Code Farmer Comprehension

Chapter 343 The Three Dissertations Are Distorted

Zhang Deming looked at the topics on the table, and said, "Senior Brother Fang, are you planning to show me this... let me see?"

Fang Jixiang nodded and said: "That's right, after I specifically informed the head teacher, I plan to ask you to help us check and see if there is any need for any revisions on these two or three topics. And it is best to give some conceptual direction to guide the theory , so that we don't make today's mistake again.

Although I was rescued by you, junior brother today, and the effect was not bad, but if it happens again, even if the conference ends perfectly, our formation department probably won't be able to escape a punishment. "

Zhang Deming paused after hearing the words, hesitated for a while and said: "Normal speaking, I should postpone it a few times. After all, it is something that your Ministry has decided on for several years. It is not very good for me to point fingers."

"Junior Brother Zhang, don't worry about these..." Fang Jixiang answered immediately.

Zhang Deming said: "Brother Fang, listen to me!"

Fang Jixiang paused slightly, and said, "Junior Brother Zhang, tell me!"

"I should be like this, but looking at your topic, the problem is indeed a bit big, and I have to talk about offending people."

Fang Jixiang froze for a while when he heard the words, and at the same time his expression became slightly serious.

Zhang Deming paused, seeing Fang Jixiang's serious expression, Zhang Deming said: "Your first three topics pave the way for the finale later.

There is nothing wrong with opening the foundation for our unknown disciples in advance and laying the foundation stone for the rune life together.

Starting from the basic data, then to the hardware foundation of the device, and finally to the understanding of the communication medium, the three general directions lay the foundation for the rune life together. There is nothing wrong with this general direction, and the understanding is very thorough.

Brothers, when you planned to steal the teacher, you studied the three directions of the foundation of Tianyu artificial intelligence: technology foundation, hardware foundation, and communication foundation.

But brothers, do you know the essence of these three basic directions, or what they originate from? "

Fang Jixiang's face froze, he shook his head and smiled wryly, "The so-called basic information Tianyu gave us is all evolved basic information.

Take the so-called flying backpack as an example. They gave us the forging method. The whole information is very complete and can be regarded as the foundation.

But we don't know the origin of the birth of the jetpack and the fundamental principle of its ability to fly. All science and technology, we only know what it is, and we don't know why.

In addition, our Dao and their Dao are completely two concepts, and the basic runes of the Dao of Science and Technology cannot be deduced in reverse.

The disciples of the Formation Department disassembled a lot, and few of them found the basic runes in the opponent's magic weapon. Of course, that's what we gave them, and we can't negotiate anything about it. "

Zhang Deming nodded, and said: "Well, I know this, I know better than you, and it is also because I understand the core concept of Tianyu Federation's technology: it originated from life, and ultimately it is higher than life and surpasses life.

Understand this essence, and then deduce it in reverse. After understanding one aspect, the others will be cleared up, and suddenly become clear. "

Fang Jixiang heard the words, and immediately praised him commercially: "Junior brother is really talented in this area."

Zhang Deming paused, looked at Fang Jixiang, heard the implication of the other party's flattery, and said: "It's not too late for us to talk about these in detail later, I won't hide anything private, and it's not something precious. I will give you the opportunity to give You elaborate on this core concept, let’s get down to business and talk about the first three theories.”

Looking up at Fang Jixiang, seeing that the other party was listening seriously, he said: "The three directions are correct, but because you don't understand the essence of these things in the Tianyu Federation, you almost made the same mistake, the general direction is right, The little direction is all wrong.

The first data should be calculated rather than saved, so I won’t talk about it. Brother Fang should understand the difference between the two.

In this second theory, it is correct to start with the Dao, but we should emphasize that it should not be forging. "

Fang Jixiang looked at Zhang Deming with doubts on his face, and said, "If you don't forge Qi Dao, what are you going to do? Dao of Dharma Artifact of Life?"

Zhang Deming shook his head, looked at Fang Jixiang and said: "It's the same as the first one, it's the same fault, and it's in the same place. When you talk about survival, you are giving away technology, not stealing. Calculation is helpful.

When you talk about forging this Qi Dao, you are also helping each other!

