Coaching legend

Chapter 29: Flowing Soldiers

The 1996 European Cup in England was definitely a feast of football. It was a beautiful era. Seaman, Schmeichel, Klinsmann, Sammer and other generations were still sharp, Hierro, Suker, Maldini, Shearer and other generations were in their prime, Zidane, Figo, Nedved and other 72 generations were famous, and Raul, Kluivert and Piero, the four princes, began to emerge.

This European Cup was held in England after the expansion. In the later selection by the English media, among the top ten goals in the European Cup, five goals in the 1996 European Cup were listed.

Of course, these games had almost nothing to do with George, except for one person, Karel Poborsky.

More than a decade later, when people talked about the European Cup in England, they would not forget Gascoigne's genius shot and Bierhoff's blockbuster in the final. Of course, the most surprising thing was definitely the performance of the Czech team.

The best player in the Czech team was not their captain Nemecek, nor Nedved, who later became the first star of the Czech Republic, but this long-haired Boborski!

Before the European Cup, Boborski was absolutely an unknown player. Although he performed extremely well in Burnley, he was a very unfamiliar name to the majority of fans.

But the Czech team began their magical journey. After losing to Germany by two goals in the first round, they met Italy, the runner-up of the World Cup two years ago, in the second game. Boborski's pass after a sharp breakthrough on the right helped Nedved open the door to victory.

In the third game, they defeated Russia 3-2. The Czech Republic advanced, and the first edge of the Czech Republic was Boborski's corner kick to help the central defender Stoparek open the record.

In the quarter-finals, Boborski's lightning breakthrough and light and free lob became the only highlight of the game. This ball also became the most classic goal in Boborski's life.

In the semi-finals, Popovski was marked by Lizarazu, but still couldn't stop the Czech Republic from entering the final. The penalty shootout was 6-5, and Popovski and the Czech Republic entered the final together.

In the final, the penalty created by Popovski almost made them win the second European Cup in the history of their country, if it weren't for Bierhoff's sudden appearance. This Czech team can create a myth like Denmark four years ago!

The better Popovski performs, the better George is in a good mood. Because how high the price can be sold depends on Popovski's performance in this European Cup.

Indeed, a European Cup made all Czech players become hot cakes in an instant. Countless European powerhouses threw olive branches to them. Petr Kuba transferred back to La Coruna in La Liga, Nedved transferred to Lazio in Serie A, Jan Suhoparek joined Strasbourg in Ligue 1, and Patrick Berg transferred to Liverpool.

And Popovski has also become a player pursued by countless teams. Now Popovski plays in the English Premier League. Before the European Cup ended, Burnley had already received inquiries from countless teams.

"George, you won the bet." Ferguson laughed on the phone. "But, George. You can't raise the price. Five million pounds, you can't even say it."

After receiving Ferguson's call, George shouted out a price of five million pounds. But both George and Ferguson knew that this was just a confrontation between each other.

"Coach Ferguson, you should have seen Carrel's performance in the European Cup." Although Ferguson is a big shot in the English football world, George spoke slowly. "Our club has received no less than six offers now. If you and I hadn't agreed, I would definitely be the one with the highest bid."

Ferguson said very straightforwardly: "Okay, George, I agree that Bobowski is excellent. But you should know that we will never offer five million. You say a reliable price."

"Coach Ferguson, then I'll say it. Four million, it can't be lower." Four million pounds is the price George can accept. "Unlike other players, Carrel scored more than 20 goals and made more than 20 assists last season. He has adapted to the English league. I think Carrel is worth 4 million."

Historically, the transfer price of Boborsky after the European Cup was 3.5 million. Now Boborsky has been training in the English league for a year and has performed quite well. George thinks this is worth 500,000.

Ferguson on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, and soon said simply: "Okay, 4 million." After saying that, Ferguson himself laughed. "George, I really regret not taking action directly in the winter."

"Coach Ferguson, I agree that Manchester United will contact Carrel." George was very happy when he heard 4 million. 4 million can do a lot of things.

"Should I thank you. Haha." Ferguson sighed on the other side. "George, look forward to our match in the Premier League."

"I look forward to it too."

George and Ferguson had just finished talking, and soon Manchester United contacted Boborsky. Boborsky was of course very happy. What else can he say about being able to join Manchester United. Just three days after the European Cup ended, Manchester United and Burnley announced that Bobowski had moved to Manchester United for £4 million.

At the same time, Darren Huckabee also moved to Coventry for £1.2 million.

At the same time, George also dealt with some other substitutes. Clements transferred to Mirshal for 40,000 pounds, Robbie Hagi transferred to York City for 20,000 pounds, Michael Gash transferred to Plymouth for 20,000 pounds, and Smith and Levi McGinn transferred to Chesterfield for 60,000 pounds.

Entering the English League One, Burnley has sold seven people before buying any players. Received a transfer fee of 5.34 million pounds.


Of course, George was not idle after selling so many people. With so much transfer funds in hand, George extended his sinful hands to the English League One and English League Two teams.

First, he dug up the main striker Kevin Phillips from Watford, which had played against Burnley in the League Cup last season. Phillips performed well in the English League One last season and scored 11 goals for Watford.

However, under Rodel's leadership, Watford's performance was disastrous. Finally, they were relegated to the League Two. George spent 250,000 pounds to dig up the future Premier League Golden Boot from Watford.

Then George's claws reached out to Birmingham, which is also a League One team, and bought Irish right-back Steve Finnan for 140,000 pounds. It should be said that Burnley, as a team that has just been promoted to the League One, is not as attractive as Birmingham.

However, Finnan has joined Birmingham for a year, but he has not been taken seriously in Birmingham. Although George did not promise a starting position this time, not only the treatment but also the number of appearances is far better than Birmingham. In the end, Finnan agreed to join Burnley.

The third target was Luton, which was relegated to the League Two this year. George took away the 17-year-old Matthew Upson from Luton for 200,000 pounds.

After introducing these three players, George dug up the 31-year-old veteran Solkamp from Millwall, which had just been relegated, for 60,000 pounds. This veteran who can play both left and right is the substitute player George chose for Burnley.

Of course, these four people are just simple repairs, and only cost Burnley 650,000 pounds. The real important transfer is still to come.

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