Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 838: Gap in channel

"Ghoul" zombies are indeed very common, but that means above the wasteland... But now this battlefield is in a refuge isolated from the outside world!

Wait... cut off from the outside world?

Qi Lin suddenly remembered that Refuge No. 1o29 did not seem to be completely isolated from the outside world. There was an unclosed external passage in this refuge, and it was through this passage that he was able to return to the underground. international.

He clearly remembered that after he passed through this passage, he shut the heavy metal gate, and in order to prevent the Revolutionary Army from opening the passage again, he simply smashed the terminal of the control gate.

But that is a full three-meter-thick alloy gate. If it were to be broken open with violence, even energy saving would cause an earthquake under the ground that could cause a large-scale collapse. But all along, whether it is Qi Lin or Qi Lin , Zhao Weiju, who was still on the front line, did not notice any movement.

Could it be a gap in this passage that caused these ghouls to enter the refuge?

For now, it seems that this is the only possibility.

If this gap appears in the territory of the Revolutionary Army, Qi Lin will not only feel a headache, but will be very happy to see such a scene, but the problem is that they have now beaten down this area. Then this trouble naturally shifted to their heads.

Ghouls are only interested in what they can eat, and Qi Lin wearing Thor’s Hammer looks like an iron lump in their eyes, and it is not easy to provoke them, so they did not actively attack Qi Lin, but He grabbed a few corpses and began to retreat towards the back.

"Attention, everyone, there are ghouls appearing, stop cleaning the battlefield, keep vigilance, non-combatants retreat to our position, all the power armors are on standby, once any non-friendly target is found, you have it without reporting The power to fire."

After Qi Lin gave orders to everyone on the battlefield through the military channel, he immediately manipulated Thor's Hammer to chase the ghouls who had fled to the outskirts of the battlefield.

This is the edge of the battlefield. The lighting equipment in this area has been destroyed during the battle. With the reflection of the lights in the distance, the environment here looks very dim, and the visibility is only ten meters away. It is precisely for this reason. , Will cause that single soldier to be successfully attacked by the ghoul.

The ghouls' single combat ability is not strong, even elite-level mutant creatures. Qi Lin did not rush to kill these ghouls. Instead, he kept pushing these monsters behind. He wanted to use these eater Ghoul, go find where the gap is.

This gap must be blocked, otherwise, the occupied area will always be harassed by mutant creatures from the surface, this time it is a ghoul, and next time I don’t know what kind of monster it is.

These ghouls kept running, and the corpses they were holding dragged to the ground, pulling out several long stains-not only blood, but also those rolled out of the torn abdominal cavity. Organs, intestines, and all kinds of disgusting foulness...

Qi Lin followed behind them like a ghost that lingered, making these ghouls afraid to stop at all.

According to the current route, they did run in the direction of the external passage. It seems that somewhere in this passage, there is indeed a gap leading to the surface.

Just when Qi Lin had just chased a kilometer, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly lit up in the darkness, although a tall but very thin pale figure with four arms came from a remote tunnel. Jumped out and rushed straight at Thor's Hammer!

Due to the structure that fits the human body completely, Thor's Hammer belongs to the kind of petite power armor. It is only 2.18 meters tall including the helmet. In front of this pale figure over four meters high, it looks like an eagle. Like the chicken that I caught...

It's just that this is a chicken covered in high-tech alloy armor...

Qi Lin flew a kick and kicked the pale figure directly back into the narrow tunnel. Under the influence of huge force, the opponent rolled out in the tunnel for nearly a few hundred meters before stopping. As for The **** and debris accumulated in the tunnel were all smashed into pieces.

At the moment of the fight, Qi Lin had already seen the true face of the monster-the "zombie". This is a high-level ghoul. A ghoul often needs to devour thousands of corpses. , And these corpses contain individuals with special genes such as evolutionary or mutant creatures, so that they can have a chance to successfully evolve into zombies. Compared with weak ghouls, zombies are already considered serious. "Boss", even a corpse demon that has just completed the evolution has the strength of F grade.

It is also very simple for a corpse demon to increase its strength. It is also by swallowing a large amount of corpses, but this amount will become larger ~ The requirements for corpses will also become higher.

At the level of zombies, ordinary rotting corpses can no longer satisfy its appetite. At this time, zombies will often use their special abilities to gather a large number of low-level ghouls to form a cluster similar to a "tribe". .

Ordinary ghouls are basically looking for long-rotten abandoned corpses as their food. Although they are aggressive but not strong, ghouls in this kind of cluster will actively attack living ones. Things, and even ambush those mutant creatures that are far stronger than themselves.

Ghouls are generally lone monsters. They only appear in twos and threes when they are attracted by corpses. The number of ghouls is only a dozen at most. Only when the number of deaths is extremely high, and there has been no cleanup for a long time, it has changed. Only a hundred ghouls will appear on a large battlefield that has become a "cemetery".

Not only do these ghouls acting alone will not unite to attack living creatures, they will even fight each other to **** the corpse. For humans, they can only be regarded as annoying flies at best, even "trouble". Not on.

But when the ghouls appear, it means that there must be a large number of ghouls nearby, and these ghouls are extremely organized. They are like an army, under the command of the ghouls, Dare to attack any enemy.

At this time, the fastest way to disintegrate them is to kill the zombies. These ghouls are gathered and controlled by the zombies using a special pheromone. As long as the zombies die, these dragons The ghouls of nothing will immediately disappear. (https:)

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