The mechanical forging of Tianyu Federation is extremely prosperous, but the quantum forging is extremely backward. When you talk about forging, what can we steal? Mechanical forging?

Our humanities are doomed, and it is impossible to go this way in this life. Since we can't get benefits from mechanical forging, we can only talk about the forging of single magic weapon, that is, quantum forging.

Isn't it the same as the previous discussion, using our way of prosperity to discuss the shortcomings of others, if it is Hongmeng's bucket wheel, then it is the right policy.

But this is not a theory of fighting, but a theory of communication. Under such circumstances, isn’t it just helping others to argue, and those who catch up will let people steal their teachers, how can they steal other people’s teachers! "

Fang Jixiang's expression froze, and he said, "Then what should we talk about?"

"It's still the same sentence, the general direction of Qi Dao is correct, but we don't care about the basic forging, we talk about the forging of runes combined with arrays, which is the root cause of 'computer' forging.

Well, prepare for our development...'Fu Brain', lay the foundation. " Zhang Deming paused.

"Fun brain?" Fang Jixiang looked confused.

"Yes, it's 'Run Brain'. I just randomly named it. As for the specific name, I'll talk about it. The principle is the same as thinking. For the formation of thinking and the birth of rune life, the 'body' is needed as the basis.

Just like a monk, you need a body to start cultivation. After you have a soul, you can abandon your body to do ghost cultivation or spiritual cultivation. It doesn’t matter.

But the fundamental start of the body, the entry into Taoism, is a must. This is the beginning of everything.

Therefore, if one wants to get started with the rune life, one must combine the Qi Dao at the initial stage, develop the array way with the Calculus Dao, combine the Qi Dao, get out the rune brain, and start the start of the rune life.

As for where the rune life will go in the end, it depends on their respective developments. It is not a rare thing in Hongmeng to let a hundred flowers bloom together.

Therefore, our second discussion mainly discusses the forging of array tools and talisman tools. The starting point is to guide the direction of the opponent's computer foundation, stealing from the principles and concepts of computer production, rather than opening the topic of basic forging. "

Following Zhang Deming's words, Fang Jixiang's eyes gradually turned cold, not because of the topic, but because he discovered...

Thinking of something, he raised his head in amazement, looked at Zhang Deming and said, "Junior brother, you have completely touched the root of the rune's life path, and clearly know how to get there?!!!

Yes, if not, how could you have such a clear mind and know what to focus on. "

Zhang Deming's face froze, it's over! It seems to say a little too much!

Looking at Zhang Deming's stiff face, Fang Jixiang said in horror: "Junior brother, you really understood it a long time ago? Why didn't you switch to cultivation? Why did you hide?"

Zhang Deming paused, the core of the rune between the eyebrows emerged, and the unique aura of the spiritual cultivator emanated, and said: "Brother Fang, do you think it is necessary for me to take the risk of changing paths?"

"Eh..." Fang Jixiang's face froze, and he said, "Then why don't you go directly to our formation department, Junior Brother? After we have a direction, we don't need to pay so much attention to the foreign exchange meeting, and we can do research on our own."

Zhang Deming shook his head, and said: "It's not as simple as it is said, it shouldn't be difficult for us to create similar things in the form of magic spirits, but it will take at least hundreds of years to produce real rune life.

And some things outside the territory have been developed for thousands of years, which can completely save us this part of the road. Besides, with a direction and a mold, you don't necessarily have a rune life.

Brother, you may not have completely separated the life of the runes from the spirits produced by the summoning path.

The former rune life is basically the independent birth of wisdom, which is creation, even if it is inclined to the ultimate rationality, it is also creation.

And the latter, the so-called Shuling, is actually just the overflow of the practitioner's own spirituality in essence. Therefore, Shuling is not only life, but to a certain extent, it is itself.

There is a fundamental difference between the two! "

Zhang Deming paused, seeing that Fang Jixiang's focus had been distracted, he continued: "It's getting too far! Let's talk about the third theory, which is still the problem. It can be seen that these three theories come from the same person or the same system.

