Coaching legend

Chapter 9 The pace of building a new team

"Mr. Kilby, now that I have become the club's head coach, I have to get into my work mode. I have already thought about the players the club needs for the new season. I would like to ask how much transfer fee the club can give me. "After the press conference, George and Kilby went straight back to the club. In Kilby's office, George directly asked the core question.

Kilby personally made coffee for George, and then said with a smile: "George, it's not that you have thought about it, but many people have already contacted him." George nodded while drinking coffee. "George, this time the board of directors is very determined to support you. The club will give you a transfer fee of 1.3 million pounds. I hope you will not let the board of directors down."

For £1.3 million, George almost jumped up and kissed Kilby. 1.3 million pounds is simply worthless to those Premier League teams. But for Burnley, who is struggling in the second division, it is definitely a huge amount of money. Even in the A-League, the transfer funds for mid- and lower-tier teams in a year only amount to this much.

"Thank you, Mr. Kilby. I will not let the club down." George was ecstatic. With 1.3 million pounds, the team in George's mind can be truly completed.


After George came out of Kilby's office, a coaches meeting was held immediately. Although those coaches George are relatively familiar with them, as the head coach now, he should have met them all.

"Let me introduce to you, everyone knows Karl Pat. From now on, Wilkinson will be in charge of the club's youth team, and Karl Pat will appear in the first team. This is Evan Sawyer next to me. He will also join our coaching staff at the beginning of this season." George first introduced them to Karl Pat and Evan Sawyer. Then introduce several people present to Evan Sawyer. "This is Coach Thompson, Coach Carmel Thomas, Coach Sani Griffin, Coach Wilkinson. And at the end is Mitchell King, the captain of our team."

George's coaching team is relatively simple. If it weren't for the promotion of Karl Pat and the introduction of Evan Sawyer, there would only be three coaches. The three coaches are basically veteran coaches of the club. At least he has been with the club for more than 20 years, and his coaching level relies entirely on his own experience.

"From now on, everyone will eat from the same pot, and everyone is familiar with each other, so I won't be polite to everyone. The board of directors gave us a transfer fee of 1.3 million pounds this year, and I already have goals for the new season. Carl, Let’s talk about the situation of those two players first.” After everyone sat down, George was not polite at all.

Except for Karl Pat who is just over thirty and Evan Sawyer who is under thirty, the other coaches here are all in their fifties. George knew that these coaches were dissatisfied with George. So George didn't expect to be able to convince them all at once. When George's results came out, they would naturally have nothing to say.

Karl didn't expect that George would be the first to ask him, but he still took out the notes in his pocket very quickly. "Gary Breen performed well at Gillingham. As a defender, he can header and block. Gillingham is only in the third division. They charge 50,000 pounds. As for Darren Huckabee, he is in the third division. The league is very famous and many clubs are interested in him, so it should cost at least 100,000 pounds.”

Thompson, Thomas and others next to him looked at each other in confusion. They did not expect that George had already decided which players to introduce without any discussion. Although when we usually work together, we already know that George has a strong personality. But I definitely didn't expect George to do this.

"This way, Carl. Gary Breen and Darren Huckabee must win 200,000 pounds. This matter will be left to you. You must see these two in the new season." George was cursing in his heart. Money runs rampant in the football world and last year Gary Breen and Darren Huckaby would not have had £100,000 combined.

"Evan, Crewe couldn't be promoted. What did Danny Murphy say?" George had known for a long time that Crewe couldn't be promoted. Danny Murphy, the new star George, was bound to win.

Although Evan Sawyer came to Burnley for the first time, he still had a cheerful expression. "George, I have met with Danny Murphy's agent. He is very willing to come to our club, but the transfer fee should be between 200,000 and 300,000 pounds. It is not very cheap anyway." Evan said While giving George an ambiguous look, George understood immediately. Evan must have promised to give Danny Murphy's agent a huge kickback, so George also gave him a smile.

"Evan, three hundred thousand pounds is too expensive. About two hundred thousand pounds is not a problem. Who allowed Murphy to have English citizenship? Nationality is also very valuable in our country." George was very dissatisfied with the inflated worth of English players.

After talking to Karl Pat and Evan Sawyer, George turned to Thompson. "Thompson, I have talked with Mitchell. In the current lineup, Ian Coed, Miller, and Grant must stay. As for David Ward, Armaan Donaldson, Smith, Clements can stay. The other players in the midfield and frontcourt are not in my plan."

