Coaching legend

Chapter 247 Arsenal (Part 2)

"Well, what kind of style is Blackburn playing?"

After watching for five minutes, Mortensen said in confusion.

"This is not Blackburn's style at all. Blackburn should not play like this. This is not their style. Blackburn is a technical team, and it is a well-formed team. They are now..."

"This is equivalent to cutting off one arm and completely giving up their own advantages. Does George want a draw away from home, and then prepare to win at home?"

Mortensen looked puzzled. In Mortensen's opinion, George is definitely not a coach of this style.

"Yeah, how come I don't see that George has grasped Arsenal's weakness at all during the game."

Mortensen and Alan Hansen questioned George.

But George, the person involved, crossed his legs and looked at the court. Wenger, who has always been steady, stood on the sidelines. This is a very rare thing.

Because George prefers to stand on the sidelines. Although he doesn't shout loudly and do some actions, he likes to stand quietly on the sidelines and watch the game during the game. Wenger wore a tie and sat on the bench like a gentleman during the game.

Unfortunately, the game was completely reversed.

But Wenger couldn't help but be anxious about the current situation. As soon as George's starting list came out, Wenger already understood George's idea. And Wenger had already determined George's plan just after the game started.

But understanding is understanding, and determination is determination, this is an answer that has no solution at all.

Blackburn fought very hard on the field, and the ball was very fast. The fast rhythm may be the first time in Blackburn's game this season. And the ball was not only on the ground, but also flew in the air.

George played against Arsenal's lack of physical strength.

Arsenal's biggest weakness is that their bench depth is seriously insufficient. Although Arsenal is a strong team in the Premier League, their bench depth is not even as good as Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham, and Newcastle. The problem of Arsenal's bench depth is definitely not a problem that appeared after the Emirates Stadium was built.

In fact, Arsenal now has this problem. And it is very serious.

Not to mention that Bergkamp and Vieira don't have good substitutes, even the 34-year-old central defenders Adams and Keown, they don't have any qualified substitutes. It can be said that Arsenal's performance in the Premier League is all achieved with the main lineup.

In addition, Wenger has never been a master of rotation. Compared with Ferguson, Wenger's use of players is a bit rigid. Although Wenger can create a system, coupled with his ability to turn stones into gold, he has become a generation of famous coaches in world football.

But Wenger also has big problems. His on-the-spot command during the game is a bit mechanical, and he doesn't like rotation.

Wenger uses players, almost using a set lineup for a season. Of course, this is also related to the fact that there are really no good players on the bench at present. Arsenal now is not like the undefeated season, when there are Reyes, Edu, Wiltord, Kanu, Xigan, Parlour and other good players on the bench.

Arsenal is currently at the end of its strength, and Arsenal has definitely played more games than Blackburn this season. But when it comes to the depth of the bench, Arsenal can't compare with Blackburn at all. George spent nearly 40 million pounds in two seasons to build the current Blackburn.

Of course, there is also George's rebirth aura. But Wenger's Arsenal has limited transfer fees in the past two seasons and has not bought many good players.

Starting from this game, the two teams will play four games in the next twelve days. For Wenger now, the two league games must not be given up. Especially the game with Leeds United, because if there are any mistakes in these two games, it is very likely to lose the Champions League quota next season.

With the expansion of the Champions League, the League Cup has gradually become a chicken rib. The influence of the Champions League has expanded dramatically. Whether it is in terms of fame or economy, as long as it is a big team, it will not give up the Champions League. Therefore, Wenger must not miss it in the league.

But George's Blackburn has already consolidated its second place. Therefore, George can calmly arrange the lineup for two league games.

For Blackburn, which has a thicker bench, four games in twelve days is also a huge problem. Not to mention Arsenal, which is already at the end of its strength.

Especially Arsenal's old-school defense, how could they withstand such a high-intensity game. Even a player like Vieira could not withstand such a high intensity of the game. George saw Wenger's dilemma and dared to shout that he would definitely defeat Arsenal.

Arsenal cannot give up the league, but George can focus all his energy on Arsenal.

If Arsenal wants to win the Champions League next season, then the League Cup semi-finals are already half lost.

Facing Blackburn's full-court press, Arsenal's offense was a bit chaotic.

Blackburn itself is a technical team, and George knows how to deal with them. The best way to deal with them is to keep destroying them. Let them not play their own rhythm.

Blackburn kept committing fouls in the midfield and frontcourt, causing the game to be interrupted once in less than a few seconds.