You are also aware that Tao wants to talk about the issue of communication media, so you started the Thunder and Lightning Channel. But because they don't understand the fundamentals of their development of the Lightning Dao, they still haven't grasped the key point. "

Looking at Fang Jixiang who was listening attentively, Zhang Deming continued: "The fundamental reason why they developed the Lightning Dao at the beginning was that they used lightning as the medium of transmission, that is, the spiritual carrier, and only then did they develop step by step to the present.

It is because of their extreme lack of cultivation and civilization that they have such a prosperous Lightning Dao.

But what about us? We have practiced civilization from the very beginning, and we have the best spiritual carrier-spiritual power at the beginning. Why do we still go to the Thunder and Lightning Channel to spread it?

Compared with thunder and lightning, aura is not only more suitable for transmission, but also more spiritual. It can even get rid of the shackles of Qi and Dao to a certain extent. In the early stage, it can achieve long-distance and same-frequency (quantum entanglement) entanglement without any need to do anything.

In the later stage, once the rune life can break away from the restrictions of the utensils and exist as an energy body, it will not be restricted even if the spiritual power is at the same frequency.

Under such circumstances, if we talk about Thunder and Lightning Channel, they talk about medium transmission for us, but we are useless, so we can't talk about it for them? As soon as we talk about it, we can only talk about high-level lightning methods. Isn't this food delivery again!

So the main direction of the transmission medium is correct, but we don't care about thunder and lightning, spiritual power, or magical power. This is the medium that is beneficial to us. "

Zhang Deming's words made Fang Jixiang completely sure that Zhang Deming really knew the direction of the realization of rune life.

Although he didn't study the rune life path, Fang Jixiang clearly felt that Zhang Deming had an accurate understanding of the rune life path, and the direction was extremely clear, and the only thing left now was to realize it.

Taking a deep look at Zhang Deming, he said, "I understand what you said, and I understand it. I know how to change this topic."

Zhang Deming nodded, and said: "It's good to understand, I'm afraid that what I said is not clear, Brother Fang thinks I don't understand and pretends to understand."

Fang Jixiang got up and said: "Then I'll go down and get busy. There are a lot of things during the meeting, and I have to report this modification quickly. It's another pile of things."

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Well, I understand, brother, you don't need to explain."

The two got up and saluted, Fang Jixiang led his disciples away, and Zhang Deming watched them off.

Fang Jixiang only took a few steps, paused, and said without turning his head: "Junior Brother Zhang, I still have a vacant position as the deputy head of the Formation Department, if you are interested, you can contact me.

Of course, this position is definitely not as important as the master of the four peaks of Yuling Peak, but I can give you a license to name it, junior brother. You don't need to be in charge at all, you can come and hang around whenever you want, and it won't affect your current status in the slightest. "

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

"Junior Brother Zhang, don't rush to give me an answer, the door of the Formation Department will be opened for you at any time." After saying that, Fang Ji Xiang left without hesitation.

Zhang Deming was stunned for a while, was he being poached again? It's still poaching under such conditions! If it weren't for the fact that Yuling Peak is really good, maybe he would be tempted.

Well, no! It can be named, it seems that it can also be considered?

Zhang Deming stood on the spot, his thoughts flickering. Sunshine Fu, who led people in, looked at Zhang Deming with a serious expression on his face!

He bowed to Zhang Deming: "If the uncle has nothing to say, the disciple will leave first."

Zhang Deming returned to his senses slightly, nodded and said, "Go, there's nothing else to do."

Sunshine Fu turned around and left in a hurry, out of the range of the formation, he took out his ID card directly, and sent a message to Song Huidong: "Uncle Song, it's not good, Uncle Zhang has been missed by the formation department."

"What's the matter, isn't the peak master of our peak being missed by the whole sect, even Master Gu is also missed. But what position can compare to our Yuling Peak's peak master, Shu Tan!" Song Huidong replied.

"No, Uncle Master seems to be very interested in poaching the wall from the formation department." Sunshine Fu replied.

Song Huidong glanced at the news, and quickly replied: "Come to my cave, and talk about it carefully."


After Fang Jixiang and the others left, Zhang Deming pondered for a long time, and then he passed through the aisle and gave Qin Shizhong some of the spirit beads in stock that he had made in the past few days.

