Coaching legend

Chapter 483 Cursing before fighting

As soon as Mourinho came to the Premier League, he wanted to poach Blackburn.

And Mourinho has a big appetite. His target turned out to be Blackburn's Didier Drogba.

Of course Chelsea are as generous as ever. The first offer was 23 million pounds, but George rejected it directly.

Want Drogba? What a fucking joke.

Blackburn's purchasing power will gradually decline in the future. What to do then? A striker like Drogba is hard to come by. Drogba can still be used for at least seven or eight years. Selling him for tens of millions of pounds is what a fool would do.

So George didn't think about it at all and just rejected it.

And tell Mourinho, if you want to buy Drogba, just dream.

I don’t know if it was because George’s attitude was too tough, but Mourinho was angry. He bombarded George in front of the media on the spot. "Some people have two world-class strikers, but they play a lone striker strategy. It's a waste of resources and they don't let them transfer."

This is the first time Mourinho has bombarded others since arriving in England.

I didn't expect that Mourinho's choice would be George. Now George's fame has greatly increased, and he has become a veritable European coach. He can be on an equal footing with famous coaches such as Ferguson and Wenger.

In England, George is a representative figure of local coaches.

Who would have thought that when Mourinho came to the Premier League, the first target he chose to attack would be George.

The current Mourinho does not have a Champions League title in history. But still so arrogant.

When the reporter interviewed George, he answered with a smile.

"Coach Mourinho said that I have two world-class forwards, but it is a waste of resources to play a lone forward. I am very confused. Chelsea seems to have four forwards in Mutu, Hasselbaink, Gudjohnsen and Crespo. And I heard recently that I want to buy a forward. I don’t understand, what does Coach Mourinho want from Didier when he has so many forwards? "

George shook his head.

"But seeing Coach Mourinho's look reminded me of a joke."

"It is said that there was a rich man who had a son. One day he saw his friend buying a house, and he was very angry. His friend was poor, and he had worked very hard to earn money to buy this house, and it was still In a small city. But the rich man’s son is just not satisfied.”

"So he ran to his father and said, 'Dad, I want to buy a house!'. His father was confused, you have your own house in a big city, why do you want to buy a house in a small city like this? And you still have to buy it Two houses?”

"But the rich man dotes on his children, so he said yes, but why do you want to buy two houses? Is one not enough?"

"At this time, the rich man's son said: I will buy one house to live in, and I will raise pigs in the other house. I am so angry with him!"

After hearing George's words, the reporters laughed.

George is really good at harming others, but he is so merciless when he harms others.

George paused, and then continued: "Coach Mourinho, it's better to make good use of his forwards. A young coach who has a little money but doesn't know why is not conducive to the rise of upstarts like Chelsea. Coach Mourinho can learn from us Blake Ben’s meritorious coach, Coach Dalglish, look at how he led Blackburn to win the Premier League championship.”

George once again comforted Mourinho in a condescending tone.

Seeing George's performance, these reporters liked it very much.

In the past few seasons, Manchester United's performance has dropped too much. Since 2000, Manchester United has never gained any advantage in the league. Nowadays, there are voices everywhere asking Ferguson to be dismissed from get out of class. Therefore, although Ferguson is still a master of psychological warfare, many people have ignored him.

As for Wenger, he is too gentle.

Even if you are arguing with someone, you always respond in a personable manner. Nothing too passionate.

George is the only one who can ridicule this and criticize that in the Premier League. No one can match him. Even coaches such as Robson and Houllier have suffered from George's words.

Everyone is a little tired.

At this time, Chelsea has welcomed a head coach who dares to confront George, and there will be more news.

They hurried to Mourinho's side to hear what this personality coach had to say.

Mourinho was unafraid to face George.

"I have four forwards now, but that doesn't mean I will have four forwards next season. Coach Levy doesn't even have the slightest idea of ​​development." Mourinho dismissed George's rebuttal. "How I manage at Chelsea is my business."

"Chelsea is the best team. If this sounds a bit arrogant, please forgive me: now Chelsea has the best manager. Chelsea's rise will not imitate any other club, but It will rise according to its own model.”

