Coaching legend

Chapter 534 Fishing

George greeted the fans while walking silently on the street.

This is the fourth day after winning the Champions League. George still remembers Platini's dead face.

Platini definitely hopes that Barcelona will win the championship.

Excluding the "godfather theory" that people say, Platini also has enough reasons to hope that Barcelona will win the Champions League. Because since Blackburn won the Champions League in 2004, there have been Premier League teams in the Champions League final every year.

Among them, Chelsea won the championship in 2005, Manchester United won the championship in 2008, and Blackburn won the championship in 2009.

In this way, in the six years since 2004, the Premier League has won four of the Champions League titles. This number is too frequent. It can almost be compared to the time when the English League One swept the European football scene in the 1970s and 1980s. This has violated the interests of UEFA.

So Platini hopes to suppress the strength of the Premier League.

Barcelona, ​​which has risen strongly in recent years, happens to be the best team to suppress Premier League teams.

Unfortunately, Blackburn still won the Champions League.

Platini is different from Johansson. Johansson cherishes talents, even a rebellious head coach like George, Johansson also cherishes it. Or it may be related to Johansson's older age, and he treats young coaches like George with an elder's attitude.

But Platini is different.

Platini attaches great importance to maintaining the prestige of UEFA. What he dislikes most is a personality coach like George who is rebellious and even bombards UEFA at every turn.

In Platini's eyes, George is a disobedient coach like Mourinho.

Therefore, after George won the Champions League, Platini was of course unhappy. Although there was a hypocritical smile on his face, George could think of his depression.

Seeing Platini's forced smile, George was very happy.


When he played football before, he was indeed a world-class superstar. But after becoming the president of UEFA, he had the face of a politician. George hated it very much.

"Hey, George!"

Two fans came over to greet George.

George nodded. Anyway, on the streets of Blackburn, these fans greeted George like this. After nodding, George continued to walk forward. But he didn't expect two players to follow him.

George was a little confused.

Because in Blackburn, especially in the area where George lived. Fans knew that George was here, and everyone just greeted him. No fans would ever come around like a star.

Could it be that these two fans wanted autographs.

"George, I heard you're leaving."

The shorter fan said a little sadly. George sighed. If he could, George would not want to leave Blackburn. But with Said and that hateful Jerome Anderson, George could not work with them.

Seeing that George did not answer, the two fans also lowered their heads.

"George, I don't know when you will leave. We will treat you to a drink."

The taller fan had a very sincere expression. George saw the two of them and nodded slowly. These are the simplest fans.

There are few people in the bar.

But you must not think that the bar is not doing well. The bar is usually doing well, but the fans need to take a break after the crazy celebrations in the past two days. It is estimated that the bar will be deserted in the next two or three days.

When the fans recover, the bar will naturally be doing well.

"I don't know your names yet."

The two people in front of him are younger than George. They are only about 30 years old.

"Just call me Joseph, and he is Simon." The tall man said with a smile.

The two people in front of him are very talkative. From the universe to the daily necessities, they can talk about everything. George feels very comfortable chatting with them. These two people are very talkative.

But after all, they are fans, and they soon talked about the team.

"George, if you leave, can Kaka and Ribery stay?"

"Simon, aren't you asking knowingly?" Joseph was very dissatisfied with Simon's childish question. "Look at that Indian guy. He said at the press conference last year that he would invest 200 million pounds in five years. Bullshit, we didn't even see 2,000 pounds."

Joseph was indignant.

Two hundred million pounds in five years, this was Said's bold statement at the time. But from the current appearance, it doesn't look like he is going to invest two hundred million pounds.

Blackburn fans have no good impression of a boss like Said who is full of lies.

In addition, because he is an Indian tycoon, the British call him "Indian".

George looked at the two fans in front of him, and he hated Said more and more in his heart. He also blamed Paul in his heart, saying that it would be better if the club was sold to a Russian or Middle Eastern tycoon. Look at Abrahimovic and Manchester City's Middle Eastern boss.

Their investment, that is the real investment.

Don't say it's two hundred million pounds in five years, they are three hundred million pounds in two years. This is a big deal. Paul, you really misjudged it.

"George, we have only seen Said's appearance on TV and in newspapers. What is he like in reality?"

