Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 829: Kotana

In terms of offense, Quake’s own equipment platform can carry more than 99% of the power armor special weapons, even if it is a particle siege gun with a caliber of 60 cm and a total weight of 1.4 tons, the Quake’s hammer is also It can be carried and easily withstand the recoil force generated when this abnormal weapon is launched.

In addition to the power armor special weapons, the thickness of the hand armor of Quake's Hammer is only three millimeters, which means that any weapon that can be used by infantry can still be used after wearing Quake's hammer, and no other power armor will appear. The finger is too thick to pass through the trigger guard.” Such embarrassing problems.

After the envy of the surrounding soldiers, Qi Lin directly took the Thor's hammer out of the metal cabinet and put it on himself.

This Quake’s operating system was unfrozen by the council before it was shipped, but only Qi Lin’s unique "physical verification code" can activate it.

Just after wearing Thor's Hammer, Qi Lin heard a soft and beautiful female synthetic voice: "Hello, I am Cortana, the intelligent operating system of Thor's Hammer A00017, and also your personal AI assistant. "

Cortana... As Qi Lin, who has experienced the entire Halo work, naturally will not be unfamiliar with this name. Sergeant Chief John is undoubtedly the male lead of the entire Halo series. As for the female lead, this is Cortana. Smart AI.

(Speaking of the name of the intelligent AI assistant launched by Microsoft is also called Cortana, this also made me wonder if the group of Microsoft guys are also "HALO" brain fans... But considering that Bungie of "HALO" has been acquired by Microsoft, This possibility seems quite big...)

What makes Qi Lin a little strange is that due to the awakening of the main brain’s self-awareness, the organization has always been very disgusted with artificial intelligence, and all electronic products are strictly prohibited in the organization’s headquarters. In this environment, it will be Thor. The operating system of the Hammer is implanted with a smart AI, which is really surprising.

Isn't the organization afraid that Cortana was suddenly invaded by the mastermind during the battle, but the reversal happened?

In other words, the organization never planned to invest in Thor's Hammer in the battle with the mastermind, otherwise, it would not transfer the research focus to the evolutionary and transforming people...

Compared to "Cooper", that is, the character of the guy in charge, Cortana, the artificial intelligence, is obviously much quieter. After introducing herself to Qi Lin, she stopped speaking... It just seemed to prove it. Not yet offline, Qi Lin can faintly hear a slight breathing around his ears. This feeling is like a girl standing quietly behind him.

Damn...Qi Lin knows why there are so many "stories" from Sergeant Chief and Cortana. The breath of a "girl" lingers in the neck for a long time, even the iron-blooded tough guy like Chief Sergeant will fall... …

"Uh... by the way, Cortana, is this breath sound effect turned off?" Qi Lin asked in a low voice.


As soon as the voice fell, the inside of Thor's Hammer had already returned to silence.

Qi Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to have an ambiguous relationship that crossed the dimension like the master chief. (Fnndp, paper is number one in the world.)

The standard version of Thor's Hammer does not have an active weapon, but in the mezzanine of the metal cabinet, the organization is very intimate with a complete set of "Eclipse" series weapons.

The complete set of "Eclipse" includes two cluster rocket launchers, a small smart minefielder, two rapid-fire Gauss pistols, a light machine gun with a high-strength carbon fiber barrel, plus an inactive state like a flashlight The beam sabers, these weapons plus Qi Lin's own Gauss sniper rifle, its firepower is already comparable to a reinforced platoon of the 3315 team.

"Tsk tsk... It's nice to have money..."

Zhao Weiju looked at the Thor's Hammer on Qi Lin's body, and then looked at the standard light bulletproof armor that he had worn quite badly on his body, and he couldn't help making a voice of poverty...

However, Zhao Weiju himself knows that Thor’s Hammer is actually not available for money. Even if he doubles his 40,000 resource points by a hundred times, he can only buy the complimentary "Eclipse" equipment at most. Items at the level of Thor's Hammer, no matter where they are taken, will definitely be classified as not-for-sale items, as is the power armor of the "ER" series.

Qi Lin tried to move his body. He found that wearing Thor's Hammer on his body would basically not impede his actions. The fluidity of liquid metal made the entire armor very flexible, and he would not be able to perform acrobatics in it. any question.

After getting the new equipment, Qi Lin naturally wanted to give it a try. The Revolutionary Army in the slum area had been destroyed, so his eyes were naturally placed on the middle area on this side.

This is a coordinated operation plan. The three hundred elite soldiers who have just arrived at the Eagle Station will attack the middle area with Qi Lin and the 3315 Independent Team. According to the order from the organization, they must at least at the Eagle Station All eleven blocks in this direction were taken, and a solid defensive position was established at the front of the battle line.

These 300 elite soldiers belong to the Ninth Heavy Infantry Division. The biggest difference between heavy infantry and light infantry is that each of them is equipped with a combat exoskeleton. With the help of exoskeletons, heavy infantry can carry more equipment. , Both defensive power and firepower are much higher than light infantry.

But heavy infantry is not without defects. Their biggest problem is supply. Combat exoskeletons are different from self-powered furnaces or simply small nuclear reactors and power armor. More than 80% of exoskeletons are powered by batteries. It is for this reason. The logistical pressure of the heavy infantry unit is very high, and only after the light infantry of the 3315 Independent Squad has captured the Eagle Station, can they be used as a follow-up unit into the battlefield.



Two hours later, Block S09 in the southern middle area of ​​Refuge No. 1029.

This block is separated by two empty blocks from the outpost of the 3315 Independent Squad. It is the front line of the Revolutionary Forces in this direction. According to the report of the scouts, there are at least 800 people stationed in this block. Revolutionary soldiers.

To complete the above order this S09 block, they are the first to take the brunt.

The first shot of this battle was Qi Lin wearing Thor's Hammer. With the help of the thruster, Qi Lin directly rose into the midair over 30 meters high, and Cortana instantly helped him lock it. More than forty targets located on the Revolutionary League positions. These targets are arranged on the screen in front of Qi Lin according to their importance. The enemy command is the highest priority, followed by mortar positions and machine gun bunkers. Firepower point, and then the ammunition depot and barracks...

"Are you attacking according to the current priority?"

Cortana's voice sounded, and four options appeared in front of Qi Lin: "OK", "Adjustment", "Reset" and "Manual Operation".


Accompanied by a "swish" sound, the cluster rockets flew out of the bullet nest one after another, flying to those targets in accordance with Cortana's priority order, and then there was a series of deafening explosions——


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