Coaching legend

Chapter 387 Who will decide the fate?

Bosque was very angry.

Now they should attack, but now all the good attacking players of Real Madrid have been fully deployed. Now the bigger problem of Real Madrid is poor defense. But they can't defend because Real Madrid is behind.

So Bosque can only let the players strengthen the offense.

Bosque has analyzed George's coaching style. George is a very utilitarian coach who will do anything to keep the victory. And he doesn't have the style of a strong team at all. Once he has an advantage in the game, he is likely to defend.

So Bosque analyzed that now that Blackburn is leading again, George is likely to adopt a defensive counterattack tactic.

That's why Bosque asked the team to strengthen the offense.

But they were wrong.

If it were any other team, George would choose to defend and counterattack. After all, it was the Champions League final, and the Champions League champion was waving to him. As long as he persisted for half an hour, the big ear cup would come to George's arms.

But George would never do that to Real Madrid.


Because Real Madrid is a typical team with strong offense and weak defense. If you defend, how can you defend against Guti, Zidane, Figo, and Raul?

Facing so many offensive geniuses, the best way is of course to beat them back.

Therefore, George gave the players very clear instructions. Attack, although there is no need to attack wildly, after all, they are still leading now. But you must attack, only attack can prevent Real Madrid from attacking Blackburn with all their strength.

So when the game resumed, people found a more interesting phenomenon.

That is, Blackburn, who was leading, was more proactive. The ball possession time was higher on Blackburn's side. And the offensive threat was greater on Blackburn's side.

During this period, Blackburn actually had more shooting opportunities. And the threat of shooting was also greater than Real Madrid. If it weren't for Casillas's several excellent saves, Blackburn might have secured the victory.

"Miku... dribbled past Cambiasso and shot! Hit Hierro..."

"Blackburn completely suppressed Real Madrid. Who could have thought of that? Who could have thought of that? Even before the game, some media said that this was the most 'unequal match'. They thought that Blackburn should surrender in front of Real Madrid."

"But they underestimated Blackburn. It took Blackburn only four years, four seasons, to go from a relegation team to where they are now. It took only four seasons to achieve the current results because Blackburn players are fearless."

"Real Madrid, you underestimated Blackburn! Bosque, you also underestimated the young coach Levy!"

"If you underestimate your opponent, you will be punished. Now Real Madrid has been punished and paid the price for their contempt!"

Motson watched the situation on the field becoming more and more favorable to Blackburn. So he was very excited to comment. Mortensen was happy that English football could finally regain a place in European football.

But not only Mortensen, many commentators from other countries were also surprised.

Compared with Manchester United and Arsenal, Blackburn is much less famous. Even though they have won two Premier League titles, Blackburn still cannot compare with Manchester United and Arsenal in European football. So before the Champions League final, some media said that this was the "most disparate game". Many people thought so at the time. But the actual situation was far beyond their imagination.

In this game, Real Madrid lacked opportunities. Blackburn had many opportunities.

The game passed by minute by minute, and it was already 70 minutes.

But the game did not change at all. Blackburn still had the advantage. Real Madrid was struggling to cope. But so far, neither Blackburn nor Real Madrid has made any substitutions.

George is waiting. Waiting for Bosque to make a substitution.

Sure enough, in the 72nd minute of the game, Bosque took the lead in making a substitution. He replaced Guti, who performed mediocrely in this game and dragged down Real Madrid's defense. Bosque replaced Guti with Solari, directly put Zidane in the middle, and Solari went to the left.

This substitution was quite standard.

But after Solari came on the court, there was an obvious change. That is, Solari covered Carlos behind him, and Carlos assisted more often.

But George didn't pay much attention.

Because Blackburn still had the advantage in the game. So George still waited and didn't make any substitutions.

Although Solari was replaced, Carlos on the left was a little more active. But the game was still under Blackburn's control. George was very satisfied with the current situation.

Soon the game reached the 80th minute.

Real Madrid still didn't find a way to break Blackburn's goal.

Morientes didn't show any performance in the face of the powerful Campbell. From the crosses from the two sides, Morientes couldn't get the ball at all. Raul looked very lonely in the frontcourt.

George has begun to prepare for the team to recover a little. There are still ten minutes left, and the golden big ear cup is his. George is drooling just thinking about it.

"...Duff, cut inside, shoot! Casillas saved it."

