Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 878: PROM Foundation

"Perhaps because there was a divergence of ideas, or maybe they were jealous of my new life, and an irreparable rift gradually appeared between me and the other eight people."

"They used to be amazing and brilliant. Everyone is one of the elites in human society. They used to have lofty and lofty ideals... But with the passing of time, they are nowhere near It's just a mummy lying in the life-saving capsule, and only the desire for power is left in his mind...and the desire for longevity."

Qin said to himself, although there was no emotion in his tone, the kind of dissatisfaction and disgust Qi Lin could fully feel.

"Then are you going to break with them now?" Qi Lin asked.

"I broke with them long ago."

"Then now...?" Qi Lin was a little puzzled. Since he had broken up long ago, why would Qin continue to stay in the organization? Could the other eight people still live with him peacefully in this situation?

"I broke with them, not with the organization. As the founders of the organization, the nine of us have the same level of authority, and no matter what happens, we have no right to deprive each other of their lives. I will not violate the pledge, and neither will they.” Qin Qilin explained.

"Are you so sure that they won't turn back?" Although he didn't have deep contact with this circle, he also understood that in the face of power, any pledge can be regarded as a dead letter. Don't talk about the spirit of contract. When the benefits reach a certain level, the so-called spirit of contract is just a joke.

Family affection, friendship, and love can be discarded at any time. Only by unscrupulous means can we successfully climb to the pinnacle of power.

"No, politicians have no bottom line. They can do anything for power, but we are not politicians. We were just a group of people gathered together for the future of mankind... I have worked with them for more than half a century, I And know them, they also know me well..."

"Then you still say they are hungry for power and longevity?"

"But when chasing desire, they have always maintained their bottom line, otherwise they will not tolerate a guy like me who has been in contact with the mastermind still staying under their noses."

"You really have a leg with the mastermind!" Qi Lin was stunned. No wonder Qin was able to obtain so much secret information, and even biochemical people as his bodyguards. If these things are connected with the mastermind, then everything is fine. It all makes sense, but Qi Lin wondered, as one of the founders of the organization, why did he choose to contact the mastermind?

Between the organization and the mastermind, shouldn't they be deadly enemies that are incompatible?

Qi Lin Dang even raised this question.

"It's not at odds with the mastermind? Do you know the original intention of the organization?"

"Isn't it against the mastermind?"

"No, it’s only been a few years since the mastermind was created... Before the mastermind appeared, the organization already existed in this world, and our original intention is exactly the same as the mastermind: we want to make war, hunger and Hatred disappeared from this world, and we want to allow the human race to survive forever."

"Is this your'lofty and lofty' ideal?" Qi Lin's mouth twitched slightly... This ideal is indeed lofty and lofty enough, but throughout tens of thousands of years of human history, there is no one person or Any force can achieve this goal.

To completely eliminate war, hunger and hatred, to be honest, even God cannot do it.

"Yes, before the outbreak of the Third World War, we tried our best to stop it, but in the end we failed. However, through this unstoppable war, we became the world's most A powerful force...sounds, doesn't it sound ironic?" Qin said mockingly.

"It's a little bit... but what I'm curious about is how do you connect with the mastermind?"

"That's a long story..."

At the beginning of the design, the main brain was not used to manage the refuge network. Although the situation was a bit turbulent at that time, it had not yet developed into a sign of a world war. The main purpose of building the main brain was more for commercial and scientific purposes.

As a cross-age masterpiece with far surpassing the computing power of all existing supercomputers, the design plan of the main brain has just been proposed, and it has attracted a large amount of capital injection. A consortium alone has invested more than 10 billion US dollars, let alone other Some prominent Kulai families, various world organizations and forces, independent consortia that have not joined the alliance, etc., but among these investors, none of them provide funds in the name of the country or government. This is not because Those capable powers are reluctant to spend money, but the mastermind design team rejected their funding.

From the very beginning, the main brain design team has made it clear that it will not use the main brain for political, war and other purposes. It is for this reason that it rejects funds from various countries.

At that time, the forces had not yet been able to participate in the development process of the main brain as an organization like it is now-of course, at that time the organization was not called an organization, but had another name: "PROM Foundation", this name Taken from the first four letters of Prometheus (), and the name Prometheus itself also has the meaning of "foresight".

It can be said that there are very few people who really understand the past history of the organization. They are either dead or have become senior managers of the organization. In most people’s impression, the organization is a mystery that suddenly emerged after the war. Power, and the meaning of organization as existence is to fight against the mastermind-even Qi Lin himself thought so before that.

However, the truth of the matter is always hidden behind layers of disguise. Many times what people think of as the "truth" is just one of these many layers of disguise.

At that time, the PROM Foundation not only invested 1.5 billion US dollars in the research and development of the main brain, more importantly, among the nine people who founded the organization, three people also joined the main brain by virtue of their knowledge and abilities. Among the R&D team.

And Qin is one of them.

In fact, the main brain is something created by the organization, but at that time, the organization was still called the "PROM Foundation", and the main brain had not yet born self-consciousness.

