Coaching legend

Chapter 68 Post-match incident (Part 2)

After the press conference, George went directly to the hospital.

"Professor Cook." This is the local hospital in Burnley, and it is also a hospital that cooperates with the Burnley Club.

After Mitchell King was injured, the team doctor knew that Mitchell's injury was serious after a simple treatment, so he was immediately sent to the local hospital. Chris Cook was the doctor in charge.

George had just entered the hospital and found Chris Cook rushing upstairs, so he stopped him.

Chris Cook saw that George was not surprised, so he nodded. "Coach Levy, you are here."

"How is Mitchell?"

"Not very good, but not very bad."

"What do you mean?"

"The injury is not very serious. Generally, players only need to rest for about half a month. But Mitchell is old, and he needs to rest for at least more than 40 days." Chris Cook talked to George about Mitchell's injury expressionlessly.

George breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it is not a serious injury, there is no problem. As the doctor said, Mitchell is old, and once it is a serious injury, he can only choose to retire.

"Will there be some sequelae?"

Hearing George's words, Chris Cook smiled rarely. "It's just a normal leg injury, how can there be sequelae. But Mitchell is old and has reached the age of retirement."

George nodded. Even if Mitchell didn't want to retire, George would persuade him to retire next season. Mitchell is indeed too old.

"Thank you, Professor Cook."

"No, this is my job. Coach Levy, I have to go busy."

Looking at Chris Cook leaving, George shook his head. Because Burnley Hospital and Burnley Club are in a cooperative relationship, George and Chris Cook have many opportunities to meet, but Chris Cook is so boring every time they meet.


Speaking of it, in the English league, it is very common for players to get injured and have conflicts during the game. And those coaches criticize opponents and referees.

But there has never been a coach who criticizes opponents and referees like George.

In addition, George scolded the referee on the court, which was written truthfully in the report by the referee.

The next day, George's words were published truthfully by major newspapers in England, and even George's sarcastic remarks about the referee on the field were picked up by reporters.

"Is there something wrong with your eyes? You only gave a yellow card for such an action. How can you be a referee? Are you blind?"

"Do you have a referee certificate?"

"Besides playing cards at me, what else can you do? You should go back and take a good referee course before you come to be a referee. Don't embarrass yourself on the field."

"In a football match, the referee becomes the protagonist and the star, which is the most ridiculous. I don't know where he got his referee certificate. With such a low level of refereeing, I really don't know how he can referee the English League One."

These words were clearly written in large letters in the newspaper. Everyone saw George, the young coach, get angry again.

Although George is young, he is not a fool. On the night of the game, he had collected some controversial penalties in the game that day, and then submitted a letter of protest to the English Football Association about West Brom's unsportsmanlike behavior and the poor refereeing of the referee, Minnick. Damn, who in China doesn't know the idiom of preemptive strike. George knew that what he said this time was a bit excessive and he would definitely be banned by the FA. That's why George did it. He should at least dress himself up as the injured party. And Burnley was the one who suffered.

The matter was not a big deal, but George's overreaction made it bigger.

The English FA, which has always been inefficient, reacted very quickly this time. The next afternoon, they found the referee on duty, Minik, hoping to hear his explanation.

All the media focused their attention on the English FA, wanting to see the English FA's penalty.

During the FA's research process, the media has been very lively. First, George continued to attack West Brom's rough fouls in the media, including criticizing the referee Minik.

"I am confused why English football is so tolerant of rough fouls. This kind of rough foul is a harm to football. If English football wants to develop, it should abandon this kind of rough action."

Even George didn't expect that a coach George had never dealt with would speak for George. This is Arsenal coach Wenger, who just came to the Premier League last October. Speaking of last October, when George had just had a car accident, there was another biggest topic in English football.

That was Wenger, who coached in the Japanese league, became the head coach of the Premier League powerhouse Arsenal. The most interesting headline at the time was "Arsenal? Who is Arsenal?"

However, Wenger did a very good job in less than a year, turning the ugly Arsenal left by Graham into a team with gorgeous play and smooth offense.

George really didn't expect Wenger to speak out to support him at this time.

But there were also many people who disagreed with Wenger's views, and the media had a lot of verbal battles. These days, the media is like a festival. At the beginning, it was a quarrel between two English League One clubs. With Wenger's speech, some influential people in English football gradually participated in this debate.

Three days later, the Football Association finally announced its opinions on the handling of this incident.

First, the referee on duty, Minnick, was banned for three games because he failed to control the game and let the game get out of control.

Then, West Bromwich striker No. 9 Barnett was punished for a malicious foul. Although he was not shown a red card on the spot, he was given an additional penalty. He was banned for three games and fined one thousand pounds.

Burnley coach George insulted the referee on the field and attacked the Football Association after the game, intending to interfere with the normal work of the referee. He was banned for three games and fined one thousand pounds.

In the end, the players who received red and yellow cards on the field maintained the original judgment.


"George, why are you here?" Mitchell asked George naturally while lying on the bed with a thick bandage on his leg.

"Why, don't you welcome me?" George took a small stool and sat in front of the bed. "How is it?"

"It's fine. I've been playing football for so many years. I took this opportunity to have a good rest." Mitchell was not depressed at all and joked with George. Seeing George's bitter smile, Mitchell shook his head. "What's up, George? Do you think the team can't win without me? That's too lame. Haha."

"Mitchell, it seems that you are in good spirits. Then I'm relieved, take good care of your injury. The team is full of children, and I still expect you to teach them well."

"George, don't go out and say that. It seems that you are very old." Mitchell laughed. "By the way, what do you think of the captain of the team."

"What do you think?"

"Daniel, Daniel is the most suitable from any aspect."

George nodded.

"Mitchell, I'm leaving first. Take good care of your injury, I'll wait for you."

"Don't worry, George. I don't want to retire yet."

(Just came back from a class reunion. I'm very sorry.)

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