"Wilkinson, Daniel Morrison and Ashley Chapman are transferred to the first team." Daniel Morrison and Ashley Chapman are George's favorite students in the youth team. The first thing George thought of after becoming the head coach was to transfer them to the first team.

George has been a coach in the club for five years and knows everything about Burnley Club. From some directors of the club to the staff who watch the gate and repair the stadium, they are very familiar with them. So he knows the players who need to stay in the new season.

"Does everyone have anything else to say?" George asked the people present after he finished talking about everything.

The people present looked at each other, not knowing what to say. They never thought that George would be so strong and said everything he wanted to say. "It seems that there is nothing to do, so let's go about our business. Evan, you stay for a while."

Watching everyone else leave the office, George said to Evan, "How much kickback did you promise to Danny Murphy's agent?"

"Two thousand pounds." Evan whispered in George's ear.

"Two thousand pounds, not much. Just deduct it from your salary. Anyway, Evan, I have never promised to give kickbacks to agents. This is a foul. You can do it yourself." George laughed and left the office, not caring about Evan's crying face behind him.


After the meeting, Burnley acted quickly. Within a few days, they got the people George needed one after another. Gary Breen transferred from Gillingham to Burnley for 40,000 pounds, and Darren Huckabee transferred from Lincoln City to Burnley for 120,000 pounds. Danny Murphy's transfer price was slightly higher, reaching 210,000 pounds. In this way, the transfer fee of these three people reached 370,000 pounds.

Burnley then reached an agreement with Zizkov Victoria, and Bobowski transferred to Burnley for 400,000 pounds. There were also free signings of Ballack and Klose, and the six people in George's plan had already completed the transfer.

However, at this time, George calculated and found that only 770,000 pounds were spent. The board of directors allocated 1.3 million pounds for the transfer fee, and George would not save this money. If George could not lead Burnley to achieve good results at the end of the season, the board of directors would not praise George's frugal style.

So George set his sights on Crewe again, who made Crewe not only a competitor for promotion, but also a team full of good players. This time George's target was Irish midfielder Neil Lennon. If Danny Murphy was just a rising star with unlimited potential, then Neil Lennon was a ready-to-fight star.

However, Neil Lennon was the absolute main force of Crewe, and Crewe was definitely unwilling to sell Burnley's main players again. However, money is a good thing in this world. No matter how tough Crewe is, as a second-tier team, it cannot resist the offensive of money. In addition, European football at this time generally did not pay much attention to defensive midfielders, so Burnley finally spent 360,000 pounds to buy this powerful defensive midfielder.

In the last transfer, George bought the powerful center forward Richard Brodie from Stockport. Richard Brodie scored 12 goals in the second-tier league last season and was the main striker of Stockport. Stockport did not want to give up this main center forward, but when Burnley threw out 100,000 pounds, it immediately gave up the center forward. Richard Brodie is already 26 years old and has been in the low-level league. For such a player, 100,000 pounds is already an astronomical figure. George actually looked down on strikers like Richard Brodie, who could only mix in the low-level league. But in the low-level league, players like Richard Brodie who have been in the league for many years are still very necessary.

So far, all of George's transfer work in the new season has basically been completed.

In this way, the Burnley team has 24 players in the new season.

Goalkeeper: No. 1 Miller (32 years old, English), No. 22 Billy Filigues (33 years old, English), No. 27 Martin Mims (20 years old, English).

Defender: No. 2 Grant (31 years old, English), No. 5 Mitchell King (32 years old, English), No. 4 Gary Breen (21 years old, Irish), No. 3 Daniel Morrison (17 years old, English), No. 17 David Ward (24 years old, English), No. 24 Armaan Donaldson (25 years old, English), No. 28 Smith (28 years old, English), No. 33 Levi McGinn (30 years old, English).

Midfielders: No. 7 Poborsky (23 years old, Czech), No. 8 Danny Murphy (18 years old, English), No. 6 Ian Coyd (27 years old, English), No. 11 Ashley Chapman (18 years old, English), No. 13 Michael Ballack (19 years old, German), No. 19 Neil Lennon (24 years old, Irish), No. 23 Michael Gash (24 years old, English), No. 42 Robbie Hagi (20 years old, English).

Forwards: No. 12 Darren Huckabee (19 years old, English), Brodie (26 years old, English), No. 15 Klose (17 years old, German), No. 14 Clements (27 years old, English), No. 33 David McGurk (29 years old, Irish).

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