On August 28, Liu Xiang won the 110-meter hurdles championship with a time of 12.88 seconds

For this reason, Lin Xuan also met Liu Xiang who was almost buried by countless media at that time.

There was no way, it was because Xin Mengyao was so excited when she was waving the small national flag in the stands, she insisted on Liu Xiang's autograph.

In order to satisfy the little request of his woman, he could only send someone to contact Liu Xiang.

Fortunately, Liu Xiang, who became famous all at once, did not lose his dignity because of his honor.

Very politely, he led the two of them to a small room specially designed for athletes to rest.

Finally Liu Xiang signed.

Although Lin Xuan from the later generation knows that today is the pinnacle of Liu Xiang's life, it will be difficult for him to reproduce today's achievements in the future.

But it is undeniable that Liu Xiang did win glory for the country, so he and Liu Xiang also took a photo as a souvenir for the first time.

Half an hour later, when the two left the Olympic venues.

Xin Mengyao directly held Lin Xuan's arm, smiling beautifully.

Lin Xuan looked at her with a smile and said:

"I'm satisfied now!"

"Hee hee!" Xin Mengyao laughed silly.

It is said that women who are in love have the lowest IQ, and now it seems that this is true.

"But, I'm jealous!" Lin Xuan said jokingly.

"At most, go back and make up for you!"

Xin Mengyao said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately murmured in her ear a few times.

Immediately, Xin Mengyao blushed and said:


However, Lin Xuan immediately scratched her waist,

"Is it disgusting!"


Suddenly, Xin Mengyao's smile trembled wildly.

At this moment, Xin Mengyao, who was full of smiles, felt that Lin Xuan was a young man just nineteen years old,

Not a guy who pretends to be forty all day long.

However, when the two were playing in Athens.

In the distant Middle Eastern country of Iraq, something happened that shocked the world.

The Revenge Legion formed by the remnants of the Iraqi country actually came to an encounter with the beautiful country.

The result is unbelievable that the Iraqi Revenge Army won a big victory.

The American army lost hundreds of people in World War I, and tanks, aircraft, and various weapons and equipment were completely lost.

However, if it is only these, the beautiful country can afford to lose.

Although the pensions for hundreds of people alone are really painful.

However, these are not enough to shock the world.

What really shocked the world was that part of the beautiful country's army was rumored to have mutinied.

These troops drove m1a2 Abrams main battle tanks and suddenly attacked their own troops.

Even some F16C/D fighter jets joined the attacking camp.

This is also the reason why the soldiers of the beautiful country collapsed in an instant.

Because they witnessed dozens of mla2 Abrams main battle tanks firing at their camp.

Many soldiers even wanted to explain something to the charging tank army, but Xiangzi was swept away by machine guns.

It is because of such fantasy that the world is shaken.

After the incident, countless countries wanted to know the truth, whether it was true that some of the beautiful country's army had defected like the Iraqi army.

However, when the White House routine press conference.

In the face of reporters' inquiries, the spokesperson of the White House has always had no comment.

However, in fact, the headquarters of the beautiful country in Iraq is also in a daze at this time.

As soldiers returned from the rout, they initially thought these men were lying about the war.

They also prepare polygraphs for this purpose.

But soon they discovered that almost all the soldiers who fled back questioned loudly in unison,

Why use our own tanks and planes to attack them.

Who gave the order and what did they do!

Although these soldiers did not speak clearly, the headquarters still knew all the details later.

These soldiers fought a battle with Yi Nation's Revenge Army.

At the beginning, these beautiful country soldiers didn't pay much attention at all,

After all, although the morale of the Yi country's army is good, the equipment is too backward, and it is impossible to win the battle with them.

Many battles have shown this.

However, the next thing they were dumbfounded.

On the land covered with yellow sand, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded.

When they came back to their senses, they saw a torrent of iron and steel billowing in the distance.

The most incredible thing is that the soldiers in front of them are very familiar with the tanks.

It is the m1a2 Abrams main battle tank they use (bgdh).

At first they thought, this is not a friendly army coming.

However, when they came back to their senses, they saw that the tanks had adjusted their muzzles.

Then there was an earthquake and the mountains shook.

Many soldiers were blown out, and their limbs and arms were scattered all over the place.


Beautiful soldiers scolded the country for a while

Then, they were turned into dogs by dozens of mla2 Abrams main battle tanks.

Even more unbelievable is that there are about four or five F16s flying in the sky.

Hit some tanks and armored vehicles of your side with air-to-surface missiles.

This time, it will be impossible for the beautiful national army to be rectified.

Under the circumstances at the time, even if they wanted to seek support, they couldn't do it.

After the fighter jets basically killed all the heavy weapons of the pretty country army, the pretty country's army completely collapsed.

This is why many soldiers who fled from the meeting questioned loudly.

Until now they feel that this is a command problem.

Someone inside the army wants to kill them!

However, in fact, the headquarters in Iraq discovered after investigation that,

All the F16s in service in the beautiful country did not appear at the place of the battle that day, so the problem came,

Where did these planes and tanks come from.

"Where did it come from? How do I know!"

At the FBI headquarters at the moment, FBI Director James is roaring at the Wujiao Building.

Although he has always been in charge of the intelligence department, but in the face of such emergencies, he himself can't figure it out.

However, by inference.

Obviously, the army with F16 and mla2 Abrams main battle tanks cannot be a beautiful Chinese army sequence at all.

Because that day, except for the group of beautiful national troops who were ambushed.

Almost all the troops of the beautiful country have not been dispatched, let alone mobilized that kind of force area.

Therefore, this group armed with the top military equipment in the beautiful country must be the revenge army of the Iraqi country.

But, still the problem.

Those planes, where did the tanks come from.

As a result, countless intelligence personnel were sent out.

In fact, it was because of these intelligence officers who played a big role in the Iraq War that they either threatened or bought them.

As a result, many senior Iraqi officials betrayed Lao Sa.

In addition to these intelligence personnel, arms dealers in various countries are also the main targets of the investigation.

In fact, until now the Wujiao Building in the beautiful country is still taking chances,

Maybe those tanks and planes are just superficial.

Maybe it's a product made in some country.

It is the kind of equipment that looks like a beautiful country, but in fact the engine and weapon system are from other countries.

The biggest suspect among them is Mao Xiong.

As a hostile country, Wujiao Building believes that Mao Xiong has definitely studied the performance tests of various equipment in the beautiful country.

There's no problem at all creating a similar-looking weapon.

So one day the White House spokesman also said

I hope that some countries can respect the weapon shape patent of the beautiful country.

This made the bear bewildered!

(PS: The new book asks for an ending, flowers, evaluation votes, your support is the author's motivation).

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