky, it wasn't until they were far away from the lakeside factory that they slowed down and let the tangle of hair end slowly stop.

A humanoid number appears in reality in a realm that humans have not yet reached. Although it is sudden and hidden, the seriousness of the situation is no less serious than the previous national war events in Europe.

The appearance of the peerless Arcane Zero Cavalry here is the best proof.

Thinking about the reason for the appearance of the powerful 'Maid Maid', and thinking about Hall Monkeys who seemed to be in a confrontation with her, he confirmed that another line of events was happening secretly, and then the Night Palace also took action. ,

He and himself who helped Fiseld survive the crisis overlapped in tonight's incident at the lakeside factory.

Flying above the night sky, Fangran exhaled a long breath, shook his head and shook off what had happened just now into the high-altitude night wind, and no longer thought about what he didn't know.

Things that Clotilde can investigate personally are obviously not at a level that he can interfere with.

Fangran already understood this from the moment he saw A-7 stiffen up.

The more he went through training, the clearer he became about how far he was compared to the A-level leaders who had experienced a long life.

So it's better to leave the boss's affairs to the boss, and 'Sharon' is different from other A-level top positions that most people think are strong. She is a strong and scheming type who can pull off a big plan and execute it secretly. There is no need at all. Worry,

Thinking like this, I got rid of the shock caused by the appearance of the pre-human number just now, and flew freely in the night sky, but for a moment, I felt a little aimless.

The mission was completed, the crisis was over, and the sword was on fire, and we experienced an evenly matched battle that was even more exciting than the last one on the coast.

But he wasn't in the same mood as when he crossed Rodeo Drive that night.

It is clear that the silver flames, the mechanical wave and the five-headed mechanical dragon are so thrillingly handsome that Fangran has always longed for the extraordinary. It is the reason why he chooses to leave his daily life even if he is carefree.

But instead of being satisfied and happy, he was feeling unspeakably complicated and unsatisfied at the moment.

But compared to the time in the casino, Fangran easily figured out the reason.

This time, after all, it was not a boy's story like the one on the coast where a fight was the end. He saw life and death, darkness, and what he had longed for.

Some not-so-nice things...

The night sky was dark, and the suburbs around the Great Lakes region were dark. However, the clouds seemed to be thick and the stars could not be seen. I didn’t know where I was flying.

Just like this, the figure floated aimlessly in the night, until a city area burst into view with vast golden spots on the ground,

Fang Ran suddenly came back to his senses and stopped, gently exhaling to disperse his lost thoughts.

Where have I been flying...

I sighed helplessly and had a headache. I looked at the global satellite coordinates on the light screen interface in front of my field of vision, and looked at the light spot below Lake Superior in North America.

Well, as expected, it’s as if I haven’t seen it...

Fangran, who was unfamiliar with the place, gave up on looking at the map and directly pressed the communication device in his ear to contact Adeline.

"Master, are you okay?"

The communication was connected almost immediately. Listening to the sexy cold beauty's cold and calm inquiry, suspended thousands of meters above the night sky, Fangran's black eyes looked at the vast golden light spot below,

"Well, I'm fine. Things are over tonight. I also got the information about the factory."

"Okay, I'll send someone to pick you up right now."


Thinking that he was lost in a daze and didn't know how far he had strayed, he rejected her proposal. Fangran turned back and looked in the direction of the factory, and exhaled with some sadness as his black hair flickered:

"I can just go back by myself."

Then You Yexingchen's armor spewed out flames again, and his dark figure drew a stream of light in the night sky...


It only takes five minutes to cover one hundred kilometers,

Even without full power, Fangran quickly returned to Litonmei's headquarters.

Landing from a high altitude at night, putting away his armor, he turned back into a CEO wearing a dark and elegant coat.

And Adeline was already waiting on the rooftop.

"This is rough information about an illegal experiment secretly conducted in that factory. It should be enough reason to recover the funds."

Taking out a USB flash drive that transmitted data from You Ye Xingchen, Fangran handed it to her and explained that confidential information related to tens of billions of dollars was in such a small USB flash drive.

But more than what she took in her hands, Adeline noticed that the figure in front of her didn't have the look that she should have had when the incident was resolved.

"Did anything happen during your investigation?"

And for a moment, he looked at the lights on the roof of the medical equipment giant's headquarters. Fangran's hair and clothes were blown by the night wind, and his voice was quiet and lost in thought.

"Why do you ask?"

"Master, you look a little distracted."

After thinking about whether his performance was so obvious, he still couldn't get rid of certain thoughts in his mind. Fangran sighed helplessly and answered:

"Just thinking about something."

Then, as if he wanted to take his mind away from tonight, Fangran casually pointed to a nearby building that was still lit at this time, just like during the day, and asked:

"What's that building?"

Standing next to him, Adeline took a look, then nodded and replied calmly:

"It's a charity under Fiseld's name. Master, do you want to visit it?"

Fangran was already used to this kind of answer from Fiseld Industries, not to mention that it was located near the Litonmei headquarters. Fangran was not surprised at all.

Thinking it would be a good idea to divert his attention, he looked at her and breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"Is it okay for us to go there at this time?"

"They should be honored."

Hearing the cold-faced Adeline's reply, the temperament of a top-class and chief administrative officer was revealed with her calm words,

It reminded Fangran that although she didn't show much performance around her, she was at the top of the world in terms of identity and status.

Getting into a dark, stretched luxury car with a driver on standby even when it was almost midnight, Fangran soon arrived in front of the building just mentioned.

After pushing the door open and getting out of the car, he saw a woman who should be on duty running out to greet her with a nervous look on her face. He followed Adeline and walked inside.

Then unexpectedly,

Fangran did not see the professional office environment that he had expected, nor did he see employees working overtime for charity.

The first thing he heard when he walked into this building was...

It's a child's voice.

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