After the opening of the cargo lane, from the Yuling Orb that he received once a month before, Zhang Deming directly became a yearly one as Zhang Wu, and Qin Shizhong didn't need to receive it from him anymore. other their business.

It's fine for Qin Shizhong to distribute here, and he gives out a year's worth of money every time. After finishing all this, Zhang Deming stood up, the spiritual light gathered on his back, and a pair of magnificent and dreamy wings emerged.

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, the wings are too high-profile, the main color of fiery red, with the beauty of phoenix wings, the colorfulness of peacocks, and the unique dreamy light of Meng Dao, it is simply too conspicuous.

Therefore, Zhang Deming pondered for a while, and the light wings flickered slightly, and changed back to their original colors. As long as you don't fly too fast, it doesn't matter.

After the change was completed, Zhang Deming took a look and nodded in satisfaction. With his wings slightly spread, he left Feiquan Waterfall Building and flew towards Baiyan Peak in the Miscellaneous Affairs Department.

He has been a beginner for twelve and a half years, and he has been in the inner sect for more than two years, but he has only been to two peaks in the fifteen peaks of the inner sect of Tianlingmen, the main peak of Tianling and Yuling peak, and the other peaks. Flying over, or once skimming, anyway, I haven't been shopping.

The main reason is that he has only been in the inner sect for a short time, and he has been busy practicing. Over the past three years, his cultivation base has already reached the second level of two appearances. While his cultivation base has improved rapidly, it has also made him live an unusually busy and fulfilling life.

After all, with such a cultivation speed, not to mention his spiritual roots, even fairy roots are rare.

His script automatically hangs up, which not only allows him to maintain the speed of cultivation in the strongest closed state around the clock, but also maximizes the efficiency of his current spiritual roots.

Especially during the conference in the past few days, the surrounding area of ​​Tianlingmen was extremely lively. The twelve shops that had been established successively, especially the shops in the sect, had extremely hot business.

Qin Shizhong and the others, for the sake of a gimmick, even overdrawn more or less a year or half a year's worth of money. At the same time as crazy sales, they also sold a lot of other products.

If it weren't for Zhang Deming's strict regulations, each person can only receive the store's portion for one year in advance, which might be an exaggeration.

This has brought a lot of income from spirit stones, and with the spirit stones in stock, Zhang Deming has been increasing his limit experience value by 100,000 a day for the past few days.

Of course, it was only these few days. His original income from spirit stones was about three to four thousand per month. In less than ten days, he earned about thirty thousand, plus inventory.

He frantically absorbed 70,000 to 80,000 spirit stones, and his experience value increased by 70,000 to 800,000, and this was when the remaining dozen or so spirit crystals were not used.

In addition to experience points, the harvest of luck merits is also gratifying. Of course, most of the luck and merit income is the effect of the conference, and most of the Yuling beads sold have not been used in the past few days.

At least the beads sold to disciples of other sects were like this. Even so, the luck he gained every day continued to increase, from the usual two at the beginning to the regular four or five.

He believes that at the end of the conference, his luck accumulation will once again usher in a record high, which is more than the previous year. Anyway, this two-world exchange meeting can be said to have lived up to his expectations.


In the blink of an eye, Zhang Deming had already arrived at Baiyan Peak.

As the main peak of the Miscellaneous Department, Baiyan Peak is the least like a fairy mountain among the fifteen peaks of the inner sect.

The large population marks the numerous buildings. The entire mountain peak is not lower than other peaks, but from a distance, the other peaks are green, and a little bit of buildings can be seen faintly.

And Baiyan Peak... the entire peak is completely occupied by buildings and vegetation, which is because there are many spiritual farmers and the greening is much better than other peaks, otherwise it may be all buildings.

However, different from other peaks, the architectural style of Baiyan Peak is slightly different, and there is no overall unified style. Although the general buildings on each peak are mostly built by the construction team of the Miscellaneous Affairs Department.

But it is a unified building. On this Baiyan Peak, you can see many special buildings, many of which are specially modified according to the owner's preferences, inclination to practice Taoism and other reasons.

