Coaching legend

Chapter 338 A New Beginning

When Sagnol held up the Premier League trophy, the atmosphere in the stadium reached its peak in an instant.

In addition to the grand celebration at Ewood Park, Blackburn also held a large celebration ceremony throughout the city. As for the last game with Arsenal a few days later, Blackburn had long forgotten it.

At this time, no one could think of anything else except celebration.

The small town of Blackburn became a sea of ​​joy at night. There are only 140,000 people in the entire Blackburn city, and at least more than 100,000 fans came out to celebrate at night. Almost everyone in every household came to the street to celebrate the Premier League championship together.

On the streets, in bars, and even in their own homes, all Blackburn fans reveled all night, and the whole city was drunk.

How could they not be drunk?

This season is definitely the most successful season for Blackburn.

Premier League champion, European Super Cup champion, English League Cup champion, Champions League quarterfinals, such good results, fans must cheer.

What is the most indispensable thing for celebrating in England. That is wine.

Wine is absolutely indispensable. The best-selling item in Blackburn that night was alcohol. I don't know how many drunks there were. Of course, the hospital was also very busy at night, because I don't know how many drunks were pulled into the hospital to celebrate at night.

Of course, George was drunk. And he was drunk. Because George rarely drinks, he is usually very restrained even when he drinks. But today, George couldn't refuse at all. One glass after another, one bottle after another, anyway, George himself didn't know how many glasses he drank.

George was drunk, completely drunk.

And among the people present, George was the first to get drunk. It's not that George drank the most, but George's eyes were already hazy after drinking the fourth glass.

George himself didn't know how he got home.

In his dream, George dreamed of the championship trophy again.

George greedily touched the championship trophy. The championship trophy tempted George like a beautiful woman. It looked like the Premier League championship trophy and the Champions League championship trophy. Anyway, George couldn't tell them apart in his dream.

George just felt that the taste of the championship was so good.

George was willing to be immersed in this joy forever, and he really didn't want to wake up forever.


"Get up, lazy guy."

George was still in a dream, but this voice interrupted his mood of touching the championship trophy. George squinted his eyes and found Miranda standing in front of him. George looked around and found that he was back home.

How did he get back? George has no impression at all.

But the feeling in the dream is really left in George's mind.

"Come on, Miranda. Let me hug you."

George, who was in a good mood, opened his arms and wanted to hug Miranda.

But Miranda stepped back and shook her head. "Look at you, go wash up quickly. What did you drink yesterday?"

Miranda covered her nose. George took a sip and found that he smelled of alcohol everywhere. It should be when someone celebrated the Water Splashing Festival yesterday. The whole body and mouth were full of alcohol.

"I can't help but drink. Think about it, so many players came to toast. How can I not drink? But fortunately, those players are not English players. You don't know, Mitchell and others..." George didn't say anything here.

Yes. When celebrating the championship in Burnley, the English players led by Mitchell were all drunk. They were called drinking. Compared with them, the current players of Blackburn are nothing.

But it's all in the past.

It seems that it was just yesterday that I celebrated the FA Cup championship with Mitchell and others. But I found that in fact, three years have passed inadvertently, and George has been in Blackburn for three seasons.

George shook his head.

Why think about this now? Do you still want to show that you are a person who values ​​love and friendship? It's completely a whore and a saint.

"Miranda, you have time this summer."

Miranda shook her head first. Then he smiled and said, "The company is very busy. But I can still make time."

"Well. Then think about where we can go to play this summer."

Unlike other professions, George, the head coach of the Premier League club, only has the opportunity to rest in the summer. Therefore, George cherishes this opportunity in the summer very much.

"By the way, what are you doing today?"

Miranda asked George. Although Blackburn still has to face Arsenal in the last round. If it were at other times, this game would be an absolute highlight. But now, this game has become completely useless.

Arsenal is still very fortunate. Fortunately, it is not playing against Blackburn at home. Otherwise, they would have to line up at Highbury to welcome the new Premier League champion.

In the last round, Blackburn faced Arsenal at home, and Blackburn didn't care at all. They are already the Premier League champions, and after celebrating like this, who has the energy to play the game.

