"In fact, we fans are really satisfied." Wei Le looked at the driver's somewhat vicissitudes of life and listened to him continue, "We really don't need to achieve any results or rank."

"Even if it's the World Cup, it's secondary and dispensable. Even if we can't go, life will be the same."

"But the only requirement is that we want to see some light."

"You can't say that the whole house is dark and there is no light at all. At this time, how can you describe to me the magnificent and dazzling furnishings in this house, and say that the beautiful garden outside the house is full of flowers, I can't see them, and I don't want to stay in it."

"But even if there is only a little light, just a little light coming in through the crack of the door, it's okay. In this way, I know where the door is, and I know that this house at least has a door, which can be opened and walked out."

"That's enough."

Wei Le didn't answer. He was silent, or he was stunned.

Isn't he one of them?

Wei Le has loved football since he was a child. Although he has not really embarked on the path of a professional player, he has always been a supporter of Chinese football.

After the crackdown on gangs in the football world, when many familiar names disappeared from people's sight, the young Wei Le was also confused about the future. After that dark Asian Cup final, the young Wei Le also cried.

Since then, Chinese football has been getting further and further away from where they should be. Wei Le seems to have become accustomed to the feeling of walking in the dark, just like many fans.

Even a little light, even the glimmer of a firefly, can make everyone smile.

After becoming a coach, to be honest, Wei Le no longer pays close attention to the actions of Chinese football as he did in his student days. He stands on the other side of the earth and can see the light on another continent.

In this piece of light, only a small part belongs to China.

Wei Le can't help but want to pay attention to the situation of overseas coaches, overseas referees and overseas players, just like Chinese fans on another continent can't help but pay attention to the Wolves and Wei Le.

"You are the hope of Chinese football. I can't say this. Because the word 'hope' is too precious. Even if you are sitting in my car today, I still dare not say this."

"And I think hope should not rely on just one person. It should be on a generation."

"You have become the brightest light among them, no one else, don't shirk it."

Wei Le smiled embarrassedly. He just opened his mouth to say something modest, but swallowed his words back. The driver smiled and glanced at Wei Le's embarrassed eyes, meaning - I know what you want to say.

"I understand that you don't want to give the money. I suddenly brought this up and it bothers you. So, I offer two options. Either you pay the fare normally. Or, today's fare is an agreement."

"The agreement is that you will continue to lead the team well. No matter where you are, please continue to light the lights for us, please!"

"This is more expensive than a taxi fare."

Wei Le nodded solemnly, "Yes, much more expensive."

"The second option?" The driver turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Yes, the second option." Wei Le nodded, "Thank you."

He smiled, "No, it should be us who thank you."


"Yes, all of us Chinese fans."

"No, no, it should be us."

"Yes! We!" The driver was in a good mood and laughed.

Finally, the driver and Wei Le took a photo with the taxi as the background. The driver looked at the picture on his phone and couldn't let it go. He wanted to show off to his football friends in the next second - I took Wei Le with me today!

Wei Le finally paid the fare. Although the driver kept refusing, Wei Le still looked at the price of the meter and put the money on the seat.

But he also did not refuse the "second choice", the agreement with the taxi driver.

A few days after returning home, the "2016 Law School's Worst Football Team" group gradually became active. The guys who had graduated made an appointment to go back to school to play football. It just so happened that Wei Le's academic status also needed to be dealt with.

Finally, when the school heard about Wei Le's situation, it said that this was a matter of winning glory for the country and could be handled specially. After all, there was only the last year and a half of study, and the professional courses that should be taken had almost been taken, and Wei Le had accumulated almost all the credits.

Wei Le negotiated with the school to complete the last credits online, and applied for delayed graduation in accordance with the regulations.

At least Wei Le could still get a bachelor's degree certificate.When Wei Le came out of the Academic Affairs Office with a smile on his face, the brothers who had been waiting in the corridor for a long time could not wait any longer. Wei Le waved his hand and pointed directly at the football field!

"Let's go to training!"

The 2016 Law Team assembled again.

Everyone was there, including Yang Qi.

Through Cai Huiqiang, Wei Le already knew that Yang Qi played for the second team of Hannover 96. When they met again, seeing Yang Qi with a tanned face, Wei Le smiled and bumped fists with him.

"You play well."

"What do you mean you play well?" Yang Qi was flustered. He hadn't told Wei Le where he played football yet. He thought Wei Le didn't know, but now it seemed that Wei Le knew it very well.

Wei Le smiled but didn't say anything, and didn't expose it, but looked up and down at Yang Qi's situation.