Casillas was the busiest. But after getting the ball, Casillas passed it to Solari on the left. At this time, Solari did not go along the side, but went to the middle. Deco in the middle immediately came to defend.

Deco really let go in the second half.

Deco is becoming more and more fearless. He thinks Real Madrid is just like that, and both defense and offense are well organized.

However, seeing Deco's defense, Solari did not continue to dribble the ball, but passed it to the side. It turned out that Carlos came up.

Because Pires has been holding Carlos back on this side. In addition, Zidane is a virtual left winger, so the entire left side should belong to Carlos. However, Carlos was entangled by Pires, and the number of assists he made in this game was limited. This time, he got a chance.

What is Carlos' greatest ability. That is speed.

After Carlos ran, it was really like a whirlwind. He is an absolute speed player. Facing the defensive Saniol, he didn't care about anything at all. He just used speed to break through, but unfortunately Saniol is no longer the little kid he used to be.

Saniol is getting more and more stable now. Although he is young, he is experienced. Therefore, although he was broken through by Carlos with speed, he was not panicked at all, but tightly guarded the inside line. Carlos couldn't get in, so he could only cross the ball.

Blackburn was least afraid of Real Madrid's crosses from both wings.

Figo didn't know how many times he had made exquisite crosses. But what's the use? In front of Ferdinand and Campbell, that kind of cross was futile.

So Sagnol was very confident.

Carlos also discovered this, so this time Carlos did not choose a high cross, but a low pass.

"... Carlos, pass the ball... Zidane got the ball, and Ferdinand was already close to Zidane."

Yes, Carlos made a low pass to the middle.

After Raul and Zidane changed positions, Zidane entered the penalty area and got Carlos' pass facing Ferdinand.

Ferdinand is also very stable now. He occupied a position early and cut off Zidane's route forward. Blackburn defenders were all defending, defending Zidane's possible passing route. But at this time, Zidane, who passed the ball more than he dribbled past, did a move that everyone is most familiar with when facing Ferdinand.

Zidane stepped on the ball with his left foot, then turned 180 degrees and pulled the ball with his other foot. After the other foot touched the ball, he pulled it back to get rid of Ferdinand.

Yes, it was the Marseille turn that Zidane is best at.

Zidane is so tall, but he actually did such a gorgeous move in the penalty area. He shook Ferdinand past him in one go and even shook him out at an angle.

"Marseille turn, shoot!"

"The ball went in. The ball went in. This is a Marseille turn, a Marseille turn. A wonderful Marseille turn! Zidane equalized the score, 2-2. The tenacious Real Madrid equalized the score."

"Blackburn fans were too happy too early. In the 83rd minute of the game, Real Madrid equalized the score."

This was just a commentator from another country.

The Spanish commentator was completely crazy. The Spanish commentator, who had been dull throughout the second half, finally found an outlet to vent. "Zidane, the one and only Zidane! There is only one Zidane in the world, and no one can replace Zidane!"

"Real Madrid, this is Real Madrid. This is the Real Madrid that has Juanito, this is the Real Madrid that has eight Champions League trophies!"

Everyone was crazy about Zidane's beautiful Marseille turn and beautiful goal.

Bosque, who had been standing anxiously on the sidelines, hugged the assistant coach next to him like crazy at this moment. Then he kept waving his arms and celebrating passionately.

Seeing Zidane's goal, the French commentator was also smiling.

"Zidane, Miku, this is the best gift God has given to France. They are the two best front midfielders in the world, and their simultaneous existence is a sweet trouble for the French national team. But it is also the luck of our generation of fans to see Zidane and Miku competing on the same field."

The person involved, Zidane, waved his arms and asked the Real Madrid players to come over to celebrate.

The Real Madrid players were very depressed throughout the second half. Blackburn beat them without any chance to fight back. When has Real Madrid ever played such a frustrating game? Now they have finally equalized the score. Real Madrid players are happy, Real Madrid players are excited.

George shook his head at the celebrating Real Madrid players.

The goal just now was not caused by a mistake in Blackburn's defense. It was Zidane's flash that determined the trend of the game.

This is a superstar.

In important games, at such a high pressure moment, they are superstars who use their own strength to turn the tide. Zidane is undoubtedly the most outstanding superstar in the world football now.

But George was unwilling. The Big Ear Cup that had been obtained had twists and turns.

George looked at the bench. Until now, the game was about to end, George had not replaced anyone. But now it was time to be decisive. So George waved his hand.

"Didier, give you one minute!"

There is one more.

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