Code Farmer Comprehension

Chapter 58 Qingshui Town [addition]

Qian Shuangshuang shook his head, and said: "Old Ge doesn't need to be like this, immortal cultivators are legends in Liuzhou, and every few years, there will be bits and pieces of deeds leaked out.

I heard that most of them were caused by accepting apprentices.

For most of the rest of the time, Liuzhou has no deeds of immortals, so it is normal not to know. "

"Madam, do you know why?" asked the old beggar.

Qian Shuangshuang sighed: "It is said that it is because Liuzhou is too barren."

The old beggar said in surprise: "Barren? No matter how barren it is, it's better than most of Yuanzhou being the Hengduan Mountains?"

Qian Shuangshuang shook her head and said, "Not necessarily, who knows what the impoverishment of immortal cultivators means?

Mr. Ge, let's turn around and not go back to Liuzhou City. It seems that the way back has been blocked, and it is a way to die.

Let's go to Yongcheng to separate the family, and then I will solve all this freely. "

"Madam, you can make up your mind. Since I promised to save your mother and daughter, then I will definitely not break my promise." The old beggar said.

Immediately, the three of them turned around and headed in another direction.

The old beggar watched the direction where Zhang Deming disappeared for a long time, and before leaving with his mother and daughter, a small fire bag made of bamboo slipped out of his pocket unintentionally.

With the blessing of agility, Zhang Deming ran wildly all the way, because he was just running, and the consumption was not too great.

Therefore, until noon, Zhang Deming still had three-fifths of his spiritual power.

But the destination of this trip is already in sight.

According to the records of the sect, eighty years ago, Pei Qingfeng, a disciple of the outer sect, was a high-level apprentice, and when he reached the age, he could not be promoted to the inner sect.

Only learns double skills, and has no special skills, sent out to develop a family of practice, spread branches and leaves for the sect, and left the sect at fifty-three years old.

Apprentice doesn't increase lifespan, it just refers to max lifespan.

The initial theoretical life span of human beings is 120. With the medical conditions in this world, most ordinary people can only live to be 40 or 50 years old.

But once you step into the practice, let alone senior apprentices, even intermediate apprentices, you can generally live to the limit.

Therefore, being in your fifties can be said to be the prime of life.

Don't talk about spreading branches and leaves, if you really make up your mind to give him a group of women, you can really create a family in twenty years.

Most of the peripheral families around Tianlingmen were born in this way.

But when Zhang Deming came to Qingshui Town, looking at Qingshui Town in front of him, Zhang Deming frowned slightly.

The dilapidated town looks like a village.

It stands to reason that the sect that Pei Qingfeng came out of fifty has only passed eighty years, and at most he has been dead for more than ten or twenty years.

The family's development is extremely poor, at least in the town, there should be traces of practice.

But Zhang Deming walked around for a while, and found that Qingshui Town was not only dilapidated, but also a mortal village, um, a mortal town.

There is no sign of the existence of practice at all.

So, who sent the mission of praying for rain and asking for help?

The outer door of Tianlingmen can't send out missions casually.

As a surrounding area, at least it must belong to a peripheral family, or there will be a large-scale massacre, and it will be noticed by the disciples stationed abroad before there will be an outer sect mission.

With doubts, Zhang Deming walked around half of the town, always feeling weird.

But I don't know where the blame is, it's deserted, yes, it's deserted!

This town is too deserted, and it's noon now, there shouldn't be ghosts that can't be seen, and it's not a ghost town.

Zhang Deming's heels and light wings emerged, and he quickly searched for Qingshui Town.

After a long time, Zhang Deming came to the beach of Qingshui River outside the town.

At this moment, the entire river beach is crowded with people, and the sound of gongs and drums is constant.

Looking from a distance, I saw an altar standing high on the edge of the river beach, and at this moment a witch was dancing to the gods.

On the side of the altar, a bride with a red hijab has been hung up, and she is about to be lowered into the river.

This is?

River god sacrifice?

Damn, my mission evaluation.

Zhang Deming's complexion changed, and he looked at the crowds of people around him.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Deming jumped onto the surrounding trees for the sake of missions and mission evaluations.

Taking a deep breath, he shouted, "Stop!"

With a loud roar that spread to the river beach, Zhang Deming's heels and light wings trembled violently, and his whole body floated onto the altar like an immortal descending from the earth.

"The fairy has descended to earth!"

"It's Shangxian!"

"It's not the Dragon King who came to pick up the bride!"

"I look like it!"

"This Dragon King is so young and handsome, I suddenly feel that being sacrificed seems to be a good thing!"

"What are you thinking, little girl, Dragon King, you can also hang the curtain?"


As Zhang Deming floated out, the entire river beach crowd froze for a moment, and then discussions erupted.

"Xie Dongli, mayor of old Qingshui Town, welcomes Lord Dragon King."

"Welcome to the Lord Dragon King!"

"Welcome to the Lord Dragon King!"

"Welcome to the Lord Dragon King!"


In an instant, the entire river beach knelt down in unison.

Zhang Deming's head is full of black lines, what a godlike Dragon King, this town is really the town where the sect's peripheral powers and aristocratic families are located?

Isn't this really a lie?

However, at least the appearance effect is enough to deter and frighten these people.

Dragon King?

It seems to be an opportunity to complete the task perfectly without causing civil unrest!

"I, cough cough. In recent days, this king has heard that there hasn't been any rain in Guizhen for two years, which is very strange. You all sincerely pray for rain for a long time.

I'm free today, come take a look. "

Oh my god, I'm so fucking embarrassed.

After Zhang Deming played the set, he almost had a second stroke, and he just danced on the spot.

"Long Jun Rong Ren"

"Speak well!" Zhang Deming straightened his face and kicked the witch beside him, causing her to roll off the altar.

See if you can do it, you are also a master dancer, and you are also a "Dragon Lord Rongren", why don't you go to the sky and fly to the moon, what a showman!

Well, I was a dramatist before, so I guess this will have taken the fake show seriously.

After all, the Dragon King himself was really invited.

After Zhang Deming kicked the witch, the people around became quiet for a while.

Zhang Deming turned his head to look at several guards, pointed to two at random, and said, "You, you, put that girl down from the shelf first."

Immediately, Zhang Deming turned his head to look at the mayor who was kneeling in front of him, and said, "Say it, and speak well, or you will be the same as that one, just go away and stay."

Mayor Xie Dongli heard the words, carefully looked at the kicked witch who hadn't gotten up for a long time, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said:

"Reporting to Mr. Long, returning to the words of Master Dragon King, it is true that it has not rained in the boundary of our Qingshui Town for almost three years.

Even the surrounding areas were pouring down with rain, but only in our Qingshui Town, it seemed like a leak from the sky, and no rain fell.

Although it will not die from drought, it is getting more and more difficult to cultivate the land.

Grassmen and others are almost unable to survive.

I don't know how Cao Min and others offended the Dragon King, so they specially prepared this sacrifice to ask for the Dragon King's mercy.

Stop punishing us in Qingshui Town. "

ps: Please collect, recommend, and invest!

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