It fully embodies the truth of what makes people easy to do things in the court!


Zhang Deming didn't alarm anyone, and didn't use his identity to rampage, he landed on the mountainside square honestly, and headed all the way to the scripture storage pavilion on Baiyan Peak.

Along the way, wandering around Baiyan Peak, Zhang Deming clearly felt the difference between the style of Baiyan Peak and Yuling Peak, especially the living style. Every small courtyard here, inside or outside the courtyard, more or less, always has a spiritual field .

It seems that without this thing, the small courtyard here is not complete, it is incomplete, it is simply Yifeng's manor.

And no matter what kind of path the disciples cultivated, they all planted something in the yard, such as flowers, grass, medicine, and food.

It is simply a trend, um, no, it should be a standard configuration, so it is more appropriate to describe it.

The pace of life here is also the slowest among the peaks in the inner sect. It is full of the style of a mountain resort. There are obviously many buildings, even more than any other peak in the inner sect, but there is a sense of leisure and contentment everywhere.

This place seems to be more suitable for retirement than the Sutra Pavilion! It should be a good life to plant the land every day, chat with the people in the surrounding manor, and engage in entertainment activities.

He thought before that Bai Yanfeng in the handyman department was either in a hurry or a bunch of bitter people. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the peak that the inner sect enjoys the most...

Compared with this situation, it seems that the best choice is for disciples who have no talent and little hope of moving forward, to retire in advance!

Stop and go, wait and see all the way, when he came to the Cangjing Pavilion, Zhang Deming was caught by a crowd, attracting attention.

"Senior Brother Fan Dexian is going to go all out to the Liangyi stage, right?"

"Maybe not, do you really think it's that easy without a promotion resource breakthrough?"

"Well, it's really impossible, but it should be expected to reach the peak of Taiji Sansheng."

"In the past few days in the Zongmen, it seems that many senior brothers have made breakthroughs, especially in the formation department, where they light up sky lanterns every day."

"It's really speechless. Why didn't the conference decide to discuss Baiyi, and only discuss the formation method? Why!"

"That's right, the conference that is opened once every thousand years, has completely cheapened the formation repair of the Formation Department, making our Miscellaneous Affairs Department a subordinate department of it."

"What's the use of complaining, you have the ability to be like Senior Brother Fan Dexian, relying on arrays to discuss Daoism, understand by analogy!"

"Go, go, what are you doing, do you think anyone can be a core disciple?"

"There are tens of thousands of Tai Chi disciples, how many are the core ones? With a ranking of 1,000, you can enter the third place, and the two above are both Liangyi cultivation bases. Do you know what this means?

On behalf of others, Senior Brother Fan Dexian is the strongest among Tai Chi disciples today. Where did you get the spirit to compare with your senior brother? "

"Wait, why do I feel that senior brother is really planning to break through?"

"Breakthrough what? It's condensing the Sansheng rune, but I'm a little impulsive looking at this posture."


Listening to the discussion, Zhang Deming floated forward in a daze. At this moment, there was a pond among the crowd.

There is a pavilion in the middle of the lake in a rather large pond, and there are no roads or boats around it. This design is a bit unfriendly to ordinary people.

At this moment, in the pavilion in the center of the lake, a figure was sitting cross-legged in it, with spiritual light surging all over his body, and a group of runes in front of him flickered slightly.

Seeing the other party's face clearly, Zhang Deming was slightly taken aback.

It's him! The third core disciple of the inner sect is Fan Dexian, an outstanding disciple of the Fan family in the Miscellaneous Affairs Department.

Zhang Deming knew this person. He was in the Greenwood Secret Realm, and he went through the secret inner island with him. Among the Tai Chi disciples, he was the only Tai Chi disciple who could achieve long-term flight by relying on the shape of a dandelion. After all, the two of them still have a lot of affinity.

Looking at the state of the other party, it is obvious that after the small breakthrough at this moment, he wants to use this breath to directly complete the condensation of the three life runes, add the last brick for the Liangyi breakthrough, and lay the last cornerstone.

