Coaching legend

Chapter 517 Playing the Piano

"Hello, Coach Levy."

The atmosphere here is very solemn, but Anderson is still calm. Seeing George coming in, he stood up and extended his hand gracefully.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson."

George went up to shake hands with him.

Jerome Anderson, although it was the first time he dealt with him, but George knew this person very well.

You can say that.

If you want to buy Portugal and some South American talents in European football, then you must know Mendes. Of course, it doesn't matter whether the head coaches of some small and medium-sized clubs know Mendes or not. Because Mendes' eyes are on the giants and strong teams.

But if you are in the English football world, if you don't know Jerome Anderson, then you don't need to be in the English football world. Or you are really ignorant.

Jerome Anderson, this is the oldest football agent in England.

Jerome Anderson is well-known in the English football world. Compared with Jerome Anderson, Allen's influence is completely child's play. Or it can be said that Allen became an agent that cannot be ignored in the English football world entirely because of the relationship between George and his brother Daniel.

But Jerome Anderson is different. This is an agent who has been doing this job for many years, and even some clubs dare not neglect him.

He was once the royal agent of Arsenal.

Except for some transfers made by Wenger himself, all other players recommended to Arsenal must go through this person. Even some players can only abandon their original agents and switch to Jerome Anderson in order to transfer to Arsenal.

There are many such examples.

Just like the big water goods bought by Wenger.

It is also a rare example of Wenger introducing local English players. Jeffers, who was bought for 9 million pounds, was like this when he transferred to Arsenal that year.

At that time, Arsenal was interested in him, and someone told him that if he wanted to transfer to Arsenal, he had to go through Jerome Anderson. So Jeffers changed his agent and became a player under Jerome Anderson.

In the end, it was easy to become an Arsenal player.

There were even more outrageous things back then. Stepanovs, a young central defender from Latvia, was an England international at the time. He was first introduced to Arsenal by Paul Walsh, who later became an agent. At that time, Arsenal's representative was Jerome Anderson.

As an agent, negotiating on behalf of a club is a strange thing in itself.

But the weirder thing is still to come. Anderson was dithering in the middle, and finally turned Stepanovs into his own player. He formed a strange thing that he negotiated on behalf of Arsenal and sold his own players.

Paul Walsh later criticized David Dunn and Jerome Anderson for breaking the rules.

Jerome Anderson is such a special agent.

When Arsenal made many transfers, he was the representative of Arsenal. Just like a staff member of Arsenal's transfer department. And if it was not his own player, he would even deliberately delay, and finally let the player become his person, so that the transfer could be smooth.

In addition to the transfers that Wenger personally paid attention to, some other transfers were under his control.


Because Jerome Anderson has a close relationship with David Dunn, the former vice chairman of Arsenal. And David Dunn's son is the representative lawyer of Jerome Anderson's agency. With this relationship, Arsenal is Jerome Anderson's backyard.

And because of Jerome Anderson's huge influence in Arsenal, Bergkamp, ​​Henry and others changed their agents after coming to Arsenal and invested in Jerome Anderson's name.

Of course, if he only controlled Arsenal's transfers, he would not be the most influential agent in English football.

The greatest ability of this person is to be able to fool the presidents of other clubs.

The first person he fooled was Manchester City owner Thaksin.

Last summer, he fooled him into using Eriksson. Then there were eight players' transfers. Jerome Anderson contributed the most.

Although Thaksin kicked him away later and used Tevez's agent as his confidant.

But last summer, he still made countless profits.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually ran here.

George didn't have the slightest good impression of him. This kid was too arrogant in England.

George thought about buying some local players. But George definitely didn't like to work with him.

He not only liked to stir up trouble in the transfer market, but also liked to interfere in the club's transfers.

"George, you're here."

Williams also looked at George. But the anger on his face did not disappear.

Seeing George, Williams sighed.

"Mr. Said, the words have been said. I'll leave first." Williams, who had just quarreled, saw George and didn't continue to quarrel.

George was shocked to see Williams leave without looking back.

Williams is definitely a good-tempered person.

