Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 897: Didn't think about it

"This is the correct item number, but due to the sanctions, the two shipments were blocked at the transfer station. Only in this way can I bring them in."

Lei Yun took out two bills folded into small pieces from her close-fitting pocket and handed them to the officer.

"..." After reading the two genuine invoices, the officer's expression suddenly became serious. After looking at Lei Yun twice, he gestured to the soldiers under his hands, and those soldiers acted Scattered and guarded several entrances of the yard.

The officer took out a dagger from his pocket, pried open the lid of a wooden box, and used the tip of a knife to remove the plastic foam covering the cargo. Dozens of them were covered with oil film and arranged neatly and seamlessly. The steel pipe appeared before his eyes.

"Hi..." Although the officer was prepared in his heart, he couldn't help but breathe in the air after seeing the goods, and then speeded up, checking the remaining boxes one by one.

"These goods... are all coming in through the green channel of the logistics office?" The officer turned his head and asked Lei Yun.

"Otherwise, I don't like the feeling that the business has been interrupted in half, and this batch of goods is profitable, and it is worth taking the risk." Lei Yun said flatly.

"This batch of goods is very important to us... I know what the cost of going through the green channel of the logistics office is, and we will replenish that money to you..."

"There is no need for compensation. Let me see Qin." Lei Yun interrupted the officer.

"...You want to see your consul?" The officer was stunned, staring at Lei Yun in surprise.

"My name is Lei Yun. Just tell him this name."

"Your Excellency is busy now. If you are discussing business matters, I will introduce you to the Archon’s assistant..."

"I've said it all, you just need to tell him my name, and let him decide whether or not to see me." Lei Yun strengthened his tone and emphasized one side again.

"Well, I will convey this news to the Archon, but you better not have too much hope... In addition, my men will take you to a safe place. Before you leave the sixth district, you You must follow our instructions and don’t walk around. This is also for your good. If you want to leave, then you will let the soldiers inform me, and I will arrange the train for you.” The officer nodded and turned and left. Then, a female soldier with a black mask came over and motioned Lei Yun to follow her.

Lei Yun was taken to a hotel converted from a private house. After settling in a room, the female soldier drew out a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol and a magazine and handed it to Lei Yun.

"You take this thing for self-defense. Although we will try our best to prevent you from using it, it's better to be prepared than unarmed."

Lei Yun's own gun was handed over to the logistics office for safekeeping when she passed through the "green channel", and now she is indeed unarmed.

"Is the situation in the sixth district so severe? Even my safety is not guaranteed?" Lei Yun took the pistol and asked.

"Just in case, as for other things, you'd better not ask anything. If you ask, I won't tell you. In addition, I suggest you do not leave this room, the bathroom is over there, and whether the cabinet is opened For food and water, if you are in a hurry, you can just knock on the door and I will be outside.” The female soldier said, she walked out of the room and turned and closed the door.

"Give me a pistol for self-defense..." Lei Yun muttered to herself as she looked at the weapon in her hand-you know, even in the most chaotic shelter, it won't be so nervous. Judging from the scene in the sixth district that Lei Yun saw, not only did the entire sixth district show no signs of confusion, but the order was extremely orderly. In that case, why did the female soldier give herself a pistol?

Is this just the calm before the storm?

All kinds of conjectures continuously appeared in Lei Yun's heart, but they were rejected one by one. She really didn't understand what Qin did all this for, and why the organization's attitude towards Qin was so special... …

Whether it's expanding the private army or building a city wall, these actions are no different from blatant rebellion. Why... Why didn't the organization take any measures against the sixth district, just a sanction order?

And the reason for the sanction order was that Qin let off an organized wanted criminal?

With the information Lei Yun currently has, the whole thing is full of doubts. She feels like she is stuck in a thick mist and can only fumble forward.

She came here, one is for the goods, the other is to satisfy her curiosity, and three...naturally it is for the trace of strange feelings that she does not understand, but the problem is that the whole situation seems to be what she imagined. It was completely different. She had a feeling that this matter had reached a point beyond her control.

No, it's not just that she can't control it... The situation in the sixth district, I'm afraid Lei Family... even the entire organization is difficult to control, otherwise, with the control of the parliament, how can Qin be allowed to be here.

Choosing to do business with Qin was an extremely risky step. Although Qin and the sixth district brought huge profits to the firm controlled by Lei Yun during this period, behind this profit, it seemed that there was infinity hidden. Endless trouble...

Perhaps I should listen to my uncle's advice. From now on, it is the most correct choice to make a clean break with that guy... However, since they are all here, then if you don't ask him in person, Lei Yun is really unwilling to leave like this.

She circled the room a few and sat by the bed for a while, then walked to the window and opened the curtain made of crimson velvet——

The windows have been completely sealed, and they are still sealed with bullet-proof armor plates. The edges and the window frames are completely welded together, even if they are smashed with a sledgehammer.

"As for..." Lei Yun curled his lips, turned back to the bed, and opened the drawer of the bedside table.

Empty...This room was completely emptied before she came in. Except for the bedding on the bed, the toilet paper in the toilet, some toiletries, and the food and water prepared in the cabinet, there is nothing here, which is older than the old one. The hotel rooms of the times are clean.

Lei Yun began to pay attention to the corners of the room again, trying to find some surveillance cameras or monitors, but halfway through her inspection, the door was suddenly opened from the outside. .

The officer walked in and said to her, "Miss Lei, the consul has agreed to meet you."

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