"Taller, stronger, obviously in much better physical condition." Wei Le stepped forward and patted Yang Qi's sturdy shoulders, "Are you adapting to the food in Germany?"

When Yang Qi heard "Germany", he completely wilted, "How did you know? I wanted to give you a surprise, but it gave me a surprise instead."

Wei Le acted mysterious, "Big brother is watching you!"

But then, he told Yang Qi the truth, it was a colleague in Shanghai who told him about this, and it was purely coincidental that he knew about Yang Qi's situation.

"Don't be disappointed, although I'm not surprised now, but when I heard him say the name 'Yang Qi', I was really surprised."

Seeing that Wei Le's words were not false, Yang Qi accepted Wei Le's statement.

In fact, just now, Wei Le also roughly saw Yang Qi's situation through the system.

The system's evaluation was "a substitute-level player in the German Second Division" and "may improve greatly in the future." Wei Le was really overjoyed to see such an evaluation.

He was not unexcited to see Yang Qi, but his excitement was about Yang Qi's ability and talent, not that Yang Qi had already gone abroad to play football.

A few years ago, Wei Le's system had not yet unlocked the "final stage". At this time, his system could only measure the ability of amateur and student players, but now, he can use the standards of professional players!

Very fast, not strong but enough, technical aspects still need to be improved, and "willpower 17" is particularly surprising.

According to FM's experience, the higher the willpower of the player, the more likely it is to fully realize personal development and fully tap personal potential. Now, Yang Qi's ability is really surprising, his future is not only the Chinese Super League, but more likely to be Europe!

Even if his ability remains at the level of a qualified player in the German Second Division, he can start for the Chinese national team and bully Asian teams.

What's more, the system's comment is "may be greatly improved"!

"I will definitely not return to China to play football." When Wei Le talked to Yang Qi about the future club plan, Yang Qi clearly stated that he would not return to China for gilding.

"In fact, I can't make it in China. I was banned before, but I went abroad to play football before the ban was over. The people who punished me seemed very angry, especially because the game that led to my ban was problematic. They hoped that I would say goodbye to my football career completely instead of starting over abroad."

"But it won't affect my joining the national team. I'll leave in a few days. I'm already in the training team of China's U20 team. I'll go to Germany for training soon."

"Germany? You're familiar with it. You'd better seize the opportunity to play against a high-level team... Oh, you've been playing against other high-level teams. I remember." Wei Le was halfway through his words when he remembered.

"Hahahaha!" Yang Qi laughed very happily.

"You've become more cheerful." Wei Le said seriously, "You smile more now than before."

"Yes, I have to be more cheerful over there to fit in with the team. And I'm really happy." Yang Qi said.

Han Yang ran over. The team had changed their equipment and were waiting for the head coach's arrangement. As a result, the two professional guys started chatting next to them. Hearing Yang Qi's words, he asked curiously, "What are you happy about? Are you happy to be back in Beijing?"

"On the one hand, it's true."

"Come on, everyone is waiting!" Han Yang grabbed Wei Le's sleeve and dragged him to the court. Wei Le signaled Han Yang not to rush. Han Yang saw that the two had something to say, so he didn't bother them anymore. He left a word "hurry up" and ran back.

"On the other hand?"

"On the other hand... On the other hand, I am really moving towards my goal and my dream." When saying this, Yang Qi seemed very serious. He asked back, "EverythingEverything is getting better, isn't it? "

"Yes, everything is getting better." Wei Le walked towards the court, and Yang Qi followed behind.

"Okay, let's start with the warm-up without the ball. Everyone follow my movements and stand behind this sign barrel..." Wei Le put on a baseball cap and hung up the whistle, just like more than a year ago.

Captain Zhang Tie stood at the front, followed by Han Yang, Liu Zihang, Liu Ziyu, Zhao Pingping... They have different identities and have now started a new life in different positions.

But today, they all have the same identity, that is, a member of the legal team.

Yang Qi stood at the end of the team and gave Wei Le an OK gesture.

"Okay, a simple step jump, around the sign barrel, and then back to the starting point, Zhang Tie, you start first." Wei Le stood beside him, and the players ran in front of him one by one and ran back from behind him.

Everything was the same.

When it was Yang Qi's turn, Wei Le suddenly asked, "Then if you play well and a reporter interviews you and asks you where your dream originated from, what will you say? "

Yang Qi stopped, walked out of the team, and thought for a moment.

"Then let's say my dream continues on the plastic lawn."

(Volume 1: The story on the plastic lawn, the end)

(Volume 2: The youth storm in Wolverhampton)

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