Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 847: Boiling cold blood

The entire West Station is completely guarded, unlike other stations in Refuge No. 188. Although the other stations are under martial law, ordinary people can still board as long as they have a legal identity certificate. By train, but at the West Station, as long as someone approaches, they will basically be stopped by the military police for investigation. If their whereabouts are suspicious, they will even be directly detained.

There is no other reason. As a small station, the West Railway Station has only one tunnel, and this tunnel is the route to Refuge 209.

With the documents from Congressman Jarod, the military police and the guards gave Qi Lin the green light, and Qi Lin boarded the railcar parked in the West Station without any hindrance.

This is a train used by the "Golden Wheatfield" company to transport flour. The "Golden Wheatfield" company is an agricultural company directly controlled by a consortium. It has 16 large underground farms under its umbrella, occupying 50% of the eastern and southern regions of China. Above flour yield.

In the refuge, flour can be said to be the most common non-synthetic food. The daily staple food of the residents in the middle area is basically made of flour, even the kind of synthetic food that appears paste-like after adding water. A certain amount of wheat flour must be added to make the taste not so difficult to swallow.

With two military policemen, Qi Lin went straight into the cab at the front of the train. The captain who was looking through the "refuge zázhì" boredly saw someone breaking in. He was shocked and stood from his seat. stand up.

"You..." He quickly saw the two gendarmes behind Qi Lin. The sentence "Who are you" was swallowed into his stomach abruptly and changed to "Excuse me, what is the command of the chief?"

"This is the documentary proof of Congressman Jarod. This train has been requisitioned by me. I ask you to start the engine immediately." Qi Lin said.

The captain glanced at the certificate, but he didn't dare to come over and check it carefully. Since the gendarmes have approved it, then in his opinion this certificate must not be false... Even if it is fake, the gendarmes cannot see it. If he came out, he would definitely not be able to see it as a driver.

"Observe, follow orders...just, sir, where are we going?"

"Where does this tunnel lead?"

"This tunnel... Refuge No. 209."

"Is there another fork in the road?"

"No." The captain shook his head repeatedly.

"Then you ask me what I am doing." Qi Lin couldn't help feeling a bit funny when he looked at the confused face of the other party.

"Cocoa... But sir, now Vault 209 is closed, we can't get in at all." The captain said bitterly.

"You can drive with confidence, no one will stop you." Qi Lin said.

"The readers who drive in the readers all give me a little bit of restraint. This sentence is not for you. If I get caught someday, you will not update it!"



Organization research institute, kinship research project team.

On the metal floor that was originally clean and tidy, there are now more than a dozen corpses lying on the floor, and these corpses all have a common feature-the skin is extremely shrunken, the expression is hideous, and the blood all over the body has been sucked completely.

These corpses were all victims who were killed by Song Xiaodie after the runaway.

Several researchers wearing white lab coats, masks and rubber gloves are looking at the corpses one by one. From time to time, they will pierce some needles into the corpses, inject some unknown reagent, and then use another one. A vacuum tube **** out the reagents that have changed color after the reaction.

According to historical records, the ancestor blood clan was completely unable to control its actions. When consuming the blood of the prey, it also left part of its own genes in the prey's body-this explains why the ancestor blood clan appeared after the local A large number of new blood races were born. In the old age when technology was not developed enough, people thought it was a blood poison secreted by vampires, and the whole process of first embrace was that humans were infected with blood poison and then transformed into a blood poison. The process of a brand new vampire.

However, with the progress of the times, humans’ research on kinship has become more and more in-depth, and the "blood poison" has gradually lifted the veil of mystery-this kind of discolored virus is actually just a special group Gene sequence, which exists in the chromosomes of every adult blood family.

And this chromosome, just like a virus, is full of aggressiveness and aggressiveness. After they enter the human body, they will quickly fēnliè, and then gradually transform this human into a blood race... Many people who have been embraced for the first time have fever, Symptoms such as coma are precisely because the resistance organization in the body is fighting against the blood gene. For the owner of the body, this battlefield generally has only two endings, death, or becoming a new blood family.

"Have you not found enough genetic samples?" Abel asked impatiently, standing aside.

"The report team leader...not yet...but there are many dead bodies of the victims. It is impossible for the ancestor blood clan to leave no samples..." said a researcher in charge of recording.

Normally, when the blood is sucking, they need to "deliberately do it" to inject their genes into the body of the vampire, but when they eat, they often don't do this, in order not to leave on the prey. Too many traces. Secondly, many blood races think that injecting their own blood into prey is a very wasteful act, just like the ancient rumor that "a drop of blood"...

The general blood family can clearly distinguish between "eating" and "first embrace" but the ancestor blood family in a runaway state does not. Although their blood is as cold as a dead person, it is actually In a state of "boiling", the ancestors' blood will feel like the blood in their body is ignited gasoline. It is for this reason that they want to **** more blood to neutralize the body. Boiling blood, and in the process of smoking, naturally can't help but inject one's own blood into the body of the prey.

This is a kind of instinct of the blood race, and also the instinct of biological reproduction.

Although the blood gene that will remain in the prey is only a few, and will disappear quickly with the death of the prey, but the examination of these corpses is the only way to obtain her genetic sample before the ancestor blood is caught. Way out.

"Let them move faster. Also, is there any news from the raid team?"

"Not yet... However, that person has returned and now seems to be looking for the target we searched for."

"That person?... You mean, Qi Lin is back?!" A ray of light suddenly flashed in Abel's eyes, and the tone of his words became excited.

. 15

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