Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 894: Body surface that cannot be destroyed (2 in 1 large

?Organization headquarters.

"Sir, the target has already boarded the train to the 1706 transfer station. Do we want to do it now?"

"Don't worry, wait for the target to contact Qin first, and after Qin confirms her true identity, we will proceed to the next step."

"Then Lei family...?"

"I'll say hello to them. I think they know which one is more important."

"This... It is said that Lei Ting loves his niece very much. If he knew about it then, would he... After all, the Lei family still holds a lot of resources..."

"No, Lei Ting is a person who has a very serious view of the overall situation. He will not push the entire Lei family into a fire pit for a younger generation."



The raw snow rhino meat is very tough, difficult to bite and difficult to swallow, and it has a strong **** smell, but fortunately it is easy to fill up his stomach. Qi Lin only ate a piece of just over two catties, and the hunger is already Eliminated most of it.

Still no mutant creatures appeared. During this period, another snow fell. Now that the bodies of those hyenas are almost buried in snow, it seems that there should be no way to attract other foragers.

It seems that this area will belong to the territory of the frost dragon in the future, and ordinary mutant creatures should not easily get involved. As for the group of hyenas, they are only chasing the snow rhinoceros that rushed in here. It was not Qi Lin's appearance, they would definitely leave here quickly after eating the snow rhinoceros.

Although judging from their energy level, even a peanut in the eyes of the Frost Dragon is not considered to be a peanut, but what if the Frost Dragon does not find a suitable prey today? Peanuts are hard to satisfy your hunger, but it's good as a snack that is better than nothing.

"You should almost leave here." The main brain urged, "Although the Frost Dragon has a strong flying ability, it was mutated from a terrestrial creature. It is impossible to stay in the air for a long time. The time for homing is not far away, and before homing, this creature has the habit of patrolling its own territory, which is why other mutant creatures dare not stay in its territory for a long time-once discovered, No one can escape the hunt of the Frost Dragon."

"Homing... is also saying... Is the Frost Dragon's lair near here?" Qi Lin said suddenly.

"Huh? Do you want to attack the Frost Dragon?" The main brain stunned for a moment. From its point of view, Qi Lin is absolutely impossible to fight the Frost Dragon. The two sides are one level behind, and the fifth-level evolution The gulf between the mutants and the A-level mutant creatures cannot be easily filled with strategies or equipment. After calculating with reference to various data, the possibility that Qi Lin can kill the Frost Dragon is zero.

Yes, it is zero, there is not even a chance of zero, zero, and zero, which means that "Qi Lin killed the Frost Dragon" is a completely unachievable event.

"You are crazy. Let me tell you the truth. With all your existing attack methods, the Frost Dragon's surface defenses cannot be broken. The body of this creature can even withstand the frontal bombardment of a fat nuclear bomb. Earlier I suggested that you use the beam saber to cut its throat, just to give you a little hope in the desperate situation, but in fact, even if your beam saber can pierce the scales of the frost dragon, it cannot penetrate it. Skin."

"Why? How could such a thing exist?"

"I don't know, but what I said is true. I once used a drone to launch a small tactical nuclear warhead with a 4500-ton TNT equivalent to a real frost dragon, and that nuclear warhead directly hit the frost. The dragon’s back was successfully detonated, and the aftermath of the explosion even caused several large-scale avalanches, but the result was only to smash a layer of scales on the frost dragon."

"...Are you sure? A 4,500-ton nuclear warhead can only blow up a layer of scales?" Qi Lin was a little bit incredulous. With a 4,500-ton equivalent, it was almost twice as powerful as the "Fatty" nuclear bomb. A tactical nuclear warhead can easily razor a 100-meter-high hill to the ground, and can easily destroy a heavy fortress, but it can’t even explode the skin of a mutant lizard?

Even those cosmic monsters in Ultraman are not so perverted, right?

"I don't have to lie to you. I originally planned to blast the frost dragon into serious injuries and then capture it, but I failed. From the results of my analysis, physical defense alone is absolutely impossible to resist. I live in such a powerful nuclear explosion, so I made a hypothesis that the skin of the frost dragon can greatly strengthen its own defenses by consuming energy in the body or absorbing external energy... It's just like your previous'metallization' skill, but its ability is much stronger than metallization, and the stronger the attack, the higher the increase in defense."

"Strong is stronger?"

"It can be understood that the Frost Dragon must have an efficient energy conversion device on its body that can quickly absorb the energy released from the nuclear explosion, and in turn use it to deal with the high temperature and shock waves generated by the nuclear explosion... if I If the principle of this energy conversion device can be obtained, it will be enough to advance the level of science and technology on the earth for more than 150 years."

"Then why don't you grab a post and come back and study it?"

"I told you that my capture operation failed. It is difficult for drones and robots to get close to the frost dragon. On the other side, I need to allocate a lot of energy and resources to deal with the humans in the refuge. There is really no way. More investment in this area."

"Uh, you mean that the one who discovered the Frost Dragon... is actually another mastermind?"

"I can't say that. At that time, my consciousness had not split, and the Utopian plan was just a rudimentary form... As for what happened later, you almost knew it, and the plan to capture the Frost Dragon also came into being in my consciousness. After the split, it was put on hold."

"It's a pity, the plan that obviously can benefit all mankind, but in order to deal with mankind has to be aborted, tusk tusk." Qi Lin said.

"If this technology is mastered by humans, I am afraid that after the end of the next world war, even these survivors in the refuge will not be left behind." Facing Qilin's mockery, the main brain retorted mercilessly.

"Why? This technology sounds like it is used for defense? If it is mastered by mankind, wouldn't mankind have the means to counter nuclear weapons with a 100% success rate? Then the destructiveness of war should become smaller. Correct."