"Before Coach Levy achieved any results, he criticized the seniority system in English football every day. After he became famous, he became a pioneer in maintaining this tradition. He is so hypocritical."

Mourinho did not save George any face.

So what if you won the Champions League twice? In Mourinho's eyes, no one in the world can completely convince him. Even Robson, the leader, is like this.

The season hasn't even started yet, and George and Mourinho are already fighting in the media.

This made the English media like it too much.

One is the most outstanding local coach in England in the past decade, and the other is a young coach who just came to Chelsea. The two clubs are the two clubs that have risen strongly in the English football world with money. There are too many things to watch.

The two quarreled, but it did not affect George's pace in the transfer market.

Although Mourinho said it one-sidedly, it is true that George has two world-class strikers but plays as a single striker, wasting resources. Of course, this is not for Klose and Drogba. It's that the young players in the team are not satisfied.

Defoe was quite satisfied at the beginning.

But two seasons have passed, and Defoe is now quite dissatisfied with his position.

Now Defoe thinks that he should not continue to play as a substitute.

Therefore, Defoe told George that he should either give him the main force or let him go. At this time, Tottenham also came to interfere.

In recent years, Tottenham has obviously accumulated strength. They have bought many powerful players, and their strength has been steadily increasing. Unfortunately, their results have always been neither up nor down.

This time Tottenham was also cruel.

French coach Santini was invited. To be honest, Santini really didn't have any outstanding achievements, he just won some championships in Lyon. But Tottenham invited Santini mainly because Santini was the former head coach of the French national team.

George was speechless about Daniel Levy.

He seemed to like the head coach of the national team. George once introduced Redknapp to him, but he looked down on Redknapp. The head coach he chose was first the former England national team head coach Hoddle, and now the former French national team head coach Santini was invited.

I don't know what's the use.

Now Tottenham has set its sights on Defoe, and George didn't stop it.

Although Defoe is Blackburn's substitute striker, his goal efficiency is not low. In addition, Defoe is an English player with English nationality. Therefore, Tottenham spent 11 million pounds to buy Defoe.

After Defoe left, George had no plan to buy a striker.

At this time, Mourinho once again set his transfer target on Blackburn.

This time Mourinho's target is Hargreaves.

Hargreaves performed very well in this European Cup. In this European Cup, the two best players in England are Rooney and Gerrard. But Hargreaves, who came in behind, also performed well.

Hargreaves is currently a very strong midfielder in world football.

So Mourinho set his sights on him.


Emotionally, George was unwilling to give up on him. This is an excellent player. If it were normal, George would definitely refuse directly. But George thought that Hargreaves was a glass man.

His attending physician also said that Hargreaves' knees were more fragile than others.

Hargreaves is now the most valuable.


But Hargreaves is different from many others. He has been with George for six years. Although he is young, he is one of the current veterans of Blackburn. There are not many players who went to Blackburn with George.

And Hargreaves has always performed well.

Now Hargreaves has not shown any intention to leave Blackburn, and he agrees, which is really a bit...

But thinking of Hargreaves' injury, George is a little hesitant.

Finally, George gritted his teeth. Sell!

Although this is very ruthless, how many people in professional football are emotional?

So although he just had a fight with Mourinho, it was not obvious at all. The two sides conducted a series of bargaining, and finally George agreed to Chelsea's price of 24 million pounds.

After hearing this, Hargreaves was completely stunned.

He had never thought about leaving Blackburn. But he was not a blindly loyal person. Since George agreed to Chelsea's offer, he did not refuse. Chelsea will never let people suffer in terms of salary.

Hargreaves is a famous Premier League player.

So the salary is very high. Hargreaves is also satisfied.

In this way, Blackburn has sold two generals this summer. Defoe has little impact, but the sale of Hargreaves is a big deal.

Even the British media accused George.

Even if you sell, you can't sell it to Chelsea. Isn't this aiding the enemy?

It's just that George has no time to take care of their affairs now, because after selling players, he naturally needs to bring in some players.

George doesn't have much time now.

Because he is about to go to Asia to make money, George hopes that the new players can catch up when he goes to Asia. So the pace of recruiting players needs to be accelerated.

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