Coaching legend

Chapter 416 Taking the Initiative

No matter how unconvinced Manchester United was, the referee's decision could not be changed.

Manchester United fans throughout Old Trafford booed Drogba. They shouted "Liar! Liar!" They were very dissatisfied with the penalty just now. They all thought that the ball just now was obviously Drogba's diving, and the referee actually gave Woodgate a red card.

This made Manchester United fans very dissatisfied.

Therefore, as long as Drogba got the ball, the booing in the stadium was suffocating. But Drogba didn't care about the booing at all, because he still remembered George's words. The booing of the opponent's fans was the biggest reward for himself.

If possible, Drogba hoped that all the fans in the world except Blackburn and Côte d'Ivoire would come to boo him.

At this time, George shook his head on the sidelines.

Hum, Manchester United received the most care in the Premier League. Among all the strong teams, who is the most cared for by the referee is Manchester United.

This is normal, not that Manchester United bribed the referee. Who made Manchester United the overlord of the Premier League, and Manchester United is the club that contributes the most to the English national team. With Ferguson's connections, it's normal to take care of him. But it also makes Manchester United fans too proud.

They can't tolerate referees making unfavorable decisions against them.

Speaking of tragedy, which club among the Premier League's strong teams can compare with Arsenal. Don't look at Arsenal as the first Premier League giant to create its own dynasty. But now in the Premier League, Arsenal is still discriminated against.

Of course, this discrimination does not mean that the English football world looks down on Arsenal. But in the English football world, Arsenal is very different. Head coach Wenger is French, and he is incompatible with the tradition of English football. Wenger is not willing to integrate into the tradition of English football at all. In Wenger's view, many traditions of English football are backward and ignorant.

In addition, there are many French players in the Arsenal team. Even if they are not French players, there are many players from the French league. On the contrary, there are very few local players.

Anyway, Arsenal is completely different in English football. Although Blackburn also has many foreign players, especially French players. But Blackburn's head coach George is the best coach of the new generation in England.

Perhaps because of this, Arsenal's alternative was rejected by the traditional forces in English football. Even those referees looked at Arsenal with tinted glasses.

With Arsenal's style of play, there should be many penalties in a season. It should even be said that in the Premier League, there should be the most penalties. But what is the reality?

Arsenal has not had many penalties in a season.

It can even be said that Arsenal is very satisfied if they can get half of the penalties they should have in a season.

This is the difference between Manchester United and Arsenal.

Manchester United fans, what are you dissatisfied with.


One less player and two goals behind, Manchester United completely lost its original morale.

Yes, without morale, is it still Manchester United? Before the end of the game, Campbell scored the third goal of the game with a free kick.

Blackburn defeated Manchester United 3-0 away.

"Three to zero, the game is over. After 20 rounds, Blackburn leads Manchester United by five points. This was unimaginable at the beginning of the season. George himself probably couldn't imagine it. Look at the madness of George and Blackburn players."

Indeed, as Mortensen said. Blackburn players are very excited.

Of course, George is also very excited.

Five points ahead of Manchester United, George really didn't expect it. Five points, although the score difference is not big, but George seems to see the Premier League champion waving.

After the game, many reporters asked George about the penalty.

"Coach Levy, what do you think of Drogba's diving?"

The Manchester reporter was very dissatisfied. So the question was also very aggressive.

"Mr. Reporter, I want to correct you. The referee clearly ruled that this was a penalty. If you think this penalty is inaccurate, you can interview the referee."

George replied with a smile.

"Does Coach Levy think that Drogba's fall is normal? Isn't he the diving you mentioned? I think Drogba can also participate in the diving event in the Olympics."

The reporter was relentless and continued to ask questions. He returned the words George gave to Aimar that year to George.

But George was in a good mood. In addition, he won, so he didn't care. So he still asked with a smile: "Have you ever been a player?"

The reporter shook his head blankly. I don't know why George suddenly changed the subject.

"You have never been a player, how can you understand that as long as there is a little bit of force in high-speed running, it is possible for a player to fall. Players running at high speed are easily affected by external forces. Of course, you have never been a player, so it is normal not to know. But if there are things you don't understand, you should learn humbly instead of making arbitrary comments. This will make people laugh at you."

George is like a knowledgeable professor teaching students.

"Young man, humility makes people progress. In the future, you should humbly learn things you don't know. No one is a jack of all trades and it is impossible to know everything. Therefore, you can only succeed if you keep learning."