The same is true for Arsenal. Now the third place is stable. The second place is already out of reach, so there is no mood.

George also completely ignored this game.

Last night, George announced that the team would have two days off.

"I have to go to the club today. Paul wants to see me?"

"Paul Walker?"

The Walker family is not the kind of person who likes to appear in front of the media. Jack Walker himself is very mysterious, not to mention his youngest son Paul Walker. If it weren't for Paul Walker becoming the new owner of Blackburn, few outsiders would know this person.

"Well. I don't know what Paul would think. I just hope the club can be stable now."

Speaking of Paul, George's expression became much more serious.

The departure of Jack Walker and Paul Walker becoming the chairman of Blackburn indicate that Blackburn's new history is about to begin. Even if Paul doesn't interfere with the team much, as a chairman who is only in his thirties, Paul will definitely not be willing to be lonely.

Therefore, as long as Paul Walker takes any action, Blackburn's development will go in another direction.

"By the way, Miranda. What time is it now?"

"It's past ten o'clock."

George smiled and shook his head. Drinking is a waste of time.


After lunch, George did not stay at home. Instead, he drove to the club.

Of course, Paul and George agreed to go to the evening. George just wanted to take a good look around Ewood Park. Feel the atmosphere here.

It's very quiet here today.

It's completely different from what I saw last night. Last night it was a sea of ​​joy. But today I can't see anyone else. George closed his eyes and wanted to feel the atmosphere here.

"George. I said George must be here."

A familiar voice entered George's ears.

"Evan, Carl, why don't you rest at home."

"Then why don't you rest at home."


The three of them are the most tacit partners. Since George's first formal coaching, the three of them have been the best partners. Carl and Evan are George's best assistants. With them, George can be so relaxed.

"It's been six years. It took us six years to finally win a Premier League championship." George smiled and said to the two of them.

Hearing George's words, Evan snorted.

"If it weren't for that bastard Kilby, we would have won the Premier League last year or the year before."

Seeing that Evan still had a grudge against Kilby, George shook his head. But he didn't say anything, because Evan had a deep grudge against Kilby, and it seemed that he would definitely not calm down in a short time.

"Okay, Evan."

Carl next to him pushed Evan.

"By the way, Evan. You should get back in touch with Campbell immediately. By the way, go with Richard this time. Get Campbell's transfer done quickly."

After winning the league championship, George's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. Blanco has performed well this season, but he is already 36 years old after all. Panucci's performance is also good, but it's a pity that he is a loan player.

And now that Blackburn has won the league championship, it's time to introduce some world-class players.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to get Campbell into his arms. Whether it is for the team's strength or for the team's reputation, it is a good thing without any disadvantages.

"By the way, Evan. Tell Richard that when negotiating with Campbell, the signing fee can be a little higher. But I hope to lower the weekly salary. It would be best if it is around 60,000 to 70,000 pounds. The salary they ask for can be converted into a signing fee."

Campbell is the first player in English football history to have a weekly salary of 100,000 pounds.

But George absolutely cannot give Campbell a weekly salary of 100,000 pounds. It's not because Blackburn can't afford it, but because they are afraid of causing conflicts within the team. Pires' weekly salary is just over 30,000 pounds now, and even if he signs a new contract this summer, it will only be around 40,000 pounds.

If Campbell is given 100,000 pounds, how can he negotiate contracts with players like Pires and Miku?

Therefore, George would rather give more signing fees, and hope to keep the weekly salary down.

"I know what you mean." Evan nodded.

The three of them didn't continue to talk about other things, but sat quietly on the side of the court. After three years in Blackburn, they finally brought a Premier League championship. The three of them are now very excited, and everyone is quietly feeling the Ewood Park Stadium.

This is the place where the three of them fight.

It looks really funny. Three big men, sitting in the middle of the stadium, carefully looking at the Ewood Park Stadium.

However, for the three people who have been fighting for a season, it is not easy to have this kind of free time.

I don't know how long it took before George slowly stood up. Because he had to meet Paul at night. The Premier League championship is not the end, and meeting Paul is a new beginning.

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