Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 821: Lone Ranger (IGNB! Four/Ten)

"These communication devices are all equipped with self-destructing devices. If high-level confidential communication has been conducted, the self-destructing devices will be activated after the communication ends... It's okay, we still have spares."

Qi Lin found out that he just seemed to be wrong to blame the council, feeling that these devices were originally equipped with bombs...

"That's good." Qi Lin nodded and followed Zhao Weiju down to the first floor of the waiting hall.

"If you need to go back to the headquarters of the organization, it will take at least 18 hours before the next military train arrives here. Of course, if the organization arranges a special train for you, you will be the old Zhao and I didn't say anything. ."

"I won't go back for the time being, or put it another way, now we can be regarded as comrades-in-arms." Qi Lin smiled and said.

"Comrade-in-arms? You want to stay?" There was a look of surprise on Lao Zhao's face, but he didn't question the details of Qi Lin's mission.

"Well, although I am not fighting with you, I shouldn't be far away."

"Oh... By the way, do you want to change your clothes?" Zhao Weiju said suddenly.

The earthy yellow camouflage cloak worn by Qi Lin can perfectly blend with the surrounding environment on the wasteland, but it is particularly conspicuous in the refuge with gray as the main color.

"That's right. When you attacked the waiting hall, you should have killed a lot of people from the Revolutionary League. Give me a clean set."

"Huh?" Zhao Weiju was stunned, "No...I mean, do you want to change our clothes, so that if you encounter a friendly army, it will not be easy to misunderstand or something..."

"In the entire southern area of ​​Vault 1029, besides you, are there other Alliance troops?"

"No." Zhao Weiju shook his head.

"That's not enough. Since it is fighting behind enemy lines, it must be more convenient to wear enemy clothes."

When Zhao Weiju thought about it... it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him, and he immediately took a set of clothes off the corpse of the revolutionary soldier.

The soldier was killed by a headshot, so there were no bullet holes on his clothes, only a little blood stained on his collar and shoulders.

Different from the organization uniforms with black as the main tone and the gray Union uniforms, the Gulian soldiers are made of a tan woolen cloth with an artificial leather vest of the same color. As for the magazine bag and other equipment and carrying The belt is sewn directly on this vest.

Qi Lin put this uniform on him. The figure of the revolutionary soldier should be similar to his own, so he fits perfectly without affecting his movements.

Zhao Weiju’s people also found him an iron-grey leather coalition helmet. The style of this helmet is very similar to the classic German m35. On the side of the helmet is also a shield-shaped leather coalition army emblem—two crosses. Battle axe.

As for weapons, Qi Lin did not have the idea of ​​using the revolutionary weapons of the Revolutionary Army, and the most important point is that apart from uniforms, the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army did not have so-called standard weapons.

It was only a few days since the Revolutionary Alliance was announced. The uniforms were made in a hurry. As for the weapons, there is definitely no way to update them all at once. Only a small number of elites can get new weapons. People are still using weapons similar to those of the consortium alliance forces.

Qi Lin tore the cloak he took off into strips of cloth, and then wrapped the Gauss sniper rifle with a sci-fi atmosphere, leaving only a finger-wide opening at the coil’s radiating opening. The scabbards of the two samurai swords were inserted into the buckles on the back of the leather vest.

With spare communication equipment, Zhao Weiju and the others also received the latest task-to stay at the Eagle Station and provide Qi Lin with support services and supplies.

This task is actually similar to what the Thunder Falcon team’s support soldiers have to do, but because it is underground, the security is much higher than those of the frontline support soldiers who are going to the surface.

But the only thing that made Zhao Weiju a little puzzled was... Qi Lin's mission seemed not easy, but it was still within the normal range, and there was no confidentiality. Why the self-destructive module of that communication device was activated. What?

Could it be that the recent confidentiality restriction level has been lowered? But if this is the case, then logically speaking, the self-destruct module of the backup communication device should also be activated...

However, as an amateur novelist, Zhao Weiju’s imagination is still okay. He quickly made up for "Guerilla behind enemy lines is just a cover as a cover. In fact, this extraordinary Thunder Falcon team member also shoulders other More important tasks" plot.

As for the content of this task, it is not something a small person like him can know.



Saying goodbye to Zhao Weiju and the 3315 Independent Team, Qi Lin wore a leather coalition uniform with double knives on his back and a Gauss sniper rifle after camouflage in his hands. He ran all the way into the darkness. In the slum, there is a base of the Revolutionary Army, where about 2,000 Revolutionary Army soldiers are stationed, and the Revolutionary Army troops that Qi Lin had killed before were sent from this base.

Take this base away, and in the direction of the slum, there will no longer be a threat to the existence of the Eagle Station. At that time, Zhao Weiju and his 3315 independent team will only need to concentrate on defending the direction of the middle area~www power supply lines of the entire slums of the southern district have been cut off, the tunnels are plunged into darkness, and even the air purification system has stopped working, Qi Lin has to wear a breathing mask to go dark As he breathed, a thin mist of water continued to form on the plastic wall of the mask.

"If you chose the'Survival Talent' at the beginning, I guess you can breathe freely in this environment..." Qi Lin thought to himself, but he didn't have any regrets. After all, the spiritual talent belt The ability given to him is so powerful, if he chooses the other two talents, I am afraid I will regret it now.

However, although he can't breathe this kind of turbid, low oxygen content, and full of all kinds of toxic gases, night vision is the ability to accompany Qi Lin since his awakening. The dark environment is not only Without causing any obstacles to Qilin, it made him feel like a fish in water.

The Revolutionary Army is not a rabble like the Resistance Army. In the tunnels of the slums, they will set up secret guards every few hundred meters. These secret guards are often close to the tunnel walls, wearing black cloaks on their bodies and their heads. Thermal imaging night vision device——Previously, when Qi Lin discovered these dark whistles, he would have been spotted by these dark whistles, but after he was successfully promoted to Level 5 Evolution, he found that there were more energy gathering vortices Many new uses.

In these new uses, many of them can be developed into a brand-new ability, and among the brand-new abilities, there is one ability that is particularly special. After a little thought, Qi Lin gave it to Take a very concise and easy to understand name-"fake death".

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