Another whistle sounded, and the referee came to Deco to warn Deco.

The pressing was too fierce just now, and Vieira had no choice but to pass the ball back. Deco, who was not very fierce in the midfield before, saw Petit taking the ball and almost used a hug and throw action behind him. In the end, Petit was directly thrown down.

However, this position is not a dangerous area, let alone an opportunity for counterattack. In addition, although Deco had a hug and throw action, it was not a lethal action, so the referee only gave a verbal warning.

Deco shrugged and admitted his mistake to the referee very sincerely.

This is Deco's third foul in this game. Deco is like this, you can imagine how the midfield sweeper Hargreaves will perform. Hargreaves almost followed Vieira step by step. Once Vieira got the ball, no matter what little action he made, it appeared in Hargreaves' hands.

All the players of Blackburn in this game got George's goal. That is to press the whole court regardless of physical strength. Once they get the ball, they will start a quick counterattack.

Seeing fouls again and again, Wenger stomped his feet helplessly on the sidelines.

Wenger could only smile bitterly in his heart. George was simply too shameless. A team ranked second in the Premier League standings did not play a fair game, but used these inferior means.

But Wenger knew that George had hit his weak spot.

Arsenal players have done a good job until now. Although George hit Wenger's weak spot at once, Wenger had no choice. Although he is a talent scout, he has many beautiful moves to turn stones into gold.

Just like Vieira becoming a world-class defensive midfielder, Anelka's value exceeding 20 million pounds, activating Bergkamp, ​​and Petit's position change, they are all Wenger's beautiful moves one after another. But Wenger is not a real magician after all.

He can't just wave his hand and turn Arsenal back to a strong substitute lineup.

He can't just wave his hand and make Adams and Keown a few years younger.

Of course, it is even more impossible for him to wave his hand and let Leeds United, who is now chasing Arsenal's ass, fall into the abyss.

Wenger will never give up the Champions League spot. The influence of the Champions League is getting bigger and bigger. Being able to enter the Champions League is a manifestation of the influence of a club. Wenger is not satisfied with Arsenal being just an English giant. Wenger wants to build a world giant.

And to become a world giant, Arsenal must make a breakthrough in the Champions League. If they can't even get a Champions League spot, Arsenal will never become a world giant.

But Wenger doesn't want to give up in the UEFA Cup semi-finals, after all, there are only two games left before the UEFA Cup final.

This is a dilemma.

The first half ended in this intermittent rhythm.

Because the rhythm of the first half was too fast, even Adams on the back line was panting when he left the field. Looking at these players, Wenger didn't know what to say. This George is too annoying.

After the first half, Mortensen and others also saw George's thoughts.

In the second half, George had no intention of changing his style of play. George didn't care about his physical strength at all. He still pressed the whole court at the beginning of the second half.

George stood on the sidelines in the second half. He looked to the right while watching the stalemate on the court. Wenger was bored and looked at George.

George smiled at Wenger when he saw Wenger.

George was forcing Wenger to make a choice: to win the league, the Champions League, or to fight Blackburn. Fighting Blackburn, even Arsenal in its heyday might not win.

Not to mention Arsenal twelve days later.

Arsenal had already consumed a lot of physical strength in this game, and they would play two games in a row in the next few days. Especially the focus battle with Leeds United would make Arsenal spend more effort. When they arrived at Blackburn's home court, how could the exhausted Arsenal defeat Blackburn, who was resting and recuperating.

Seeing that Wenger still didn't react, George took the lead.

George simply replaced both wingers. Drogba and David Dunn replaced Duff and Romedal. George simply played without wingers and piled four midfielders in the midfield. Only Makelele was guarding the back, and the other three were actively running in the midfield.

Drogba and Klose kept running and receiving high balls in the front. And once the ball was lost, they started to defend.

Because they couldn't get the ball, Henry and Bergkamp took turns to go back to the middle to get the ball. They didn't care about Blackburn in the penalty area, but once they got outside, Blackburn players didn't care who you were. Foul when you should.

Seeing George's substitution, Wenger knew that George was making trouble to the end. And Arsenal really couldn't afford it.

Blackburn's fast pace has greatly affected the physical strength of Arsenal's main players. If Blackburn continues to waste time like this, it will not be a matter of being eliminated in the League Cup semi-finals. Wenger also has to consider the problem of the league three days later.

In desperation, Wenger began to make adjustments.

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