In the ten years that George and Williams have cooperated, he has never seen Williams so angry. Although Williams said very little, the anger he showed was felt even by George, who was next to him.

"Mr. Chairman, I'll go and see."

After George finished speaking, he went to chase Williams. George's appearance made Said's face darken. George was so arrogant. Anderson next to him was very happy. If Said attaches great importance to George, then he will have no chance to make money.

"John, John. What's going on?"

Williams' gray beard trembled in fits and starts. Seeing George chasing after him, he didn't stop.

George needed to jog before he could talk to Williams.

"John, walk slowly. We've come a long way."

Only then did Williams stop.

"Come on. I heard Richard say that you want to resign. What's going on?"

Hearing George's words, Williams kicked the wall next to him hard. He doesn't look like a club president at all, more like a street gangster.

"Hmph. This Indian guy just came to the club and is about to sell the naming rights of the stadium."

"I've heard about this. It's normal for them to want to make some money because they are carrying such a big debt. You don't need to be so angry. Even if the naming rights are sold, it will only be a matter of time. You will still have to change the name in the future. of."

George comforted Williams.

"Shit, George, do you believe this? These rich second generations? Do you really think he cares about that little money, but he just thinks the name Jack Walker is harsh."

Williams pouted.

"Do you think I will resign just because of this thing?" Williams said angrily: "You have seen Jerome Anderson. You don't know what kind of virtue this man has. He is in England The football world is already notorious. Unless they want to bring in his players, look at which club in English football except Arsenal will really deal with him. , isn’t this looking for death?”

"Look at Manchester City now. Thaksin was deceived by Anderson and lost an unknown amount of money. And look at how much money Anderson made from it."

Williams was indignant.

Who is Jerome Anderson? Not only does he have many players, he also has many head coaches in British football.

It's not that easy to deal with this kind of broker.

He has done harm to Manchester City, and now he is coming to harm Blackburn.

"Anderson, he recommends his players to Said?"

Anderson is England's number one agent. There are hundreds of players under his command, and there are countless good players. If it was just about recommending players, Williams shouldn't be so angry.

"Bah. How could I be so angry if I just recommend players? This Indian guy actually wants Anderson to be in charge of Blackburn's transfer. Isn't this nonsense? If Anderson is asked to be in charge of our transfer, he won't take the opportunity to put him in charge All the players are packed in.”

"How can I endure this kind of thing?"

"The Indian guy really thinks I don't know what he wants to do. He sees the value of our current players, so he wants to sell them and earn back the money he invested first."

George frowned.

"A transfer that brings Anderson to our club? What does Saeed want to do? Does he see me as a manager?"

George was very angry.

Transfers in the Premier League are the prerogative of the head coach. Premier League clubs will never have transfer directors like those in Serie A and La Liga. Because transfer power is within the scope of the head coach's authority.

Now Said will not go through George at all, but will give the transfer power to others.

If it were his direct descendant, George wouldn't be so angry. It is not incomprehensible that he, a new chairman, wants to install direct relatives. But if you want Anderson to intervene, isn't this inviting a wolf into the house?

Syed, an Indian guy, plays the piano completely randomly.

"George, let me say something. There are many coaches under Anderson's management. Many head coaches in his agency are one of the shareholders. Anderson is eager for you to leave, and then let his own coaches come over."

George smiled bitterly when he heard Williams' words.

Is this what is called one emperor and one courtier? I still can’t do it myself.

Look at Ferguson?

Even after Glazer took over Manchester United, he didn't dare to do anything to Ferguson. But why am I so inferior?

"George, I'm sorry." Williams patted George on the shoulder. "It seems that I can't continue to do this. If Richard knew about it, he would definitely not be willing to succumb to Anderson. Richard is now a hot potato, and no matter where he goes, there will be people who will welcome him. But from now on , you will be the only one left in the club."

Williams felt very sorry for George.

He should be George's backing. But Williams just couldn't work with the stupid pig that was Syed.

"It's okay. But John, do you really want to resign?"

"Yeah." Williams nodded. "I can't do it anymore. It's just a pain for you."

George shook his head.

"I know what you mean. Don't worry, I know what to do."

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