Simon asked curiously.

George, who was in a bad mood, curled his lips when he heard Simon asking Said. "Rich second generation, can't do shit."

"Yes, what can he know? Otherwise, why would Williams resign?" Joseph also echoed George. It seems that he is very upset about Williams leaving.

George nodded.

"Saeed, this piece of shit Indian guy. Not only a liar, but also a fool. For 200 million pounds in five years, he will never give up until he sells all our star players. The only thing he can say is Angry." George couldn't help scolding Said.

Just like the Manchester United fans who gathered together to scold Glazer when they had nothing to do.

Although he has only been in charge for one season, he also won the Champions League this season. But Blackburn fans feel the same way about Said and Glazer. Therefore, it is also a pastime for everyone to get together and curse Said.

When George scolded Said, several people at the table next to him came over and scolded him too.

Everyone drank and chatted happily.

George liked them anyway. These fans have a clear distinction between love and hate. There were many young people inside, and George felt relaxed when he was with them.

When he arrived at Blackburn, although George was not like when he was at Burnley, he often drank with the fans.

But not too little.

After all, it was eleven years at Blackburn Rovers.

Drinking with fans, George also enjoys moments like this. I just feel that Joseph and Simon are two very knowledgeable people. Not only in football, but also in many other aspects. I am still sighing in my heart, young people are really knowledgeable.


George drinks less.

Even when celebrating the championship, George would drink less than others. Because George has always been a bad drinker.

But yesterday George liked Joseph and Simon a lot, and he wasn't in a good mood when it came to Said, the bastard. So I drank two more drinks.

I woke up in the morning and came to the living room.

There are already sorted newspapers in front. George had no interest in sports newspapers. And Miranda has no interest in sports news. Therefore, the newspapers at home are sorted in advance.

George looked at the "Sun" at the top.

Don't look at George's daily criticism of "The Sun". But I usually read this newspaper. Of course, it's not to see page three girls, but because this newspaper is definitely one of the most informative newspapers.

But just as he turned the page, George was stunned.

“George slams Indians as liars!”

George wiped his eyes. Then take a good look at the content.

Wow, isn't this what I said when I was drinking with the fans yesterday? Of course, there are some that were added by the reporters themselves. There are also some that they deleted.

Just like George was clearly criticizing the bastard Said, but here he expanded the target of George's criticism to the entire Indian population.

George shook his head.

Think carefully about what happened yesterday. At this point, if you don’t understand, you’d be an idiot.

Damn it, the two so-called Blackburn fans who drank with George yesterday were obviously reporters pretending to be reporters. It's still a Sun reporter pretending to be.

George couldn't help but slap his forehead.

The fucking Sun? This kind of damaging move can be done.

And the two reporters yesterday looked so much like Blackburn fans. George didn't notice at all that they were reporters pretending to be reporters.

George has also laughed at former England national team coach Christian Eriksen before. Erikson was tricked by reporters from the News of the World. At that time, a reporter from the "News of the World" pretended to be a Middle Eastern rich man and told Eriksson that they would buy Villa.

Then invite Eriksen to coach.

Eriksson was in high spirits at the time. Not only did he reveal many secrets about the England national team, he also agreed to coach Villa. For an annual salary of five million pounds, Eriksen has been completely embarrassed.

At that time, everyone in England was condemning Eriksen.

George also made a good joke on Eriksen next to him.

I didn’t expect that.

As things turn, I also have such moments.

I have always prided myself on being fearless of reporters. He has a special way of dealing with reporters. I never thought that I would be tricked by a reporter in the end. Hunting geese all day long, only to be pecked by geese.

There is nothing wrong with bashing Said. After all, George had nothing to do with him.

But now asking a reporter to write this seems like he is discriminating against Indians. See what's written inside? Throughout the article, George said that Indians are liars and idiots. Can you say this casually?

Even if George was drunk, he wouldn't say it.

Although George does not have a good impression of Indian Asan in his heart. But he won't be so outspoken. George is not that stupid.

But it seems that these two reporters are good at making up stories. No wonder The Sun was reviled like that. Are they a newspaper? Totally writing a novel.

This is called fishing.

The Sun is trolling itself. I fell in stupidly.

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