In July 2004, under Yao Xiaoguang as the president representative of the game business group, after careful preparation,

Yuanhang Technology paid 20 million US dollars to seize the agency rights of Blizzard's "World of Warcraft" from Ninetowns.

Among them, 10 million US dollars is Blizzard's liquidated damages for Ninetowns, and the remaining 10 million US dollars is the agency fee of "World of Warcraft" for four years.

After a series of negotiations between the two sides, the final sharing ratio was reduced from 22% to 18% from Ninetowns.

This is because as the CEO of Blizzard, Alan Adham, after sending people to inspect the flower growers,

It is discovered that Yuanhang Technology is actually the newly-emerging overlord of the flower planter's instant messaging. A T has more than 300 million users in the flower planter.

Considering the player base of MMO games like "World of Warcraft",

Obviously this is extremely good for promoting the game.

Therefore, Alan Adhan agreed to reduce the share ratio.

But TT must give "World of Warcraft" enough traffic to promote.

In this regard, Xiao Guang, who is in charge of the negotiation with Fengfu, will naturally not disagree.

As a result, the two parties signed an agency contract.

However, when the news reached the country.

Zhu Jun, chairman of Shanghai Ninetowns, almost flipped the table in anger.

Imagine too, after all, Ninetowns reached an agreement with Blizzard in February this year, and signed the contract in April.

You must know that among all the agents, Cheng is the most well-prepared.

For example, game planning, development, etc., every point of Ninetowns has been considered.

However, less than three months had passed before Blizzard suddenly changed its mind.

Although Ninetowns won Blizzard's liquidated damages of 10 million US dollars, Zhu Jun did not have the joy of taking the money at all.

Instead, he was so angry that he smoked.

He even directly shouted in the media that Yuanhang Technology's behavior of cutting off Hu is immoral and shameful.

Even Lao Zhu came up with a campaign to boycott TT.

Of course, the effect can only be said to be negligible.

However, for gamers.

It may be a blessing that Yuanhang Technology snatched the agency rights of Ninetowns "World of Warcraft".

After all, think about Ninetowns' operation of World of Warcraft in the future, I will occasionally come to the server to get stuck, but I can't find customer service, and I often come to the full server for more than five hours for maintenance, etc.

And the agency of Yuanhang Technology believes that players will not be fighting with operators.

In fact, in addition to representing foreign games, Yuanhang Technology is also trying to make its own games.

From a small game like TT Farm, after the crazy popularity of the whole network,

Yuanhang Technology has started a new game production.

After all, anyone can see the profit of the game, just a farm.

It can bring more than 100 million yuan of income to Yuanhang Technology every month.

As of the beginning of July, through games, advertisements, pets, TT shows, crown nobles, etc.

Yuanhang Technology has made a total profit of more than 586 million Chinese dollars in 3 months.

Although compared to the 1 billion Lin Xuan burned at the beginning, the actual loss of Yuanhang is still more than 800 million (plus operating costs)

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that TT has become a chicken that lays golden eggs.

During this period, investment banks such as Sequoia, Goldman Sachs, and Maoxiong's DST all came to the door one after another, hoping to invest in Yuanhang Technology.

The highest bear, DST, even offered a valuation of 800 million US dollars,

It is much higher than Penguin's valuation.

But these were all rejected by Lin Xuan, because he was not short of money.

The future of Yuanhang Technology is not measurable at $800 million.

Starting from July, the G-line of Yuanhang Science and Technology Games began to be split.

Divided into a team that develops casual games such as grabbing parking spaces,

The team that develops chess and card games, and the team that develops such as BNB and Bubble Kart.

In fact, originally, Yuanhang Technology was planning to acquire the chess and card audience.

Unfortunately, Bao Yueqiao offered 100 million US dollars to acquire 50% of Ourgame's shares, while retaining the requirements of the existing operating team.

In this regard, Lin Xuan resolutely refused.

After all, although he was rich, the money did not come from the wind.

In particular, Penguin launched its own chess and card game platform in 2003, and its current market share was once equal to that of Lianzhong.

Under such circumstances, Lin Xuan and Pang Shengdong and other company executives held a meeting,

Everyone agreed that there was absolutely no need to acquire Ourgame at a valuation of US$200 million.

According to Yao Xiaoguang, who is in charge of the game business group,

He can build a chess and card platform similar to Ourgame in just two weeks without using 200 million dollars.

Moreover, QQ can compete with Lianzhong in one year with its huge number of registered users,

TT has the same user group as QQ, so there is no problem.

So, in the end, this acquisition just came to nothing.

However, although the acquisition failed, Yao Xiaoguang, the president of the game business group, went to Baodao in early July.

His purpose is mainly to inspect Yuquan International.

Perhaps few people know about this company in Baodao, but most people believe that they have played the 3D "Meteor Butterfly Sword" produced by Yuquan

And Yuquan International had 6 people at the beginning, and it took 6 months to complete this masterpiece.

It's a pity that because the game production is so good, "Meteor Butterfly has too many pirated copies in China, and all major game manufacturers want to get a piece of the action.

As a result, Yuquan International itself suffered serious losses.

And this time Yao Xiaoguang went to Treasure Island to acquire Yuquan International,

The Yuquan R&D team who obtained "Meteor Butterfly" and the 3807D game development team of Yuquan International.

The 3D engine of the Meteor Butterfly Sword was definitely quite advanced at the time,

Compared with the Unreal 2 engine of "Paradise 2" of the company NCSOFT in Bangziguo, it is not bad at all.

You must know that the "Lineage" series of games have always been known for their excellent picture quality.

If Yuanhang Technology can acquire Yuquan International.

Then the shortcomings of the engine in 3D games will be supplemented.

Especially in the beautiful country, Elizabeth Kelly, who is in charge of Polaris Investment, also recruited some members of the North Storm for Lin Xuan.

Such as the famous Blizzard North Storm member David Breivik and so on.

David Breivik has participated in the development of games such as "Diablo 2", "StarCraft", "Diablo 3" and "Dragon".

Unfortunately, in the end, he resigned because of the struggle with Blizzard's parent company, Vivendi Group.

Accepting Lin Xuan's entrustment this time, Elizabeth Kelly easily acquired David Breivik and other 15 core members of the Beijing Storm.

These people will complete the formalities to join Yuanhang Technology in August at the latest.

In addition, Yuanhang also recruited some members of Perfect World's Zulong Studio and Jinshan's Xishanju with high salaries.

By throwing money everywhere, Yuanhang Technology has greatly made up for its shortcomings in game development.

(PS: The new book asks for an ending, flowers, evaluation votes, your support is the author's motivation).

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