Hearing George speak so arrogantly, all the reporters present were stunned.

Humility makes people progress, wow. This sentence is no problem for anyone to say, but isn't it a joke of the century for you, George, to say this? When have you ever been humble?

George saw that all the reporters were confused and was very satisfied with the effect. So he took two steps, but then stopped and turned back with a smile: "But you are too incompetent as a reporter. Although you have never been a player, you are a football reporter after all. You should know some common sense."

After saying that, George shook his head and left.

This made all the reporters present laugh and cry.


After playing the 20th round of the Premier League, Blackburn will have two home games next.

On the 28th, they will play West Ham United at home. On the first day of the new year, they will play Middlesbrough.

Neither of these two teams is a strong team. Needless to say, West Ham United has many talents, but this season is a failed season. It is now the second-to-last team in the Premier League. Middlesbrough is not a strong team, that is, a team that can barely stay in the league.

For these two teams, George must win.

It would be too bad if he couldn't beat such an opponent.

These days, the games are very intensive, almost one game every two or three days. But George is still comfortable with substitutions. On the 28th, Blackburn won a 1-0 victory over West Ham United at home with a goal from Klose.

This game was really difficult.

Alonso, Miku, and Duff were all put on the bench by George. Alonso has played too many games this season, and George can't continue to use him. After all, Alonso is only 20 years old now. If George uses him to death, he is afraid that he will get injured.

Therefore, Parker, Kaka, and they played. Of course, George left one person in the frontcourt, that is, Pires.

Because Kaka's attacking ability is very strong, but he is not as good as players like Miku and Pires in organizing offense and passing. Therefore, although Pires played the whole game against Manchester United in the last game. But George still left Pires on the court.

Sure enough, when West Ham United strengthened its defense, Kaka played very awkwardly. Although he had a lot of training time last season, he was far inferior to Miku in threatening passes in the frontcourt. Fortunately, there is Pires.

It was Pires' pass in this game that allowed Klose to successfully counter-offside and score the only goal.

On January 1, 2003, Blackburn played Middlesbrough. This game was extremely easy. Blackburn defeated Middlesbrough 2-1 at home.

Don't look at the score of 2-1, in fact, the process was very easy.

Although Middlesbrough scored a goal first. But in less than ten minutes, Blackburn equalized the score. Hargreaves, who came in from behind, broke through Middlesbrough's goal with a long shot. After that, Blackburn had countless opportunities.

Middlesbrough's defense was almost empty. Blackburn players practiced shooting in Middlesbrough's penalty area almost at will. Just after the start of the second half, Pires scored a goal to overtake.

Winning this game, Blackburn has completed ten consecutive victories in various competitions. Therefore, the points are also rising rapidly.

Arsenal, who has been in average form recently, continues to be in a slump. First, they were tied by Liverpool 1-1, and then they were tied by Chelsea 2-2. As a result, the gap between Arsenal and Blackburn widened rapidly.

Arsenal is now six points behind Blackburn.

Manchester United was not in good shape after losing to Blackburn. They were tied 2-2 by Sunderland at home, but fortunately they beat Birmingham 2-0 in the next game.

Manchester United is now seven points behind Blackburn.

No one expected that Blackburn's top position would become more and more stable in just a few games. Manchester United and Arsenal were in extremely low form during the Christmas schedule. In other words, the four games before and after Christmas made Manchester United and Arsenal lose all their previous advantages.

George laughed unconsciously while looking at the standings.

Although the results were not good at the beginning of the season, Blackburn has already topped the list with a few games on Christmas.

Blackburn is currently completely in the driver's seat.

The Premier League championship is very tempting for George. George's interest in the Premier League championship has not decreased because he has won the Premier League championship twice.

Because it is the same in any league. Winning a league championship can only show that you were excellent that year. If you win the league championship for two consecutive years, it means that your team is very strong and has a certain dominance in the league.

But if you want to be recognized and want to create a dynasty.

Then three consecutive championships, three consecutive league championships, can fully demonstrate your dominance in this league. When Chapman created the first dynasty at Arsenal, he told the entire English football world with a three-time league championship.

Now even Ferguson has not won three consecutive Premier League titles at Manchester United. Wenger has not.

If George can complete the three consecutive league titles, then George will officially leave his footprints in the Premier League.

Such temptation makes George also excited.

Recently, due to the European Cup, it is difficult to adjust the time. There are only two updates today. But it has been adjusted, and there will be three updates tomorrow.

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