Coaching legend

Chapter 522 Manchester United’s Weakness

Don't look at the turmoil in Blackburn during this period. All kinds of gossips are flying around, and I don't know which one is true and which one is false.

In addition, Ferguson was aggressive before the game, and George could only passively take the beating.

But although he was at a disadvantage, George was not idle during this period. George looked tense every day and was in a bad mood. In fact, he analyzed Manchester United's games every day. Manchester United has been strong since 2006, and it has been the third season now.

In 2006-07, Ferguson led Manchester United to win the Premier League championship and drove Mourinho away. It is also a sign of Manchester United's resurgence.

The 2007-08 season was even more amazing. Not only did they win the Premier League championship again, but they also won the Champions League. Ferguson's third-generation disciples are fully mature. After the reorganization of the defense line and the addition of Vidic and Evra, it is already perfect. Especially Ronaldo, he became the world's number one star. Last year, he was undisputedly the World Footballer of the Year and the European Footballer of the Year.

In the 2007-08 season, the whole of Europe was under the banner of the Red Devils Manchester United.

This season, Manchester United is still strong.

Judging from the current state, there is no problem in winning the Premier League championship. That is the second club to win three consecutive Premier League titles since the establishment of the Premier League. Even when facing reporters, Ferguson made a big statement. He said that his biggest goal is to kick Liverpool off the throne.

Ferguson's goal is to lead Manchester United to win more championships in the top league than Liverpool.

But no one thinks it is impossible. According to Manchester United's current strength and Liverpool's downturn, it is only a matter of time to surpass Liverpool.

Manchester United is very strong.

This is recognized by everyone.

But Manchester United is not without shortcomings.

George has understood and analyzed Manchester United's lineup these days. He is also familiar with Manchester United's current situation.

Ferguson used his extraordinary ability to deploy troops to try his best to cover up Manchester United's weakness. Ferguson is indeed very powerful. But this kind of weakness cannot disappear by covering it up. At most, it is just covered up.

It can be covered up, but it still exists.

Manchester United's biggest problem now lies in the midfield.

Manchester United's midfield is very weak, very weak.

Manchester United's defense is world-class, with Gary Neville, Ferdinand, Vidic, and Evra.

The forwards are also good. Ronaldo and Rooney. There is also a best 12 player, Tevez. The offensive power of these people is ranked among the best in world football.

But the midfield is very shabby.

Fletcher, Anderson, Giggs, Park Ji-sung, Scholes, Nani and others.

If you only look at the reputation, they are of course good. Unfortunately, the reality is different.

Anderson and Nani are talented players bought by Ferguson to update the midfield. Anderson is 18 million pounds, and Nani is 17 million pounds. At the age of 20, this price is already sky-high.

Anderson performed very well last season. Last season, Manchester United won the Champions League and the league championship, and Anderson's contribution was very large. Unfortunately, this season, the state has declined a lot. In the midfield, defense is not good, and offense is not good.

When Nani came to Manchester United, he was hailed as the "new Cristiano Ronaldo". He is indeed the successor of Ronaldo. After coming to Manchester United, he was obsessed with personal skills just like Ronaldo at the beginning. He has been unable to cooperate with the team, and now he has lost the main position in the competition with Park Ji-sung.

Park Ji-sung was used by Ferguson. Just like in the Champions League semi-finals last season, Park Ji-sung was placed in the front midfielder position by Ferguson. Park Ji-sung's contribution in the offense was average, but he interfered with Xavi, making Xavi very uncomfortable.

After two rounds, he was the best player.

Ferguson used Park Ji-sung in every tough battle.

But George was not afraid of Ferguson using Park Ji-sung. Park Ji-sung was an engineer-type player in Manchester United. Although his off-ball running is very distinctive, it is a pity that there is no player with strong creativity in the middle of Manchester United's midfield.

As for Giggs and Scholes, although they are getting more and more monsters, if Manchester United succeeds in the renewal, Ferguson will definitely not let Giggs and Scholes continue to be the main players of the team. In order to replace the 92 generation, Ferguson actually used a lot of people.

Fletcher, Alan Smith, Anderson, Nani, Kleberson, but they all failed to take over smoothly. Fletcher was the most successful, but the others did not meet expectations.

Think about Manchester United back then.

Beckham, Keane, Scholes, Giggs lined up, and no one was worried. But now these midfielders. Control the ball, control the ball is not good. Pass the ball, pass the ball is not good. Compared with the past, the current Manchester United midfield strength has declined too much.

Manchester United is now strong in defense, and the frontcourt Ronaldo and Rooney have strong offensive power. So Ferguson used the offensive power of the frontcourt players, plus a strong back line, not through the midfield. Manchester United's attack is more about quickly passing through the midfield, and then relying on the personal abilities of several people in the frontcourt to tear open the opponent's defense.

This style of play tries to cover up the lack of strength of the midfield players.