But obviously a little too eager, so that although the rune ball facing the opponent at this moment has already condensed out, it is a little unstable due to insufficient reserves, and there is a risk of failure to condense.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Deming was taken aback for a moment, pondered for a while, then floated down, with a calm expression on his face, with his hands behind his back, stepping on the lake, and strolled forward.

Several disciples guarding order, one of them was going to stop Zhang Deming, but the other suddenly reached out and grabbed him. Under the puzzled eyes of the other party, he said, "See who it is!"

Zhang Deming's movements were seen by the surrounding disciples Qiqi, who were stunned, and many people asked in doubt: "Who is this?"

"What is he going to do? Aren't you afraid of affecting Senior Brother Fan's promotion and being retaliated afterwards?"

"Looks like an Aes Sedai?"

"Uncle Liangyi can't make Senior Brother Fan afraid... Wait, why do I feel so familiar!"


"This can't be Master Zhang's uncle?"


"It seems to be true. I almost didn't recognize it without wearing the three-star cassock!"

"What, you're still so handsome without wearing it!"

"What does Master Zhang want to do?"

"I think Brother Fan Dexian is going to be lucky today!"

"That's right, Grand Master Zhang is the famous walking chance of our sect now!"

"The dream of the legendary low-level disciples!"


With his hands behind his back, Zhang Deming walked forward indifferently stepping on the lake water, ignoring the discussions of the disciples around him, he came to the lake center pavilion, paused slightly, and stopped in front of Fan Dexian.

Feeling someone approaching, Fan Dexian frowned slightly, opened his eyes, and stared at Zhang Deming in a daze. With his emotional fluctuations, the already unstable light cluster in front of him fluctuated more intensely.

"Calm down, stay focused, hold your soul and stay together!"

During Zhang Deming's words, faint fluctuations of spiritual power spread, and the magic-level speech skills combined with the magic-level mind and dream skills are not just bragging.

In one sentence, Fan Dexian's situation stabilized instantly. But although the breath has stabilized, the runes in front of him have not changed much, and they are still moving forward slowly and with difficulty.

Zhang Deming glanced at it, and the opponent's rune ball exuded fluctuations in the mind, shook his head and said: "It's been a day of nonsense, you planting the way to nourish the spirit, using vines to nurture the gods, this is a good way, and the idea is quite good .

But can't you just wait a little longer, such a reckless, mind-spirited way is so good to lay a foundation in the Tai Chi stage? I don't know how you became the number one inner sect Tai Chi core disciple! "

The slightly reproachful words made Fan Dexian look at Zhang Deming with dodge eyes, but because of the influence of Zhang Deming's speech skills, the rune ball did not fluctuate and was still very stable.

Of course, Fan Dexian was holding his breath right now, he didn't dare to open his mouth, for fear that if he let out his breath, he would fail completely.

Zhang Deming paused, and said: "Forget it, it's a fate that we can meet again today!"

After saying that, Zhang Deming rummaged through his hands and took out three strange nurturing spirit beads, and said: "From my perspective, your three-life rune should be the extension of the growth technique, right?

This bead is the most primitive, second-order growth rune that has not undergone any changes. It will be of great help to you, and should be able to help you complete this rune condensation. "

After saying that, Zhang Deming threw a bead in front of Fan Dexian, Fan Dexian didn't hesitate at all, he was distracted and activated the bead with a little spiritual power.

Countless spiritual lights gushed out, and a hollow sphere composed of dense light spots wrapped it up, and a miniature emerald-like vine flew into Fan Dexian's mind.

The other party was completely taken aback. As an outstanding disciple of the new generation of the Fan family, Yu Lingzhu was not unused. But I have never used such an extreme, impersonal, and extremely pure Yuling Orb.

His eyes suddenly became confused, countless runes circulated in his eyes, and a complex rune core emerged between his brows.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to mutate before the hollow ball of light started to flicker.

Fan Dexian sat cross-legged with no eyesight, entered a strange state, and a green vine began to emerge around him. The vines swayed and began to grow, entwining Fan Dexian's whole body, completely covering everything except his face.

Immediately afterwards, on top of its head, among the swaying vines, three flowers bloomed, a medicinal plant grew out of one flower, a strange fruit grew out of one flower, and finally , grew a strange vine? Or white silk thread?

