Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 997: The bottom of the abyss

Xia's death was abrupt, very strange, and very unclear.

But in any case, the power of the organization returned to Qin's hands again-he was the last founder of the organization, although he was expelled from the organization before, but those who expelled him are dead, only he is still alive .

Fierce fighting broke out within the organization again. The Revolutionary League regained its independence and began to launch fierce attacks against the organization. The organization was retreating steadily. Before long, it was close to the brink of collapse—a refuge controlled by the organization. There are only less than 20 remaining, and the population of these shelters is less than one percent of the surviving population in the world.

Many large consortiums that were originally attached to and organized have turned their backs and joined the Revolutionary League-between participating in the Utopian Plan and death, they all chose the former.

But for Qin, these are no longer important. When he took over the control of the organization, he had already emptied all the resources of the organization within two days, and what was thrown to them was just an empty shell.

And the resources that were mobilized are all used to repair the super battleship named "The Kowloon"...



One month later.

"I don't think you seem to be leisurely like an organization leader who was beaten home by the Revolutionary League. You still have leisure to grind coffee beans here?" The heavily armed Qi Lin entered the room and unceremoniously picked up Qin Gang. A cup of brewed hand-ground coffee, drank it in one go.

"You don't look like a soldier about to be sent to the battlefield." Qin poured another cup from the coffee pot and took a sip.

This is the most authentic Blue Mountain coffee. It is not the same as the counterfeit "Blue Mountain Coffee" on the market. Each of these coffee beans is produced in the St. Andrew area of ​​Jamaica. In the old days, they were expensive and sought-after. , Let alone in this era of scarcity.

"What does it matter...Anyway, I am the only soldier on the battlefield." Qi Lin held the coffee cup, walked around the table, and walked to the huge screen on the wall.

On the screen is an aerial picture of an island...or rather, an aerial picture of a place that was once an island.

The small island has been completely wiped from the world, leaving only a huge hole on the surface of the sea, which emits a dark red light, a large amount of sea water poured into this hole in a whirlpool, and then again Evaporated by the high temperature in the cavity, the white steam stays for a long time just above the cavity, just like an island made of clouds.

Twenty-four hours ago, Qin used the CD left by Dr. Howe and forcibly seized control of the satellite carrying the Sword of Damocles. As Qin had expected, the main brain was already there. The satellite was sent to low earth orbit.

The tungsten rods that fell from a height destroyed the unnamed island, and even caused an earthquake of nearly magnitude nine in the southern Pacific Ocean. Even the tsunami waves that hit the western coast of South America were more than 40 meters high.

The sword of Damocles was enough to destroy half of the Indian peninsula, but it was unable to destroy the main body of the main brain located more than ten kilometers deep underground. After erasing the island from the sea, Qin removed all the nuclear bombs on the entire Kowloon. They all poured their brains into that huge hole.

For a time, it was as if a divine punishment had come, and **** appeared... Those nuclear warheads have been modified by technicians, and the damage caused by the explosion will be contained within a minimum range as much as possible, and all the power will be used to penetrate That layer of defense will not overflow at all.

The launch process of the nuclear bomb lasted six hours, but it was not until recently that the ionizing radiation above the hole dissipated enough for the drone to send back the surveillance picture.

The main brain is still in operation!

However, due to the detonation of a large number of nuclear bombs, the entire entrance of the cave has become a polluted area with unprecedented radiation intensity—just after the bombing of Victoria Harbour, it was almost like this.

No one can get close to this place, even if you wear the power armor with the strongest radiation ability. Under the action of high-intensity ionizing radiation, any power armor that enters it will become a piece of scrap iron in a very short time.

Only Qi Lin can get in—for him, radiation not only cannot be fatal, but instead will make this place his home court.

"There are 249 layers of armor plates directly above the main body of the main brain. We have already exploded 244 layers, and only the last 5 layers are left. You only need to break through these five layers of defense and you can see the main body of the main brain." Qin Qilin said.

"I know, then find its core and smash it." During this time, Qi Lin had read the mastermind body design that Qin gave him that was thicker than "Ci Hai" countless times, although for the mastermind He is still in a state of half-knowledge of the working principle of, but what is the key to the mastermind, he already knows too much.

"So... good luck to you."



South of the Pacific Ocean, above the "Maelstrom".

"We can't get close anymore. The ionizing radiation has already put the helicopter's balance system on the verge of losing control. If we are caught in the steam, the whole helicopter will be headed into that big hole!" Sophia was sitting in the helicopter. The driver said that she was wearing a plump and bloated radiation protection suit, and almost the entire seat was packed.