But the weakness of Manchester United's midfield is real. Manchester United's midfield is completely inferior to other Premier League strong teams.

Chelsea is needless to say, even Arsenal's midfield is better than Manchester United. When playing against Manchester United, Manchester United could not compete with other strong teams in the midfield.

So George aimed at Manchester United's center.

This is Manchester United's biggest weakness.


Manchester United played a 4-3-3 formation in this game.

Ferguson obviously absorbed Chelsea's winger style. But Manchester United is not Chelsea's winger style. He does not have a fixed center forward or a fixed winger. Ferguson's Manchester United three forwards, their positions are changed at will.

Some people even say that Manchester United's style of play is a frontcourt run.

The three forwards in this game are Ronaldo, Rooney, and Park Ji-sung. Ronaldo became a forward, Rooney and Park Ji-sung are two wingers. In fact, the three players can change positions at will.

In the middle, Fletcher is the main defender, Anderson is the front and back liaison, and Giggs is the front midfielder. This is Manchester United's starting lineup.

George placed Ribery, Alonso, Essien, Yang Feng, and Kaka in the midfield.

At the beginning of the game, Blackburn started a fierce attack at Old Trafford.

And Blackburn's attack is no longer the kind of speed competition in the past. It is the control of the midfield.

George asked Alonso to move forward, while Kaka, Ribery and Yang Feng kept changing positions. Blackburn's midfielders are all technically excellent players. In the past, George always asked Alonso to retreat and protect the back line.

Then he relied on Alonso's long pass to counterattack.

Now he is competing with Manchester United for control of the midfield.

For Manchester United's midfield, George is most worried about Fletcher. Fletcher is very strong in defense and very ruthless. It is very useful against players with good skills.

George is not very worried about other players.

Anderson is not in good shape this season. His defense is not good. His offense is slow. He is like a superfluous person in the midfield.

As for Giggs, he is really old.

He has excellent skills, excellent passing and sufficient experience. But this is based on his ability to get the ball. Giggs is now 35 years old, and Giggs himself is a technical player. He is not a player with strong physical strength at all.

In the face of Blackburn's midfield's oppressive play, Giggs also has difficulty getting the ball. Because now Manchester United's midfield is all pointing to Fletcher alone. How could they possibly stop the attacking group composed of Alonso, Kaka, Ribery, and Yang Feng? Blackburn's midfielders are young, and youth is their capital, and they are very strong. In addition to constantly passing the ball to control the ball, they also press.

Blackburn's sudden pressing in the middle made Manchester United very uncomfortable.

Really uncomfortable.

When Ferguson arranged this game, he did not expect it to be like this.

Blackburn now has internal and external troubles. According to George's usual practice, it must be a defensive counterattack. And Blackburn has the strength to play a defensive counterattack, especially the frontcourt is full of fast players. Playing a defensive counterattack is the most suitable.

But I didn't expect George to attack boldly and start fighting in the midfield.

Manchester United's midfield is not as domineering as Keane back then.

Even Fletcher relies more on fierce fighting. It is far from the height of Keane back then.

Keane could be a man in the midfield, but Fletcher couldn't reach this level. Therefore, Fletcher was alone in the midfield, facing Blackburn's offensive players, and was very tired. He ran from the left to the right, and from the right to the left. There was no one else in the midfield to help.

Therefore, Blackburn fought in the midfield and immediately disrupted Manchester United's midfield.

Although Rooney and Ronaldo in the frontcourt were very threatening. Especially Ronaldo, who seemed to be a center forward, was actually just a pseudo center forward. His position was very flexible, and he would go to the left and right as long as there was a ball.

Ronaldo had too much time to get the ball.

Rooney, the top star in England, could only help Ronaldo at this time. It can also be seen that Ferguson valued Ronaldo.

And Ronaldo was very comprehensive.

He could head the ball into the penalty area and shoot from a distance outside the penalty area. Anyway, he was good at everything.

There were many threats to Blackburn's defense.

But at this time, George no longer cared about these.

Now that Manchester United's midfield was so weak, how could they not take advantage of it.

Indeed, Manchester United's midfield was at an absolute disadvantage in the confrontation with Blackburn. Ferguson frowned deeply. George was always so unexpected.

But Ferguson was not a pushover.

He immediately instructed the Manchester United midfield to retreat a little, and then pulled Park Ji-sung from the winger position to the front midfielder position. Let Park Ji-sung interfere with Alonso who was moving forward, and if there was a chance, he would attack. Giggs retreated and organized the team's attack.

Fletcher and Anderson were responsible for protecting the backcourt.

Ronaldo and Rooney were in front, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

Ferguson changed, and George changed with him. Playing on the wing, Manchester United's midfield defense is too weak. If the midfield defense is strong, it can even protect the two wingers. But now, except for Fletcher, no one else in Manchester United can do it.

So this time, not only the two wing forwards Ribery and Yang Feng, but also the full-backs Baines and Maicon went up to assist. Put continuous pressure on Manchester United.

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