It can be said that Sadora will never forget the appearance of the beautiful country tank in her dreams.

"God, you really have such tanks!"

Actually, forget about her.

Even Wang Jun was stunned, he had no idea how his boss transported the tank here so unknowingly.

However, one should not ask or not to ask, this has always been the reason for him to be a human being.

So no matter how this tank came from, even if Lin Xuan told him that it was sent by aliens, he would believe it.

At this time, Sadora looked left and right around the M1A2 main battle tank,

Finally convinced that this is indeed genuine, rather than a similar appearance imitation.

"By Allah, how on earth did you do it?"

Sadora looked at Wang Jun in surprise, and asked -.

"I don't think this is a question that buyers should ask!" Wang Jun said.

"OK, I understand!" Sadora nodded, and then asked:

"How many of these tanks do you have, and do you have fighter jets?!"

"As much as you want, as for fighter jets, as long as you can name the model, we can provide them. In addition, various shells, bullets, and grenades are also in unlimited supply!"

After seeing the current M1A2 main battle tank, Wang Jun's confidence in the boss's ability has greatly increased.

Even if the boss says he has an atomic bomb, the royal family thinks they will believe it.

"O Allah, are you flower growers here to save our country? Are you Messenger of Allah? What are you...?"

After hearing Wang Jun's words, Sadora was very excited.

"What?" Wang Jun was a little confused.

"Can you tell me the name of your organization?" Sadora asked.

"Kill the Eagle, we are the Eagle Killing Organization!"

Wang Jun said firmly.

"Kill the eagle, kill the eagle!" Sadora was completely convinced that Wang Jun and the flower-growing family were the messengers of Allah.

Otherwise, why did they come to this country when Iraq was most helpless.

And the name is still called Killing Eagle, which means to eliminate the bald eagle.

All these coincidences made Sadora firmly determined to cooperate with the Eagle Killing Organization.

When he was hundreds of kilometers away, Ibrahim couldn't believe it at first when he received the information from his daughter.

However, he knew his daughter, and it was impossible for her daughter to lie about this matter.

So Ibrahim was overjoyed, and immediately went to Basra in person at the risk,

There he met Wang Jun and the elites of the Killing Eagle original mercenary group

And that M1A2 main battle tank.

After the actual test, it was determined that the performance was correct, and Ibrahim directly placed an order for 100 M1A2 main battle tanks.

At $9.5 million per car, that's $950 million.

The cost price is 5 million US dollars, and the net profit is 450 million US dollars

In addition, he also placed an order, 2004 F16C/D, 10

The unit price is 30 million, the cost is 20 million US dollars, and the total profit is 300 million US dollars and 100 million US dollars.

In addition, various Javelin anti-tank guns, Patriot missiles, AN/FPS-115 phased array radar.

RPG rocket launchers, sniper rifles, armored vehicles, etc.,

Another order of 4 million dollars was placed, and the profit exceeded 150 million dollars

In order to ensure the survival of such a bold ally, Lin Xuan even bought a G550 early warning aircraft produced in 2007 without any logo

The sale price is 200 million US dollars, and the profit is 35 million US dollars.

Only this transaction, the transaction amount is as high as 1.85 billion US dollars.

Lin Xuan made a profit of 735 million US dollars, equivalent to 4 billion Chinese dollars.

In other words, arms is the most profitable industry in the world.

However, in terms of payment, Ibrahim hopes to pay part of it in gold.

In fact, before the collapse of Iraq, Ibrahim was ordered to transfer a lot of assets of Iraq.

You must know that Yi Guo at its peak was very rich.

It is unimaginable that Iraq's wealth depends on the underground black gold,

Although the country of Yi is now in decline, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

I don't know how much these funds are for the restoration of the country.

As a result, Lin Shi's system wealth value increased by 6 billion Chinese dollars.

In other words, he earned 6 billion Chinese dollars when he came to Iraq,

What's wrong with taking a little risk for the money?

Lin Xuan felt that if possible, he could take this risk every day.

As for what will happen after the Iraqi army accepts these weapons.

Does Lin Xuan need supervision?

Even if the war between the army of the beautiful country and the revenge army turns Yi country over, what does it have to do with Lin Xuan.

He continues to be his tech mogul.

Now he is supposed to be watching the Olympics in Athens and never been to the Middle East.

As a result, Ibrahim soon accepted these incomparably huge amounts of weapons and equipment.

Of course, although these do not have any logos, they are all American-made equipment.


If the Iraqi army wants to use it, it will take a period of training.

Especially those few F16C/D fighters, the Iraqi pilots are not familiar with them at all.

However, once these pilots become familiar with these aircraft,

On the Iraqi battlefield, the beautiful country army will definitely have nightmares.

During this period, members of the Falconers also moved along with Ibrahim's army.

After all, compared to regular military bases,

The small villages outside Basra are really weak enough.

However, by the way, after Lin Xuan quietly left,

Sadora started chasing Wang Jun crazily, and vowed to catch the royal family.

This made the members of the Eagle Killing Organization laugh many times.

However, the reason why Killing Eagle came to the base of the Vengeance Army at this time was also to familiarize himself with the new combat equipment.


With the arrival of Lin Xuan this time.

The equipment of the Eagle Killing Mercenary Group can be described as a shotgun change.

All beautiful national army equipment.

Opscore Tactical Helmet, Interceptor Body Armor, Night Vision, Noise Reduction, Army Laser Designator,

Each person's equipment is worth more than 300,000 US dollars.

Even Sadora couldn't help but click her tongue at the Eagle Killing Organization's equipment change.

Some she had never heard of.

For example, the four-eye panoramic night vision device looks very sci-fi, and it can find enemies with a wide field of view of 120 degrees in the dark.

In addition, the enhanced thermal imaging binocular night vision device can search for enemies inside the wall.

Through these equipments, Sadora finally understood why the Iraqi army would retreat in a row.

The technological gap between them and the beautiful country is unimaginable.

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Xuan for the time being.

Now he brought his little secretary Xin Mengyao to Athens like no one else.

Because Lin Xuan made 6 billion at once, he is in a good mood.

In addition, he believes that with the unexpected effect of the Iraq deal on the battlefield,

Soon the Eagle Killing Organization arms trade will flourish.

Then it is no longer a 6 billion business, but a 60 billion, 600 billion business.

"Xin Mengyao, what do you want to buy, this time it's mine!"

When Lin Xuan was in a good mood, he became generous.

This caused Xin Mengyao to be surprised for a while, she even thought that her boss had suddenly fallen ill.

(PS: The new book asks for an ending, flowers, evaluation votes, your support is the author's motivation spoon).

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