Jovic looked at the disappointed fans behind the goal and the football that bounced off the billboard.

"It's okay, it's okay." Van de Beek came over and patted Jovic on the shoulder, "There's still a chance."

Jovic forced a smile and nodded.

He knew that it was because he was too impatient that he couldn't score the penalty.

Wei Le stood on the sidelines, watching the ball hit the top of the crossbar and fly into the sky, but he didn't show too much disappointment, just smiled helplessly.

I hope he can adjust himself.

When Wei Le called Jovic to the office alone to communicate the day before the game, he could see that Jovic's face was mostly flustered.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jovic asked eagerly as soon as he came up, "If I did something wrong, then I apologize in advance."

"Huh?" Wei Le was a little surprised, "Why do you ask that?"

"You talked to me alone, I think maybe I did something inappropriate." Jovic scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"Does it mean that the only topic of a private conversation is criticism? You did nothing wrong, and I am not here to criticize you." Wei Le explained, "And maybe you are not used to it, but in Wolves, this kind of chat is quite common, don't be nervous."

"Oh..." Jovic nodded.

Wei Le understood that Jovic at this stage was actually very lacking in confidence. Look at Jovic, although he was sitting on a chair, but he looked very uneasy shaking his thighs.

With his hands clasped together, Wei Le knew that this was also a nervous and unnatural performance; and more obviously, his whole body posture was tense, reducing his "floor area" to the smallest range, the root cause was to reduce his presence in the eyes of the other party.

These body postures and facial expressions all revealed Jovic's discomfort.

Jovic tried to take a deep breath, trying to relax himself, but it backfired. At this time, he saw Wei Le on the opposite side suddenly stopped talking, and the atmosphere seemed even more awkward.

Jovic really didn't dare to look at Wei Le, so he had to move his eyes to other places in the room.

To be honest, he was not used to this way of communication. He believed that he had done something wrong, but for some reason, Wei Le did not say it.

"Hey, Luca." Wei Le finally spoke, "Let me tell you a story."

"Before, when I was communicating with a psychologist, we talked about a topic. I told him that I wanted to forget the tension at some point. I thought he would give me some advice, but he gave me a different answer."

"He told me, 'It is impossible for people to actively forget something.'"

Jovic paused. He didn't know why Wei Le wanted to tell this story, but he unconsciously followed Wei Le's thoughts and walked into this story.

Wei Le continued.

"I said it was impossible. I forgot a lot of things myself. How could a person not forget anything? Seeing that I didn't believe it, the psychologist asked me to listen to him."

"You also follow what I say."

Wei Le pointed at Jovic, and Jovic nodded obediently.

"Okay, now you close your eyes. You have to try to forget one thing now." Wei Le said. Jovic closed his eyes obediently.

"You have to try to actively forget a fact - there is a cat in your mind."

Jovic frowned in confusion, but did not open his eyes.

"Forget the black fur and light yellow eyes of this kitten, forget that this kitten's favorite thing to do is to stretch in the sun, and try to forget that its favorite food is cat strips with tuna flavor."

"Give you thirty seconds to forget it."

Forget? In Jovic's mind, not only did he not forget the kitten, on the contrary, the figure of the kitten gradually became clear. He seemed to be able to imagine what would happen if he met the kitten.

The thirty seconds may have been up, but Wei Le still didn't speak.

Jovic was still trying to forget, but he couldn't.


"No." Jovic shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, continue to do what I say. Or close your eyes."

Jovic closed his eyes.

"Now, forget about the kitten. You have to forget the fact that you are nervous."

"You have to forget that you are nervous, forget the suffocating feeling when you step onto the penalty spot under the attention of tens of thousands of people, forget the anxiety when you are waiting for your unknown future."

Jovic took a deep breath.

"You have to forget your anxiety and lack of confidence, forget the self-blame after the mistake, forget the criticism and boos from tens of thousands of people."

Yovic pursed his lips.

Wei Le stopped talking, and Yovic's brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

"Did you forget?"


"Open your eyes, you did a good job."

Yovic opened his eyes very confusedly. He didn't do anything, but Wei Le was still praising him for doing a good job.

"Do you understand now? People can't actively forget something. The more you want to forget it, the more you actually think about it, and the harder it is to forget it. "

"So, please tell me what you wanted to do when you took a deep breath just now?"

"I... I don't want to be nervous."

"Can you do it?"

"I can't do it. "Jovic smiled helplessly. He almost understood what Wei Le meant. When Wei Le asked him to forget his nervousness, his mental journey was similar to when he just walked into the office.

He thought of those important game scenes and the mistakes he made. He remembered those criticisms, those questioning eyes and words.

How could he forget? Those past events have become a frequent visitor to his nightmares.

"How to face pressure, tension and lack of confidence is what every professional player has to face, but no one is born strong. Those who are good at dealing with these just have their own methods. "

"I think your problem is lack of confidence. Don't mind me saying that. "

Wei Le's words stunned Jovic. He was the first coach to say this so bluntly. But he didn't feel offended. On the contrary, he felt that Wei Le was right.

Since he was a child, Jovic has been questioned.

People questioned whether he had the ability to enter the professional team so early, why the Serbian U20 youth team recruited this kid, and how a mediocre player like him could gain a foothold in Portugal.

Some words come true as they are said.

Jovic sometimes doubts whether what they say is actually That's right. Benfica put him up for rent, and he didn't say a word. Wolves chose him, and he didn't say a word.

He guessed that maybe Benfica did give up on him, and maybe Wolves really only regarded him as a third striker. But he didn't have any complaints, he felt that he was indeed weak.

Stronger opponents, stronger teammates, more professional training, which also made this young Serbian man more at a loss.

Jovic gradually lost the motivation to argue after not finding his name in the starting lineup again and again.

Until Wei Le found him and said he wanted to chat with him.

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