The vines are intertwined, like a dandelion, but if you look closely, the threads between these dandelions are all connected together, and they are not in the shape of a ball like a normal dandelion, but in the shape of a strange brain.

Looking at the dandelion formed by the strange vines on the third flower, Zhang Deming was taken aback, because others may not be clear, but he is very clear that the overall shape of the dandelion formed by these tiny vines is like a brain, or the brain. .

The white and crystal-clear vine filaments are intertwined, and the spiritual light is flickering, which looks like a three-dimensional optical brain composed of silk threads.

This is······?

Self-developed variation without the fusion of multiple techniques? In layman's terms, it is the development of new technologies!

I'm going, such a genius, no wonder the condensing process was so difficult just now! The relationship is not impatient, but the opportunity is too great, almost overwhelmed!

While Zhang Deming was stunned, the hollow ball of light on Fan Dexian's body flashed and disappeared, and with the disappearance of the ball, Fan Dexian's whole body was shaken, and the plants dissipated, leaving only the vine structure that looked like a brain.

Fan Dexian's aura also began to rise rapidly, like an amphibious monk.


"My God!"

"It's not that the Three Lives Rune has been condensed, and it almost broke through the Liangyi! Uncle Zhang is really... a veritable humanoid chance!"

"Why isn't it me, I'm so envious!"

"Just give up on this idea, if it were you, would people care about you!"

"I'm a little blind, what kind of magic rune did Senior Brother Fan Dexian condense in this third life?"

"This is like the art of jade flower vine and dandelion, but this... looks so weird, what shape is it?"

"This is the brain, it seems to be called the brain, or brain water, it is said in the extraterritorial treatment, I read it."

"Summoning Dao, Planting Dao, Calculating Dao of Mind, what direction is this technique, brother?"

"It should be called by Zhiyao, after all, Senior Brother Fan can't change his way like this!"


After Fan Dexian's breakthrough was completed, the surrounding discussion became even more noisy.

After Fan Dexian finished his promotion, he was in a daze for a moment before he came back to his senses. After returning to his senses, he immediately bowed to Zhang Deming and said, "Fan Dexian, the core disciple of the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, thank you Master Zhang for your success!"

"It's considered an acquaintance, don't make it so formal." Zhang Deming waved his hand, looked at the plant that looked like a light brain floating in front of the other party and said:

"The Dao of Summoning, the Dao of Planting Vine, the Dao of Calculation of the Mind...well...there is still a little weak Dao, but the heart is not small. What kind of thing did you develop by fusing the power of the four powers?" ?”

Fan Dexian paused, pushed the dandelion in front of him, which looked like a light brain, towards Zhang Deming, and said: "This is a technique developed by this disciple based on the experience of watching the conference recently, combined with the way of calculation.

Because of a coincidence, and with your help, Master Uncle, there has been a little spontaneous change. "

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "In other words, this technique is considered a new technique, right? Does it have a name?"

After mastering the technique, multi-rune fusion mutation is considered a routine change. Anyone who has the opportunity can repeat this process. The fused technique is actually not a new technique, unless it changes like Zhang Deming's dantian.

Generally speaking, new spells are like this. One spell rune is the foundation. During the development period, multiple concepts are fused together. After spontaneous mutation, it is almost a new spell.

"It's indeed a new technique. As for the name..." Fan Dexian paused at this point, and suddenly bowed to Zhang Deming: "I beg my uncle to give me a name!"

Looking at the respectful Fan Dexian, Zhang Deming paused, heh, he is also a wonderful person, still the same as before.

Zhang Deming pondered for a while, intending to help the opponent, and said: "Do you know the general effect of this technique?"

Fan Dexian said: "This is an extraterritorial tendency technique, and the disciple can't describe it clearly. How about I demonstrate it to my uncle?"

Zhang Deming was taken aback for a moment, foreign tendencies? Doesn't this thing just look like a three-dimensional optical brain?

Zhang Deming became interested in an instant, and said, "Okay, let's demonstrate!"

Hearing this, Fan Dexian waved at the light-brain-like dandelion, and the light-brain was suspended in the opponent's hand. With his spiritual power surging, he said: "This technique is mainly to assist the control of tendencies. At present, I have just completed the technique. Only understood two directions."

