Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 189: Fighting and killing

[Title: Code of survival wasteland one hundred and eightieth IX fighting technique and art of murder: dark dust dispersion]

Welcome to the latest chapter of the Wasteland Survival Code 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k fiction", easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: The underworld returns to the gate of the five elements of the heavenly realm. Choosing the heavens. The king of the night, Nilin, dominates the holy market. The lord of the snow eagle. The legend of the eternal dragon king. Go up, and Qi Lin put his hands on his chest and followed him about seven or eight meters with interest.

There are four rooms on the second floor. Among them, the doors of the second bedroom, bathroom and study are all open. There are dots of black and brown blood stains on the floor that have penetrated into the wood, spreading from the second bedroom to the master bedroom with the door open. , And the movement they heard before came from the master bedroom.

After confirming that there were no abnormalities in the other rooms, Wubu walked to the door of the master bedroom and kicked open the concealed door.

"Hiss!" A terrifying shrill scream suddenly sounded, and then a slender and short black figure flew from the corner to the foggy eye who had just stepped into the room.

Foggy eyes were naturally prepared, stepped back, and then flew a kick and kicked hard at the pounced black shadow, but when his calf was firmly on the body of the black shadow, the black shadow did not He was kicked as he expected, but instead he hugged the fog-eye's leg, and then like a tarsal maggot, it was about to crawl on his body along the fog-eye's leg.

"Go away!"

Wuyan yelled and fisted at the black shadow that had crawled to his waist, but the black shadow slammed the foggy punch with his claws, and still used his claws to draw in the chest of the foggy. Three deep bloodstains.

With the punch of the fog eye, although the strength is not small, it can't cause any substantial damage to a f-class zombie. Just when he thought his throat would be bitten by the zombie in the next second, Qi Lin Suddenly, a lunge rushed to his side, and his right hand precisely clamped the neck of the zombie like an eagle claw, and forcibly pulled it from the foggy body.

It was a child zombie with a height of less than one meter. The muscles and skin on its body were extremely shrunken, just like a refugee child who was malnourished in the backward areas of Africa in the old days, but its limbs were extremely long and the joints turned out strangely With.

The most puzzling thing is that the spine of the zombie is like a cat, showing an arc that a normal human being can't bend.

But it is such a completely inhuman body structure that gives this F-class zombie a super agility attribute.

Being clamped by Qi Lin's neck, the little zombie's claws immediately stretched out towards Qi Lin's face, trying to dig out Qi Lin's eyes, but before it could reach, Qi Lin forcefully smashed the little zombie on. On the wall, stepped up quickly, stepped on a calf of the zombie with his left foot, raised his right foot in the air, stomped heavily, and simply stepped on the high arched spine.


The spine broke, and the little zombie immediately let out a mournful cry.

"Huh? The pain nerve is still useful?" Qi Lin said softly, and stepped on the second foot, which directly burst the zombie's rounded head.

Gray brain pulp and black viscous blood splashed out, and a completely hardened cloudy eyeball rolled all the way along the floor until it reached the stairs and fell to the first floor.

Rubbing the sticky filth of the soles on the floor, Qi Lin looked back and glanced at the foggy eyes. Although the three bloodstains on his chest looked terrifying, it was okay. It was not fatal if the zombie’s IQ could be higher. The claw was scratched between the legs of Foggy Eye just now, maybe it could hang him off.

"Thank you……"

After being rescued by Qi Lin, the foggy face blushed, lowered his head, and said in embarrassment.

"You blushed and your sister was a bit like saying, where did you learn to fight?" Qi Lin asked.

"I...I learned Taekwondo before and participated in competitions..."

"Taekwondo? What rank?"

Seeing Qi Lin asked about his rank, misty eyes lit up, but immediately thought of his bad performance just now, his momentum couldn't help but weakened: "Black belt 3rd, barely count as an entry..."

"The third stage of the black belt is not low, and the fourth stage can open the gym, but do you know why you almost capsized in the gutter?"

"I, I was careless..." Foggy eyes whispered, and then glanced at the zombie that Qi Lin had killed with absolute violence.

"No, it's not to the point. Taekwondo is a fighting technique used to compete on stage. In combat, rules and other things are farts. No matter how powerful your kicks are, you can't resist a gangster who doesn't know martial arts. The machete that was chopped down, no matter how quick you react, you can't hide the sap knocked down from behind, do you understand that?"

Foggy Eye was stunned. Although his evolutionary ability is biased towards long-range sniping, he has always been relatively confident in combat, but who knows that when Qi Lin is here, the fighting technique he has always been proud of has been lost. Depreciation is worthless.

"Then...what trick did you use just now?" Foggy Eye recalled Qi Lin's movements just now, one pincer, one throw, two feet, the movements were simple and straightforward, the whole process only took two seconds, and the quick speed increased. Although the scene of the explosive power is quite bloody, it has an unexpected sense of violent aesthetics.

"Huh? Just now? How can there be any tricks?" Qi Lin waved his hand and kicked the corpses of the zombies on the ground with his toes. "Where can soldiers have any fixed tricks, which are the most effective and the most direct to kill the enemy, naturally they use it. What method!" Qi Lin said naturally. As a mercenary, even a person with a position like a precision shooter is inevitable in fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Even in many cases, fighting with people needs to be fierce enough to not suffer. And the cqc (close combat technique), which is learned like a soldier, only has some basic moves and moves. For specific battles, you need to integrate these moves based on personal experience and actual combat situations. Can use it handily. To put it in a very suspicious sentence in martial arts novels, it means "no tricks, no tricks."

Of course, if there is a gun, Qi Lin will definitely choose a gun. If a bullet can solve the problem, why bother.

"Have you been a soldier?!"

"Mercenary, spent a while in the Middle East and South America."

"Then you learned all this there? Can you teach me?" Wuyan's eyes suddenly became eager.

"I can't teach this, I can only learn it by myself?" Qi Lin glanced at his mouth and walked into the master bedroom, misty eyes quickly followed.

"How to learn?"

"Killing. If you kill too much, you will naturally become proficient. Of course, now zombies and mutant creatures are also good, and the effect may be better when you practice."


There is a double bed in the master bedroom, with two broken bones on the bed, and the bed sheet under the bones is full of blood, hard and hard like a big strange chocolate.

In addition to these two bones, there are also many bloodthirsty mouse bones, all of which should have been attracted by the smell of blood, but turned out to be food for the little zombie.

"These are its parents, I didn't expect to kill his children?" Wuyan murmured, remembering the family portrait in the living room on the first floor.

Although this is just a virtual plot in the game, in reality, there are definitely more than one or two such things.

"You should be thankful now that you can get a place for a refuge." Qi Lin said lightly, "Well, this house has been cleaned up, get ready, and I will live here tonight." 2k novel reading network

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