"After knowing that the mastermind gave birth to self-awareness, the vast majority of us did not actually feel joy...As seniors in the industry, we felt a great fear of the intelligence presented by the mastermind. This fear is not the source The impression brought by those sci-fi movies in the old age is that we deeply understand that when two wisdom consciousnesses with different life forms live in the same world, irreconcilable contradictions will eventually arise."

"Like'Utopia Project'?" Qi Lin tried to ask.

"Yes... Utopia project, this is one of the products of contradiction. As an intelligent consciousness evolved from AI, the main brain will naturally regard the thinking consciousness stored in the matrix as a form of life, and it will think , Storing human thoughts in a hard disk can save this race that was almost extinct due to war, but you and I know that this plan is not only full of unpredictable risks, but also leads to more serious results. ——Imagine, would you think of the data in a string of existence and dot matrix as life? Would you think that transferring the consciousness of all mankind to the virtual world is tantamount to continuation of mankind?"

Qin paused for a moment and continued: "There is always a huge gap between the virtual world and the real world, and it is absolutely impossible for human beings to rely on the virtual world to be'immortal'."

"So, this is why the organization opposes the mastermind?"

"One of the reasons is that before the Utopia plan was proposed by the mastermind, the other eight people had already decided to shut down the mastermind. They are all the best individuals in the human world, and it is precisely for this reason that they possess what ordinary people do. There is no pride. They cannot tolerate their creations over their heads. They did not even regard the self-aware mastermind as a'life' from the beginning."

"What about you? What do you think?"

"I don’t know... To be honest, that period of time can be said to be the most confused day in my life. I am often stuck in pain and struggle. I don’t know what to do. I can’t really do The awakened mastermind of self-consciousness made a definition...During that time, I almost read all the philosophical works in human history (this philosophy is not philosophical, the smelly kid decides himself, please), but the books I read The more, the more chaotic my mind... It was during that time that I gradually moved away from the power core of the organization."



After nearly two hours of long talk, Qi Lin finally understood the ins and outs of all this-after being rejected by the other eight people, Qin Jian gradually realized that the development of the organization had deviated from the original track, and they had tried everything. The method wants to avoid war, but now, they have become the initiators of war. Qin wants to solve the contradiction between human and mastermind through non-war methods, and this idea, in the eyes of others, is completely complete. It is whimsical.

Until an accidental attempt, Qin was surprised to find that the main brain was separated into two independent consciousnesses... and the main brain that has always been in contact with Qin is the other one who had communicated with Qi Lin. The mastermind who wanted Qi Lin to "kill" himself.

Qin called it the "second mastermind."

Although there is no difference in the data frame, the thinking mode of the second mastermind is closer to that of humans... or that it is consciously imitating the way of thinking of humans.

Qin knew Qi Lin's identity from the very beginning, and that's what happened when he hinted that Qi Lin would take out the pure energy crystal from Test Body No. 1 and absorb it.

The second mastermind shared a lot of information with Qin. If Qi Lin is a bet held by the second mastermind, then Qin is the second mastermind's reliable partner at this gaming table.

"The second master thinks that you can play a decisive role. Although I don't agree with this, I won't oppose... Eggs can't always be put in a basket, can they?"

"Then am I a basket?" Qi Lin suddenly felt that this metaphor seems to be cursing...

"I am willing to help you. This is equivalent to investing in you... But I cannot put all my hopes on you, so I cannot leave you in the sixth zone. You have to rely on you to walk the way."

Qin pointed, and a holographic projection screen appeared in the air.

"You are now wanted by both the organization and the Revolutionary League, and the most important thing is that they all know that you have been in contact with the mastermind." Qin pointed to the picture on the screen and said, "but the only good news is whether it is the organization Or the League of Legends don’t know the existence of the “second mastermind”. They always think that the main body of the mastermind is what they are in contact with. For this reason, they will be very afraid of your position. After all, if For this reason, if the war with the main brain is started in advance, neither the Revolutionary League nor the organization is fully prepared."

"The Revolutionary League does not know the existence of the second mastermind?"

"I don't know, the Revolutionary League is just the **** of the first mastermind. Do you think the first mastermind will tell them this? Among all people, the only ones who know the second mastermind exist are you and me. "

"Then the first mastermind knows that it has had contact with the second mastermind?"

"I know, it is precisely for this reason that the first mastermind will disclose the information to the Revolutionary Federation through special means, so that the Revolutionary Federation will arrest you." Qin nodded solemnly.

"Grass." At this time, Qi Lin couldn't say anything other than swear words... After feelings returned to the ground on their own, they not only had to face the pursuit troops sent by the Revolutionary League and the organization, but also beware of the possibility of the first mastermind. It will set an ambush... and the power that the main brain can mobilize on the surface is definitely greater than the sum of the Revolutionary League and the organization.

This escape route was much worse than Qi Lin had expected the worst.

"I give you a suggestion. When you are attacked by either the organization or the Revolutionary League, try to get as close to the other side as possible. The organization and the Revolutionary League are not willing to let you fall into the hands of the other side. They would rather If you can't catch you, you won't let the other party catch you. You can make good use of this." Qin said suddenly.

"Then what if I meet the mastermind?"

"Run, run as fast as possible."


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