At this point, he paused and said: "Here you come, Master Uncle, don't resist, this disciple's mental strength cannot stand Master Uncle's knock on your mind!"

While Zhang Deming nodded, Fan Dexian pointed at the light-brained dandelion, and saw a crystal silk thread suddenly wrapped around Zhang Deming's wrist, and the tip of the thread was directly inserted into the wrist.

But there is no feeling of physical harm, the silk thread is like an illusion.

Following the connection of the silk thread, Zhang Deming was taken aback for a moment. At this moment, he felt that his brain seemed to be extremely active, and his thoughts were spinning very fast, especially the rational calculations, which were like lightning.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Master Uncle, this disciple is only a Tai Chi cultivator! I can't stand your torture like this!"

While Zhang Deming was stunned, Fan Dexian's hasty words rang out.

Zhang Deming looked back and saw that the light brain in Fan Dexian's hand was flickering rapidly at this moment, his face was flushed, his breathing was short of breath, he was very tired by Zhang Deming, and he didn't dare to withdraw the spell rashly.

Zhang Deming paused, lowered his mind, and the opponent's condition improved instantly.

Looking at the optical brain in Fan Dexian's hands, Zhang Deming probably understood what kind of technique it was. The general effect of this technique should be the blessing of the mind.

To put it bluntly, this is a server! ! !

This silk thread is the network cable. After the target is connected, the network connection of the target's brain is opened. This technique can currently help the target to worry about the operation of the mind, especially in terms of rational calculation. This is still a newborn, and the future development will be really exciting!

It belongs to the mind-boosting technique, and its prospects and effects are quite good. To put it bluntly, if Fan Dexian fully understands the Tianyu Internet era, he can completely become the existence of the central mastermind of human beings.

This nima... the talent is really terrifying. With enlightenment on calculation theory, he developed such a thing. This is really well-deserved as the number one disciple of Lingmen Taiji today!

"The second direction is the direction that the disciple majors in. The disciple majors in the direction of planting and calling. Originally, manipulation and spiritual intelligence are the shortcomings of the disciples, and they are also the most difficult problems to solve, so the disciples have been researching.

But with the blessing of this technique, whether it is manipulation or intelligence, it should have been resolved.

I have to say, Master Uncle, that your two theories complement each other and combine ideas from outside the region, which have greatly inspired my disciples. "In Zhang Deming's thoughts, Fan Dexian said so.

Zhang Deming: "..."

Is this what I'm talking about? ? ?

When did I talk about this? ? ?

Am I so scary? ? ?


So I am like this!

Zhang Deming looked at Fan Dexian in his thoughts and said: "I take back what I said just now that you were rash. The prospect of this technique is particularly good. It is worth your effort. When you turn around the instrument, you can choose it as the core."

"This disciple is also planning this!" Fan Dexian said: "But this disciple was really hasty just now, knowing that there may be special changes under the novel idea, but he didn't take precautions against it.

If it wasn't for you, Master Uncle, to act in time, the disciple would not only miss this opportunity, but also suffer a lot of injuries, and even seriously affect his future path. Disciples will always remember today's lesson. "

Zhang Deming looked at Fan Dexian and nodded, no wonder he became the number one person in Tai Chi.

Talented, good-natured, sensible, know how to advance and retreat, know how to measure, and know how to exploit, such a person is unreasonable if he is not strong.

"Also ask my uncle to give me a name!" Fan Dexian said.

Zhang Deming paused and said: "Combining the image and function of this technique, let's call it Brain Implantation! Let's talk about how it will be developed in the future, but now the name feels very appropriate!"


ps: 200,000 fans, more than 100,000 bookmarks, and 10,000 subscriptions to the first chapter. Such data also means that at least 70,000 to 80,000 people are reading this book.

But let’s not talk about this book as a high-quality book... There are only four to five hundred people who subscribe daily...Looking at the ratio of the data, do you guys still think I’m selling poorly? Really miserable and speechless! Dear piracy masters, please give me some support! ! ! Writing a book really needs dirt!

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