Coaching legend

Chapter 4 Killing Two Birds with One Stone

"Burnley?" The tall man was about 1.9 meters tall. So George, who was 1.83 meters tall, had to look up a little to meet his eyes. Ballack, who had just come down from the training ground, looked at George in front of him with some doubts.

George was so excited now, not because he saw a future world-class star like Ballack. But because he just learned that Ballack had not signed a contract with Chemnitz. He was still a free agent and was just trying out for Chemnitz. Although even if Ballack had signed with Chemnitz, his value was only tens of thousands of dollars. But for the third-tier second-tier team in England, tens of thousands of dollars is not a small amount.

This year, Burnley was relegated from the First Division to the Second Division, which was a huge loss in itself. In addition, Burnley itself was not a wealthy team, so they were very happy to give George a transfer fee of one million pounds. So even a little money had to be saved, and tens of thousands of dollars might be able to buy some better players in the English Second and Third Divisions.

George nodded. "Michael, our club was in the second-tier league in England last year, which is the English First Division. But we failed to stay in the league this year. Starting from next season, our club will compete in the third-tier league in England. And I will be the new head coach of Burnley. I admire your ability very much and hope to invite you to join Burnley." George was really lucky at this time. Learning German back then can play a role at a critical moment.

Hearing that it is a club in the third-tier league in England, Ballack was a little disappointed. Although he has not joined Chemnitz yet, Chemnitz is also in the second-tier league in Germany. "Mr. Levy, but Mr. Tim said the club is considering signing me."

George looked at Evan next to him in confusion. Evan immediately understood what George meant and explained to him: "Tim is the coach of the youth team."

"Michael, I have no doubt that Chemnitz will sign you. Because you are very good, anyone who is not a fool will not let you go. But have you ever thought about it, even if you join Chemnitz, what will happen? There is a general tendency in German football that players can only truly mature when they are 25 years old. You are only 18 years old now, even if you join Chemnitz, you will just play with the Chemnitz youth team." For Michael Ballack, George is willing to spend more time. Because Ballack deserves more energy from George.

So George explained to Ballack in detail. "Think about it, the Chemnitz club is so poor that even the first team is struggling to invest. Not to mention the youth team. If there were no hard rules, I believe they would have disbanded the youth team. And you play with the youth team in those semi-amateur leagues, which doesn't improve you much. But we are different at Burnley. Burnley has a history of more than a hundred years. It has won the top league twice in history and is still in the English First Division this season. Although unfortunately, we were relegated. But our goal is to upgrade to the First Division." Although George was bewitched, he was telling the truth. After joining Chemnitz, Ballack played in the amateur Northern League that had just been established.

"Take a look, I heard that you have been training with the youth team in Chemnitz for a while. But they haven't offered you a player contract yet, but I flew from England to Germany for you. And I have prepared a contract for you. If you agree, follow me to England to try your luck." George's words made Ballack fall into deep thought.

And George's words were still very persuasive. Ballack was gradually leaning towards Burnley. After all, he was not even a professional player now, but Burnley's head coach came to Germany in person. Ballack was quite touched by such sincerity.

"What are you still thinking about? Do you want to give up such a good opportunity?" Evan Sawyer saw Ballack thinking about something there, and was more excited than Ballack himself. "Those idiots in Kemnitz don't know how to use you at all. If you follow him, you will learn a lot of different things."

Ballack was awakened by Evan's words and smiled shyly at George. "Mr. Levy, I agree to play for Burnley. Let's go to the cafe next door to discuss the details of the contract."

Ballack is very young, but he is much more mature than George imagined. But if you think about it carefully, Ballack can always choose the most beneficial step for himself in his career.

The contract George gave was also very good, with a weekly salary of 800 pounds and a four-year contract. This is a very good salary even in the German Second Division, and Ballack is very satisfied. But what Ballack didn't know was that George was even more satisfied than Ballack. Being able to sign a world-class midfielder like Ballack, although his current level has not reached the peak, he is already a player with quite good ability.

"Michael, I hope you can report to the club before July 20th." The moment George saw Ballack sign his name, he felt relieved. He stood up and stretched out his hand with a smile.

"I know, Mr. Levy." Ballack was also very happy, and he was finally going to step into the real professional football world.

George shook his head and said with a smile: "No, don't call me Mr. Levi. From now on, call me head or boss."


"Evan, what on earth did you study in Germany? Or are you also a coach?" After seeing off Ballack, George smiled and talked to Evan Sawyer next to him. George found this very lively young man very interesting.

Speaking of this, Evan sighed. "George, like you, I am also a coach. But no matter where I am, they all look down on young people like me. I guess they are under the impression that only people in their forties can be coaches. Don't think about it, Brian Clough was only thirty-two years old when he became the coach, and Chapman was not even thirty yet." As he spoke, Evan became a little indignant and said angrily. " I was originally in an English club, but those people looked down on me. Later, I wanted to make a career in East Germany, but I didn't expect that Germany was more conservative. "

George almost fainted after listening to Evan's words. What Chapman is, one of England's greatest managers. Led two different teams and won three consecutive championships. He is also the founder of the Arsenal dynasty. The famous W formation was created by Chapman. And Brian Clough is the most characterful coach in England's history. He led the C-level team to become the top league champion in five years. Of course, the most legendary thing is that at Nottingham Forest, he led the team to win the league championship in the first year of promotion. In the following two years, he dominated European football and won the European Champions Cup.

Evan, a nobody who didn't know where he was, actually used the two of them as an example. It’s true that horses don’t have a good face, but after a short period of contact, George still felt that Evan had some talent.

"Evan, how about it. How do you feel about coming to England with me?"

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