Qi Lin grabbed the helicopter's hatch, looked down, and saw that there was a bottomless hole like a sinkhole in the huge vortex. The hole was emitting a dark red light, and tons of seawater poured into the hole. In many novels, the so-called gate of **** is nothing more than that.

"This hole looks terrifying, but in fact we have destroyed 99.9% of the main brain's defense measures, and the resistance you encounter will be so small that it is completely negligible." The person in the passenger seat turned back to Qi Lin and said , Under the brown resin mask, his half completely ruined face looked extremely hideous.

Ghost face... The officer who organized the ground dispatch troops seemed to have a **** of luck protecting him. He experienced so many things, died so many people, and participated in organizing every large-scale battle. However, Guimian has been alive until now, except for losing half of his face, he hasn't even lost a little finger.

Looking at the hole like the "gate of hell", Qi Lin took a deep breath and couldn't help but think of a word--

"When you look at the abyss, the abyss is also looking at you."

Qi Lin knew that at this moment, the mastermind in the depths of the earth must also be staring at the helicopter, but it didn't know why, but it didn't make any aggressive moves, and seemed to have completely given up resistance.

But Qi Lin doesn’t think so much... Although he doesn’t understand the mastermind, he understands Cooper. He knows the way of thinking of artificial intelligence. In their thinking mode, there is never an option to give up unless they are unplugged. , Smash their core processor——

And what Qi Lin is going to do now is this thing.

He jumped down from the helicopter, opened the wing membrane connected to his arm and his side, cut the reverse airflow at an oblique angle, and quickly fell toward the "gate of hell".

The temperature inside the hole is very high. It is roughly estimated that it must be more than 500 degrees Celsius. This temperature can even melt many metals with lower melting points. Fortunately, the equipment worn on the body has excellent heat insulation effect, which allows Qi Lin to be able to Ignore the increasing temperature.

Just as Qin said, the island has been completely hollowed out. Everywhere you can see are large broken metal components. The inverted seawater falls from above, dripping on these red hot spots. On the component, there was a huge "chichi" sound.

Qi Lin gathered the wing membrane used for gliding, fixed it with a hook cable to a steel component that had been cooled to the original metal color, and gently lowered it toward a deeper place.

Soon, he arrived in front of the last five armor plates.

Taking out the laser cutting machine, Qi Lin slowly cut up the heavy alloy armor plate. Each piece of this equipment is four meters thick. The cutting progress is very slow, but Qi Lin is not in a hurry. He has time—as for The supply of energy, the whole cave is full of rich radiation energy, and the energy-gathering vortex has already rotated rapidly.



Four hours later, Qi Lin finally saw the main body that resembled a city.

The machine that once mastered the destiny of all mankind just lay there quietly. The exposed chips and cables made Qi Lin feel that this thing was so fragile, like a human body with bruises and bruises.

"You are finally here." The voice of the mastermind rang in Qi Lin's ears, it seemed to be close at hand, and it seemed to be far away.

Qi Lin didn't pay attention to him, but ran towards the core part of the main brain according to the design drawing in his memory.

In the past few years, the main brain has made countless large and small changes to itself, but no matter how you change it, its main frame is The core position is not unchanged, just like It is the same as the insurmountable first law.

"You are going to destroy me, right?"

"Yes, so, if you have any last words, hurry up, if you have any final hole cards to play, I'm in a hurry." Qi Lin answered casually, he has seen the core of the main brain, which is a giant ball-shaped object full of slots, It is filled with sophisticated chips. These chips are the pinnacle of human technology, and each piece is invaluable.

And outside this sphere, it was enveloped by a larger tempered glass cylinder, Qi Lin launched a small powerful instant detonation, shattered the tempered glass cylinder, and walked in slowly.

The main brain did not resist, it just stayed there quietly, like a fish to be slaughtered.

This feeling... can't be said to be weird. He always felt that there should be a vigorous decisive battle. In this battle, either he would explode the core in front of him, or he would be exploded by the mastermind's artillery fire——

It's not that he is looking forward to this decisive battle. In fact, Qi Lin has long been tired of the war, not only bored, even hated... But after so many experiences, these last steps have become abnormally smooth. This gave Qi Lin a strong sense of unreality.

It seemed that all the sacrifices and sacrifices he had made before were totally unnecessary and meaningless. He didn't even know why those who died died.

for freedom? Or is it faith?

But the ending? The main brain stayed there quietly, waiting for Qi Lin to smash its core.

"What about him... as long as you smash this thing... everything is over..." Qi Lin closed his eyes vigorously, then opened them again, his palms clenched into fists.


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