Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 849: George

"I also don't think the kinsmen are afraid of garlic." Qi Lin nodded, and said with approval-the place where the vampire hunter named George walked by did indeed leave a faint smell of garlic.

"Okay, don't worry about the liar. Although you have the franchise document, we can only provide you with 20 minutes to check the compartment-except for the corpse, everything inside has not been passive. You better not destroy the traces of the scene."

"I know."

   Qi Lin nodded, and then got into the carriage.

The body of the victim was found in the bathroom of the carriage. This was a young male, not more than twenty years old. When he was found, he was kneeling on the floor of the bathroom with his head. Tucked into the toilet, the water in the toilet covered his neck.

According to the autopsy report, less than 10% of the blood in the deceased’s body remained, and in this 10% of the blood, the alcohol content was very high, and there were traces of vomiting on the ground-according to these clues , The investigation team roughly restored the scene of the incident.

The drunk assailant should have been attacked while vomiting while holding on to the toilet. The wound on the neck was small but deep. It can be seen that the blood-sucking fangs of the ancestors should be at least four centimeters in length. The assailant’s carotid artery was bitten through in an instant. The whole process took less than a second. He died without even screaming. After the ancestor blood drew the blood in his body, he left the bathroom and mixed in. The passengers got out of the car.

The washing equipment in the bathroom has traces of being used, and some blood stains were found in the water pipe. After laboratory tests, these blood stains belonged to the attacker. This shows that the ancestor blood has a certain sense of self and knows how to erase itself. The traces of, hidden whereabouts.

  Since this is only a cheap low-speed train, there is no surveillance equipment such as cameras installed on the train. The investigation team basically has no idea what Song Xiaodie did after the attack.

   "The windows of the bathroom are always closed, right?" Qi Lin stepped over the outline outlined in white lines on the ground and walked to the window of the bathroom.

   This window is composed of a composite hollow glass and a rusty iron frame. The glass is covered with stains, and the visibility is basically zero. The iron frame is also rusted together.

   "I don't know, no one has moved anyway," said the agent following.

Qi Lin tried to push the window frame. Even though the red-brown rust powder fell on the ground directly below the window, Qi Lin noticed that there were not many such rust powder on the ground, so he was sure that this window should not have been there recently. Has been opened.

As for the other windows on the train, if someone opens the window and jumps the car, there should be a large number of witnesses. Only this bathroom is one of the few enclosed spaces on the car. Since the window here is not opened, then jump The possibility of the car has been ruled out by Qi Lin.

   Song Xiaodie should be hiding somewhere in Vault 209 at this moment.

   "When was the body discovered?"

“It’s about half an hour after the train enters the station. It takes at least ten minutes to unload passengers, and then it takes ten minutes to register a series of driving records and handover procedures. Finally, it’s time to clean the carriages, and the corpse was found during cleaning. Yes, the passengers had already left the station by then." The agent replied.

   "Okay, thank you." Qi Lin nodded and walked out of the station quickly.

"Do you need any other help?" The agent followed and asked Qi Lin. After all, this guy who seemed to be as young as himself was actually signed by Senator Jarod in his hand, and he also covered his private. In the eyes of ordinary agents of the supervision department, the stamped concession documents are no different from those of imperial ministers in ancient times. They naturally have to do their best to meet the requirements of such people.

   "Not for the time being." Qi Lin waved his hand and motioned to the young agent not to follow him, and then walked into an alley outside the station alone.

This alley was just walked by the vampire hunter named George, and there was even the faint smell of garlic. Qi Lin just walked less than ten steps before suddenly stopped, bent down, and picked it up. A small stone on the ground.

On the ground five meters in front of him, there is a dirty rope. The rope is very thin and long. It is not stretched and straight. Instead, it lies on the ground like a winding earthworm, with the end extending to the left of the alley. Below a pile of garbage on the side.

   From the outside, it didn't look like a trap at all, but Qi Lin recognized the rope material.

This is a special rubber that becomes soft after heating, but it is as hard as plastic after cooling. This "rope" looks soft, but in fact it is in a "tight" state. As long as someone steps on it, it will immediately trigger the trap set.

Qi Lin threw the stone in his hand, and the stone hit the "rope". The whole "rope" trembled suddenly, and with the sound of "grabbing" the ground, a short arrow ten centimeters long was nailed in front of Qi Lin. The location is less than one meter away.

   "Is it necessary to set up this kind of trap?" Qi Lin pulled up the short arrow from the ground, glanced at it twice, and threw it aside.

   "I heard that you are also looking for that vampire?" George's figure suddenly flashed out of a fork in front of him silently, staring at Qi Lin and asked.

"Yeah, so, are you a peer competition?" Qi Lin pointed to the sack on the trash pile with a small hole through the short I don't think you are my peer , As far as I know, that vampire is your girlfriend, right? "

   "Well, besides, the term vampire is too ugly, so let's call it blood clan." Qi Lin did not deny it.

"In this case, you will definitely prevent me from catching that vampire. In that case, I might as well take the initiative and get rid of you." Although George is a Dutchman, his Chinese is very good. , Even the idiom "start first is strong" is used.

"How much do they give you? I can give you more." Qi Lin said, but at the moment this sentence was uttered, he suddenly discovered that this is not a line often used by many villains, especially those who have money. Powerful villains, especially like to use these words to buy their opponents.

But if this George can be solved with money, Qi Lin doesn’t mind spending a lot of money... Whether he is a real vampire hunter or a professional liar, judging from the trap he set up, it shouldn’t be one. Easy to deal with.

   "Although I accept other people's employment, but I can not insult my last name, it is impossible for me to provide any help for the vampire." George said righteously.

   "I am not a vampire, I am a human." Qi Lin shrugged.

"But you are on the side of the vampire... By the way, I have a question. How did you find that I haven't left here?" "Don't you think the garlic smell here is too strong? Even the air in the lane Not much circulation, but when I got out of the car, the smell over there was almost gone."

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