"This technology is not as simple as you think. I can say that if it is transformed into an offensive weapon, it might be more terrifying than a hydrogen bomb... For example, a large country can use this technology to make a A large energy carrier, and then put this carrier on an uninhabited island, bombard the carrier with hundreds of nuclear bombs, and after the carrier absorbs enough energy, it will be thrown over the enemy country to detonate... Although the energy There will be attenuation in the process of transmission, but if you think about it, if the power of dozens of nuclear bombs is gathered together and exploded in an instant, how much damage will it cause?"

"..." Qi Lin imagined the scene for a moment, couldn't help but swallowed, and then whispered, "That... wouldn't the energy carrier convert the absorbed energy into defense when it was bombarded? There should be no more left. How much?"

"The transformation into defense is just one of the application methods of this technology. Forget it, given your education and knowledge, I guess you won’t understand how to explain it to you. You just need to know that this technology is enough It is enough for human beings to push into the abyss of destruction."

"..." Even though Qi Lin was very angry with the mastermind's contempt, he had nothing to do. What the other party said was indeed the truth. As a mercenary who has been on the battlefield since childhood, these belong to the high-tech field. He really knows very few things. Even a doctoral student in a related major would take years to figure it out, let alone Qi Lin, who even had a primary school graduation certificate. There is no one...

"In short, I do not yet know the principle of the Frost Dragon's body defense system, so in this training program, I set the attribute of its body surface skin to be'undestructible'. To put it bluntly, it is a plug-in given by the system. Even if you bring 10,000 hydrogen, even if a supernova explodes in front of it, it can’t hurt its skin, because there is no “destructible” setting in the related Understand?"

"Understood... But, only the skin is indestructible, right?"

"Yes... don't you plan to give up yet?"

"Why should I give up? This is just a virtual training program. What I pursue is not to pass customs, but to exercise myself as much as possible. If I dare not try here, it would be a bit too embarrassing."

After Qi Lin finished speaking, the main brain was silent for more than ten seconds before he spoke again: "You are indeed a very interesting human being. If the war does not break out, I think I will even invite you to help me improve what I have built. This virtual world... well, let me tell you, the Frost Dragon does have weaknesses—the eyes, snouts, and excretion openings do not have the'indestructible' setting. If you can plug a nuclear bomb If you enter such a place, it is indeed possible to kill it according to the damage calculation formula, but it is very difficult to implement it in practice."

"Not only is it difficult, but I don't have a nuclear warhead yet. I originally planned to use a lightsaber to stab it in the eye." Qi Lin shrugged.

"However, you now have a nuclear warhead."

As soon as the main brain's voice fell, Qi Lin saw a white light flashing in front of him, and a small nuclear warhead with a "radioactive warning" label appeared in front of him.

"The FX-04 single-soldier tactical nuclear warhead uses plutonium-239 as an explosive, 850 tons of TNT equivalent, and can be fired with rifle grenades, bazookas and mortars, or manually set the timing detonation time, on flat ground. The core kill radius of the explosion was 3.5 kilometers, the maximum impact radius was 8 kilometers, and the longest spread of nuclear radiation was 21.5 kilometers."

"It's really convenient to open it in the virtual world." Qi Lin grinned, smiled and carefully put the nuclear warhead into the backpack.

"This is just compensation for you. Setting the skin of the Frost Dragon to an indestructible attribute was originally a loophole left in this program out of helplessness. I can't fix this loophole now, so I just Through this method, the possible impact of the vulnerability can be minimized."

"Then according to your calculations, now that I have a nuclear warhead, what is the chance of killing the Frost Dragon?" Qi Lin asked again.

"It's still zero. The frost dragon seems to never need sleep. According to my guess, it may have a brain structure similar to a dolphin. When half of the brain is dormant, the other half of the brain is always awake, so you don’t. Chances are close to the Frost Dragon."

"That's not necessarily true. Don't forget that I held on that guy's back for a long time when I parachuted for the first time." Qi Lin just finished speaking, suddenly there was a strong warning in his heart, and he subconsciously looked up and saw A white spot appeared on the distant sky, which was expanding continuously--

"It's that frost dragon!"

Qi Lin suddenly pulled away the snow around him, then buried himself in it, holding his breath, and the whole person once again entered a state of "feign death". He felt a burst of strong energy as soon as he finished all this. The wind swept right above the hiding place.

"It's so fast..."

According to Hawkeye's calculations, when Qi Lin saw the Frost Dragon, the opponent was still at least 20 kilometers away, but less than ten seconds later, the Frost Dragon had passed over his head... After a rough calculation, this guy's flying speed is almost 8,000 kilometers per hour, which is about Mach 6.5.

"This guy's limit speed is so fast..." Qi Lin couldn't help but feel a little scared. If the Frost Dragon had shown this speed Then Qi Lin even went with it in the sky. There will be no chance to deal with...

"This is not its limit speed. The fastest speed observed by the drone is about Mach 8. The moment it broke through the sound barrier, it directly tore through the radiation cloud covering more than ten kilometers."

"Is this really a creature that can appear on the earth..." In many animes and movies, some very perverted characters are always called "monsters", but in Qi Lin's view, what "monsters" "I'm afraid it can't be compared to this frost dragon...

The power of A-level mutant creatures... even the main brain can't explain it clearly. Compared with them, humans are too weak.

"To be honest, I have some doubts..." Qi Lin sat up from the snow and looked in the direction of the frost dragon, only to see it dived down after crossing a towering mountain, and then , Qi Lin's sight was blocked by the snow-white mountain.

"Do you doubt what?"

"After human beings return to the surface, will they be able to'rule' the entire earth as they once did?"

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